Official Business

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     The next morning Mo Yuan woke up rather invigorated.  His dragon was in tune with everything.  He sat still and listened as his dragon probed around the mountain.  All was well.  Bai Qian was still asleep.  The past week and a half had taken a toll on her.  He would make it up to her.  He thought about the little jasmine filled valley and decided to get that pavilion under way.  He was going through his correspondence when Ye Hua knocked on his door.  "Enter."  "Da ge, I was coming to see if you felt like giving me my lesson in weaponry today.  Are you better today?"  "Yes, Ye Hua, I am much better.  In fact, I have something to show you.  Call Qing Ming to you now."  He stepped back and called.  It came right into his hand.  "You're mastering the technique I see.  I'm pleased with your progress.  Now let's go to the training ground."  He stepped down the hall to his bedroom and checked on Qian Qian.  She was still asleep.  Nodding to himself that she was ok, he led Ye Hua to the training ground. 
    Once there he called Xuan Yuan and stabbed the point into the ground.  "This past week I came to the conclusion that meditating to contain my dragon was a bad thing to do.  For millennia I have suppressed him.  This is probably what caused me to die at the Battle of Ruoshui River in the first place.  I don't want the same to happen to you because your brother was stupid.  Today I want you to learn to live alongside your dragon, not suppressing him.  Do you understand?"  "I think I do.  What are you going to show me?"  "I want you to call your dragon forward, not into dragon form, but like this."  Mo Yuan called his dragon.  His eyes turned gold and a slight imprint of scales appeared on him.  He walked over to Ye Hua and sniffed.  "So this is my twin!  Hmmmm.  Good.  I want to see your dragon now.  Bring him forth!". For once in his life Ye Hua was scared of his brother.  He backed away and his eyes darted around as if to cloud jump away.  He took one step back and turned but Mo Yuan was right there.  "No need to fear me!  I'm your brother!  I would never hurt you.  Now come!  See if you can bring your dragon forth.  Try it!"  Ye Hua decided he could do it if his Da ge could.  With a look of determination, he called.  His eyes turned blue.  He took on a shimmer of scales.  He struggled for a moment trying not to erupt all the way.  Mo Yuan saw the face trying so hard to stay that way.  One more moment and he looked up grinning.  "Well, Didi, I see you have come to play!  Let's spar!"  They faced off with practice swords.  Now that they had dragon senses, the fight was intense.  Mo Yuan knew he could hurt Ye Hua if he wasn't careful but Ye Hua was giving him no quarter.  He let the little dragon fight on.  He decided to stop the session with a swat.  Ye Hua fell backwards.  His anger was trying to rise so Mo Yuan stopped him.  His dragon went back and his eyes went back to normal.  "See how much more power you have when your dragon becomes your companion?  I can feel everything around me and hear better too. What about you?"  "Yes, but my dragon wanted to win against you.  He wants to know how come he's small and your big if we are twins.  He wants to know why your gold and he's black.  He has a lot of questions, Da ge.  Will you tell him?"  "Come over here and sit down.  Bring him forth."  Ye Hua brought him forth and waited.  Mo Yuan brought his dragon forth.  He told Ye Hua the whole story of his mother and father, his time as the lotus and his birth and rescue by his brother.  "Now do you understand?  We are twins, but you were born later.  Your being so young doesn't bother me.  I love you and I waited for you for so long.  Come let me hug you so you can feel love.  It really is a wonderful thing!"  Ye Hua stood up and fell into his brother's arms.  He felt his brother purring to him and speaking words of comfort.  He snuggled into his chest and his dragon hummed and purred.  "See?  Isn't it grand?  Now let's transform and go look at that report!"
     Ye Hua skipped ahead as they walked back to the study.  He was seated in a chair next to the desk when Mo Yuan got there.  Mo Yuan picked up the report and read it.  He raised his head and looked at the boy sitting in front of him.  This was a report written by a person who was a lot older.  Two hundred thousand plus years to be exact.  He smiled.  "Ye Hua, this report is very well written.  I'm sending it now.  We will see what comes of it.  Now why don't you take a break and go tell Chang Shan I said to give you some snacks!"  "Yeah, snacks!"  He was off like a shot.  Two hundred thousand years old going on 20,000.  Amazing!  Mo Yuan rose and headed to his bedroom. 
     When he stepped through the door, Bai Qian was stretching as she sat on the side of the bed.  He smiled and sat beside her.  He hugged her close and kissed her brow.  "How do you feel this morning, my love?  Better?"  She looked at him with a sweet look.  I'm better but these children want their father.  Talk to them please."  He put his hand on her stomach and passed them a shot of energy.  She giggled when he did it.  "They really like that!  You should talk more!"  He smiled and hugged her again.  "Have I told you how beautiful you are lately?"  She laid her head on his shoulder.  "You don't know how scared I was, Mo Yuan.  I really thought your dragon was dying.  When you transformed back into your human form you fell so hard I literally thought you had just died.  Please don't scare me like that again!  I love you so much!  My fox has picked you for my forever mate.  If something happens to you, I will die!"  He got down on one knee in front of her and took her hands into his.  His hands were large and they made hers look small.  The dragon talon holding the fox paw.  He looked at the hands together and smiled.  He looked up at her with his honey brown eyes swirling with his love and devotion.  "It's funny, but I just realized something.  Most dragons have a harem and hold a variety of women.  There's a problem there.  You see, most don't let their dragon search for their one true mate.  If they did, there would not be one single harem.  Not one.  My dragon was telling me the moment you walked into Kunlun with Zhe Yan that you belonged with us.  For 20,000 years I was a fool.  I died knowing I never told you how much I really loved you.  Please know my regret that I didn't.  If not for my mother, I would not be here to have you or Ye Hua.  I will never leave you again.  This experience between us has shown me my true power.  You are my power.  You are my strength.  Without you, I might as well have stayed in the chaos."  He cupped her beautiful face with his hands and kissed her sweet lips.  "Arise my love and let's take a walk around the mountain."
     Since his marriage, he had decided he didn't need to wear his hair like a monk anymore.  He wore dark blue robes with a white jade hair ornament and pin.  He remembered the days when he was a prince of the nine heavens before he became the God of War.  His hair was pulled back into an elaborate braid pattern with a top knot for his jade pin.  A hairdo fit for a prince.  He was going to show Ye Hua how to wear it too.  Only they would have it.  Bai Qian had helped him do it up and he liked the way he looked.  They came out of their room and started their walk.  One by one the disciples turned and looked.  Was that really Shifu?  He grinned as he passed them by.  Well they would just have to get used to it.  He is after all Mo Yuan, son of the father of gods.  They went into the great hall where Ye Hua was enjoying his snack.  His mouth was stuffed full of cake.  Mo Yuan smiled.  "Not too much, Ye Hua.  You'll spoil your dinner."  Chang Shan brought fresh tea for him.  He poured some for himself and Qian Qian. 
     Die Feng walked in and bowed.  "Shifu, I would like to give you a report on Taizi Dianxia.  He handled his meeting with us with the perfect amount of tact and authority.  In fact, he was rather princely if I do say so myself."  "Really!  This is very good news!  It looks like he is taking to his role as crown prince.  Tonight we have dinner together.  Send the message around."  "Ye Hua, Die Feng just reported to me that you handled your meeting with princely authority and tact.  I'm impressed.  This is exactly how you should be.  Detached, but caring, aloof, but reachable.  Do you  need more books to read on the subject?  I can get some from Donghua Dijun.  Just let me know and I can get them for you."  "Actually Da ge, Die Feng has been helping me.  He is not a crown prince but he is a prince.  He understands the duties and responsibilities involved and has shown me how to properly conduct myself.  I hope you don't mind that he helps me."  "No, I don't mind at all.  It is a sign of a good leader that is willing to seek aide from a trusted advisor when they are in doubt.  You have advanced so far in so little time.  I'm impressed.  When you are grown, I'm sure you will be able to throw me on my backsides.  How about we go to the music room!"  "I really like to hear you play, Da ge."
     Mo Yuan called his quqin to himself and sat behind the table it was on.  He started playing a tune that he played by the lotus pond.  Ye Hua was sitting there listening very carefully.  "Da ge, you played that for me and JieJie didn't you?"  "You remember?"  "Maybe.  I know I heard it before.  Just like that."  He played another song about love and then a lullaby that his mother had played for him.  "You played that song too!  I know you did!"  "Yes I did.  You don't know this but not only am I the God of War but I'm also the God of Music.  I might know what you like to hear!"  He played a few more songs when Chang Shan came to tell them it was dinner time.  The banquet hall was full of laughter and comraderie.  Zi Lan was the first to joke.  "You should have seen Taizi Dianxia when he held that meeting!  I thought he was a younger Shifu!  He acted just like him.  When he gets grown we are in for it!" 
     Three days later a message came from the nine heavens requesting a meeting with Mo Yuan and Ye Hua.  Mo Yuan read the scroll three times to make sure he was right in what he read.   So the gloves are coming off.  He had some work to do!  He sent Die Feng to get Ye Hua.  A few minutes later Ye Hua came in.  "You sent for me Da ge?"  "Yes, I did.  I have a message here requesting a meeting with you and I in the nine heavens.  There are some things about proper etiquette you and I should cover before we go.  For one, you can't call me Da ge in front of them.  You must address me as High God Mo Yuan while there.  You absolutely will not bow to anyone.  Only a slight nod of your head and a raising of your hands as a token greeting.  You are a son of the father of gods and you will act like it.  They bow to you.  You never bow to them.  Understood?"  "Yes Da ge.  I understand."  "I will be by your side as your advisor.  While we are there, we need to pick a military man to guard you and a man to help you with your paperwork as prince.  I will stand by you but you will pick your own men.  If the subject comes up that you are being disrespectful, just remind them, especially HaoDe, just who you are.  If you feel comfortable doing it, bring your dragon to the fore and probe the room.  Be subtle about it.  Probe even Dijun.  I want them to know that you are no fool and how much your dragon now knows.  And one more thing.  If anything is brought up about any marriage alliances, tell them flatly that you will choose your own wife when the time comes.  I want you to be as happy as I am.  Understand? "  "I understand.  Can we dragon train in the morning?  Like in the dining hall?"  "Good idea.  Learn to probe and see how many can block you.  Yes we will do that first thing in the morning."
