Love Will Win This Battle

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     Mo Yuan came to the playroom to see his smallest children.  "Fuqin is here!  Let's play!!"  He sat down on the floor so he could play with them and try to wash away their fears.  He played one game after another.  Before long he had them laughing and playing.  "How about a story?"  "Tell us, Fuqin!"  "Hmmm, let me see.  A very long time ago when I was a young boy, I was hiding from my Fuqin.  I turned into my dragon to run away.  I ended up in a forest with a lot of trees and I didn't know where I was.  I shifted back to my human to walk among the trees.  I was lost and I didn't know the path.  After walking for what felt like forever, I sat down under a big tree.  I fell asleep.  When I woke up, I was wrapped up in big tree roots.  Fuqin was very scared!!"  "Fuqin you're not scared of anything!"  "Fuqin, were you really scared?"  "What about Jinlong?"  "I'm getting to that part!  Well, I was scared!  I tried to get loose but I couldn't.  I erupted my dragon but the roots caught me!  I tried to bite them but then I heard a voice!!  He said, "ho, young dragon!  Don't bite me!  I will free you!"  He let me go and I huffed real loud.  I shifted again and puffed out my chest!   I said, 'I'm the Taizi of heaven!  You better watch out or I'll get you!'  He laughed at me and shifted to a very strong man right in front of me!  He was Xiangshu!!  He picked me up under his arm and marched me back to the nine heavens!!  Fuqin was very angry but he was glad to see me!  He whipped my little dragon butt and put me in my room!  Xiangshu became my friend after that.  You never know where you might make a friend!"  "Fuqin, Xiangshu is that big tree right at the back of the peach grove, isn't he?"  "Yes, would you like to see him?  We can go sit under him, if you wish it!"  They all jumped up and took off for the peach grove.  He was following them when Jinzi came to the door.  "Children on a mission, Fuqin?"  "Yes, I told them a story about Xiangshu.  They are going to sit under him.  Is something wrong, Jinzi?"  "No, I have good news!  I know what's wrong with Mother.  Shifu left me all of his medical books, potions and elixers.  Shushu Bai Zhen told me his wishes and helped me get everything.  In fact, I was going to ask you, Taiyang and Zhenzhu to help me build a building where I can have my medical library, keep all my herbs, make my potions and see my patients.  He taught Shushu how to make the wine, too, but that is another story.  I found mother's condition in one of the books!  I had an elixer for her to give to her as soon as she wakes up.  In the book, it explained how the high blood pressure caused mother to have a stroke.  It's caused when a blood vessel ruptures because of the pressure.  I can repair it!  Now let's go check on her, ok?"  "Jinzi, you have become even greater than Zhe Yan.  He told me you would be.  I'm proud of you.  In your way, you are just as powerful as your didi.  Now come, let's go tell your mother the good news!" 
     Bai Qian woke up in a snit.  She sat up in bed.  She couldn't call anybody and she couldn't get out of bed.  She was frustrated to the core of her being.  She was trying to get to the side of the bed when Mo Yuan came in with Jinzi.  He ran to her.  "My love!!  Be careful!  I'm here now!"  He sat beside her and held her to him.  "Jinzi has found what is wrong.  He has brought medicine.  Lay back down now."  "First, Fuqin, I need mother to take this elixer."  He handed it to his Fuqin to give to her.  She took it and grimaced because it was bitter.  "Now lay back on the bed please.  I must deep scan you."  Mo Yuan stood by Jinzi when he started his scan.  His face was a picture of concentration as he slowly scanned her.  He found what he was looking for.  He repaired the area and sent healing energy to the damaged tissue.  Blood was running out of his nose when he withdrew and fell against his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan gave him some energy and sat him down.  He poured tea for him and took his handkerchief to wipe the blood from his nose.  "Mother should awaken shortly, Fuqin.  I believe I healed her."  They sat in silence and drank their tea.  After a few minutes her eyes opened.  Jinzi stood, wavered just a second and looked at his mother with expectation on his face.  "Mother?"  "Jinzi?"  Her hand went to her throat.  "I can talk?  I can talk!!  Mo Yuan, my love!!  I can talk!!"  She sat up on the bed.  She got to the edge and took both hands offered to her.  She stood between the love of her life and her gifted son.  "Slow, Mother.  Take it slow!"  She took a tentative step forward.  She was shaky for a minute, but she walked.  Her smile said everything.  "Qian'er, there will absolutely be no more children!  You can't risk it!"  "No more mating?  Can't Jinzi make stronger peaches?  You can, can't you?"  Jinzi's face turned red.  "Well, Mother, I can try!  If you insist!"  "I do!  Now take me to see my Xiao Bai Hulis!  I need to talk to them!!"
