The Time has Come

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     Ye Hua came out in his new Kunlun official blue robes.  He was the perfect picture of a gentleman.  He had been versed on his job and he was more than ready!  He wanted his Da ge to hurry up and marry JieJie!  The they would be one big happy family!  He was smiling from ear to ear when he came out of his room.  Mo Yuan, on the other hand, was as nervous as a bird in a thunderstorm.  He hated the color red, but wear it he must.  He disciples helped him dress.  The robes were embroidered with gold.  He was wearing his hair down and he looked magnificent.  He was pacing back and forth but when Ye Hua came skipping in he stopped and smiled.  He looked like a neatly packaged little gentleman.  Mo Yuan couldn't help but smile.  "Ye Hua, I want to make sure you understand the plan.  Are you ready?"  "Don't worry, Da ge!  I remember everything you taught me plus I read all the books you gave me.  I'm ready and I know exactly where my place is to be!"  "Good boy!  I will see you at the banquet then.  Come here and let me hug you!"  They embraced for a moment and Ye Hua left to go find Die Feng. 
     The party left Kunlun to go to Qing Qui.  They cloud jumped to across the lake and followed the path to the den door.  All the rituals were followed and Ye Hua offered his hand to the bride to be.  Once she was placed inside, they followed the path to the other side of the lake to cloud jump.  They jumped to the gates of Kunlun.  The moment they touched down, the black figures appeared to try to grab Ye Hua.  Die Feng turned and said, "run, Taizi Dianxia!!"   Ye Hua turned and shot into the air as his dragon.  He raced straight for Kunlun out of the reach of any enemy.  They could not go through the barrier to pursue so instead they chose to run.  Die Feng managed to catch one of them.  The enemy dressed in black was tied up and brought along with the wedding party. 
     Ye Hua landed at the platform leading to the altar.  He transformed and landed like an old pro.  It almost looked planned.  The wedding guests looked surprised at first but when he turned as if to wait, they settled down.  Nothing was going to mess up his Da ge's wedding!  The party arrived and Ye Hua gave his hand once again to the bride.  Her father took her arm and led her in to the altar where Mo Yuan waited.  They didn't seem to notice the disheveled appearance of several disciples or the prisoner being held by Die Feng during the ceremony.  The bows were made, the vows said and the bride was led away to be made ready.  While that was happening, Mo Yuan signaled Die Feng to bring the prisoner.  "Who hired you?  Out with it or you will suffer and then you will tell me anyway!  Tell me!"  His voice boomed like thunder.  The prisoner shook like a leaf.  He thought over his options and finally spilled the beans.  "I'm as good as dead anyway so I'll tell you.  We were hired by Yang Cao to kidnap the Crown Prince!  Please kill me now!"  "No, you will not be killed.  Take him to the dungeon, but treat him well.  I'll tend to him later.  Right now my bride is waiting and I'm not going to miss it!".
     The disciples took Mo Yuan to his room.  The bed had been made ready and she was there waiting for him.  She took his breath away.  They drank the wine and everyone left.  The baudy  songs outside the door were burning his ears.  Slowly he lifted her veil.  What a picture of loveliness!  He had waited so long for this moment!  His hand cupped her face and he kissed her lips.  The kiss deepened and this time there were no interruptions.  She untied his belt and slid the robe off of him.  Not to be outdone, he flipped his wrist and they were naked and laying down on the bed.  His hands were exploring her as his kisses rained down upon her neck.   He moved lower and took a rosey  nipple into his mouth.  Her moan brought out a groan from his dragon.  He moved lower.  His hands were rubbing down her legs and up the inside of her thighs.  He spread her legs and feasted his eyes on her luscious flower.  His hands went under her bottom and wrapped around her.  His tongue lashed up her slit and touched her nub.  He lashed her until she was panting.  Her juices were running freely and he thrust his tongue into her.  He inserted a finger and touched her everywhere.  She was close to her peak.  He flat tongue licked her nub until he knew she couldn't take it any more.  Once more and he felt her shatter.  He raised over her and thrust into her wet folds.  He felt the barrier when he broke it.  The pain was not unbearable.  He started to move inside her when he knew the pain had subsided.  She met him thrust for thrust.  The pleasure was almost too much for him.  It had been millennia since he had been with a woman, but this one was his and only his.  His dragon was nearly out of control and he knew he couldn't stop him.  He pace was too fast and he knew his dragon wanted to mark her.  He couldn't stop him.  Her peak was rising again and so was his.  He fell on her as he thrust into her.  He was large but he filled her to the hilt his dragon grunted and his eyes turned to gold.  His claws came out and his talons were showing.  He drove them into the bed by her head and proceeded to start his marking.  It was then that he saw her blue fox eyes.  Her fangs came out and she bit his chest right above his heart.  His peak was near and his mark was ready.  She threw her head back and screamed her release.  He thrust hard and fast and released his mark into her.  He kept jerking until everything he had was inside of her.  They fell together on the bed totally spent.  He knew he marked her but he couldn't stop himself.  His eyes were still gold and his dragon was grunting like a pig.  He smelled of her and his hand started running down her stomach to touch her wet folds.  