     The next morning they all sat down to eat breakfast.  Mo Yuan nodded to Ye Hua to start his probe.  He sat there looking at his plate as he sent out his energy.  Die Feng looked up first.  One blocked.  Mo Yuan expected that.  Chang Shan next.  One by one they looked up.  Some blocked him, some didn't.  Mo Yuan addressed them.  "I see you all realize you are being probed.  How many of you knew it was Ye Hua?"  Die Feng nodded, Chang Shan nodded.  The others no.  "I'm teaching him how to subtlety read a room.  We have been summoned to the nine heavens.  I want him to scan that room carefully.  All of you put up a barrier and see if he can break it."  Everyone put up barriers.  Once again Ye Hua opened his dragon and sent out probes.  He broke every single barrier.  Die Feng jumped up from his seat.  "Shifu!  He just broke my barrier!  Wow!  Taizi Dianxia is pretty powerful for a young high immortal!"  "Alright Ye Hua.  Now on to the hard part.  Try to break my barrier."  Mo Yuan put up his strongest barrier.  Once again Ye Hua called his dragon.  This barrier was different.  His eyes swirled blue.  Hmmm.  A little more.....There broke it!!  Mo Yuan looked totally amazed.  "What did you do to break it, Ye Hua?"  "I called my dragon forth.  Your barrier was strong so I decided to read the type of energy you used.  Once I did that, I applied the type of energy to break it."  "Genius.  Pure genius!  So you're saying the energy signature used is how you can break a barrier.  Interesting!  If you can break Donghua Dijun's barrier, I absolutely will let you eat cake every day for a month.  Is it a deal?"  "Deal!"
     Mo Yuan and Ye Hua were greeted at the gates by Lian Song.  Ye Hua was dressed in his black robes with the dragon motif.  He had his dagger at his side.  His hair was done just like Mo Yuan's with the special braid in the back.  Lian Song was impressed!  "Where is that boy named Ye Hua?  Something must have taken him away!"  "I am Ye Hua.  I must act accordingly to my title and office.  So what do you think?"  "I think its marvelous!  I hope you rock the whole throne room."  Lian Song took on his official face and led them to the throne room.  He walked in and announced them.  Both brothers walked in with shoulders back, ramrod straight posture and faces made of stone.  As they were walking Ye Hua opened his dragon and probed.  Barriers were thrown up and immediately torn down.  He got to the bottom of the throne.  He probed Dijun.  He tore down one barrier after another.  Dijun stood up.  One last barrier.  Ye Hua pulled more power.  One more step and down it went!  Mo Yuan addressed HaoDe.  "You requested our presence?"  "I wanted to see for myself how much progress young Ye Hua has made.  I can see he is being taught  well.  When he is 50000 years old, he will take the official seals of the crown prince."  Donghua Dijun stood up and walked down to stand in front of Ye Hua.  He tried to read the boy's mind.  Barrier after barrier was thrown up.  With his last try he saw Ye Hua's eyes swirl into blue.  He couldn't break it.  "So Mo Yuan has taught him well", he thought.  "The boy is ready now for the trials to receive the official seals."  A shockwave went through the room.  Mo Yuan placed a hand on Ye Hua's shoulder.  "He is too young.  He is not quite ready for the responsibility."  Dijun looked carefully at the blue swirling eyes.  This child was special.  He could sense it.  "Another time when he is older.  You have been teaching him well, Mo Yuan!  Come to my palace before you leave."  He turned and walked out.  Mo Yuan turned to raise his hands and nod.  "If you are finished, we shall leave now."  Ye Hua copied his brother and turned to go.  " You dare to disrespect me?  How dare you!"  Ye Hua stepped forward.  "May I remind you, HaoDe, that I am Ye Hua, son of the father of gods and twin brother to Mo Yuan, God of War.  Your throne is rightfully mine by blood.  I will take it some day but today is not that day.  Be warned.  My brother and I could raze this place to the ground if we so wish.  Today you live.  Good day!"  With that they both turned around and strode out.  Ye Hua left his chill air spell behind him as he walked out.  When they reached the bottom of the stairs Dijun was waiting for them.

Rescue Me, My Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن