Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    ◎Moving freely and falling down on the ground ◎

    Joe was indeed wearing the uniform of Jian’s tour guide when he was on the road, and so was the small flag in his hand.

    But she looks too young, although she is very good-looking - her silver-white hair of fine texture is draped over her shoulders, and her gray pupils are reserved for indifferent people, but she is firm at this moment With God, every proportion on the face is very profound and excellent. Even if he is still young, he can see how handsome and charming he is when he grows up, except that he is too thin.

    Thinking of looking good, these people all subconsciously turned around and looked at the young man who came with them.

    This one is hailed by the Federation as the most anticipated future Alpha. Although he hasn't differentiated yet, he is already so good-looking that many people scream.

    Xiang Jingbai: "..." He pressed his fist against his lips and coughed lightly. The group of people reacted, and turned around pretending to be calm, all waiting for Lu Shiqiao's explanation.

    Joe had already thought of these doubts, and he was not in a hurry at this time.

    "As a tour guide, you can contact Jane's family tour, and I have already registered there. As for the evidence that I can indeed be a tour guide in the wasteland," Joe smiled when he was on the way, "I used to live there, so of course I can go, but this has to be done. You can prove it when you get there."

    Even so, they still didn't believe it, especially the tallest man in front of Lu Shiqiao, who looked very angry.

    "Are you kidding, can people live in the barren land? The air quality here on your 6703 star is very bad. You also said that there are many homeless orphans and black households who used to live in the barren land. No matter how I look at it, it's just bragging..."

    This person Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a person standing in front of the boy: "Okay, okay, let's go, if the people sent by the travel company can't go to them, they will have to pay a hundred times the star coins, business people I won't be so stupid. Let's go, get on the aircraft!"

    "...All right." He glanced at the young man again after hearing the words, and then fell silent.

    On the way, Qiao thought that it would take some effort to get them to cooperate, but now he saved it.

    These people brought the aircraft with them, and after Lu Shiqiao followed it, he also felt that the speed was really unusual.

    It seems that she came here from a small town before, and it took four or five hours to take a public aircraft, but this time, Joe looked at the countdown time on the aircraft, and it would take more than an hour to arrive.

    These people were fiddling with their own things on the aircraft. Originally, Joe felt that they were especially prepared for wearing hoods, until he saw them put on light protective clothing one by one.

    They wrapped every part of their bodies tightly, and after confirming each other, they continued to fiddle with other instruments.

    Jo couldn't help frowning when this gave way.

    Isn't their destination just two kilometers away in the barren land? It is not as far as the stone bridge hole where she lives.

    Is it that dangerous?

    Because of this doubt, Lu Shiqiao turned on his optical brain and confirmed with the people from Jian's company.

    The people from the travel company sent a very detailed overhead map, which was a broken small square, and Joe was even more sure that he had been there.

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