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     Mo Yuan had decided to stay in the nine heavens for a while.  Mo JinDe was still recovering and he wanted to make sure he was well before he left.  He went looking for him and found him sitting under a pavilion in the lotus pool area.  There were girls all around him and he saw the twinkle of mischief in his eyes.  He decided to go invisible to test the water.  JinDe was thoroughly bored, but he was not beyond having a little fun.  Girls were flitting around him like butterflies, each bringing tea, or cakes or flowers just for him.  Mo Yuan decided to jump in.  JinDe jumped when his father appeared in the pavilion.  All of the girls bowed down low to their knees and said, "greetings, High God Mo Yuan!"  He decided to have a little fun of his own!  "Are you ladies taking care of my son, Mo JinDe?"  Shy looks and flustered speech was all he got.  He motioned for them to step away for a moment.  "JinDe, open your dragon senses.  Be very subtle.  Once you do it, tell me what he says."  JinDe slowly opened his dragon up.  The rush of feelings hit hard, but he controlled himself.  He sniffed the air.  Slowly he became aware of a scent.  It was faint, as if it was leaving at first, but he realized the scent was still and scarcely present.  "Fuqin, I smell something.  A scent like the snow on Kunlun mixed with a flower.  What flower!  What flower!  It's here but not close.  Wait, it's jasmine!"  Mo Yuan probed around himself.  He dismissed the girls one by one until he found the one JinDe had smelled.  She was very quietly standing alone watching them.  "Don't look, JinDe, but there is a young woman over by the next pond watching you and I very intently.  She is the one you smell.  What else do you feel?"  "Fuqin, my dragon is very aroused!  Her smell is something he wants to investigate.  It feels very...very....warm, and something....I can't explain it to you!"  "Warm with a feeling of contentment that you have found something worth keeping?  A feeling that sets your dragon spirit on fire and has you yearning for the knowledge of what a kiss would feel like?"  "How did you know?"  "The very first day I set eyes on your mother, my dragon had been suppressed by me for a very long time.  He rushed up and almost broke through.  She told me I didn't look like the God of War but like all the pretty boys that always took girls out in the garden to have their way with them.  I grinned like a stupid fool but I wouldn't let my dragon test the water.  I finally let him go and I've been a happy man ever since then.  Let's get up and act like we are returning to my rooms.  When you come near her, test your feeling again.  If she feels like the one, I'll invite her to have tea with us and your mother can meet her.  How's that?"  "Fuqin, my dragon is going crazy!  I'm nervous!"  "Deep breaths and walk slowly.  Walk next to me."
     They walked slowly.  Mo Yuan was polite and addressed many of the young ladies.  He walked toward the one girl standing by the pond, her lovely face a mask of unreadable emotion.  As they came near her, JinDe grabbed his father's arm so tightly that Mo Yuan thought he was about to faint.  "You there!  Come help me take Lord Mo JinDe to my rooms.  He's not well, as you can see!"  JinDe smiled at his father.  "That crafty old dragon!  I better act weak then!"  The girl ran forward and gently wrapped her arm around JinDe's waist to assist him.  He smiled down at her beautiful heart shaped face with eyes as green as the valleys of Kunlun.  He sighed.  The three of them walked slow to Mo Yuan's study.  JinDe sat down and took her hand to thank her.  Mo Yuan stepped out to go get Bai Qian. 
     "Tell me your name, if you would?"  "My name is Mei Ying, Lord Mo JinDe.  I am from the eagle clans of the far north.  My father came for the trial and I wanted to come.  I never thought to even see you or your father.  I just wanted to see the lotus pond I've heard so much about!"  Mo Yuan returned with Bai Qian.  She smiled at the beautiful young girl.  She walked forward and took her hand.  "Thank you so much for helping JinDe get back here.  He's still recovering.  Would you like to have tea with us?"  Mei Ying folded her hands to bow but Bai Qian stopped her.  "No need for formalities here.  Mo Yuan, my love, perhaps you should find her father?  Invite him here please!"  Mo Yuan left in search of the eagle clan king.  He found him at the lotus pond looking for his daughter.  "High God Mo Yuan, it is an honor!  Perhaps you have seen my daughter?  She was supposed to wait for me here."  "Yes, she is having tea with my wife and my son, Mo JinDe.  Would you care to join us?"  He bowed and accepted, " it would be a great honor!  Did you say your son Mo JinDe?"   "Yes, she helped me take him to my study.  He's still recovering, you see.  May I ask your name?"   "I am Qiang de Ying, king of the Northern Eagle clan.  I am at your service!"
     They walked in to laughter coming from JinDe.  After what he had been through, it was good to hear him laugh.  Bai Qian rose to greet Mei Ying's father.  He bowed to her first.  "The legendary Bai Qian, former queen of Qing Qui and only high goddess!  Who but you could be the wife of the very formidable God of War?!  A pleasure to meet you!  And this young man must be Lord Mo JinDe?"  JinDe started to stand, but Qiang de Ying stopped him.  "No need for you to rise!  I know you have been ill.  My Mei Ying has not been a pest has she?"  Bai Qian spoke up for her.  "I find her to be rather delightful and like a breath of fresh air!  You really must let her stay for a few more days!  JinDe actually laughed today!  I would love to have her around!  Besides, I'm surrounded by men."  Mo Yuan commented.  "Yes, please do let her stay.  We will sponsor her, if you are ok with that."  "How could I refuse a request from the God of War himself?  She may stay for two weeks.  I need to go get her mother.  She will be quite pleased Mei Ying has made a friend!"  They sat down for tea and talked until it was time for Mei Ying and her father to leave.  Mo Yuan approached her father.   "There are rooms next to my youngest twin boys that Mei Ying can occupy.  Have her things moved there if you will.  Tianjun Ye Hua's assistant Tian Shu will get the rooms ready and show you where they are." 
     When they left, JinDe let his breath out.  He was about to rise when his father stopped him.  "Tell me now what your dragon is saying, JinDe!  Your eyes are gold and you are about to lose control!  Steady now!  Get him under control!  Steady!"  "Fuqin, my dragon wants her badly.  He kept sniffing her.  I'm sure she thought I was rather rude and crass.  Fuqin I couldn't stop!  What's going on?  Am I crazy?"  "No, JinDe, you just found your mate!  I told you it could happen.  You're very fortunate that she was even there today.  Fate has stepped in.  If you hadn't walked to the pavilion today, you would have missed her."  "Fuqin, set up talks for an agreement right away!  I don't think I can wait!  Please?"  "Alright.  I'll talk to her father right away.  Also you will need a palace, not just the rooms you have now.  There is an old palace next to Xiwu Palace that could be yours.  It was actually mine before I left for Kunlun.  What do you think?"  "May we go look at it now?  The work would need to start right away!"  "Yes, follow me."  For the next two hours they inspected the old palace.  They discussed changes to be made and rooms to be added and the addition of a hot pool and garden.  JinDe had a spring in his step that Mo Yuan hadn't seen in a while.  He smiled and made himself a mental note to send messages right away. 
     The next morning Ping came around with Jinzi and Baohu.  "High God Mo Yuan, I hear Mo JinDe has taken a liking to my King's daughter."  "Yes, he has.  What do you know about her, Ping?  Anything that should concern me?"  "Oh not at all!  She is a very sweet girl but don't let that fool you!  She has a good working knowledge of weaponry and is a fierce warrior.  I should know, for you see, I'm her Shushu!"  You could have knocked Mo Yuan over with a feather!  "You are her Shushu?  The King's missing brother?"  "Yes, I am.  I apologize to you for my deception.  I left our kingdom a long time ago.  I traveled around the realms and even the mortal realm before I landed in the Celestial army.  I'm very glad I was there that day those little boys came into camp.  I'm here now for fate brought me here!  Maybe Lord Mo JinDe will have need of me to guard his children some day!"  "Mei Ying will be staying in the rooms next to the boys.  You might wish to visit her.  Now leave these mischief makers with me!"
     Mo Yuan took the boys to see Ye Hua.  He had just ended a meeting.  "Just the person I need to see!  Da ge, I need you to be in my next meeting tomorrow.  It seems every king with a daughter wants an alliance!  I referred them to you as my official that handles all marriage negotiations.  Will you?"  "No worries!  I will be there.  I don't suppose you heard about JinDe did you?"  "No is he ok?  He's not sick is he?"  "No, in fact he couldn't be better!  He opened his dragon yesterday by chance and I think he has found his mate!  In fact, I came to talk about the old palace next door to yours.  I want it for JinDe and his soon to be wife!  What do you say to that, Tianjun!?"  "What?!?  Did he really?  I'm happy for him!  Of course, we need to start work right away on that palace!  Maybe JinDe could bring his intended and let her make suggestions?  What do you think?"  "An excellent idea!  I'll tell JinDe to take her over there.  These two wanted to visit their Shushu.  Would you mind letting them stay with you for a while so I can get messages sent?  By the way, he wants a hot pool like yours.  Would you care to draw up a plan for a garden?  Maybe a painting of how it should look?  Do you have time?"  "I can do it this afternoon.  I've been wanting these two for some time so I can paint them.  I'll take care of them!"  Mo Yuan quickly returned to his study.  He sent a message to Mei Ying's father.  He felt rather good about the whole thing.  He sent a message to Bai Xue to come to his study.  He wanted to see his reaction to his brother's news. 
     Bai Xue had been walking to his father's study when the message came.  He smiled and made his way over.  He stepped through the door and bowed.  "You called for me, Fuqin?"  "Yes, Xue Xue, take a seat!  I don't know if you've heard, but JinDe opened his dragon up yesterday and has possibly found his mate."  "I know, Fuqin.  I can feel his joy and excitement here."  He tapped his own heart.  "Before you ask me, no, I'm not jealous.  My time will come.  I would like to talk to you about a palace for myself.  Any ideas?"  "JinDe is redoing the old palace next to Xiwu Palace.  I believe there is another one next to it, or do you wish to be elsewhere?"  "No, I don't wish to be far from JinDe.  Fuqin, his life has been so hard, sometimes I feel the unfairness of it all.  Mother told me once that I'm actually a lot like Shushu Bai Zhen.  He is rather quiet and reserved like I am.  I want a woman who is quiet, demure, gentle.  It's just my nature."  "What if fate throws a curve at you, my gentle son?  When your mother came into my life, I was just like you.  I will admit in my younger days I was a lot like JinDe, but I had settled for a life of celibacy and tranquility.  She turned my whole world upside down, but she is everything to me.  Do you understand?"  "Yes, Fuqin, I do.  One thing is I'm not out and about very much.  I think I'll go walking at the lotus pond tomorrow.  I might get lucky!"  "Why don't we have a look at that palace next to JinDe's?  You might want to start work on it soon."
     JinDe went to see if Mei Ying wanted to go for a walk.  They were headed for the lotus pond when Bai Xue came around the corner with their father.  JinDe made the introduction.  "Mei Ying, you already know Fuqin, but this is my twin brother, Bai Xue.  Xue Xue, this is Mei Ying, princess of the eagle clan."  "It is a pleasure."  She was looking back and forth in amazement.  "You are mirror image twins.  How amazing and you look like your father too!"  Mo Yuan smiled and faced JinDe.  "JinDe, Xue Xue is going to look at the old palace next to yours.  He wanted to stay close to you.  We're about to go there now.  Would you care to show Mei Ying yours and ask her advice?"  JinDe turned to her and smiled.  "May I be so bold as to ask you to accompany me there?"  "I would love to!" 
