Chapter 94

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Chapter 94, End of Text

    ◎No one has come out for a month.

    On the land of Mercury, Colonel Wu Ping, who was notified by Lu Shiqiao to take over, wore something like a pig nose. It was still the pheromone released by the attractant and so many people here. It's messed up and it's very uncomfortable.

    I don't know how Joe did it when he was walking just now, but he seemed to be all right.

    But at this time, he looked up and looked at the road. Qiao's mech had already flown far away in vain. After a short while, he flew out of this planet and was completely invisible.

    Inside the female Alpha's mecha, there is also a Xiang Jingbai.

    She left behind the wreckage of this big federal tumor... Oh, and the three Neng Feiyu who had been sent to the medical cabin to sleep, because Xiang Jingbai gave up his robot, their follow-up situation was better.

    "Colonel Wu, I found that they all have this." The female Beta officer was holding a neck lock and face lock in the shape of a fishbone.

    Her voice became much lower. Although Beta is hardly affected by pheromones, this is also under normal circumstances.

    Wu Ping glanced at those Alphas and Omega that were still releasing high concentrations. Some Alphas were beaten by Lu Shiqiao so much that they couldn't take care of themselves, and they were still trying to climb to the Omega and bite the back of the opponent's neck.

    The female Beta saw that Colonel Wuping was frozen, thinking that he was going to lose control due to the influence, and snorted: "If you can't hold on, go to the outside first, and I will help them put it on."

    Colonel Wuping looked at the female Beta angry, suddenly I was stunned, and then: "Okay." The

    female Beta quickly waved to other Betas, and began to carry out activities to help others. He took out face locks or neck locks directly from these lunatics, helped them put them on, and then set a password that she would not remember at will.

    Colonel Wu Ping touched his chest, always feeling that he had become strange.

    The old lady who came with Colonel Wu Ping understood him when she saw him: "Yo, it seems that he is going to leave the order."

    Wu Ping coughed frantically.

    The old woman suddenly looked at the distant sea: "I feel that my unfilial son is coming."

    Wu Ping didn't respond at first, but after a while, a combination of a small robot dragging a big Internet bubble appeared in front of them.

    The people inside the Internet Bubble are still shouting: "Xiaodun, it feels like we haven't cleaned up here yet, let's go slowly?" The

    small robot flashed its electronic eyes: "This is an order from my setter, and her words have the highest priority. .I feel that my active master is also there."

    "I should know who set you up, Xiaodun, but who is your active master?"

    "We will see you soon."

    Marshal Tao's Internet bubble quickly He was pulled to the shore by the shield robot, and he was pulled directly to the shore intimately.

    Looking at the people watching there, Marshal Tao's expression cracked for a while.

    The old lady snorted: "Useless guy."

    Colonel Wu Ping patted his head: "Marshal Tao, you are really here..." When Lu Shiqiao said it, he was a little confused. He clearly remembered that there were reports two days ago that the marshal was still in the military area and had not been dispatched.

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