Training and Hope for a Friend

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     The very next morning Ming brought Jin Hua to the hall to meet JinDe.  He was about finished with his tea when they arrived.  Ming bowed and turned to introduce her.  "Biao ge, this is Hou Jin Hua, my soon to be Taizi Fei.  She will need your tutelage to train for the blazes and strikes.  Jin Hua, this is Mo JinDe, God of War and twin to Bai Xue.  He is a master of weaponry and combat spells.  He will personally train you."  He looked her right in her soft brown eyes and growled.  She put her hands on her hips and wagged a finger at him.  "You don't scare me, dragon!  I'm ready to train!"  JinDe laughed out loud.  "Good! Good! You're not easily scared or intimidated.  Go change into your training clothes and we shall begin."  She waved her hand and stood there in her warrior's garb.  "I'm ready."  "Good!  Follow me!"  JinDe led her to the arena and started her out on basics.  She performed those tasks easily.  "I see you have a dagger.  Show me how well you can throw it.  Die Feng, set up some targets for us.  Now show me the different ways you can use it."  She threw it several times but it was obvious she only knew one way.  "Good technique on one method, but let me show you more.  He drew his dagger and threw it in different ways.  He could call his back.  She couldn't.  "I see your interest is piqued.  Good!  Now let me show you how to call it back."  All afternoon they worked on different ways to throw it and the spell to call it back.  JinDe was satisfied when he called a halt to the days training.  "You have done well, Jin Hua.  Tomorrow we work a little harder.  Ming!  Bring her to eat breakfast at my palace in the morning.  Come early."  Ming nodded and bowed.  Jin Hua didn't want to admit it, but she was tired and sore.  Ming saw her exhaustion and made a suggestion.  "Xiao Hua, we have a hot spring that you could bathe in that would relax your muscles.  Mother can show you."  "Ming that would be wonderful!  I must admit that I am tired.  JinDe is a task master for sure!"  Empress Yu took her to the hot pool to relax.  "Xiao Hua, come let me massage your shoulders for you."  They stayed in the pool for a little longer before Yu got out and dressed.  She helped Xiao Hua as her shoulders slumped and she was ready to go to her room.  "Would you like a tray sent to your room?"  "Please?  I'm very tired."  Yu dropped her off at her room and sent a maid to get her a tray.  The maid came back in a panic.  "Empress!  Miss Hou is not in her room!  Where is she?"  Yu went to get Ye Hua.  "Ye Hua!  The girl is not in her room!"  "No need to panic!  She's not gone far."  He went to her room and sent out a feeler of energy.  He smiled and motioned for her to come.  He walked into the garden where several peach trees were in bloom.  He stood under one and pointed up.  She smiled when she saw the little golden monkey curled up on a limb with her tail firmly wrapped around it.  Ye Hua motioned for her to come and leave her. 
     The next morning Mo Yuan had Jingsi and Jiaxiao with him.  They were making a trip to Qing Qui.  "Qian'er, I'm going to Qing Qui to buy dresses for these girls and a surprise for Xiao Hua.  Would you come with us?"  "Why yes, I will!"  He jumped them to the market.  They went to the cloth vendor first.  "High God Mo Yuan!  I see you have two very pretty girls with you today!  New dresses?"  "Yes indeed!  New dresses.  We have these beads and we would like to have dresses to match each color bead."  The vendor looked at the beads and started pulling out cloth until she matched them all.  How do you want them made?"  "Jingsi!  Jiaxiao!  You can have your dresses made to look like your mother's or you can have them match your red robes.  Your choice."  "Fuqin, Jiaxiao wants dresses made like Mother's.  Her pretty.  Me want to be pretty, too."  "And you Jingsi?"  "Jingsi want dresses like Mother too."  "Alright!  You heard them.  Qian'er, do you want anything?"  She brought out her box of small beads and showed them to the vendor.  "Could you sew some of these beads in shapes like flowers on their robes?  And make me a turquoise one with pink peach blossoms made with these beads?"  "Gugu!  Are these those glass beads from the realm of the Monkey King?"  "Yes, they are!  They were a gift."  "I can sew the beads on just like you want them!  I can have them all ready in two weeks."  "Good!  We shall be back then.  Come now, Fuqin needs to get something else."  They went to see Rong.  "High God Mo Yuan!  Back so soon from your trip?"  "Just one destination of many, my friend.  Rong, I want you to make something for me out of the ice blue jade.  I want a bracelet with lotus carved on it, a pair of matching earrings like the ones you made for Qian'er and a hair pin with lotus blossoms.  On the bracelet write the name Xiao Hua in gold."  Rong took paper and drew a quick design for the pin and bracelet.  "Like this?"  "Yes!  Perfect!  When will it be ready?"  "In two weeks.  All be be ready then."  "Message me when it is ready then."  They went and bought fruit from the vendor.  Mo Yuan saw mango fruit and bought some for Jin Hua.  He sent the fruit to Kunlun with a note to save the mango.  They went to the weapons master.  "High God Mo Yuan!  How may I help you today!"  "I need a set of those throwing stars.  I want the Taizi Dianxia's emblem on them surrounded by peach blossoms.  Make them black with the design in gold.  Same enchantment as the others you have made.  When can you have them ready?"  "I already have some blank ones.  All I would need to do would be to put the design and enchantment on them."  "How long would it take you?"  "I should have them ready in an hour."  "We shall return."  He turned to Bai Qian and asked her a question.  "Qian'er, would you care to visit the peach woods?  The girls have never seen it."  For a moment she was silent as the sorrow came over her face.  She nodded softly.  "Yes, let's go there."  There was an eerie silence over the forest.  The trees waved in the breeze as they walked toward the Jade Pool.  Mo Yuan put Jingsi and Jiaxiao down to let them walk.  "Fuqin, is this where the great Phoenix, High God Zhe Yan lived?"  "Yes, Jiaxiao, it is.  The forest is not quite the same without his power here.  It is more subdued.  You can still smell the peach scent on the wind though, and the peaches are still good.  Zhe Yan would have loved both of you.  He was a very good friend and like a Didi to me.  Even though he was older.  He left the Fuxi quqin under Kunlun.  I wonder if it would come to me now?"  "Fuqin, Jingsi have question.  If somebody save a Phoenix life feather, can't the Phoenix come back?  Don't they arise from their ashes?  It's a valid question, Fuqin."  "Fuqin does not know the answer, but he will search for it.  Now let's get your mother and leave.  She is very sad because she was raised here as a child.  Zhe Yan was like her Fuqin."  Bai Qian was sitting at the table by the pool.  She didn't turn when Mo Yuan sat down.  "I used to drink wine here with him and Si ge.  He always had a pole in the water but I don't ever recall him catching a fish.  He hardly ever got angry, but when he did it was glorious!  You could almost feel the fire from his Phoenix.  I miss him, dearest, I miss him so much!"  She fell into his arms and sobbed hard.  He held her tightly as Jingsi and Jiaxiao rubbed her arm.  "Mother, don't cry!  Phoenix come back!  Phoenix rise from the ashes!  Jingsi know it true!!"  Bai Qian looked intently at Mo Yuan and asked him point blank, "Mo Yuan, Si ge has his feather.  Is it possible for him to return?"  "I don't know, but we will search for an answer."
     They returned to the market and picked up the throwing stars.  They went to the den to visit Feng Jui.  Donghua was there and he and Gun Gun were sword practicing.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao ran over to see him.  Mo Yuan motioned for him to come.  They sat at the table as Feng Jui brought tea for them all.  "I have a question for you, Donghua.  If a Phoenix leaves behind his life feather, is it possible that he could return?"  "Are you saying that Zhe Yan left his feather behind?"  "I believe Bai Zhen has it."  "Xiao Bai!  Send a message to your Shushu Bai Zhen.  Tell him to bring Zhe Yan's feather that he has.  It's important.  Tell him that."  She sent the message as they drank their tea.  Bai Zhen got the message and began to wonder what they were up to.  He took the small jade box down off the shelf in his study and fingered the lid gently.  He sighed as he opened it.  The brilliant blue feather was laying on a white silk cushion in the box.  He closed the lid, placed the box in his sleeve and left for Qing Qui.  Bai Qian was trying hard not to nod off when he finally arrived.  He sat down and took his cup of tea.  "Why did you ask me to bring Zhe Yan's life feather?"  "Mo Yuan and I have a theory.  I always assumed that if a Phoenix left behind his life feather, he could rise again from the ashes of his burning.  I wish to examine the feather please."  Bai Zhen brought out the jade box and laid it on the table.  Donghua gently raised the feather out of the box and examined it carefully.  He placed it back and looked at Mo Yuan.  "I think he could come back.  Bring the young Huli that can see spirits here tomorrow.  Bai Zhen, we would need you to stay."  "Then I shall return in the morning with the triplets.  Qian'er is tired and these girls need to be in bed soon."
