Wedding Day

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     It had been decided the Jinzi would lead JinDe's wedding party and Baohu would lead Bai Xue's.  They were very smartly dressed in Kunlun blue robes that matched those that their father wore.  The sweet, beautiful faced little boys nearly stole the show.  Each party collected their brides.  Slowly but surely they made their way to the nine heavens.  JinDe and Bai Xue were resplendent in their red robes.  Donghua Dijun would be the officiate in charge.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe led their brides forward.  The vows were taken and the bows made.  Mei Ying was taken to JinDe's new palace.  Meili was taken to Bai Xue's new palace.  They were both led to their new brides.  Mo Yuan and Bai Qian led them to the corridor where both of their palaces were located.  No words were spoken but Mo Yuan placed a hand on each son's shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze.  Bai Qian kissed each one on the cheek and cupped her hand to each face for just a moment.  They were led away to their new lives.
     Bai Xue was led into his own chamber.  Meili, his sweet little flower, was waiting for him.  They drank their wine and were left alone.  He knelt before her and took her hand.  He kissed her hand ever so gently and reached up to remove her veil.  He cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes.  She was nervous, but his tender look told her that he would love her forever.  "Meili, I wish to bring out my dragon for us to mate.  It will be permanent and we will be forever joined by it.  Do you wish it to be so?"  With no hesitation she nodded.  "I wish it.  I want it very much."  Right before her eyes, she saw his eyes change to white.  His dragon was present.  He removed his outer robe.  He sat next to her and kissed her lips.  Her hands untied his inner robes one by one.  He kissed her again.  With a flip of his hand he removed their clothes and they were naked on the bed.  He was trying not to scare her, his dragon was getting excited.   He kissed down her throat to her breast.  He kissed one and then the other.  He sucked a nipple into his mouth.  She moaned her pleasure.  He kissed lower.  He gently spread her legs and feasted his eyes on her flower.  He dove in like a starving man.  He licked and sucked her petals until her juices were flowing.  He brought her to her climax.  He raised up over her and thrust in one motion.  She screamed her pain.  He waited as it eased and he pushed in to fill her.  "I'm sorry,  I only want to love you!"  She kissed his lips.  His tongue entered her mouth and the kiss brought out a desire.  He started moving and she slowly answered him.  Slowly they moved.  Having no more patience, his skin started to shimmer as he turned a scaly white.  As he changed his pace changed.  His dragon growled and took one breast into his mouth.  "Mine."  He was trying to be gentle but his dragon would not be denied.  His phallus grew and she accommodated him.  His passion was soaring as his time to mark her drew close.  His phallus was hot and her walls were thick with her juices.  He thrust into her so hard their bed rocked.  His hand became a talon.  He was thrusting as he made a mark on her breast right above her heart.  He had written "Xue" on her.  Blood flowed from the deep scratches.  His dragon tongue licked her blood and healed her wound.  Heat and an unexplainable warmth spread over her body.  He totally transformed, took her into his talons and jumped to their hot spring garden.  His dragon was in its full-size form, his phallus still inside her.  He kept loving her, licking her body, stimulating her, blowing little spots of hot breath on her, sticking his dragon tongue into her mouth.  Her hands were petal soft as she rubbed his face and his dragon hair on his head.  As she touched him, the scent of jasmine and lavender came into the air.  She was near her climax.  He thrust into her faster.  His tail came around her waist to hold her as he heated his phallus for his last thrusts.  Higher and higher they climbed until they broke together.  He let out a roar of satisfaction and dominance.   With her own cry of  passion, flower petals rained from the sky onto them.  A warmth spread through her body and the mark on her chest glowed.  Still in his dragon form, he began his ritual cleaning of her.  He licked her clean of the blood between her legs.  He licked her whole body from top to bottom.  His tongue was soft.  When he finished he stood and transformed back into his male human form.  He gently picked her up and carried her into the hot pool.  They lay there for over an hour.  Meili touched his face.  "Xue Xue, I love you.  That was the most beautiful thing to ever happen in my life."  "Meili, I love you!  We must rise and attend our banquet.  We will be expected, but I will have one week with you before I return to my duties."  He kissed her soft lips.  "Can I expect another visit from your dragon soon?  I find him to be rather fascinating and quite lovely!  His scales look like pearls!  And that tongue!  Well I really like it!  Can I lay on his stomach?"  "Tonight then, my sweet little flower.  Tonight!"  He jumped them to their room so they could dress for the banquet.
