The God of War is in the House

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          Mo Yuan ate his dinner in silence.  Bai Qian knew better than to question him when he was in this mood.  One by one he delivered trays to each room.  Chin Chu didn't thank him.  He could feel her hatred and anger.  Well it couldn't be helped for now.  He stood and left the dining hall and went to his office.  He was trying to work out a plan to scare the pants off his daughters once and for all.  He just needed to work out the details.  One way or another he would triumph.  He smirked and sat about working out his plan.  Mo JinDe knew that look.  Any time Fuqin got that look on his face, someone was going to pay and pay dearly.  He knocked on his door.  "Enter".  He heard the familiar deep voice.  He smiled.  " Fuqin, I just wanted to know if you would join me at the hot pool.  I need a good shoulder massage and you give the best!"   He laid down his pen.  "I believe I will!  I'll meet you there as soon as I tell your mother."  JinDe left and Mo Yuan walked to his room to get his oils and a fresh robe.  Bai Qian came walking in.  "Dearest, I'm going to join JinDe at the hot pool.  He said he wanted a shoulder massage.  Is there anything you need from me before I go?"  "No dearest, I was going to take a short nap.  I'll see you later?"  He kissed her soft lips and ran his knuckles down the side of her face.  "Later, my love!" 
     JinDe was in the pool soaking when his father joined him.  They leaned against the rock ledge on the side of the pool and stretched out their legs.  "Fuqin, thank you for rescuing me yet again from my own stubborn pride."  "JinDe, my golden boy, I'm sad to say you are only a chip off the old block.  I can't tell you how many times your mother has straightened me out!  Are you feeling better now?"  "Physically, I know I am fine.  Mentally, I still feel impotent, like I can't perform.  Fuqin, Mei Ying told me nothing happened between her and that general.  She said I interrupted them before it could.  She apologized to me and begged my forgiveness.  My dragon is very hurt that his mate would forsake him.  He feels betrayed.  How can I get him to accept forgiveness and reconciliation?"  "A valid question.  My dragon was betrayed once too.  I'm sure you know of the story between the Demon Queen, Shao Wan and I.  I thought I was in love with her.  We had a very physical relationship, but I never asked my dragon his opinion.  He just liked the sex.  There was plenty of it too.  When Shao Wan chose to walk away from me to side with the demons, I was heart broken.  Then I watched her burn up right in front of me, never to see her again.  I thought I loved her.  I was wrong.  I didn't know what love was until I met your mother.  Shao Wan was a fling.  Your mother is my one true mate.  Ask your dragon if Mei Ying really is his mate.  If she is, then reason with him what would happen if he lets her go.  You will not find another.  Trust me."  "Solid advice, Fuqin.  Does mother know about Shao Wan?"  "Yes, I told her many millennia ago.  Once your dragon reconciles the situation, your sex life will return.  You will be fine.  Don't ever keep secrets from her.  If she is your mate, confide in her.  Your relationship will be stronger for it.  Now come here and let me rub your shoulders before we turn to prunes in this water!"
     JinDe walked to his rooms with many thoughts on his mind.  He knew his father was right.  He would reconcile and try to get his wife back.  He admitted he loves her.  So does his dragon.  He smiled and walked on.  Mo Yuan had to admit he was more relaxed now that he had a good talk with JinDe and a good soak in the pool.  He now had the last detail.  After this week is up, he's going to show his girls once and for all just who the God of War is.  No more nice Fuqin.  The gloves are off.  He smiled to himself.  Yes, it's going to be glorious!  Baohu and Jinzi knocked on their father's study door.  "Enter".  "Fuqin, we need to talk to you."  "Oh?  And what is so important, my Xiao Jin Hulis?"  "Fuqin, I read Chin Chu's mind.  She's planning something.  She won't talk to me.  I'm worried."  "Her powers are blocked for now.  She won't be able to escape or throw spells at me.  Why are you so worried?"  "Just a feeling.  Jinzi feels it too."  "I do feel it.  Something bad is going to happen."  Mo Yuan stared at them for a moment.  "I will take precautions from now on when I open her door.  Don't worry.  Keep me informed though, if you will.  Fuqin doesn't like spying on each other but stopping someone from doing something stupid is not spying.  Understand?"  "Yes Fuqin we do!  We must go now, it's time for class!"  They hurried off for their class.
     Mei Ying arrived the next morning with hers and JinDe's luggage to stay for three months.  Mo Yuan met her at the gate.  He smiled and welcomed her in.  "I'll have your things moved.  Come with me to the dining hall.  It's nearly lunch time!"  She followed him into the hall.  JinDe was sitting at the table.  He patted a place by him for her to come sit.  He smiled as she walked toward him.  Bai Qian noticed the sweet smiles.  In her heart she hoped JinDe and Mei Ying would work out their differences.  Baohu and Jinzi, who absolutely have no filter, bombarded her with questions.  "Mei Mei, are you going to stay here with us?  Are you going to stay with JinDe?  Please don't leave!  We want you to stay!"  Slightly caught off guard, she looked at JinDe and smiled.  "I'm staying, nosy foxes!"  Bai Qian smiled at her and nodded her head.  Already a good start!  JinDe smiled at his mother.  He too felt like they could work out their problems.  The hot pool might be a good thing!  He mentally rubbed his hands together.  Yes indeed! 
     The week was now over for the confinement of his daughters.  Mo Yuan let them out and sent them to the arena.  He came to Chin Chu last.  When he opened her door she came at him with a dagger.  He was expecting as much.  He disarmed her and changed her into her fox form.  "You will stay like this until you learn some respect.  Now we go to the arena."  Every last person on the mountain was there.  JinDe, Mei Ying, Bai Qian and the boys were sitting under the pavilion.  "JinDe, take these three girls out into the arena and hold them there.  I'll be right back."  JinDe raised an eyebrow and looked at his three little sisters.  I don't know what you have done, but you're about to be schooled big time!  Get ready for it!"  Mo Yuan appeared right beside JinDe.  He was in full battle armor and he had Xuan Yuan in his hand.  "You may go to the pavilion, JinDe."  JinDe looked at his sisters and sighed.  He knew one thing for sure, never disobey Fuqin!  Ever!  "So you think your Fuqin is weak, do you?  You think you can beat me any time, do you?  Well I have put up with your disrespect and arrogance long enough!  Now you see me as I truly am!  The God of War!"  He stepped back from them and raised Xuan Yuan into the air.  Lightning crackled in the air and came to his sword.  Lightning started striking all around them and ice hit the ground.  He swung Xuan Yuan and hit the ground in front of them throwing them backwards.  He sent out his dragon essence in powerful waves.  Chen Bo and Liang Lei cowered on the ground in fear.  Chin Chu stood her ground.  Mo Yuan jumped behind her and grabbed her so fast she didn't know what hit her.  His eyes were gold and he snarled in her ear.  "I am the God of War!  Where's your bravado now, little girl?"  He threw her across the arena.  Lightning struck the ground beside her.  JinDe flew out and grabbed the two girls and left his father and Chin Chu alone in the arena.  Mo Yuan jumped from one place after another but Chu couldn't keep up with him.  He grabbed her once more.  "Do you still dare to defy me? Do you?"  He shook her and threw her again, softer this time.  She finally cowered on the ground and cried.  He once more called the rain and lightning into a dark storm.  Everyone was running for cover when Bai Qian jumped into the arena.  "ENOUGH!  You have proven your point!  Stop now!"  His rage running high he was having trouble bringing his dragon essence under control.  He transformed and blew smoke over her.  He slammed his tail into the ground and stomped his talons right in front of her.  She stared him down and drew her fan.  "Jinlong!  Calm down or I swear you will be cut off for a year!  A whole year!"  She erupted her tails and sent out her scent.  He roared into the sky and pounded the ground with his tail again.  He sniffed her tails and moaned.  He transformed and took hold of her.  He buried his lips in hers in a forceful kiss.  Bai Qian shoved him backwards.  "Are you calm yet?"  His eyes were still golden, but his breath was deep and ragged.  "JinDe!  Come get your sister!  Your father has proven his point!"  JinDe jumped over to Chin Chu and grabbed the terrified little girl.  He took her to her room.  Bai Qian jumped herself and Mo Yuan into his meditation cave and threw up a barrier. 
     She threw off their clothes and was upon him before he could react.  She threw him unto his back and set about ravaging his rod.  She licked him until he was rock hard.  She impaled his shaft with her hot body and proceeded to drain him dry.  He was still in his dragon rage and her scent was driving him on.  He threw her onto her stomach, raised her knees and entered her hard.  He grunted with each thrust as his fury and rage drove him on.  He reached around her and fingered her engorged nub to bring her to climax.  They both were riding the tide of a very high passion as she began to climax.  He cast a spell to keep her in a state of climax as he thrust into her up to the hilt.  His dragon let out a high pitched keening wail as he sent waves of his essence into her and shot his seed straight into her womb.  He heated his shaft and his seed as he climaxed over and over.  He released the spell with his last shot and joined her.  He lay over on his back without removing himself and laid her onto his stomach.  He tenderly massaged her breast with both hands.  He raised his legs and kept hers on the outside of his.  His body was hot and his shaft was hard again.  Slowly he began to make love to her again.  And it was love.  Even in his rage, he loved her and wanted to love her to ecstasy.  He worshipped every part of her and his dragon knelt at the shrine of his one true mate.  They didn't come out of his cave until the next morning.  He was calm, sated and smiling.  Now he had to attend to some unfinished business.
     Everyone was in the dining hall when he walked in as calm as a cucumber.  His eyes spoke otherwise.  JinDe knew that look too well.  He had been on the receiving end of it too many times.  He and Mei Ying cast looks at each other and decided to beat a hasty retreat.  He had some business to take care of himself.  Three little girls and three boys were watching their father very closely.  One in particular.  She had seen a side of her father she was sure she never wanted to see again.  She stood and ran to him.  Her little doe eyes looked up at him with a new respect.  "Fuqin?  May I?"  He placed his tea cup down on the table and took her into his arms.  She cried against his neck and nuzzled there.  "Fuqin, Chin Chu is very sorry for being stupid.  Will you forgive me?"  "My Xiao Huli I will always forgive you.  I love you dearly.  Do you understand?"  "Yes Fuqin, I do.  I really do.  You scared me really bad Fuqin.  Please don't do it again!  Please?  Chu promises to never be bad again."  "Very well.  Just make sure your temper doesn't get the best of you."  She hugged him again and skipped to her place at the table.
     JinDe led Mei Ying into the depths of the mountain where the dragon den was.  He lit the candles and the incense burners and turned to her.  "Mei Ying.  I am healed now.  I wish to make amends to you now, if you will let me."  Her eyes searched his for a moment.  She knew he loved her.  She knew she was his dragon's mate.  She also knew if she did leave him, he would forever be alone.  She held out her hand to him.  "Are we going to stay here a few days?  I wish to reconnect with my dragon!"  With a swift movement of his hand, he had them naked and laying on the fur bed.  "Oh JinDe, I've missed you so!"  "And I've missed you."  He kissed down the side of her neck.  His body was heated and his dragon wanted to mate her.  He loosed his dragon and proceeded to ravage her like a starved man at a full buffet.  Three days later they emerged from the cave renewed, rebonded and in love again. 
     Mo Yuan knew JinDe was trying to get his mate back so he left him to his own devices and planned a little diversion of his own.  He rubbed his hands together.  He had set up the pavilion for a little fun of his own.  Now to go get Qian Qian!  He was walking toward their room when he was blind sided by four foxes and two dragons.  "Fuqin!  Can we have a picnic?  Please?  You promised us before.  Please?"  He thought of his well thought out plan of seduction and sighed.  "Very well!  Wait here and let me get your mother."  He turned the corner and nearly ran into Qian Qian.  "Dearest, the children wish to go on a picnic.  I have everything ready.  Are you up for it?"  "Yes dear, let me get our basket of oils and some robes for the kids.  Have Chang Shan prepare some snacks for the children.  I'll be right there!"  He walked back to find six pair of eyes watching him.  "Alright!  Let's go get a basket from Chang Shan and we will go!"  With basket of goodies in hand he jumped them all to the pavilion.  Flowers were blooming and the smell was heavenly.  The children headed straight for the pool by the waterfall.  "Be careful now.  And no trying to drown each other!"  He sat the basket down to put out the snacks when Bai Qian appeared.  "Her raised brow let him know she was on to him.  " So you had a little tryst planned but it was interrupted by wayward children?  Tsk! Tsk!  Didn't I give you enough before or are you in need of another mate, you horny dragon!?!"  He walked up behind her and his dragon snarled into her ear.  He bite her neck and blew hot smoke on her.  "I can never get enough of you!  I would die a happy dragon if I could go with my hot luscious dragon rod in your hot luscious honey hole draining me of every last seed!"  He growled long and low and she could feel his erection against her back.  He sighed and back away.  "But sadly, now is not the right time, Xiao Huli!  Tonight!  Yes tonight!"  He kissed her soft lips and walked toward the pool. 
     The children were splashing each other when he decided to prank them.  He placed himself behind a barrier, transformed and slid into the water.  He used his tongue to tickle feet, pull hair, pull under and throw them out.  He laughed to himself.  Baohu was diligently searching for him as was Jinzi.  He laid down on a rock ledge, dried himself off and huffed.  "Fuqin, I know you're here somewhere!  Come out!"  Jinzi had his hands on his hips waiting.  Mo Yuan threw down his barrier and laughed out loud.  "Huff, huff, huff!"  "I told you it was Fuqin!  See?"  His dragon was waiting for them to come to him.  One by one they climbed onto him.  When they all were on, he took to the skies.  Cries of delight and squeals of fun were heard above the skies of Kunlun as the huge gold dragon gave his children a ride.  He dove fast toward the pool.  He transformed right at it and they all splashed into the water.  He surfaced and laughed.  Sputtering and splashing children came to him and he gathered them into his arms for hugs.  "Fuqin!  That was fun!  Can we do it again?"  "Not right now.  Snacks are ready for everyone!  Let's get dry and go get some cake.  Just be glad your Shushu Ye Hua isn't here!  He would eat all the cake!"

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