     Mo Yuan was in the arena when JinDe came in with Jin Hua.  She ran to him like a child would to their Fuqin.  "Good morning!  I worked real hard yesterday!  Did you come to watch me train?  Do you care if I call you Shushu?  You are about to be my Shushu by marriage, you know!"  Mo Yuan smiled and nodded.  "Yes, you may call me Shushu!  But look, I have a surprise for you!"  She jumped up and down and clapped her hands.  "What is it?"  He drew the stars out of his sleeve and presented them to her.  "These are throwing stars.  They are a weapon you can carry that is concealed from your enemy.  JinDe can teach you how to throw them.  Right now I wish to see your beast.  Do you mind?"  "I don't mind!"  She transformed into a beautiful little golden monkey.  She jumped up on JinDe, pulled his ponytail and jumped over to Mo Yuan.  She stuck out her tongue and sat back like she was totally safe.  Mo Yuan transformed and took to the skies with a little golden monkey holding on to the hair on top of his head.  He flew high into the clouds with her.  JinDe could hear the little monkey squealing in glee.  She was fearless!  Mo Yuan turned and went into high speed.  JinDe had fear wash over him at first because he was remembering that crash Jinlong had, but he saw him pull up at the last minute and catch her as he transformed back to his human form.  She was chattering and jumping until she jumped down and shifted.  "Oh my goodness that was awesome!!  Like I was flying!!  We went to the clouds!! It was so fast!!"  Mo Yuan touched her and quieted her.  "Xiao Hua!  Calm yourself!  Deep breaths!  JinDe, you need to help her train to calm herself."  "I hate to say it, but Baohu knows how to train the inner beast better than I, but I will try my best."  "Very well.  Teach the throwing stars today.  Tomorrow I wish to see her sword technique.  Xiao Hua, try your best.  I'll sneak you a cherry dragon candy if you do!"  She clapped her hands and grabbed JinDe by the arm to start training.
     Mo Yuan went to get the triplets to go back to Qing Qui.  Bai Qian was still asleep.  He went to check on her and was not happy with what he saw.  "Qian'er!  What's wrong, my love!  Are you ill?  Should I call Jinzi?"  "I have a terrible headache.  Could we drop by Jinzi's school first before we go to the den?"  "Yes we can!  Let me get the children ready and I shall be back shortly.  When he came back, he had his young brood with him.  Nine children.  Bai Qian was dressed, but Mo Yuan noticed her eyes were glassy and he knew she was ill.  He picked her up and walked out to the portico.  "Come here and hold on to Fuqin.  We must go see Jinzi.". They held his robe and he jumped them right to the door of Jinzi's school.  One of his students met him at the door.  "High God Mo Yuan!  Please hurry this way!"  Jinzi was in the medicine room showing his students how to properly mix medicines.  He came running with his students when Mo Yuan brought his mother in.  "Mother!  What's wrong!"  "Jinzi, I have a terrible headache.  I don't know anything else."  "Fuqin, bring mother in here please."  He gently laid her on the bed there.  "Mother, are your ears ringing?"  "Yes, and I can feel my heart beating in my eyes and ears."  "It is as I thought.  It's high blood pressure.  Lay still while I scan you."  Jinzi pulled his power and performed a deep molecular scan.  Every problem he found, he healed.  His aura was around him as he finished.  He stood back and powered down.  A slight trail of blood came out of his nose.  His Fuqin took his own handkerchief and dabbed the blood away.  Jinzi's students were in awe.  Seeing a teachable moment, he pointed to his mother and explained.  "This is why I can't express enough to you to work to build your own power.  You saw me.  In order to heal on the molecular level, you must use your power to do it.  Now I expect every one of you to spend time cultivating.  Now return to the medicine room and I shall be there shortly."  They left him there with his Mother and Fuqin.  "Fuqin, you brought mother none too soon.  She was close to having another stroke, but I was able to heal her.  What brings you to Qing Qui?"  "Jinzi, Donghua thinks that since Zhe Yan left behind his life feather, it might be possible for him to rise again.  He is, after all, a very powerful phoenix.  We are going to see if his theory might be true."  Jinzi had a tear come into his eye.  "Fuqin, nothing would make me happier than to have Shifu see my school and approve!  Nothing would make me happier than to see his gentle laughing face again!"  "Can you free yourself from your students to come to the den?"  "Let me finish and set them on some tasks and I will be right along."
     Donghua was waiting patiently in the den for them to arrive.  Mo Yuan sat down and brought his children to him.  "Children, this is ..."  "Donghua Dijun, former ruler of all the realms, seas and deserts!"  "Gaoxing, it is rude for you to interrupt me!  Apologize now!"  Gaoxing fell to his knees and kowtowed to the floor.  "Fuqin, Gaoxing begs forgiveness for his rude behavior!"  "Very well!  Now apologize to Dijun!"  He turned toward Donghua Dijun.  "Gaoxing apologizes to Donghua Dijun."  He kowtowed to the floor.  "Rise.  Your apology is accepted."  Mo Yuan motioned and the rest of the children bowed to him.  "Yi, Yan and Yingjie stay here.  The rest of you can go outside but don't leave this area.  Understood?"  "Yes, Fuqin!"  "How do you do it?"  Mo Yuan just shrugged.  "Back to business!  Which one can see spirits?"  "Yingjie, Donghua Dijun wishes to talk to you.  Answer his questions to the best of your ability."  "Yingjie will do his best!"  Donghua held out his hand for the child to come to him.  Yingjie was afraid of the great high god.  He looked at his Fuqin for reassurance.  Mo Yuan nodded.  Yingjie went to stand by him and wait for his questions.  "I'm told you can see spirits, young Yingjie.  Can you see any spirits in here?"  Yingjie turned around searching the den.  "Man over there.  He good spirit.  He smile at Yingjie.  Mother is he my Shushu?  Sanshu?  When he die, Fuqin?"  "Bai Yan loved to travel.  He was overwhelmed by demons even before Fuqin died.  He was a very strong huli.  Can you speak to him, Yingjie?"  "He want to stay.  Yingjie glad to know Sanshu!"  "Anyone else?"  "Fuqin, Yingjie see very glorious spirit over by Dijun.  Me think he huli too?"  "Tell me what he looks like."  "Fuqin, me think he Zengzufu.  He smile at me!"  "He is indeed a very great huli!  Anybody else?"  "No.  Yingjie see nobody else."  "Then we must go to the Peachtree forest."