     They carefully walked to the nursery.  Mi Shu was feeding them.  Bai Qian waved her hand and brought forth a warm bottle.  "I'm feeding Yi.  Yan and Yingjie have not been fed.  They are in the cradle."  "Yan, Mother is here for you now.  I was sick, but I'm all better!!  Are you hungry?"  He yipped and she took him into her arms to feed him.  Mo Yuan picked up Yingjie and produced a bottle for him.  "I'm sorry but I just realized I have no milk.  Do you know why, Jinzi?"  "It's possible because your blood pressure was high so much.  It's also possible that your body tried to compensate for it's problems by cutting off milk supply.  They are thriving with this bottle feeding.  I just have to say, they are so beautiful!"  "They are rather handsome if I do say so myself!  My goodness, Yan, you were starving!"  Yan finished his bottle with great gusto and burped rather loudly.  Bai Qian tweeked his nose and laughed her Huli laugh at him.  They were all fed and put down for a nap.  "Have they been troublesome, Mi Shu?  They seem well behaved."  "They are very well behaved!  They do get a little aggressive with their bottle if they have to wait too long.  They're just the perfect gentlemen!"  "Mama's babies!  Let's leave now so they can have their naps."  They walked out and left Mi Shu to watch over them.  "Do you feel like a walk, my love?  I can carry you, if you wish."  "Where would you be heading?"  "I told the children about when I first met Xiangshu.  They went to sit under his shade.  Care to join them?"  "Take me there!"
     Mo Yuan walked slowly as they talked and walked.  When they came to the edge of the grove, Xiangshu was spread out in all of his glory.  The shade was huge and the children were playing under him.  A pond had been built there and the children were pointing at something in the water.  Curious to see what it was, Mo Yuan walked over to look.  A small white dragon was swimming around the pond zapping flies that were buzzing around.  It was Xingfu.  He saw his Fuqin and slowly rose until just the top of his head was above water.  Mo Yuan squatted down and thumped him right between his horns.  "Xingfu, what if I told you that you just murdered several immortals and that you will have to report to Tianjun Ye Hua for punishment?"  He flew out of the water and transformed to sit on the ground and cry.  He picked up a fly and apologized.  "I'm so sorry, Mr. Fly!  Please forgive me?"  The fly buzzed away and lit on a limb to look at him.  "Fuqin, did I really murder someone?"  "No, but that fly up there is an immortal in disguise, so don't just zap for fun.  Next time send out your energy to see who is around.  Understand?"  "I do, Fuqin."  They all saw their mother and went to sit by her.  They were glad to see her so they sat all around her.  A booming voice spoke first.  "My lady of Kunlun!  It's good to see you!  Please forgive me, but I think you enjoy my shade more than me!"  She patted his trunk.  "Yes, your shade is wonderful!"  "Xiangshu, I told these children how I first met you!  They wished to come and visit with you.  Don't let them get too rowdy!"  "High God Mo Yuan, they will be fine.  No worries!"  "Very well.  You children stay here with Xiangshu for a while.  I must take your Mother to rest.  When you get tired, come to the hall for tea and snacks."
     Hongse Wang Zhu had decided to take up the offer to see Kunlun.  His arrival was unexpected but a room was made ready for him.  He came to the hall just as the children came.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao saw him right away and went straight to him.  "You come see me?  Hmmm?"  "Why yes, I did!  Are you going to show me around?"  "Mmm, me and jiemei too small, but Fuqin carry us.  Him can do!"  Wang Zhu held them to himself and smiled.  "Welcome to our home!  As you can see, you have been accepted as a friend.  I can indeed carry them or they can fly with us.  Would you care for a tour?"  He nodded as Mo Yuan walked toward the water falls.  "In the evening, the mists rise and blanket this area.  It's like standing in a cloud."  "I have heard of the falls of Kunlun.  All I heard is true!  The power I feel here is a lift to my own spirit.  I heard your lovely wife gave birth to triplets recently.  Congratulations!  I must say I will be looking forward to my own grandchildren!  It's a joy to the spirit!"  "We have a young stag as a disciple here.  Would you like to meet him?"  "A stag?  I'm intrigued.  Yes I would like to meet him."  "Die Feng, go find Shijui please."  Die Feng left to go toward the classrooms.  He was back in ten minutes.  Shijui bowed.  "Shifu, you called for me?"  "Yes.  This is Hongse Wang Zhu, king of the stag kingdom.  He wanted to meet you."  He bowed and Wang Zhu looked at him very hard.  "Where were you living before you came here, if I may ask?"  "My parents traveled a lot.  They were killed by demons in a raid on a border town.  I never lived in the stag realm."  "Represent us well, young stag!"  "I will, my king!"  He bowed and left.  He turned to Mo Yuan when the boy left.  "I believe he is the son of my brother.  They disappeared and never returned from a trip they went on.  I'll research it, but I don't wish to take him away."  "He has made friends here and they are close.  Whatever you decide, he will be taken care of."  They finished their tea and rose to go to the peach grove when Mo Yuan stopped and looked up.  "I'm sorry but my oldest son needs me.  His wife is in labor!!"
     Mo Yuan went to his room to get Bai Qian.  She was awake and was about to rise.  "Qian'er, Meili is in labor!!  Do you think you can be there for her?"  "Take me there!"  He picked her up and was about to jump out when Baohu stepped in the door.  "Baohu, call Jinzi!  Meili is in labor!!"  He called and went to get Li Li.  They jumped to Bai Xue's palace.  Mo Yuan hurried in with Bai Qian in his arms.  He sat her down beside Meili.  "Fuqin!  Is Jinzi coming?  I'm scared!"  His eyes turned white and Bailong was terrified.  Mo Yuan patted him on the shoulder.  "Here Xue, sit behind her and let her lay against you.  Here!"  He got him in position and gently laid her back.  "Better, Xiao hua?"  "Better."  "How long have you been having pains?"  "Maybe four hours."   Bai Qian held her hand and coached her.  "Breathe deeply when you have the pains,  relax and rest when they pass.  Xue, shoot her energy when she needs it.  She's going to be fine!"  Jinzi came in with Baohu and Li Li on his tail.  Baohu spoke to the babies and grinned.  Mo Yuan seeing that grin raised a brow as he looked him squarely in the eye.  "Do you know something, Baohu, that you would care to share?"  "Well Da ge, it seems you are getting those girls you wanted!!"  Meili moaned her pain as the next one was intense.  Jinzi scanned her and prepared to have the first one.  Fenli and Ali were standing outside the door in a panic.  They remembered all too well losing their mother.  Jinzi looked at Meili and smiled.  "It's time to push now!  Push hard!"  She bore down and screamed when she pushed the little dragon out.  "A Xiao Bai Long!!  A girl!  Look Da ge!  Take her!!"  Bailong, that stalwart dragon of no fear, was shaking like a leaf.  He took the baby and held her close.  "My sweet Xiao hua!  My Bai Meigui!"  "Here comes the other one!  Push Meili!"  With her last effort, she screamed as she pushed out the last baby.  "Look Da ge!  Another girl!"  Bai Xue handed Bai Meigui to Bai Qian and took the second baby into his arms.  Tears were running down his face as he held her close.  "Bai Yulan!  That's her name!"  Mo Yuan took Meigui from Bai Qian and kissed her little cheek.  She grinned at him and snuggled into him.  Bai Qian pointed at her.  "Look!  Already a Zufu's girl!!  Bai Xue handed Yulan to his mother and eased himself out from under Meili.  He held her hand and kissed her lips.  "You have given us two beautiful daughters, my love!  I love you so much!"  He put a pillow under her head and made her comfortable.  "Here Meili, acquaint yourself with your girls!"  They laid them in her arms and left the little family to bond to the new babies.  Mo Yuan was so happy!  He had granddaughters now!!  "Dearest!  We have granddaughters now!  Isn't it wonderful?"  Stifling a yawn, she nodded and laid against him.  "I'm sorry, dearest.  I'm rather tired.  Could you jump me home?"  "Yes, and then I'll check the triplets."  He jumped her straight to their room to be met with an uproar.  He walked out to be met by Taiyang and Zhenzhu trying to quiet down a rowdy bunch of children.  "Enough!  What is all this noise for?  You should all be in your rooms!"  "Fuqin, they have all been in a snit because we wouldn't let them disturb the triplets.  I told them you would be back soon!"  "And so I am!  Fengbao!  WuYun!  Go to your room now!  Gaoxing and Xingfu!  Go to your room!  Jingsi!  Jiaxiao!  Go to your room!  I will see all of you in the morning.  It's time for bed!  Now go to bed!"  They all had a memory of screaming Jinlong and decided to go to bed.  It was late so he undressed and went straight to bed, Bai Qian tucked up on his shoulder.
     He awoke early to tend to Wang Zhu and show him more of the mountain.  They ate breakfast and were heading to the peach grove.  He had his entourage of children with him.  Wang Zhu sighed as he watched them.  "You know, I never realized how much joy children can bring you!  They miss nothing and they definitely keep you on your toes.  Don't you agree?"  Mo Yuan watched them running through the grove and smiled.  "Yes, I do!  Without them my life would be very boring.  Very boring indeed!"  "I was sorry to hear of High God Zhe Yan.  He was very great.  Only your son, Bai Zhi Jinzi has surpassed him.  That young Jinzi is a very highly intelligent and skilled medicine king.  Very skilled!  And his twin!  That young man is very worthy to take your place!  He is very powerful!  When did you know he would take your place?"  "It was right after his trial.  He challenged me.  My dragon loves a challenge but he also hates to lose.  We were sparring when I shifted and picked him up in my claws.  He cast a storm spell that was hitting me with lightning so fast I could barely dodge it.  I had gone high into the clouds with him so I turned back toward the ground flying at great speed.  I wasn't paying attention because I refused to release him.  I was flying too fast so the ground came up quickly.  Right before I crashed into the ground, I released him.  He rolled under me and I crashed through the woods and into another valley.  I nearly died because you see, I knew then he could take my place, but I would have to kill him to beat him.  I didn't want to do that.  I hope you understand?"  "Yes, I do!  I would never want to harm Shenshi either.  This grove is wonderful.  I wonder how the peach tree woods are making it without Zhe Yan there."  "Why wouldn't he be there?"  Bai Qian came walking toward them.  Mo Yuan took her hand and brought her toward him.  "Dearest, you were ill and I didn't have a chance to tell you.  Zhe Yan met his calamity while you were in a coma.  I'm sorry you had to hear it this way!"  Bai Qian stood still gripping her fan in her hands.  She was shaking her head as she murmured, "no, no, no, no!"  Mo Yuan held her close and tried to still her tears.  "Si ge!  Where is Si ge?  Where, Mo Yuan!?"  She shoved him back and ran for their room.  He turned to Wang Zhu.  "Continue on this path and you will come to a very huge tree.  That tree is Xiangshu, the father of trees.  Talk to him while I tend to my wife!"  He ran after her.  She was in the hall with Bai Xue and Mo JinDe.  They were trying to stop her from leaving.  Mo Yuan went to her and put his arm around her waist.  "You boys entertain Wang Zhu for me please.  We will return shortly."  He jumped them to the peach tree woods.
     It was eerily still as the breeze blew through the trees.  The blossoms were swirling in the breeze, but it was obvious that the magic was subdued.  He had left a spell to maintain it, but it would never be vibrant again.  His hut was empty.  Only a table and chairs was there.  All of his books and potions were gone.  They walked on to the Jade Pool.  Bai Zhen was there, drinking the peach wine.  She placed a hand on his shoulder.  "Si ge!  I'm sorry I was not here!  I'm so sorry!"  He turned and smiled at her.  "You were his last patient, Xiao Wu.  He came to Kunlun and two weeks later, he left us!  He turned into his Phoenix and he burned up right in the middle of the woods.  His flame was so bright I couldn't get near him.  He told me to leave the woods and come to Kunlun.  He said your babies need me.  He always knew things.  I haven't been able to leave.  Forgive me?"  She held him tight and they grieved together.  After a few moments, he pushed her back and smiled.  "I hear there are Hulis who need a teacher on Kunlun.  May I come stay awhile?"  "Yes!  Fengbao and WuYun need a teacher and my boys will be in need of it soon, too.  Come with us!"  Bai Zhen stood up, dusted himself off and nodded.  He jumped with them to Kunlun to only return many millennia later.
     They all ate dinner that night and entertained Wang Zhu.  The triplets were brought to dinner to eat a little solid food and to meet their Shushu.  Baohu, feeling the sorrow in his Shushu's heart, asked him a question.  "Shushu, are you white like Mother?"  "No, I'm not."  "Well, we want to see!"  Bai Zhen stood and transformed.  He was beautiful.  He was silver.  His ears, tail tips and legs were black, but his fur was thick and luxurious.  He shown like polished silver in the light.  He walked up to Baohu and swayed his tails back and forth for him.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao were mesmerized.  They flew to him and hugged him around his neck.  He lay in front of the dais and played with them.  "Ooo, Shushu, you feel nice!  You soft like Si ge!  You real bootiful."  Jiaxiao rubbed his ear and smiled.  He transformed and held them.  "So you think I'm beautiful?  Meet me in the arena tomorrow and Shushu will teach you special magic!"  He kissed them and went back to his seat holding them.  He did indeed teach them Huli magic for months.  He taught Fengbao, WuYun, Yi, Yan and Yingjie.  He taught the baby dragons what was allowed and he set aside his sadness and let his love for the children wash away his grief.  Mo Yuan had to admit having him on the mountain was a great relief to him.  Gaoxing, Xingfu, Jingsi and Jiaxiao were totally in love with their gentle Shushu who was a very powerful huli.  He taught them like a general would and even JinDe was impressed.  Bai Zhen would make everyone leave the field when he taught huli magic.  They were like sponges soaking up all they learned.  They were doing well until the day Jingsi charmed Zi Lan and wouldn't release him.  Mo Yuan was furious as was Bai Zhen.  "Jingsi, release your spell!!  You are too young to use this magic and too young to suffer the repercussions of it.  Release it now or I will put you into a sleep until you are grown.  Understand?  Release it now!!"  She crossed her arms and said no.  Zi Lan crawled to her and begged her.  "Please, Jingsi!  I will die!  Shifu!  Kill me!!  Kill me!!"  Seeing his intent, Mo Yuan called Xuan Yuan and raised it to strike.  He started his down swing when Jingsi screamed.  She released her spell and ran to her room.  Mo Yuan followed her and cast his sleep spell on her.  Bai Zhen grabbed Zi Lan around the waist and jumped him to the mortal realm.  He came back three hours later.  He was drawn looking and physically exhausted.  He bowed before Mo Yuan and collapsed.  "Shifu, I must leave Kunlun now.  I can't shake off her charm, even though she released me.  I can't explain it, but I will always love her.  I either have to leave, or you must kill me.  I have no other recourse."  Mo Yuan was still livid with anger.  He cast a sleep spell on Zi Lan and had him taken to the infirmary.  He called Jinzi to come.

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