Da ge Justice

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     Bai Xue received the message from Jinzi that he was coming to see Baohu.  Baohu had helped with desk duty, drank tea and went to the library.  Xue had a plan.  He smirked as he jumped over to the celestial training grounds where he knew he would find JinDe.  That dragon was watching a training session.  JinDe jumped over to the crowd, demonstrated the proper technique for the maneuver and stood back.  Once he was satisfied they were doing it correctly, he returned to the observation platform.  He met Xue there.  "Da ge!  Good morning.  How goes the spy business this morning?"  "Well it seems the realms are heating up in anticipation of the Taizi Dianxia visiting.  Monarchs with daughters!  Plus Fuqin may be old by many standards, but women still talk about him!  But enough small talk.  I have a plan to put that Huli in his place.  Bring Shandian Li to the arena tomorrow.  Let her train.  Hard.  Let's see if Baohu even gets riled up.  Being pregnant, she should be careful, but if he tries to intervene, have her kick him or slap him since he has no powers.  Let him see how it feels to be powerless to stop something!"  "A good plan, Da ge!  If he even lifts one finger against her, I will tail slap him across the arena."  Jinzi came the next morning on the premise of checking on Li Li.  Baohu sat by in silence.  When they all rose to go to classes and the arena, he went to.  Baohu was trying to do his dance with some different blades when Li Li came in dressed to work out.  She took out Ma Feng and practiced hitting the targets to get the best effect with her blade.  JinDe was closely watching Baohu as he went over to help Li Li tighten up her technique.  Anger flashed across Baohu's face.  How dare he touch her!  He stood up and walked over to their spot in the arena.
     JinDe had his back turned on purpose.  Xue warned him.  "Here he comes, didi!  Get ready!"  Baohu grabbed JinDe by the shoulder and jerked him around.  "Don't touch my wife!  You have your own!"  "Oh?  You have a wife?  Why don't you act like it then, you Xiao chanchu?"  He ignored him and watched Li Li hit the targets as she grinned.  Baohu tried to stop her.  "Li Li!  You should be careful!  Don't exert yourself!"  "Are you talking to me?  Pffft!  What if I don't stop?  What can you do, Xiao chanchu?"  Baohu saw red.  He grabbed her arm forcefully to lead her off but Li Li turned around and slapped his face, then punched him right in the gut.  When he hit the dirt, she kicked him in the side.  "What's the matter, Xiao chanchu?  Did it hurt?  Good!  Now you know how it feels to be weak and helpless against someone.  I believe I am finished for today.  A nice soak in the hot spring will be very nice!  Good day, Baohu!"  JinDe took one look at him and burst out laughing.  "Hahahahaha!  She kicked your rear just like you deserve!  How did it feel, hmmm?  That's how she felt when you punched her face and kicked her in the side, breaking WuYun's little leg.  Justice!  Pure justice!"  Jinzi was watching Baohu as he got up and winced.  He jumped out to him.  "Come here, Baohu and let me scan you.  You could have internal injuries."  Baohu walked gingerly with Jinzi to the infirmary.  Jinzi scanned him deeply.  Under the premise of checking for injury, he scanned all of his systems carefully.  His hormone levels were a little skewed but not enough to cause him to be a sex machine.  He noticed that Baohu had a good bit of body hair.  His chest was covered and he had a trail of hair down to his groin.    His arms and legs were rather hairy and he had stubble on his face already.  Jinzi scanned for spells and potions.  Ah!  There it is!  A potion!  Why was he taking a potion?  He stood back and looked Baohu in the eye.  "Your injuries are superficial but why are you so hairy all of a sudden?  I'm not hairy and I know for a fact that we are identical down to the cellular level.  Has that woman you've been seeing given you something to enhance your sex drive?"  "I'm not seeing any woman."  "Baohu, I think you forget that Da ge has a network all over all the realms, seas, deserts and the mortal realm.  I know you have been seeing the oldest daughter of the Monkey King.  If she thinks to become your second wife, I can tell you that Fuqin absolutely will not approve!  Are you stupid or what?"  "So Fuqin knows?"  "Yes, he knows.  I'm going to give you some medicine to reverse this potion and get you back to normal.  You were just fine without it.  Now lay back down while I mix it up."  "What if I happen to like the way it makes me feel?"  "What if I call Da ge and Er ge here?"  "Fine.  Remove it then. I don't want Er ge breathing down my neck anyway."  "Baohu, just what is wrong with you?  Why are you being like this?  Don't you care what people think?  Don't you know you can't be God of War and act a total fool?  Why did you train to take Fuqin's place if you are not serious about it?  Well?"  Bai Xue was standing at the door cloaked.  He was listening intently.  "Jinzi, what if I said I was tired of the responsibility?  What if I said I just want to wander the realms?  Maybe travel with Zufu and Zumu or maybe Shushu Bai Zhen or Shushu Bai Xuan?  What is wrong with that?"  "So you have let the huli wanderlust take over.  I see it clearly."  "Do you truly?  I just feel confined, like I'm in prison."  "What of Shandian Li and these new babies she is expecting?  Or Fengbao and WuYun?  What of them?"  Baohu sat up on the bed and looked out of the window for a long moment.  "I want her by my side, but I don't think she will ever forgive me for what I did to her.  I want to take her and the boys and tour the realms, maybe live at the estate on Mount Junji for a while, but I know deep in my heart that she won't go.  I need to talk to Fuqin.  I wish for JinDe to be God of War.  He deserves it.  JinDe is a far better man than me."  Jinzi nodded and gave Baohu his medicine.  "You will take this medicine for a week.  Da ge will give it to you.  If you love Shandian Li, I suggest you get your heart right now.  If you don't want her, Fuqin can arrange for your marriage to be dissolved, but know this, her place on this mountain is more secure than yours.  She has been honorable and upstanding while you have been a disgrace, not only to her, but mostly to Fuqin.  How could you hurt him like this Baohu?  Think hard before you burden him with this.  Your last little thing with Shao Wan cost Fuqin.  It put him far down the road to his calamity.  I'm telling you Baohu, if you hurt Fuqin one more time, I swear on Kunlunxu, my oath as a physician and my honor as a Taizi of Qing Qui and the nine tailed huli clan I will put you to sleep for 100,000 years and place you in the sea of innocence."  He gave the medicine to Baohu to take.  Baohu took the medicine and stared at Jinzi and stood to walk out the door.  He turned just as Bai Xue uncloaked right in front of him.
     Bai Xue was livid with rage.  He grabbed Baohu by the collar of his robe and shook him hard.  He got right into his face and his eyes were white with swirls of blue in them.  "Bai Baohu Zhe, God of War and fourth son of Mo Yuan, son of Fuxi and God of War Tuixiu, if you do one thing that brings hurt to Shandian Li, your children or especially Fuqin, I will kill you.  Yes, I will kill you, my own didi.  You nearly cost Fuqin his life because of grief.  His hair is gray now because of you.  Shushu Ye Hua will meet his calamity early because of you.  When Fuqin dies, he will too because of the close bond they have.  I'm telling you, Xiao chanchu, I will kill you if one tear goes down his face.  If you go to bed with any other woman other than your wife, I will kill you.  Think hard about what you are about to do.  If you resign as God of War, fine but anything else I will not accept.  If you are oversexed because of some potion you are taking, how about I rip your little huli balls off?  You think you are some kind of stud?"  He grabbed Baohu right in the crotch and squeezed.  "Remember that scar that Fuqin has on his balls because of you?  I have no problem whatsoever demanding justice from your sorry Xiao Jin Huli ass.  I'm sick and tired of you.  You better go to your room and think hard or better yet, why don't you have a talk with Zufu?  I'm sure he would be more than glad to set you straight."  He threw Baohu down to the floor.  "You have been nothing but hurt and disappointment to Fuqin since the day you were born.  Think about it very clearly.  You have a choice placed in front of you.  Choose wisely because one choice is death, the other is a better life."  Bai Xue growled once for posterity and walked out of the room.  Jinzi looked his didi in the eye and left him there alone.
     Baohu walked to the den in the mountain and sat on the dais there.  He knew he had just crossed a line with his Da ge.  Xue was hurt and mad, but mostly he was disappointed.  He looked back at his life.  He was always doing things against his Fuqin.  Always!  And always his Fuqin was setting him on the right path.  Yes he had been punished, but his Fuqin had suffered.  He had suffered because he had to kill Ghost Lord Li Jing.  He suffered years later and nearly lost his life and that of their mother because of that Ghost Lord.  Why was he always doing something that hurt Fuqin?  Did he want him to die?  He put himself into a deep trance.  He was going to figure out just what his problem is one way or the other.  He knew he was responsible for many things that had happened to their family.  Da ge was right!  He finally calmed his thoughts and became quiet.  Bai Xue was shaking like a leaf in the wind when he returned home.  He sat down hard at the table in his garden and looked at his trembling hands.  He saw Meili coming with tea towards him.  She saw his hands shaking.  She sat down and took his hands into hers.  "Xue, my love, what has happened to have you so upset?  Can I help?"  He looked into her soft eyes and felt her gentle hands on his.  He relaxed and smiled.  His Xiao Lianhua!  "Meili, I just threatened Baohu.  I threatened to kill him if he hurt Fuqin again.  I meant it!  If he hurts Fuqin again I swear on my honor as the White Dragon of Kunlunxu, I'll kill him myself and take the fate, whatever it may be.  How could he be so crass and unloving?  I'm at a loss as to what to do.  I want to help him, but I don't know if I can."  "Can Jinzi not talk to him?"  "Jinzi threatened him too.  We will just have to see what is going to happen.  He was actually going to resign as god of war and just go roaming around the realms.  Baohu is just so immature!"
     JinDe could feel the unrest of his Da ge.  He decided to talk to Baohu himself, but first he wanted to talk to Xue.  He jumped to his portico just in time.  Bai Xue was about to jump out.  "Ah, didi, I was about to come look for you."  "I could feel you here."  JinDe tapped his chest right over his heart.  Xue nodded.  "We need to go see Jinzi and then Donghua Dijun.  Shall we?"  They jumped a cloud and landed right outside the school.  JinDe looked at the school and smiled.  "You know, Da ge, this right here is a fine example of a level headed huli.  Jinzi may change tomorrow, but he has done well with the gifts given to him.  They were about to walk in when Jinzi came running out.  He had a basket of potions on his arm and he was in a panic.  "Da ge!  Er ge!  Hurry!  We need to get to Kunlun quickly.  I know what is wrong with Baohu.  Let's go!"  They landed on the portico to total bedlam.  Having no powers, Baohu was throwing whatever he could get his hands on.  JinDe ran up behind him and grabbed him.  He nodded and jumped him to the infirmary.  Jinzi and Bai Xue ran in while JinDe was holding Baohu down.  "Let me go you overblown dragon!  I'm sick of dragons.  Dragons everywhere.  Dragons, dragons, dragons!  I'm a huli!  I'm strong too!  I can fly too!  Give me my potion and I'll show you!  I'm a real man!  Let me go!"  JinDe neck chopped him and laid him down.  "What is wrong with him?"  "I almost hate to say it but I know what's wrong.  Take his robe off, Er ge."  When JinDe took off his robes he and Xue both gasped.  "What kind of magic is this?  Where did he get all of this hair?"  "I had to research it, but Baohu has been taking potions to enhance his physical strength and improve his sex drive.  Yes, Fuqin has some hair on his chest and a lot on his groin but nothing like this.  I read that this particular potion can cause you to crave it like candy and increase your sex drive to a dangerous level.  He's wanting another one.  I think I know why he did it too.  You scared him, Da ge.  Fuqin scared him.  It's been dragons that are able to overpower him.  I have enough medicine here to get him over the craving.  We can take turns restraining him and giving him this medicine once a day.  What I want to know is just where has he been getting this potion from?"  "I think I know.  I'm sorry, but I need to message Fuqin.  At least they are still at Qing Qui until the end of next week."  Bai Xue conjured a scroll and wrote a message to his Fuqin.  With a crack of power he sent it.  Mo Yuan was seated in the pavilion with all of his group, Bai Feng Jui, Bai Gun Gun and Donghua Dijun.  The scroll appeared in his lap.  He read it, put it in his sleeve and stood.  He bowed to Donghua and asked leave.  "Qian'er, something has come up at Kunlun.  I shall return.  Ming, you take over."  He jumped to Kunlun and ran to the infirmary.  He stepped through the door just as Baohu was screaming at Jinzi.  He threw a sound barrier and a barrier over the room.  "Give me my potion!  You're a weak Xiao huli!  I'm strong!  I can beat a dragon.  You can't!  Give me my potion!"  Mo Yuan stepped to the side of the bed to see him tied down, eyes wild, hair all over him, his teeth barred.  He was shocked but he remained calm.  "Bai Baohu Zhe!  Listen to me!  You will get no potion other than what Jinzi gives you!"  "You're the one!  You just had to do it!  You just had to embarrass me!  My Fuqin!  The great Jinlong!  God of War!  It's your fault I'm weak!  You said I didn't need to fly!  It's your fault!  I'm just a weak huli.  A weak pathetic huli!  Why Fuqin?  Why did you let me live?  Why?  Oh, why?  Just kill me!  Kill me!"  Mo JinDe chopped his neck to shut him up.  Bai Xue spoke first.  "Fuqin, don't let his words bother you.  I need you to do something.  Will you?"  "Jinzi, put him to sleep.  There is an empty crystal coffin in my old palace in the nine heavens.  Go get it.  Put your strongest spell on him.  I want him to sleep for a thousand years.  Can you do it?"  "Fuqin, I know what's wrong with him.  Please let me help him first."  Mo Yuan stared at his sons.  He was heart broken.  His hand was shaking as he touched Baohu on the face.  "What is wrong?"  "Baohu started taking a potion to increase his strength.  It also unbalanced certain hormones and increased his sex drive.  It also increased his cocky attitude three fold.  We must hold him here and give him these counter potions I have made.  I see you can see how his hormonal imbalance has affected him.  