     Mo JinDe knelt before Mei Ying.  He kissed her hand and removed her veil.  Her bright green eyes were fearful but they held a promise of pleasure to come.  Neither one of them were patient.  Robes started flying as they took the robes off of each other.  JinDe's eyes turned gold.  She sensed the dragon.  He was a little aggressive as he kissed her lips, down her neck to her breasts.  He palmed them both with his hands.  He took one into his mouth and sucked it.  Lower his lips travelled.  He spread her legs and and gazed on her flower.  He buried himself in her flower.  He licked and sucked her.  His tongue entered her.  He brought out his dragon tongue.  She moaned her pleasure.  He was kneading her breasts and sucking her nub.  He rose up, took her around the waist and jumped her to his hot spring.  He transformed before her eyes.  What a magnificent site he was.  His phallus came out and she gasped at the sheer size of it.  Seeing her fear, he took his front talons and spread her legs.  His tongue continued what he had started.  Her breath came in pants as he sucked and licked her to ecstasy.  Her climax came upon her in waves.  He rose up and thrust into her.  Her scream filled the air so he waited patiently for it to subside.  He licked her neck and the skin over her heart.  He heated his phallus and began to slowly move inside her.  Her juices were flowing and her channel was slick.  He took his talon and wrote "JinDe" over her heart.  Blood flowed from the would, but he licked her wound and healed it.  He was setting a fast pace now.  She answered him stroke for stroke.  He rolled her to her stomach, raised her knees and entered her.  Her deep moans of pleasure excited him.  He wrapped his tail around her and begun thrusting hard and fast.  His tongue was all over her body.  He licked her nub while he pounded into her.  He felt her walls contract and her body started jerking.  His own release brought spasms of delight as he jerked and filled her with his seed.  His roar filled the nine heavens.  Her eagle screech was there to tell him her pleasure.   A warmth emanated from him as they fell down to earth together.  He slowly removed his phallus and began his licking.  He cleaned her between her legs of her blood.  Slowly and steadily he licked her from top to bottom.  When he was finished, he stood and transformed into his human form.  He gently picked her up and carried her into the hot pool.  "Hmmm, this feels nice.  JinDe, I love you!  That was the most wonderful thing I've ever seen, felt or heard in my whole life!  When can I have your dragon again?   Hmmm?"  "Tonight, my lovely!  Tonight!  We have to attend our banquet now.  Are you ok, my love?"  She jumped up and stretched her taunt little body.  He stood and kissed her and jumped them to their room.
     Mo Yuan grinned when he heard the twin roars shake the nine heavens.  So they both brought out their dragons!  Good!  Things start off on the right foot!  JinDe and Xue Xue both brought in their brides and went to their tables that were sat up side by side.  Mo Yuan motioned to Ye Hua.  He had been making the rounds talking.  "Great party, Da ge!  Don't think you pulled one on me either!  I see every eligible girl here with their parents!  Smooth move, Da ge!"  "Now that you have noticed, why don't you open your dragon up and let him test the water.  You might find something of great worth to you!"   Ye Hua sat beside his brother and took a cup of wine.  He stared at his brother for a moment, drained his cup and opened his dragon.  His naughty dragon was sniffing the air too loudly.  Mo Yuan leaned over to remind him of his manners.  "Not so loudly, naughty boy!  Everyone can hear you sniffing!  Be just a little more subtle!"  He nodded and refined his senses.  One by one he sniffed the scent of every woman, married or unmarried, in the room.  JieJie!  She smelled like peach blossoms.  Wait!  What was that?  He sniffed again.  The smell of spicy oranges.  Mixed with clove.....cinnamon..... Patchouli.......hmmm mmm.  A heady scent but subtle.  Mo Yuan watched as Ye Hua closed his eyes to sniff.  Aha!  The black dragon is on the scent of something!  Slowly Ye Hua panned the room for that scent again.  Closer and closer he got until he could smell it right near him.  His dragon eyes caught site of her.  A small young woman but not in the least weak!  She was sitting beside her father, king of the snow leopard clan.  "Da ge!  Da ge!  Who is that girl sitting over there?"  Mo Yuan smiled.  A hit!  "She's Bao Feng Yu, daughter of the king of the snow leopards.  Shall I invite them over to my table?"  Ye Hua, being rather shy, nodded.  Mo Yuan waved a hand and sent a missive to their table.  The man rose and brought his daughter with him.  "High God Mo Yuan, it is an honor to meet you!  How may I be of service to you?"  Mo Yuan sent Ye Hua an eye to eye message.  He rose and invited Bao Feng Yu to his own table.  After he escorted her there, Mo Yuan motioned for her father to sit.  "I mainly asked you to come discuss your daughter with me.  As you can see, Tianjun Ye Hua has an interest in her.  If they can develop it, it could have a good outcome, don't you think?"  The king sat back shocked and silent.  What a stroke of luck!  He had actually entertained the idea of not attending the double wedding.  "High God Mo Yuan, my daughter is very temperamental.  She is not the least bit shy or demure in any sense of the word.  Are you sure she would be the right fit for Tianjun Ye Hua?  He seems rather reserved to me."  "Trust me when I say behind that facade lies a very naughty dragon.  He is searching for his mate.  I believe your daughter is the one.  We like our women spicy.  My own Bai Qian is anything but demure.  She can drink any man here under the table, but she has what my dragon searched for.  Am I a love sick fool?  Yes!  Am I any less the God of War?  No!  She accentuates my power and makes me even more dangerous!  Do you understand?"  "Yes, I do!  My own mate brings me the same power!  Shall we let nature take its course then?"  "An excellent idea!  Have a drink with us!  Qian Qian!  This is Wang Mao, king of the snow leopards.  Ye Hua is entertaining his daughter, Bao Feng Yu.  Pour us some wine please!"  She waved her hand and brought forth three small jugs of Zhe Yan's peach blossom wine.  Wang Mao took one sniff and smiled.  "Is this the famous wine of the great god of the peach tree woods?"  "Indeed it is!  A toast to our families!"  He took a deep pull on the jug.  Mo Yuan raised his eyebrows as he watched Bai Qian.  A challenge!  He sipped his wine.  This was going to be good! 
     A buzz went around the hall that High Goddess Bai Qian and Wang Mao, king of the snow leopards were in a drinking match. Everyone knew she could put any of them under the table, but what of him?  Mo Yuan was smiling as he sat back to watch.  He felt strange taking pride in the fact that his wife could out drink any man there.  They were on their third jug of peach wine when Wang Mao begin to slur his words.  Qian Qian was just getting started.  Fourth jug was brought out.  Wang Mao took two drinks and promptly fell over backwards.  Bai Qian turned to Mo Yuan.  "Don't think that I don't know what you did!  You were replacing my wine with water!"  "Might I remind you, sweetheart, that you are pregnant?  No heavy drinking!"  "Well, SWEETHEART, if your dragon wasn't such a lusty bull apex drake, I wouldn't be!"  "Well, sweetheart, if your sweet peach flower didn't taste so good and smell so ripe and delicious, maybe I could keep my rod in my pants."  "Well, dearest, maybe if your rod didn't feel so good sliding in and out of my hot, juicy peach, I wouldn't be aroused all the time."  His eyes turned gold and he sniffed the scent of her arousal.  He motioned to Ye Hua.  "What's wrong, Da ge?"  "Please have Wang Mao taken to his guest room.  You and Bao Feng Yu can accompany them.  Ask her to eat lunch with you tomorrow in your garden.  Understand?"  "Yes, I do!  Time for fox tails and dragon scales?"  "How did you ever guess?"  He took his beautiful fox by the hand and led her out of the banquet.
     Mo JinDe had been watching his mother and father face each other nose to nose.  He knew what was coming!  He wanted his own action!  Eagle claws and dragon paws!  He liked the sound of it.  "My sweet delicious little eagle, how about we sneak out to our hot spring.  Are you ready for some dragon?"  She giggled behind her hand.  "If you're up to it then so am I!"  He looked around to see who was watching.  His eyes met Bai Xue's who seemed to have the same idea.  Only he was thinking flower smells and dragons tails.  They both placed an arm around their wives, nodded and jumped to their palaces.  Three apex dragons were loving themselves to exhaustion that night leaving one wishing he could.  His thoughts of a little wildcat leopard had his rod getting stiff and his dreams going where they hadn't ever been.

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