     Mo Yuan gathered his children together to go to the Peachtree woods.  "You will sit down and behave yourselves.  Do I make myself clear?"  Little nods all the way around.  "Good.  Now come to me.  Mother?  Are you ready?"  She took his arm and he jumped them to the Jade Pool where everyone was waiting.  Jinzi jumped in with Mi Shu and Guang and Luse.  Donghua stood and spoke to them.  "We must go to the middle of the woods where he burned.  There is probably energy there."  Mo Yuan took Bai Qian by the arm and motioned for the children to follow him.  They were silent as they walked to the center of the forest.  There, right in the exact center of the forest, was a large blackened area.  The trees by it were damaged and a slight image of energy rose from the center of the area.  Yingjie ran forward and reached up like he saw something.  "Yingjie!  What do you see, my son!?"  "Fuqin, me see!  Yingjie see great Phoenix!  Me see!"  Bai Zhen took the feather out of the box.  We walked to the area and handed the feather to Yingjie.  In his soft voice he spoke to the child.  "Give him his life back, Yingjie.  Give him his feather."  "Fuqin?"  "Walk to the center of the spot there and lay the feather there.  Then do your magic."  Yi and Yan came to stand by their didi.  They walked into the circle together and Yingjie laid the feather down.  A vortex of energy started there.  The triplets stood back and worked their magic to aid the spirit of Zhe Yan.  The whirling wind became stronger and a vortex of peach blossoms rose to the sky.  Fire came into it and rose up.  The fire grew stronger; so strong that the triplets had to move back as did the rest of them.  Slowly the fire took shape and grew bigger and stronger.  "Look Fuqin!  Look!"  The Xiao Bai Huli was jumping up and down.  Suddenly the Phoenix took shape and rose from the ashes as a great fire.  He took to the skies and made a circuit over the subdued peach forest.  Feeling the essence of the one who planted and nurtured them, the trees bloomed and swayed in the wind.  Master was back!!  The Phoenix paused in the sky over the blackened area, cried his Phoenix call and came to ground.  He surveyed the area and looked at the crowd there.  He looked tenderly at the Xiao Bai Hulis standing by their Fuqin.  He brought his head down to sniff them.  He swung his head over toward Bai Zhen.  He let out a cry of joy.  Lastly he touched Donghua, Bai Qian and Mo Yuan.  His didis and his Xiao Wu! He flapped his wings and his eyes changed to a soft brown.  He transformed before them, naked to the breeze, but alive!  He was back!
     Donghua conjured a pastel pink robe for him.  "You always did like to make a grand entrance."  "If not for those three Hulis, I wouldn't be here.  My spirit came out of the rift in the mirror of the Yeren kingdom.  I came back here, hoping someone would remember my life feather.  Who was it?"  Mo Yuan smiled and called Jingsi and Jiaxiao forward.  "Actually, it was these two.  They reminded me that a Phoenix can arise from the ashes of his burning!"  Zhe Yan knelt down and called the children to him.  "So, I see the beauty of your mother in both of you!  Thank you for believing.  Now these three!  Mo Yuan, they are so much like you!  Come to me!"  He hugged them close and smiled.  "Zhe Yan, Jinzi has a surprise for you.  Come, Jinzi!  Show him your twins!"  Zhe Yan looked at the Xiao Jin Huli twins and smiled.  "Their eyes are green!  How lovely!"  "Shifu!  I did something I think you will approve.  I opened a school to teach medicine and healing.  I wanted to honor you by teaching my skills to others.  I also have students from the dark lands.  I hope you approve!"  Zhe Yan patted him on the shoulder.  You have done well.  I always knew you would surpass me!  Is my hut clean?  Or do I need accommodation for the night?"  "Please, come to the den!  I will cook for you!"  "Well let's go!  I must admit I'm hungry and I need a good drink of my wine, if there is any left?"

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