That's the hair growth.  I need you to catch the seller of these potions.  That person is dangerous.  These potions are made using black arts.  I will question my students about it.  I'm pretty sure Baohu got these potions in Qing Qui at the market.  Da ge has a contact there."  "Fuqin, since you know the magic to mask your appearance, I need you to go shopping as Baohu and see if he is approached.  Together we can catch a criminal or maybe a group of them.  Will you help us?"  "Yes, I will help you.  I think I know the ring leader of this whole fiasco."  "Oh?  Who do you think it is?"  "The oldest daughter of the Monkey King.  I'm thinking she was trying to weasel her way into Kunlun by becoming Baohu's second wife.  When we go to their realm, I'll threaten to blow the roof off of their palace by transforming.  Those monkeys are always making trouble.  Always.  Xue, do you have people there?"  "Yes Fuqin, I do.  I'll get them on this right away!  No worries.  Fuqin I have one thing I wish to say.  Baohu has had this complex for a long time.  I know you remember when he almost killed you.  He said that only dragons were wanted at Kunlun.  He has held on to that one thought and let it destroy him.  He doesn't even care that he is the most powerful huli in the world.  He's obsessed with your dragon.  He has been out to prove that he is better than you.  When my power nearly overcame him, he became obsessed again.  Maybe he heard about that potion in the mortal realm.  Maybe that daughter of the Monkey King gave it to him.  Who knows, but I promise you this, I will get to the bottom of it.  On that you can rest assured.  Do you trust me?"  "Yes, I trust you.  Now I must get back to Qing Qui.  We will be leaving there at the end of this week.  We are going to visit Bai Zhen and then to the East to visit Bai Xuan.  Keep me informed."  Jinzi reached into his pack and pulled out a small pouch.  "Fuqin, I made these supplements for you.  They will help you conserve power.  How do you feel?"  "Physically?  I feel fine, but my spirit took a hit today.  Come to see me before we leave, will you, Jinzi?"  "Yes Fuqin.  Meet me at Yanhua cave on Friday morning.  I'll realign you there."  He turned and left them there to tend to their errant didi.
     They took turns for a week feeding Baohu, keeping him restrained and feeding him medicine to purge the potion.  His excess hair was the first thing to go.  Jinzi would bathe him off and remove hair every time he did.  Finally on Thursday afternoon, he came back to normal.  Jinzi called for Xue and JinDe.  They came quickly to see Baohu.  He was a mess.  "Xiao Jin Huli!  Are you recovered?"  "Yes, but to what?"  "Well you won't need these any more then."  Bai Xue had a hand full of potions.  Baohu sat up to grab them.  "Not so fast, Xiao chanchu.  No more of this for you!"  "I'll get more.  You can't stop me."  "No, I can't, but Fuqin can.  How does a thousand years in the sea of innocence sound to you?"  "He wouldn't dare!"  "Oh?  Well let's just call him here then!"  "Please don't call Fuqin!  I don't want him to hurt anymore!"  "So you finally admit just how you have hurt him!  Walk carefully, Baohu!  Make up your mind now whether you want to continue down this road, or strive to be a better man and a true son of Mo Yuan!"  "How can I be a true son of Mo Yuan?  I'm just a dumb huli.  He's a dragon.  I'm not.  I'll never be as powerful or as good.  I'm nothing.  Nothing!"  "That's funny!  The huli that's the god of war was pretty powerful and was equal to the dragon, at least until he let a tricky woman cast spells on him!"  "What spells?"  "The same spell that nearly made JinDe kill himself."  "I think you need to start talking, although I pretty much know where you have been..."  "I didn't want to hurt Li Li, so I went to the flower house in the imperial city.  There is where I met the red haired woman.  She got me the potion."  "Is that all you have to say?"  "Yes."  "Are you sure?  Real sure?"  "I met her in Qing Qui a few times."  "Hmmm, I guess that's why she is now in the dungeon here to await a hearing with Tianjun Ye Hua."  "You have her?"  "Actually Fuqin caught her.  He masked himself as you.  In fact, we caught a whole troop of people there in the Qing Qui market.  Fenli and Ali were able to smell out that potion on people.  Fuqin will be here tomorrow after Jinzi realigns him.  Be warned, Baohu, dont hurt him.  I mean it.  Don't hurt him!"

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