     JinDe and Mei Ying stopped at his new palace while Mo Yuan and Bai Xue continued on to the next one.  "Will I see you and Mei Ying for dinner tonight, JinDe?"  "Yes, Fuqin.  Mei Ying hasn't met the foxes yet."   "Very well!  We will see you there!"  JinDe opened the doors to walk into the palace.  Work was being carried out everywhere.  "This is my hall, here.  That one down there could be yours, if you wish it to be."  His voice was soft and his tone was pleading.  She blushed and looked him in his honey colored eyes.  "Mo JinDe, are you asking me to marry you?"  "If you will have me!"  She threw herself into his arms and hugged him.  "Oh I forgot about your wound!  How careless of me!  Forgive me?"  He smiled at her and reached up his hand to put a piece of hair behind her ear.  "Shall we look at your hall then?  You shall have to pick a name for it.  You can decide on the decor too!"  They walked together arm in arm to see it as the workers looked on and smiled.
     Bai Xue was touring the old palace with a critical eye.  He was making notes in his mind that he would sort out later.  "So what do you think, Xue Xue?"  "It has a lot of potential.  Yes, I think this will suit me very well.  Do you think you could design me a hot pool like Shushu's?  I really would love that!"  "Yes, I will!  Just decide where to put it!"  They were walking back to Xiwu Palace when they decided to take a tour around the lotus pond.  Young couples were everywhere and many singles too.  Mo Yuan laughed.  "I don't think an old god like me needs to be hanging around at the moment!  I'll leave you to "get lucky" as you say!  Come by for dinner tonight."   "I'll see you there, Fuqin!"  Bai Xue walked to the first empty pavilion.  The lotus smelled wonderful and the view was gorgeous.  He was thinking about JinDe and his new love.  A soft smile curved his lips.  Yes, JinDe had been through much, but he saw good things ahead for his brother.  He sat down and put his chin in his hand.  He decided to test the waters.  His eyes turned white.  Sounds and smells assaulted him at first until he got his dragon to settle down.  He decided to walk around to see what he could see.  Round and about he went.  Nothing.  He started down the main walkway toward the throne room to where the guest quarters were.  A rather large group of young people were just ahead of him.  He was about to close down his dragon when he caught a whiff of jasmine and lavender.  It was so subtle he almost missed it.  He quickened his pace.  He was testing the air as he went.  He was almost upon them when he heard a voice up ahead.  "Is that Lord Bai Xue behind us?  Or is it Lord JinDe?  I swear I can't ever tell!"  Bai Xue smiled.  One young man stopped and the whole group stopped.  He caught up to them.  "It's Lord Bai Xue!  Lord JinDe has gold eyes!  His are white!"  They all bowed and greeted them.  "What brings you here today, Lord Bai Xue?  Spying getting too boring for you?"  Bai Xue's dragon took an instant dislike to the man and showed it.  He jumped behind the man and spoke into his ear.  "No, but maybe I should investigate you, hmmm?"  His dragon growled for good measure.  The girls all giggled and the other men laughed.  One girl in particular had a look of absolute awe on her face that quickly changed to nonchalance.  "Maybe you should investigate him, Lord Bai Xue!  He thinks he's so smart!  He's not even a high immortal yet!"  She turned to the man who dared challenge Bai Xue.  "You should know that Lord Bai Xue is a high god!  He would rip you apart like paper!"  Bai Xue caught that whiff of jasmine and lavender.  He ever so lightly sniffed the air again.  It was her!  He smiled.  He approached her ever so gently.  "Would you care to join me for dinner tonight, my stalwart defender?  My mother would be glad to meet you, for sure!"  She stepped back and looked afraid.  Was he talking to her?  "Are you here with family?  Should I escort you to your room?  I would ask permission of your father, of course."  The other girls were burning with jealousy.  It was a known fact that Lord Bai Xue was a quiet man and hardly ever entertained a girl.  It was known he made trips to the mortal world flower house, but since his high god trial, that had all but stopped.  She touched his arm and pointed in the direction of her room.  "I am here with my parents.  Father had a meeting with Tianjun today.  Our rooms are right down that corridor over there.  If you're of the inclination to walk me there, I could ask father permission to dine with you!"  He smiled and looped her arm through his to walk her to her rooms.  "You already know my name but I don't know yours.  If I may be so bold as to ask?"  She smiled the brightest smile he had ever seen and answered him.  My name is Meili de Lianhua."

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