Almost There

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     The next morning, Mo Yuan called Taiyang and Zhenzhu into his office.  "You need us, Fuqin?"  "Yes, I wish to show you something."  He walked around his desk, touched them both and jumped them to the hall of portraits.  They were amazed.  He had taken them to the back wall where the portraits of his Fuqin and mother were.  They both stared at the portrait of their Fuqin and Ye Hua.  "Fuqin, this is fantastic!!  Did Shushu paint all of these?"  They were walking around, pointing and making mental notes.  "Look!!  It's Jinlong!  And Heilong!!  Mother!!  Fuqin, it's wonderful!"  "There is a reason I brought you here.  I suggested to Ye Hua that he should send out a decree to have artists from around the realm bring a piece of their artwork here.  It is my wish that you could make a wood panel to bring here.  Pick your favorite scene or memory and inlay like you can do so well.  Are you interested?"  "Yes!!"  They answered together.  "As soon as we finish up the three projects we have, we will get right on it!!  Thank you, Fuqin, for giving us a chance to show our work!"  "I had a thought if you're interested, to have you both study architecture.  You could be the builders for the realm.  Interested?"  "Yes!!  Yes!!"  "Good!  Now let's return for I have things to get in order for this wedding!" 
     Only two days were left before Junjie and Baishan were to be married.  He went in search of Bai Qian.  She was in the new play room with a rowdy bunch.  The boys were rolling and tumbling while the girls were sitting by their mother, each with their dolls.  He smiled as he walked in.  "My love, is our list complete?"  "All is ready!  All we need is for the day to arrive!"  "Good!  Then we shall play for now!"  He spent the morning in the play room playing silly games, stacking blocks and giving hugs and kisses.  They all left together for lunch.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao were holding tightly to their dolls and would not leave them behind.  JinDe noticed the beautiful dolls and came to sit by his mother.  "What a very pretty doll Jiaxiao!  Can I see it?"  "No!"  "Er ge just wants to look at it.  It's very pretty!  Who made it for you?"  "Qi ge made it for me."  "Oh?  What's her name?"  She stared him down.  "Me not know."  "Hmmm, maybe Er ge could help you think of one?"  "Ok, you name."  "Hmmmm, let me's a very pretty she a fierce warrior, like Li Li or Chin Chu, or is she a beauty of the realm?"  "She beauty.  Like Mama."  "Alright then.  How about Piaoliang?  It means pretty."  Jiaxiao tipped her head as if to think.  "Me like.  Piaoliang!  Me like!"  "How about you Jingsi?  Do you want me to pick a name for your doll?"  "Er ge, my dolly fierce warrior!  Her strong!"  "Hmmm, how about Zhanshi?"  "What it mean, Er ge?"  "It means warrior."  "Ok, me like!"  JinDe smiled.  He was thinking he wanted some girls of his own!  He might have to try out Yanhua cave himself!  He had a thought.  "Fuqin, where is Baohu?  Isn't he supposed to go with Jinzi to get Baishan for Junjie?"  "Hmmm, you're right.  I might need to go get him and rescue Li Li from that spell.  His charm spell is very strong.  I know I wouldn't want him to cast it on me for sure!"  "Is it really that bad?"  "Yes!  It turns him into a sex crazed fool and his partner into a love machine.  Let's just say he and Li Li are very heavily engaged, but you're right.  I will go remind him of his duty."
     Late that afternoon, Mo Yuan and Bai Qian visited with Jinzi and Mi Shu for a while and then walked to the cave.  Silence met them.  There was no barrier so they went in to check.  Bai Qian almost laughed out loud.  Li Li was flat on her back with one arm around Baohu's neck and one straight out to her side.  Baohu was laying slightly over her covering her chest.  His tails were swaying softly.  His leg was raised over one of Li Li's.  They were both sound asleep.  The smell of a very hot session of sex was in the air.  Mo Yuan turned around and coughed.  Baohu sighed and said,"go away Jinzi.  It's still early."  "If I was Jinzi, I would."  Not moving a muscle, Baohu opened one eye to see his Fuqin and mother with their backs turned.  He looked around and realized he was naked to the breeze and his mother was giggling.  He sat up and covered himself with his tails.  He threw a quilt over Li Li.  He stood up bold as brass and bowed to their backs.  "Fuqin!  Mother!  To what do I owe this intrusion?"  "For goodness sakes Baohu!  Your tails barely cover your butt other less your nice little huli rod.  Dress yourself!"  He waved his hand and was dressed.  "I came to remind you that you are expected to join your San ge to go get Baishan tomorrow?  Did you forget?"  "Aiya!  I did!!  If you will excuse us, Fuqin, Mother, we will get dressed and return to the mountain.  One of these days Mother is going to charm you good, you randy ol dragon!"  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he huffed.  "Who are you to call me randy?  Hmmm?  I see that Li Li took proper care of you!"  "Well you did teach us so there is that!"  "When you have a house full of children, then you can brag!  Now hurry.  We have details to discuss."   Baohu woke up Li Li and very tenderly held her in his arms.  He kissed her gently before he helped her dress.
     All of the details were set.  The next afternoon, Bai Baohu Zhe and Bai Zhi Jinzi, dressed in their Kunlun blue official robes, went to the kingdom of the white tigers to retrieve Baishan.  They cloud jumped to the gates of Kunlun.  Taowu bowed as they passed by with great ceremony.  Junjie was a picture of masculine beauty with his hair down and wearing his crimson robes.  He waited there before everyone.  Baishan was brought in and Mo Junjie Jin was joined to Baise de Laohu Baishan.  She was led away to his palace as he drank a toast.  Mo Yuan patted him on the shoulder.  "Today, my son, you take another step in your life.  Treat her as I have treated your mother.  Love her, adore her and keep her by your side.  You won't regret it."  He hugged Junjie tightly and watched as his brothers led him to his palace.  Xiangshu had planted himself across from the entrance to Junjie's palace.  Since it was nearing nightfall, fireflies had come to fly in his branches and around the pond built there.  Junjie went to his hall and found his love there waiting.  He went to her as the doors shut.  He raised her veil and kissed her hard.  Both of them being impatient, he threw their clothes off with a flip of his hand.  Not wasting any time, they fell into mad, passionate love.  He left bites all over her body as she did his.  They pleasured each other.  Junjie, feeling the urge to mate, jumped her to their own hot pool and brought out Shandian Jinlong.  He was all over her.  He pleasured her with his dragon tongue as her fists hit the ground begging him to take her now.  With one powerful thrust he took her.  They rode a cloud of desire and love as his dragon worshipped her and mated her.  When they were finally spent, he groaned and transformed.  He sighed as he kissed her neck.  "Junjie, I love your dragon.  He's wonderful!"  "Hmmmm, those tiger claws down my back make my rod hard just thinking about it."  They started kissing.  Hot smoke came out of Junjie's nose.  "Hmmmm!  So nice!  I could stay right here for days... But alas, we must go to our banquet.  Come and let's get dressed."  They returned to their banquet to find everyone awaiting them.  Baohu, trying to get his didi to drink, kept sending him drinks.  Bai Xue, seeing the grin on Baohu's face, watered down the drinks.  Mo Yuan and Bai Qian toasted them and left early to put all of the children to bed.  As they were returning to their room, JinDe was carrying Taiyang and Xue was carrying Zhenzhu.  He raised his brow to question.  Xue answered him.  "It seems that Taiyang and Zhenzhu are chips off the old block.  They can't hold their liquor!  We will just put them to bed."  Mo Yuan laughed as Bai Qian grinned.  "I guess it's only fair since they do look so much like you, dearest!" 
     The next morning was a quiet one as everyone was sleeping off the festivities.  Mo Yuan decided that he would sleep in himself.  He had noticed that here lately, he seemed to like sleeping in more and more.  Was he finally getting on the down slide?  He snuggled Bai Qian and went back to sleep.  It's one thing to be able to sleep in, but when you have young children, it just doesn't happen.  He was cuddled up behind Bai Qian when he was awakened by a dead weight sitting on his side.  He almost reacted out of instinct and threw off the weight, but he decided to open his eye and look.  Jiaxiao was sitting on his side like she was riding a horse.  Jingsi was crawling up his leg.  Only Jiaxiao was holding the quilt over his naked rear.  Gaoxing and Xingfu were waiting for him to turn towards them.  Fengbao and WuYun were looking over there paws on the edge of the bed.  He magicked a pair of linen pants on so they wouldn't see him naked.  Rather miffed at the disturbance, he turned to his back.  "May I ask what is the meaning of this mass invasion into our bedroom?  Haven't you been told to knock?"  "Fuqin, it's time to wake up.  It's already breakfast time.  You wake up now."  He groaned and growled at the same time.  "Jiaxiao, if you want Fuqin to get up, you have to move.  You're like a dead weight on me."  She frowned but she crawled down.  Jingsi was trying to snuggle under the cover with her mother.  "Get out, Jingsi!  Don't wake your mother!  Now come!"  "Me want sleep with mother."  "I do too, but little foxes and dragons have disturbed me.  Now move before I decide to throw all of you out!"  Growling as they went, Jingsi and Jiaxiao got off the bed and waited for their Fuqin to dress.  He took them to the hall for breakfast.
