Rebuilding Friendships

Start from the beginning

My leafage fluffs up as he says that, hopefully I'm not blushing.

Tree: I-I have no idea what your talking about..!

Remote: You've already come out to being gay a year ago, what else have you got left to hide?

Liy: yeah, and you're not that subtle either, it's pretty obvious.

Lightning: Wait somebody on Death P.A.C.T has a crush? I gotta put this up on my Gossipedia! (Gossipedia being the Goiky equivalent of Facebook)

Tree: Hey! Put that camera down!

Normal P.O.V:

Bubble, Pencil, Match and Ruby make their way to the classroom where *8names* hosts their literature club, it's a real mystery as to why the club's name is said and written like that. 

Pencil: Are you like sure about this Bubble? How do you know Book and Icy have like gotten over it by now?

Bubble: well, it's been quite some time since then and it's not the healthy to keep a grudge that long, plus *8names* has even had some conflicts of their own that they have settle weeks ago. I'm sure that means they more forgiving now.

Bubble knocks at the door, a faint femme fatale type of voice can be heard from behind.

faint voice: Teardrop could you go get that? 

The door opens and Teardrop peeks out to see Bubble as well as the other 3.

Bubble: Hoi Teardrop, could we speak with Book and Icy?

Teardrop signals them to wait a moment before closing the door again, after a few seconds Book opens the door with Ice Cube in tow, her curious expression changes to one of unamusement.

Book: Oh, Hiya Bubble, Ruby and- oh, you...

Match: What? No special like kind of reaction to me?

Pencil: Pretty sure that was directed to both of us Match.

Bubble: Hoi Book listen, we're reviving FreeSmart and we're hoping you and Icy could rejoin.

Ruby: It isn't FreeSmart without it's favorite smart dictionary and Vengeful ice cube!~

Bubble: You two can still have your literature club, since students can be in multiple clubs. Right Lolli, remember The Have Cots?

Lollipop (distantly): Yes, I do...

Bubble: So what do you say?

Book: Hmmm, will she mistreat us again?

Pencil: Still mad about that huh? Look guys, I'm like totally sorry for not treating you like you deserved, if there's a way to make up for it I'll do it.

Book: Well then, I supposed you won't mind letting Icy get her revenge!

Pencil: Uuuhhh...

Pencil nervously looks to her friend Match who nods 'do it'.

Pencil: Like, sure. Go ahead Ice Cube. Take revenge yeah yeah yeah! Do your worst, yeah yeah yeah! So we can revive FreeSmart, So we can revive FreeSmart! 

Ice Cube: Mmm.. wait here, I have to get something.

Ice Cube walks down the hall and out of sight...

Match: So... just out of curiosity, what is this revenge Ice Cube wanted?

Book: oh-oh you'll see.

 Bubble soon explains to Book how she is the who'll be in charge of FreeSmart now instead of Pencil. Later Ice Cube comes back with Firey close behind her. This seems a little concerning...

Firey: Icy, why did you bring me all the way here-? AAH!

Ice Cube pushes Firey onto Pencil, setting her ablaze, to which she immediately runs around screaming in a panic. (Where's Death P.A.C.T. when they're needed????)

Bubble: Oh my goish!

Ruby: Umm.. was this necessary?

Book: Probably not, but I'm not going to oppress her anymore, since I apparently used to do that too..

Match: Pence-Pence Suck in the flames! I know you can do that! (Author note: Yes, she can indeed do that. Remember BFDIA?)

Pencil: *gaaasp* woooo...    *pant pant* Was that enough for you?

Ice Cube: Well you didn't burn to death like I hoped, but yes I feel much better now.

Bubble: So will you rejoin FreeSmart?

Book: Well... Icy and I are need some time to discuss this if that ok with you.

Bubble: Oh of Couirse take all the time you need and come talk to us when you've made up your mind.

The group part ways, little did they know that the two Death P.A.C.Ters that helped them were watching from a distance, happy with the results they do a small hi-five.

~To be continued~

(Author's Note: At last the Iance arc has come to a close and not only that Death P.A.C.T. has received a new member, things are looking up rather brightly)

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