Birds and Feathers, Flowers and Petals

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     "You are of the flowers?  A lotus spirit!  I should have known!  Your smell is like that of a garden filled with lotus, jasmine and lavender."  "You can smell me?"  Her face blushed.  "Yes I can.  It's nice."  "Here are my family rooms.  Please come in."  Bai Xue stepped through the door.  "Meili, where have you been?  I've been looking for you!"  "Father may I introduce Lord Bai Xue, son of High God Mo Yuan?  Bai Xue, this is my father, lord of the flower fairies, Qingyuan de Hua."  Her father's eyes grew large as he stared.  "Did you say son of High God Mo Yuan?" Bai Xue bowed and said, "yes, High God Mo Yuan is my father.  I came to ask your permission to take your daughter to dinner with my family, if I may?"  Qingyuan nearly choked on air as Bai Xue asked his permission.  He recovered quickly.  "Of course, of course!  We plan on leaving next week so feel free to come by any time, Lord Bai Xue."  "We shall return later then." He bowed and they left.  As they walked, Meili chattered on about his title and how he was a dragon.  She was very interested in his dragon.  Bai Xue had a thought of what his father said.  She talked, he listened.  She was like a butterfly, he was the flower.  He smiled.  "Would you like to meet my dragon?"  "Oh could I?  Is he ferocious?  Will he eat me or worse yet ravish me?"  Bai Xue laughed out loud.  "Someone has been listening to wild tales, I see.  My dragon wants his one true mate.  He doesn't eat people and he won't ravish you unless you ask him to.  Do you want to meet him?"  He stopped walking and turned toward her.  She was a little afraid but she got a look of determination on her face and nodded.  "Yes, I want to meet him."  Bai Xue called forth his dragon.  His eyes turned white with only a black speck for his pupil.  He growled a low "hmmmm" to show his interest.  He stepped up and pulled her close to him.  "So my lovely Lianhua, what did you wish to ask me?  I wish to know you much better, much much better!"  His voice was low and raspy and his dragon was on fire for her.  She stared into his eyes and shivered a little.  Her shyness was intoxicating and he wanted more.  He brought his face into hers and touched her lips with his.  He only brushed them but when he did, her scent of flowers filled the air and he felt like he was in a garden full of luscious blooms.   "Hmmmm, a luscious bloom for a dragon to sniff!"  He sniffed her neck and blew hot air on her ear.  "I'm waiting for your questions, Xiao Meili.  I want you.  What else do you want to hear?"  Bai Xue was thinking to himself.  "Is this really me talking?  How did I become so lusty and aggressive?  Is she driving my dragon to distraction?  Control, Bai Xue!  Control!"  He withdrew his dragon.  He smiled as he saw her tremble a little.  "Shall we continue on or do you want more dragon?"  She took a deep breath and smiled a sweet shy smile that went straight to his dragon's heart.  "I think we should continue for now.  I must say your dragon is not shy at all!  He says what he wants!"  "Oh he's quiet right now.  He's being quite mannerly.  He doesn't want to go too fast.  He wants a mate, not something temporary.  Do you want to be my mate, Xiao Meili?"  "Well I see you don't want to waste time either!  Let's see how we get along for a few days, ok?"  "Ok, then.  Now if we don't hurry, Fuqin will come looking for me!" 
     They arrived right on time.  Mo JinDe was there with Mei Ying.  His twin fox brothers were there as well as his mother and father.  "Fuqin, mother, may I present Meili de Lianhua.  Her father is over the flower Kingdom.  Meili, this is my father, High God Mo Yuan, my mother, High Goddess Bai Qian, my twin brother Mo JinDe, my Xiao Didi's , Jinzi and Baohu and JinDe's guest, Mei Ying.  I brought her to dinner."  Mo Yuan called his dragon to read the situation.  Ah yes, a sweet shy little flower!  Just the girl for Bai Xue!  "Meili, Fuqin's dragon is much nicer than mine, unless mother throws kisses at him, then he gets a little aggressive.  Isn't that right, Fuqin?"  He looked at Bai Qian who was grinning at him.  "So true!  But I can also be nice.  I always want my sons to be happy.  Will you make Bai Xue happy, Xiao Hua?"  She blushed and hid her eyes and said, "I will try my best, High God.  I will try my best!"  "Then that is all that is required then!"  "Fuqin, is Shushu coming?"  "He said he would try.  He had meetings today, plus he had Baohu and Jinzi with him all afternoon." 
     Ye Hua was tired.  Baohu and Jinzi were truly a handful.  He smiled.  He never thought his serious, quiet, reserved Da ge would turn into such a loving man.  Who knew his children would mean so much to him?  He rolled up the paper with the drawing of the garden for Mo JinDe's new home.  He knew that he should do one for Bai Xue so he had done it already too.  He picked them up and headed out his door.  Jia Yun met him at the door.  "Please don't tell me I have more meetings?  Or someone wants to see me?  I'm going to eat dinner with my family!"  Jia Yun bowed.  "No, Tianjun, you are free for tonight and tomorrow.  I just came to report it to you!"   "Very well, see that I'm not disturbed.  I'll be in Mo Yuan's rooms."   He walked with a brisk step to his Da ge's rooms.  His family.  He liked the sound of it!  He stepped in the door and was met with a crowd.  His brow quirked as he looked around.  He held up his hand to stop any bows.  "We're just family!  No need for formalities!"  "Didi, meet Mei Ying, she is a special guest of Mo JinDe.  This is Meili de Lianhua.  She is a special guest of Bai Xue.  Ladies, this is my twin brother, Tianjun Ye Hua."  "A pleasure!  Mo JinDe, Bai Xue, I have drawings for your hot pool gardens.  I hope they are what you had in mind!"  Mo JinDe enrolled his parchment and stared in disbelief.  "Shushu, this is exactly what I had in mind!  It's wonderful!"  Bai Xue unrolled his.  He smiled.  "Shushu, you obviously know what we like!  I really like it!"  "So do I need to hurry those workers along so we can have a double wedding in the nine heavens?"  
     Meili de Lianhua was on a cloud when Bai Xue returned her to her family.  Bai Xue, being the epitome of manners and etiquette, promptly asked her father to please contact his father in the morning.  She was humming and singing to herself when Bai Xue left.  Her father was surprised to say the least!  "Child, do you know what this means?  It means an alliance with Kunlun Mountain!  Mo Yuan is a very cautious man.  He is no one's fool, that's for sure.  I'll send messages first thing in the morning!"  Bai Xue still couldn't believe his good fortune!  Meili was soft and sweet.  He was imagining their garden being grown by her magic and how beautiful it would be.  He was about to turn the corner to his father's rooms when he was jumped from behind.  His mind had been wandering and he was caught completely off guard.  He drew Leng Gang.  His power was building and he knew he was out numbered.  His eyes turned white as his dragon came forward.  Mo JinDe was still in his father's rooms when he grabbed his chest and stood.  Mo Yuan, thinking JinDe was still ill, jumped up to grab him.  "Fuqin, Xue Xue is in trouble!  Let's go!"  They both ran out the door.  Mo Yuan heard the commotion at the end of the walkway to his rooms.  He drew Xuan Yuan and jumped forward.  Mo JinDe drew Bei Bing and was right behind his father.  They were about to attack but Bai Xue had the last man by the front of his black robes.  "How dare you attack me!  Who are you and who paid you?"  Mo Yuan was there in a flash.  Nearly a dozen men in black robes were dead or injured on the ground.  In an instant, Mo Yuan went through them and found another one to question.  "Who sent you and why did you attack Lord Bai Xue?"  When the man didn't answer, Mo Yuan shook him.  "That's him the Lord Bai Xue is holding.  He hired us!"  Mo Yuan walked toward Bai Xue and his prisoner.  "Do you even know the penalty for attacking a high god?  Other less an heir of Kunlun and personal assistant to Tianjun Ye Hua?  What do you have to say for yourself!  You're not even a high immortal, how could you possibly think you could prevail against someone with as much power as Lord Bai Xue?  Well answer me!!"  The man surveyed his situation and sighed.  "I just wanted to scare him away from Meili is all!  She is going to marry me!  She's just a little flower fairy!  What could she possibly offer you, son of Mo Yuan?"  The guards had come running from their posts.  "Guards!  Take this man and any survivors to the dungeons.  Clean up the rest!"  Mo Yuan took Bai Xue by the arm and led him to his study.  "Xue Xue, are you alright?"  "Fuqin, I'm fine.  Just a few minor cuts.  My mind was on that sweet little flower or I wouldn't have been caught off guard!"  "So your dragon has spoken, huh Da ge?"  "Yes, Didi, he has spoken and he said she is the one.  Fuqin, when your dragon finally came out for Mother, how did you feel?"  "Like a total love sick fool!  Even when I was going to let her go, he told me what a fool I was and that he would never talk to me again or let me use his senses!  Does that answer your question?"  "That pretty much sums up this situation then.  In the morning, please send for her father.  Make whatever alliance you want to make as long as I have her!  I trust you, Fuqin, to handle it!"  "Well, I guess Ye Hua was right.  A double wedding is coming up in the nine heavens!  I'll send messages first thing in the morning.  Now both of you go and get some rest tonight.  I'll need both of you in my study right after breakfast."  They both bowed to their father and left.  Mo Yuan smiled to himself.  Now all he would need would be for Ye Hua to get lucky! 
     Mo Yuan had risen very early.  His messages to two fathers were being delivered.  He wrote messages to all other proposals for Xue Xue and JinDe to cancel them.  That taken care of, he looked at the stack of scrolls requesting marriage alliances with Ye Hua.  He was thinking of a plan.  If he could just get them all together so Ye Hua could open up his dragon, he could get this taken care of in one fell swoop.  Hmmmm.  He started writing messages and had nearly finished when breakfast was called.  He walked in his dining area to find JinDe and Xue Xue but no Qian Qian.  He excused himself to go check on her.  He was surprised to find her bent over a bowl.  He was perplexed to say the least.  He ran forward and then it dawned on him.  The mate!  It had taken this time!  He was ecstatic, but she was ill so he didn't want to act too happy.  "My love!  What is wrong!  Can I get you something?  Some tea maybe?"  "You know exactly what is wrong, you lecherous rutting dragon!  You knew you were mating again!  I should cut you off forever, but I don't want to see your dragon crawling behind me begging!  He's terrible!!  He would be in bed every day if you let him!  I'm surprised if he even knows a thing about war anymore since he got a taste of fox tails!!  What do you have to say to that?"  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he rushed over to her side.  He growled in her ear, his voice low, seductive, agitated.  "Would you really cut me off?  My long hard dragon shaft ramming into your hot juicy core?  My tongue licking you all over?  My talons grasping you, pulling you toward me?  My shaft rocking you to ecstasy?  Hmmm? Would you?"  He blew hot air on her ear and his tongue licked up her neck.  He sniffed her and grunted loudly as she elbowed him in the side.  He pushed her onto the bed and started kissing her.   "Hmmm, the finest thing in the nine heavens!  Better than a fresh hunt and kill!  I want to taste your juices and love you!  Hmmm!  Better than peach wine!"  He was about to jump them to Kunlun when Bai Xue knocked on the door.  "Fuqin, there are messengers and guests waiting for you!"  His shaft was rock hard and he moaned at the bad timing.  He was trying to get himself under control.  He didn't want to let it go.  He wanted his wife and he wanted her bad.  Bai Qian made the decision for him.  Her wretching sounds were enough to stop his dragon cold.  He groaned to himself.  He handed her a glass of water and patted her back.  He covered her up and smiled.  "I'll be back with some medicine for you later, my love!" 
     Mo Yuan was still half hard as he straightened his robes and took a seat at his desk.  He handled the messages quickly and then raised his eyes to look at the fathers of two girls his sons wanted.  "Gentlemen, I have asked you here to negotiate marriage agreements for my sons, Mo JinDe and Bai Xue.  I will hear your proposal now.  Meili's father spoke first.  "High God Mo Yuan, I can honestly say that I am shocked that your son is interested in my daughter!  She is just a sweet little flower spirit!  What would a high god want with such a one as her?  She has not passed her high immortal trial yet, although I believe it will soon be upon her.  She is prepared for it."  Mo Yuan paused a moment and looked him in the eye.  "I taught my sons many years ago how to search for their one true mate.  It seems they both have found the one they seek.  If Bai Xue says a sweet little flower spirit is his mate, then I will help him attain what he wants.  I can offer you both an alliance with Kunlun Mountain and protection should the need arise.  Do either one of you object to our proposal or should these relationships cease?"  Mei Ying's father stood and bowed.  "High God Mo Yuan, I am happy to accept your offer!  I assume it will be a double wedding if this one agrees?"  "I most heartedly agree!  When is a good date?"  For another hour they drank tea, discussed dates and talked father talk.  "Now if you will excuse me, my wife was ill earlier and I wish to tend to her.  Good day, gentlemen."  He walked into his dining area to meet four pairs of eyes staring in anticipation.  "Well? How did it go?"  Bai Xue was holding his breath when JinDe spoke.  "We will be having a double wedding on September the second.  I just hope we all survive!"  Baohu and Jinzi danced around and JinDe and Xue Xue were spinning each other around.  Bai Qian walked in to pandemonium.  "What in the world is going on in here?"  Xue Xue grabbed up his mother and spun her around.  "We're getting married!  Fuqin negotiated for us this morning!!"  She sat down hard and started crying.  "Mo Yuan ran to her and knelt beside her.  "My love!  Why are you crying?  Isn't it going to be wonderful?  Especially when we have grandchildren!"  At those words, she jumped up and fled the hall crying for all she was worth.

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