     Breakfast was a rather somber affair as everyone was hung over.  Mo Yuan was about to take the children to the play room when Taowu sent a message that someone was at the gate looking for the god of war.  He told him to let them in.  Being intrigued, Mo Yuan waited.  A young man was brought into the hall.  Die Feng told his story.  "Shifu, this young man has come to us as a new immortal.  He said the god of war told him to seek him when he made his way into the immortal realm.  He has a mark on his hand that he said the god of war put there so he could have a straight path to him.  Shall I go get Lord Baohu?"  "Yes, please do.  I shall talk to this young man."  Die Feng left and Mo Yuan motioned the man forward.  He was in awe as he walked closer.  "Tell me your name.  I am High God Mo Yuan, former God of War and Fuqin to the present one."  "You are the great golden dragon?"  "Indeed, I am."  The young man fell to his knees and bowed down three times.  "Great dragon, I am Mushi Nanzi.  I met your son in the mortal realm.  He put this mark on my hand and told me to seek him when my journey brought me to this realm."  Mo Yuan motioned him forward to look at his hand.  He examined it and motioned for him to sit.  He poured tea and asked more questions.  "How did you come to meet the god of war, young Nanzi?"  "He came to the temple where I was a monk.  I had been given a word for him from the heavens.  While he was there, his aura came upon him and his hair changed from black to white.  I knew it was him.  He had come in answer to our prayers to rid our city of thieves who were terrorizing the people.  He killed them all using only his skill as a fighter with no powers.  He told me he was on a trial.  I told him his wife was waiting for him.  That's when he gave me this mark and told me to seek him here.  I have come."  "I see.  He should be here shortly.  We had a wedding yesterday for his didi.  Bai Baohu Zhe is my fourth son.  You will meet the others tomorrow.  As you can see, we made rather merry last night!  These are my youngest children, Gaoxing, Xingfu, Jingsi and Jiaxiao.  These two are sons of Baohu, Fengbao and WuYun.  Children, say hello to young Nanzi."  They all bowed.  Jiaxiao flew straight to him.  "Me like you.  You nice."  "It was my job to train young warriors at the temple.  Sometimes I trained girls, but they weren't as pretty as you.  You are very pretty.  Is that your twin?"  "Hmm mmm.  We last babies."  "They are your last, great dragon?"  "Yes.  I got a late start in life.  I am just over 400,000 years old."  Nanzi bowed low again.  Baohu came walking in looking somewhat worse for wear.  "Baohu, this young man has come in search of you.  He has a mark on his hand."  Baohu ran forward to look at his hand.  "You have come!  Die Feng!"  Die Feng came and bowed.  "Call all of the disciples together quickly.  We have another disciple today!"  Mo Yuan quirked his brow in a silent question.  "Fuqin, I met this you monk in the mortal realm.  He was already enlightened.  I brought him to myself for he helped me on my search for Li Li.  Also I believe he would be an asset to us.  Being a new immortal, we have the opportunity to help him flourish in our realm."  "I agree.  Do you know your inner beast, Nanzi?"  He thought a moment with his hands together.  "My fellow monks called me "The Lion".  Is it safe to assume that I might be one?"  "It's possible!  Now come stand here."  All of the disciples were there.  Baohu sat on his dais and addressed them.  "Today we have a new disciple who has come to us.  I met him while on my last trial.  He is here because I told him to search for me when he completed his mortal life.  Today I name Mushi Nanzi as Diershi.  Die Feng, swear him in."  He bowed three times and was officially sworn in.  The other disciples came to introduce themselves so he could get to know them.  Shiba and Shijiu took him to tour the mountain and get to know the routine.
     Mo Yuan smiled and nodded.  "That was a good thing you did, Baohu.  He is young but I believe he will serve you well and will become a better immortal because of you."  "Fuqin, he helped me to the right road.  He is wise beyond his years.  Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to take a tray to Li Li.  I'll come to the playroom before I go to the arena."  Mo Yuan gathered his children and headed to the playroom.  He was there when Baohu came in with Li Li to play with Fengbao and WuYun.  Mo Yuan left them and went to the arena.  Shiba and Shijiu were showing Diershi around.  "Shifu!"  They all bowed.  "Diershi, Shifu Mo Yuan can help you with your beast.  He has helped both of us a lot."  "Come here, Diershi, and let's see what you can do.  You must feel into your core to access your beast.  Probe yourself to seek the seat of your beast within."  "You mean like I would fight and call upon my strength?"  "Yes, just like that!  Now try it!  When you feel it, call forth your beast and bring him forward."  Diershi closed his eyes and felt for his inner core.  He felt his beast there, striving to come forward.  He erupted into a great golden lion.  His beast was almost feral.  Mo Yuan called to him using his dragon.  The great lion roared but finally sat down and looked at Mo Yuan with understanding.  "Good!  You see how powerful you are?  We will help you sort out the abilities your lion has.  Now call your human forward."  He shook his head no.  Mo Yuan gave him a stern look.  "Do I need to do it for you?"  Diershi thought a moment and nodded yes.  Mo Yuan worked the spell and brought him back.  "I'm sorry, Shifu.  I couldn't get my beast to relinquish control.  I humbly accept my punishment."  "No need.  It's something you must learn.  JinDe!"  He turned and ran over to his Fuqin.  "You need me, Fuqin?"  "Diershi, this is Mo JinDe.  He is my second son.  He teaches weaponry and weapons skills.  JinDe this is Baohu's newest disciple.  He is also a new immortal.  It is up to us to train him well and help him in his walk as an immortal.  Evaluate his weapon skill and inform Baohu what he needs.  Diershi, stay with JinDe.  Now I must leave you to it." 
     Mo Yuan found Bai Qian drinking tea in the hall.  He sat by her and took the cup of tea she offered.  "I hear we have a new disciple!  What is your opinion?"  "Dearest, he is a new immortal.  Baohu met him at a war god temple in the mortal realm.  He had a word for Baohu.  He put a mark on the young man to make his path clear to come to us.  I believe he will grow and become a very good member of this realm.  Now how about our next wedding?  Three weeks is not very long."  "My list is complete.  We need to make a day trip to the realm of Hongse Wang Zhu.  Should we mention it to Shenshi and Chen Bo?"  "Yes, I'll send a message right now to Shenshi's Fuqin.  Should we take the baby girls?"  "Yes.  Believe it or not, they can read a situation really well."  "I agree.  Well then let me send my message.  I will try to set the meeting for three days.  Will that meet your approval?"  "Yes, that will be fine.  I'll go talk to Bo now so she can prepare."  She stood and walked toward Bo's room.  Mo Yuan smiled and headed to his office.  He wrote the message and sent it straight to Hongse Wang Zhu.  He should get an answer quickly.  The thought of Bai Qian had a wave of desire to mate run down his spine straight to his dragon rod.  He blew smoke out his nose and huffed as he thought about their last session.  He balled his hand into a fist to get himself under control.  He would wait for her to finish her business, then it would be off to the dragon den.  He walked into the heart of the mountain and set up the room for them.  He smiled and walked back to the hall.  Finished with her business with Bo, she entered the hall.  She heard the growl when she walked in.  For just a moment fear passed over her.  That growl was dangerous.  She couldn't decide if the chill that went down her spine was fear or desire.  She decided to go with desire.  She stopped in the door and tapped her fan in her hand.  He stood, raised his nose and sniffed loudly.  Before she could blink, he jumped to her, grabbed her around the waist and jumped them straight to the den.  He threw his strongest barrier over the entrance.  He growled again as he threw off their clothes and proceeded to mate his lovely Xiao Bai Huli.  She threw him on his back and ravaged him.  Caught off guard, he wallowed in the pleasure and beautiful love she gave to him.  His skin tingled as she kissed him.  As her hands ran all over his body he vibrated with pleasure and passion.  Jinlong was feeling rather randy as they stayed in the cave for the rest of the day.  He was spent when they came out and he wasn't sure he could put one foot in front of the other.  His smile spoke volumes to those that knew him well.  Love was a powerful thing; righteous, all encompassing and binding the heart with the strings of passion and devotion.  His heart was bound and he was totally devoted to his forever mate and love, Bai Qian, his Xiao Shiqi.

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