Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

    ◎Xiang Jingbai's newsletter (2 in 1) ◎

    It is true that there is not much time left for everyone to prepare.

    After Lu Shiqiao made a lot of 'weapons' in the laboratory, he didn't spend a long time cultivating Zerg for experiments, but went to various training grounds.

    Joe came back when he only showed his way once at the beginning of school.

    In the mecha battle class, many people in the same class have not seen Joe in the cockpit of the mecha for a long time, and they have all experienced nearly three months of hard training. I believe there will always be such a difference.

    No, because Joe came back to take mecha battle class when he learned the way, and all the senior Tao Jin in the school came to the class.

    Before Lu Shiqiao entered the first military academy, this Tao Jin senior was the number one alpha person in the military academy, no matter in terms of strength and character, he was admirable in the school.

    But after Lu Shiqiao appeared, all eyes were on her. This senior Tao Jin received a lot less attention, but he was still the second Alpha in the school.

    Teacher Zhong Yu was still in class. When she saw Lu Shiqiao coming during the roll call, she called her name specially: "Student Shi Qiao, I thought you wouldn't come to my class anymore. After all, the teacher was there last time. I lost to you at Fu Yinniao. I know your rules, and you only take classes that you think your knowledge reserves are not enough."

    On the way, Qiao stood up straighter: "There is no teacher, I really like the mecha battle class, and I can gain something from fighting with my classmates." She just doesn't have enough time ahead.

    Although Teacher Zhong Yu felt that this was just Lu Shiqiao's words to make the scene less embarrassing, she still nodded her head helpfully: "Then some students who came to class today also want to play against you, do you accept this?"

    Zhong Yu Teacher Yu looked around, Tao Jin, a student who was two grades higher, naturally saw it, not only that, but also many students she had taught.

    Lu Shiqiao: "Yes."

    Because Lu Shiqiao agreed, many people began to gear up.

    But Zhong Yu didn't call them at the beginning this time, but started her lecture today.

    "Now the Zergs outside are getting more and more powerful, and the mechs will always be damaged when they face them. Especially the green ghosts who have just come out now, if they touch the mechas, the mechas will be eaten."

    " So in this lesson, the teacher wants to train you how to continue the battle after your mech is injured. Imagine that you are eaten by the green ghost starting from the fingers, then the wrist, the whole arm, and then the feet... You can't move until you can't move anymore. This can be regarded as dodge training."

    "The green ghosts grow too fast, don't think that they are just bugs all the time, we have to be prepared."

    Many students came to this class, They were thinking about how to fight Lu Shiqiao later, but when the teacher said this, everyone's expressions became serious.

    Although what happened at the Emperor Qing Military Academy did not happen in their military academy, but if the place where the blue ghost appeared was their school, there is nothing their school can do... No. Someone put their eyes on Lu Shiqiao.

    This female Alpha might be able to do something.

    After Zhong Yu finished speaking, she took out a few mecha necklaces: "Don't worry, I can't simulate the situation. The mechas here can sense and control the 'damaged' places. Wherever you are hit by the opponent, where are you? It will fail, and it will be swallowed by the green ghost."

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