Survive At All Costs

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     Taiyang and Zhenzhu were born into the Wei imperial family.  They were the fourth and fifth sons born from a concubine.  They were well educated, trained to defend themselves and properly trained to take the throne.  By the time they were sixteen, two older brothers had died from illness.  The emperor, Wei Song Zhu, was very fond of his twin sons.  It was a known fact around the realm that they were very beautiful.  Even the women of the palace complained about them.  Their Fuqin doted on them heavily.  Plots were always swirling around them.  They were on the practice field working on their swordsmanship when several arrows came from nowhere.  Taiyang was hit in the shoulder.  Soldiers chased after the perpetrators and caught them.  It seems the emperor's main concubine, mother of the third prince, was extremely jealous of the beautiful twin boys.  She had hired assassins to kill them.  From that moment on they were guarded day and night.  Having an absolute abhorrence for violence of any kind, they both swore off any kind of military training and studied music and art.  They became very proficient in playing the flute.  They had an uncanny ability to play songs in perfect harmony.  They often entertained for banquets.  Taiyang learned to play other instruments too.  He could play the quqin with great skill.  It was a fable in the imperial city that he could make the girls cry with the way his fingers plucked and slid on the strings.  Zhenzhu became a very accomplished artist.  His paintings were sought after but he only painted for his own pleasure.  Their Fuqin was glad they had talent, but he was rather annoyed that they refused to keep up with their military training.  He called them to his study and confronted them.
     They went to their Fuqin dressed in identical robes.  He had to look close to tell them apart.  "It has come to my attention that you refuse to keep up your military training.  You will report to the training grounds every morning until I say otherwise."  They both started to protest but he raised his hand to stop them.  "I will hear no complaints or excuses.  If you are to be princes in this realm, you will learn to lead an army.  I do appreciate your talents, but you both will do as I say.  Understand?"  They spoke in unison.  "Yes, Fuqin, we understand."  "I have another issue to take up with you.  It's time for you both to take wives.  I will negotiate some alliances to get one for each of you.  I will set up meetings that you will attend.  Now report to the training field.  And wear proper clothes to train in.  Dismissed!"  They walked together in silence until they were out of hearing range of their Fuqin.  "Do you want a woman, Zhenzhu?"  "Maybe.  It all depends on how she looks.  And you?"  "The same.  I guess we will just have to wait and see what comes along.  How about we make a trip to that flower house after we go to the training field?  I don't want to be made a fool of, if you know what I mean?"  "Me either!  Are we going to share a woman like we did before?"  "We did rather enjoy that, didn't we?  Let's share two this time.  Fuqin doesn't have to know about it!"  They were elbowing each other as they went to change clothes to report to the field.  They both put out the bare minimum in energy to train.  The general training them made them work like dogs.  He reported to their Fuqin how lazy they were.  They went to their room, bathed and were getting ready to sneak out when they received a message to report to their Fuqin.
     Emperor Wei was not a fool.  He watched as his sons were brought in to him.  After they properly bowed, he made them sit.  "So you think you can get by with the bare minimum of training?  You will report every morning very early to the training camp.  You will train until lunch.  You will eat lunch and report to my minister to learn different aspects of kingdom business.  You will study until dinner.  After dinner, you will go straight to your rooms.  You boys are going to conform or else!  Understand?"  "Yes, Fuqin."  "Dismissed!"  Taiyang, being rather bored with it all, decided he would leave the first chance he got.  "Zhenzhu!  Let's dress like palace soldiers and sneak out!  We won't get caught like that.  What do you say?"  "A sound plan!  Let's do it!"  They managed to find the soldiers quarters and steal what they needed to sneak away.  They wandered around like they were on patrol until they managed to get through the gates.  They walked casually until they came to the flower house.  The madam there realized who they were and decided this night would be on the house.  She had a plan and she wanted those young men in her hands.  They were tended to very carefully.  Her best two girls were brought to them.  All night they had their fun.  They were about to leave early the next morning when soldiers came in.  They were searching every building for the emperor's sons.  They dressed in their stolen armor and quietly joined the troop.  They were leaving with the troop when they were grabbed from behind by strong arms and pulled back into the building.
     They were taken to a building out back and stripped of their armor and clothes.  They were tied up and left there to ponder their foolishness.  They were back to back on the floor when a man dressed in costly robes came in and looked them over.  "So these are the emperor's twin sons.  Who would have thought that they could actually fall into my hands!  You will fit into my plans wonderfully!  Yes, indeed!  You both will make me a lot of money.  Now stay here and don't give me any trouble!  Ha ha ha ha!!"  He walked out the door laughing.  "Zhenzhu!  We have to get loose!  Back up to me and let me work on your ropes.  We have to get loose!!"  "I know that man, Taiyang!  He's one of Fuqin's ministers!  He's a traitor!  We have to get out of here!"  They worked relentlessly to get loose from the ropes.  Nightfall was upon them when Taiyang freed Zhenzhu.  "Untie me!  Hurry!"  They were naked and they had no clothes.  "Look for anything to wear.  We can't leave naked."  They were searching when they heard steps approaching.  They lay back on the floor like they were tied.  A young girl, no more than twelve, came in carrying a tray.  She shut the door behind her and brought the food.  "Young masters, I brought food.  Can I feed you?  What would you have me do?"  "I'm cold.  We need robes.  Can you get our clothes?"  "Master said not to do anything for you.  He said he would kill me if I did."  "Our Fuqin will kill you if you don't!  Help us!"  She hung her head in thought and nodded.  "I will help you.  I heard them say they were taking you away tomorrow night.  I heard them say the emperor has called the army to search the city.  They are ruthless in their search.  They are coming this way in the morning.  There is one general that you shouldn't trust.  He comes here a lot.  I'm scared of him.  I saw him talking to master last night.  If the emperor doesn't pay the ransom for you, he will kill you both.  I will get clothes for you."  She left the food and went out the door.  She came back an hour later.  She had their armor and clothes.  They got up and quickly dressed.  "Quickly!  When you leave this building, there is a secret way out.  Turn right and follow the path.  The general is here.  There are two of his men out back with horses.  Go there in your armor.  Tie me up and put a gag on me.  I'm young.  Don't worry.  Please don't forget me!"  They quickly followed the path she told them about.  They saw the two soldiers there.  They sneaked up behind them, put them in a head lock and held on until they dropped.  They mounted the two horses and casually rode to the palace gates.  They were let in and they went straight to their Fuqin.  He was in a high temper when they came running in.  The very man who had them captured was standing with their Fuqin.  "Fuqin!!  Arrest that man!  He kidnapped us and was going to ask you to pay a ransom for us.  We escaped.  Arrest him!!"  Wasting no time, the emperor called for the guards.  "Guards!  Come quickly!"  The guards ran in the door.  "Take this man into custody.  Now!"  The minister pulled a knife and lunged at the twins.  Zhenzhu couldn't react quickly enough and was stabbed in the chest and dropped like a dead weight.  Taiyang ran to his brother and cradled him in his arms gently.  Blood was trailing out the corner of his mouth as he grabbed his brother's arm.  "Brother, help"  His breath left him in a sigh as he breathed his last breath.  Taiyang laid him down carefully and took a sword from one of the guards.  He was slashing the minister back and forth.  His anger was so high, he literally hacked the man to death.  Blood was everywhere as he finally fell dead at the door.  "Fuqin, call all of your generals here now.  One of them was in league with this minister.  I wish to see their faces when they see that man laying dead."  He sent one guard with strict instructions to keep silent about the incident.  Taiyang was still holding the sword when one by one the generals came in.  None of them showed any emotion until the last one came in.  He looked around and saw the boy holding the dripping sword in his hand.  He fingered his sword and positioned himself by the door to flee if he needed to.  Guards came to stand in the door.  The emperor sat in his chair and waved his hand around the room.  "There is a traitor here among you.  You can give yourself up, or you will be killed.  As you can see, your cohort has been killed."  He waved his hand toward the minister laying on the floor.  "His fate awaits you.  No one leaves this room until you come forward.  I will question your men to find out just where you have been."  Taiyang stepped toward his Fuqin and whispered in his ear.  He called a guard to him and whispered in his ear.  The guard left out the back door. 
     An hour had passed when the guard returned with the young girl from the flower house.  She kowtowed before the emperor.  He waved his hand at the room and spoke to her.  "Which general here was seen at the flower house?"  She pointed at the man by the door.  The guards grabbed him before he could draw his sword.  "Well!  It seems you too were a part of this plot.  Take him to the dungeon and torture him until he tells you every name of everyone involved.  Dismissed."  The emperor called the girl forward.  "Tell me what reward you would have me give to you and it will be yours."  She bowed to the floor again.  "Great emperor, I only wish to be returned to my family.  Minister Gao is my Fuqin.  I was taken away from my family to keep him quiet.  That was a month ago.  I only wish to return home!"  "Guard, go get Minister Gao."  He was back in thirty minutes with the frazzled minister.  When he saw his daughter, he fell down and kowtowed to the emperor.  "This girl tells me she was taken from you to keep you silent.  Is this true?"  Great Emperor!  She was taken and I was threatened by Minister Bao and General Yan.  I heard them talking.  They saw me and came to my house and took her.  I've been in fear that they would kill her!!  Your majesty, I will tell you all I heard.  I just want my only child back safe at home!"  For the next hour, he told every name and every military man that he knew to be involved.  It took nearly two weeks for all involved to be arrested and brought before the emperor.  Taiyang stood by his side with the same sword in his hand.  He had to be drugged to get his brother to prepare him for burial.  He refused to change robes and he still had the blood of the minister and his brother on him.  His Fuqin was afraid he had gone mad.  When a conspirator was brought in, Taiyang executed them himself.  The outside altar ran red with blood.  When the last one was killed, he broke the sword and threw it down.  He pulled out his flute and played his brother's favorite song until he ran out of breath and could play no more.  From that day onward, the haunting sound of the flute could be heard playing all through the palace.
     Si Ming came running to the hall looking for Mo Yuan.  Zhenzhu had returned early.  He had only been gone sixteen days.  Mo Yuan saw him and jumped to Taiyang and Zhenzhu's room.  Zhenzhu was holding his chest and talking.  "Brother, help me....."  Mo Yuan took his hand into his.  When Zhenzhu opened his eyes and saw his Fuqin, he held out his arms as his Fuqin took him into his and held him close.  "It's alright now.  It's alright."  Ascension energy came over him as he was laid down.  "Well, he can tell me what happened when he wakes.  Now for his brother to finish his trial."  The emperor became concerned as the years rolled by.  Taiyang hardly spoke and when he did, he always talked to his brother.  He ignored everyone.  He would hardly eat.  As the years rolled by, he wasted away and was frail.  One night his flute could be heard playing on into the deep night.  The next morning, he was not in his room.  A search of the palace was conducted.  Finally, the emperor himself went to the royal tombs.  Taiyang was there laying on his brother's tomb.  He had succumbed to his grief and loneliness.  He was buried beside his brother and mourned heavily by the people.  Twenty days later, Taiyang awoke in his room.  His Fuqin was there with his brother to wait for him to open his eyes.  He raised up from the bed and grabbed his Fuqin.  He sobbed out his sorrow.  When Zhenzhu sat beside him, he grabbed him and held him like he was going to disappear any moment.  His ascension energy came over him and his Didi tended to him.  Mo Yuan smoothed his hair back from his face and smiled.  They had made it through.  He left Taiyang in the care of his didi.  Three days later they came together to their Fuqin's study.  "Fuqin, I will tell you now about my trial.  Taiyang and I were born into the imperial palace.  We were sixteen when we stole some armor and sneaked out of the palace to go to the flower house.  We were kidnapped by a traitorous minister and one of the generals.  We escaped with the help of a young girl.  She  helped us get free.  We went straight to the palace.  We went straight to our Fuqin.  That minister was there.  Fuqin tried to arrest him but he pulled a knife and before I could move, he stabbed me in the chest.  Taiyang held me while I died.  I woke up here."  "Fuqin, after Zhenzhu died, I went insane.  I personally hacked that minister to death.  Every person that was involved, I killed.  I wore the clothes that had Zhenzhu's blood on them for months.  Zhenzhu and I abhorred violence and had refused to train to use weapons.  He was an artist and I was a musician.  The longer I lived, the more unhinged I became.  I started playing my flute around the palace.  I always played the song Zhenzhu loved the best.  I talked to no one but when I did talk, I only talked to an imaginary Zhenzhu.  When I was thirty-six years old, I was playing the flute on the palace pinnacle.  I heard Zhenzhu call me.  I walked to the tombs and laid on his tomb.  I played my flute one last time.  I had refused to eat and I had become frail.  After I finished the song, I couldn't catch my breath, so I died laying on his tomb.  I woke up here."  "Do you boys understand what you were supposed to learn?"  Zhenzhu nodded and drew a deep breath.  "Fuqin, I must accept that the day may come when Taiyang and I may be separated, like forever.  He has his life and I have mine."  "And you, Taiyang?"  "I feel the same, Fuqin.  We do a lot together, but we are men now, not boys.  I will always have a connection to Zhenzhu like you have with Shushu, but I need to go live my life as he should live his."  "Very good.  Now I have something for you."  He waved his hand and brought forth two chests.  Taiyang's was white mother of pearl and jade with his name in gold.  "Open it!"  He opened it and was stunned.  Inside was a set of white armor made just like his Fuqin's, only updated.  The Kunlun emblem was on the left breast.  Tears came into his eyes.  "Fuqin, its beautiful!  It's like yours, only better!"  "Zhenzhu, open yours!"  His chest was gold with his name in white jade.  He opened it to see a set of armor identical to Taiyang's, only gold.  "Fuqin, how did you know?"  "Your mother designed it.  I have my own gift for you."  He opened a long chest and brought out two boxes.  "Taiyang, I know you prefer to use two blades, much like your Si ge, so I made you these.  You have never really tapped your power, but I knew your essence when you were very young.  You see, (his eyes turned gold), I marked you and your brother with violence, but your nature is calm, like the suns rays upon your face on a warm day.  I have seen your power harness the sun, so I have named your blades accordingly.  They are Xinghuo and Taiyang Huo.  Yes, your name means sun.  Because you shine like the sun."  He drew the blades and saw the reflection of the sun run down each blade.  "Thank you, Fuqin!  You always know!"  "Zhenzhu, you took the whip and became a better master than even Shao Wan.  No one before or after, until you, could surpass her.  You have.  I made this for you, the first whip I have ever made."  Zhenzhu picked up the box and opened it.  Instead of black, his whip was white with golden trim.  It had links of pearl and it snapped and cracked like lightning.  "Your power is like the stars that shine and the suns that warms.   The whip has claws that dig in when it makes contact and a spell that causes the opponents power to drain.  When you crack the whip, it shoots out a beam of pure lightning.  I have named it Bianzi Huo."  He took the whip and held it to his chest.  Tears ran down his face.  He smiled as his Fuqin hugged them both.  "Now off to the arena so JinDe can help you hone your high god powers."  They walked out the door and toward the corridor to the arena.  He watched them go in silence.  His sons, so marked by Jinlong's violence, were his most gentle and kind hearted souls.  Their trial was the proof of it.  They were indeed musicians and artists.  He had another surprise for them after lunch.
     JinDe came in for lunch raving about Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  "Fuqin, they have much more power than they let on.  When Zhenzhu cracked his whip, it left a streak of burned earth behind.  He is truly a master.  There is no one I know who could disarm him.  Not even you!  And Taiyang can spin so fast his blades are like saw blades cutting through anything!"  "You forget, JinDe, that not only are they like me, but their powers are a manifestation of Jinlong's powers.  Remember that next time they train."  "Aiya!  I forgot!  They have a lot of the sun power going on!"  Bai Qian came in with the smaller children about the time Taiyang and Zhenzhu came in.  Jiaxiao flew straight to Zhenzhu.  "Where you been, Zhu!  Me wanted you!"  "I was on my trial, my Xiao Bailong.  I'm back now!"  They sat with the babies and fed them their lunch.  "Qian'er, take them to the playroom, please.  I have something for Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  They will be right along."  He stood and motioned for them to follow him.  He took them down the hall to their room and past it.  He opened a door that went into a room that was used for storage at one time.  The room was bright and cheery.  The roof was open to let in plenty of light with an enchantment to keep out the weather.  There were easels and drafting tables there equipped with brushes, ink and drawing tools.  There was another part of the room for wood carving.  They looked around and looked at their Fuqin.  "You always know!!"  "Come to me."  They stood in front of him smiling.  "Today I name you.  Taiyang, you are Huo Bailong and you Zhenzhu are Huo Jinlong.  Use this room to create, not destroy.  The day may come when you have to go to war, but when you do, your fire will be very hot and very destructive."  He hugged them both to him.  "So this is what they call an art studio in the modern world.  Get Chang Shan to take you one day.  He is familiar with it.  Now I must go spend some time with some very spoiled dragons!"  They set about arranging their studio to get the best lighting as their Fuqin backed out the door smiling.

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