He wasn't finished yet.  He touched her and rubbed her nub with his finger.  She started breathing hard again.  Not to be denied, his dragon wanted to smell her and love her.  His tongue went where his finger was.  Once again he lashed her petals with his tongue.  He savored the taste like it was fine wine.  She smelled of peach blossoms.  She tasted of peach blossoms.  One more lick and his arms begin to shimmer.  The pattern of scales appeared.  He knew his dragon wanted her but he was powerless to stop him.  He was done playing.  He wanted to be inside her hot, wet folds and he wanted her now!  He rose up over her in a frenzy.  She had never seen a dragon on point for his mate.  Her fear left her quickly.  She wanted him this way.  She wanted it badly.  She erupted her tails.  The pheromones she released hit him like a wave of fire.  His phallus grew and his tongue was longer.  His hair was golden and he was fully scaled.  He entered her hard.  Growls and purrs came out of his throat as he thrust into her.  She ran her nails down his back as her loved her to oblivion.  He grew with each thrust.  She threw back her head and thrust out her breast.  He grabbed one in his mouth and sucked like a baby wanting milk.  Onward and upward, thrust by thrust their passion was upon them.  She bit his neck. He rose up and flipped her over so fast she barely knew what happened.  He entered her again and laid down on her back.  His dragon was  talking into her ear.  What a beautiful sound!  It sent chills up her spine and straight into her womanhood.  Her walls grabbed him tight and their ride was near its end.  One more word and their pace was feverish.  When her peak hit he thrust into her and let her bleed him dry with her spasms.  He jerked and bucked into her.  Finally his dragon let go.  He had never in all his life let him out but she was too much for him.  He fell on the floor and knelt on one knee.  His eyes were still gold and his scales were not retracting.  His head was hung and he was grunting and panting at the same time.  She fell beside him and wrapped her tails around him in a gentle manner.  She brushed back his hair and kissed his cheek.  He turned and licked her with a dragon tongue.  Slowly his hair turned back to black and his claws retracted.  His eyes were swirling when his skin started to shimmer and his scales retracted.  He breaths were coming deeper now.  She sat on the fur rug and pulled him into her arms.  He rolled his head to look up at her.  She stroked his face and his eyes came back to a bright honey brown.  His breaths slowed down and he drifted back to earth.  He reached up and ran his knuckles down her face.  "I'm so sorry, Qian Qian.  I couldn't control him.  I, the God of War who dares to teach a boy how to control his dragon, couldn't control mine.  Please forgive me!  Did I hurt you?  Please tell me I didn't hurt you!"  He sat up and reached for her.  Her tails were still out and they embraced him.  His head fell to her shoulder and he started to cry.  His soft cry turned into a sob as his grief over his actions caused him untold sorrow.  She raised his face and tenderly kissed his brow, his nose and his lips.    She raised his face to look at his eyes when he saw her look of wonder.  "Look, Mo Yuan!  Look!"  She held out his hair on the left side of his head.  There for all to see was a golden streak of hair.
     "We have a banquet to attend, you know.  We better get dressed", she said softly.  He got up from the floor.  His body looked like that of a much younger man.  His muscles were taut and chiseled.  " If we don't hurry, we might have to go another round, so let's hurry!"  They got dressed and headed for the hall.  When they were seated, the banquet began.  Dijun looked at Mo Yuan in a quizzical manner.  "So your dragon got loose, did he?  Is that why you have a new hairdo?"   Embarrassment washed over Mo Yuan as Dijun looked him in the eye.  "It must have been good is all I can say!"   Bai Qian heard him and leaned over.  She whispered where only the two of them could hear.  "It was so good, I'm going to leave this banquet early for round two.  Isn't that right, my love?"  Mo Yuan looked at her and then Dijun and shrugged his shoulders with a big grin on his face.  He was still happy when Ye Hua came running over.  He bowed politely to Dijun and then his brother.  "Da ge!  What happened to your hair?  Why does it have a streak like that, huh?"  "Do you remember Da ge telling you about your dragon coming out?  Well mine came out and he was very naughty.  He turned my hair like that.  I'll explain when your older."  "Oh you mean when he mates and marks his sweetheart?"  Mo Yuan's eyes got wide as he looked at Ye Hua.  "Where did you learn that young man?"  "I read it in a book.  You said I could read all the books in the library.  There's a whole section there on mating and....."  Mo Yuan placed his hand over Ye Hua's mouth.  "We will have this discussion tomorrow.  Now is not the appropriate time or place.  Now tell me more about the attack today."  "I wasn't even scared!  I did just what you told me to do!  They couldn't catch me before I got in the barrier.  Everybody in the hall just thought you meant for me to fly in like that.  I could see everything too!"  "You did very well and with no fear.  Very well indeed.  We will start training your dragon to fight very soon.  Now go enjoy yourself with your brothers."  Dijun looked at Ye Hua for a moment and then turned to Mo Yuan.  "He has really changed being here with you.  You are good for him and he is good for you.  I'm thinking Bai Qian is good for you too.  I only came to talk to you about HaoDe.  He's getting out of control.  How can we put an end to it?"

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