Chapter 56: Couple's Two-Man Act, Angers Enemy To Death

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Father Lin turned his head to look at Ji Yuxiao, "This....

Ji Yuxiao smiled, "It's no problem, Uncle. For Luoqing, everything is worth it. I was completely willing."

But I'm not! Father Lin screamed in his heart.

"Yuxiao, how could this happen. Wouldn't this affect your father-son relationship. This isn't appropriate. Why don't we have Luoqing go find your father and apologize to him. Talk nicely and don't affect your father-son relationship because of Luoqing."

"No need," Ji Yuxiao said calmly, "Luoqing didn't do anything wrong. It's my father who is too self-righteous. Since he had me make the choice, then he should also accept my decision."

"If it's like that, then what about the relationship between you and your dad?" 

"No worries. It's fine as long as I have Luoqing by my side. Other matters are irrelevant."

Father Lin: ... Unfilial son! Lovestruck fool! This was irrelevant?! No ambition at all!

He was about to be angered to death!

Lather Lin endured the fire in his belly and continued to persuade him, "Yuxiao, our letting Luoqing marry you shouldn't sever your father-son relationship with your father. If you're like this, Luoqing would also be upset."

Lin Luoqing nodded his head in agreement, "En. En."

"No need to be upset," Ji Yuxiao looked at him, "If you're upset, I'll feel heartbroken."

"Yuxiao..." Lin Luoqing said in a touched tone.

"Still calling me Yuxiao?"

Lin Luoqing: ??? Then what do I call you?"

He pondered. Then, "Husband~"

"En, wife~"

"Husband is the best~"

"As long as wife is happy~"

Lin Luoqing grasped onto his hand with a sappy expression.

Ji Yuxiao brought his hand up and kissed it.

Father Lin and Chen Feng who were facing them: .......

Thank you very much, we already want to puke!

This was really too disgusting!

"A-hem," Father Lin coughed, and broke apart the blinding sight in front of him. He looked at Lin Luoqing reproachfully, "Luoqing, you're simply being too insensible and thoughtless like this."

He said, "Your husband has already given up his job for you and you don't feel guilty at all."

Lin Luoqing immediately showcased an obedient expression and said firmly, "No worries. I will work hard to raise him!"

This wasn't a matter of whether or not you will work hard!

If it's like this, how can the business partner up?!

"Yuxiao, Luoqing thinks too simply and is naïve. You can't be like him. Your father only has you as his only son. If you don't care about the company, who will?"

"My cousin," Ji Yuxiao said calmly.

"How can this be?!" Father Lin was dissatisfied, "What if your cousin's heart isn't in the right place? What will you do if something happens to the company? When the time comes, it would be too late for you to even regret it."

"It's alright," Ji Yuxiao was not to be persuaded, "I don't even care about matters with the company anymore. Naturally, if something really did happened, then it wouldn't be me who should be concerned with it either. All I have to do is worry about Qingqing." *Another affectionate nickname made for Lin Luoqing.*

I Am the Father of the Villain (Entertainment Circle) by Lin Ang SiWhere stories live. Discover now