Qiao Xi didn't know where he was confident that he could teach a scholar who was the champion of the college entrance examination.

Lu Huo's ears were dyed red, he nodded obediently, "Yeah."

The small leaf buds appeared again, swaying arrogantly from side to side.

Joey: ...

She gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand, and directly pinched the boy's ear. She fiercely reprimanded him by his ear, "Don't fall in love early, you're still young, you can't like people!"

Qiao Xi's fingers were slightly cold, and she didn't squeeze his ears hard at all.

The tips of Lu Huo's ears were hot, and he obediently responded, "Mm."

The green leaf buds swayed constantly.

Qiao Xi glared at Xiao Lu Huo, this guy responded obediently on the surface, but he was still thinking about love!

Sure enough, Lu Huo had reached the stage of youth rebellion.

Qiao Xi had no choice, she could only make a request, "If you fall in love in the future, you must take me as your standard, you can only look better than me, and you can't look lower than me." She coaxed him, "You are so good, of course. I can only match the best, I am the lowest standard."

It's not that she's overconfident, but that she's really good looking, and it's probably going to be very difficult to find someone who looks better than her.

Lu Huo's long eyelashes trembled slightly. He looked at her and nodded earnestly, "Yeah."

This time, the leaflet buds did not emerge.

Qiao Xi knew that Lu Huo agreed.

After school, Qiao Xi and Lu Huo saw the arrogant Zhang Tu fighting with a tall and thin boy outside the school gate. Standing next to him was Zheng Yingying. Many people are watching around.

Obviously, the three are in a **** love battle.

When Lu Huo passed by, he didn't know if Li Hao saw it.

The other party said boldly: "I want both the first year and the school flower."

Qiao Xi gave a "poof" and laughed out loud, the little boy was really a middle schooler.

She smiled and pinched the tip of Lu Huo's ear, reminding him, "The first in the grade is yours, and the school girl is the other party's. You can't be as stupid as them, not only falling in love, but also fighting."

Under the setting sun, Lu Huo's dark eyes were dyed with a smile, and he listened to Qiao Xi's words, "Well."

When they returned to Lu's house, outside the gate, Qiao Xi saw Zhao Yuxi standing on the side of the road. The other party hadn't left yet, so he probably wanted to find a way to approach Lu Huo.

The other party was really persevering.

Besides the question about Lu Huo's puppy love, Qiao Xi was more concerned about the trouble of Zhao Yuxi.

She said to Lu Huo, "that woman last night, if she reappears in the future, you have to stay away from her."

She didn't know how Zhao Yuxi got through and what was her intention to contact Lu Hu, but the other party kept defending herself that she was here to save Lu Hu.

Qiao Xi guessed whether the other party had the same task as her, and they all needed to absorb Lu Huo's golden energy.

Lu Huo didn't know the person from last night, he felt that Xixi didn't like him, "Okay, I'll stay away from him."

After I Stole the Male Lead, the Female Lead CriedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat