Get up Ya Old Dragon!

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     Ye Hua had kept the first vigil.  Mo Yuan had slept through the night.  Since he had rested well,  Jinzi came for the next vigil.  All day he slept.  As night was falling, he moaned.  He was still asleep, but his pain was breaking through.  Xue had relieved Jinzi.  He called him when the moaning started.  Jinzi brought an elixer and put it under his Fuqin's tongue.  The elixer dissolved and the moaning ceased.  For a week the vigil was kept.  On the morning of the seventh day, JinDe was keeping watch.  He was reading a scroll on the history of the demon wars when his Fuqin opened his eye.  He looked around and then at JinDe.  Clarity came into his eye and he spoke into JinDe's mind.  "JinDe, where am I?  What happened?"  JinDe stroked his Fuqin's face and down his whisker.  "You and Baohu were sparring.  You flew into the air with him.  He called a storm and you got involved in dodging lightning bolts.  You were flying too fast and hit the ground.  You were gravely injured but Jinzi performed surgery and saved you.  Don't move until I can get him.  Don't transform either.  You had serious internal injuries.  I'll be right back."  JinDe was back in less than ten minutes with Jinzi.  Jinzi scanned him carefully.  "Fuqin, are you in pain?  Should I give you an elixer?"  "I'm in some pain but manageable.  I need to move if I can.  I want to transform if possible."  Once again Jinzi scanned his wound and checked it.  "Try to transform if you can.  We can then get you some soup and tea."  He nodded and tried to transform.  The pain was too great.  He was breathing hard out of his nose.  "I can't.  The pain is too great."  "If I give you an elixer for the pain, do you think you could transform?"  He thought for a minute and nodded.  Jinzi put the elixer under his tongue.  He sighed heavily and tried too move.  His eyes swirled and he transformed.  He was still in his battle armor.  A gaping hole was in the side of it.  He sat up and took stock of himself.  He grinned.  "That Xiao Jin Huli nearly did me in!  Ha!!  How about your power level Jinzi?  How are you now?"  Jinzi grinned and called forth his aura.  He too, had a green aura that was pulsing like a heart beat.  Mo Yuan grinned.  "Well, medicine king Jinzi!  Is it safe for me to go to the hot spring to bathe?  I stink like a rank dragon.  You know how your mother feels about stinky foxes and rank dragons!"  "Do you want me to get mother to assist you, Fuqin?"  "Yes please!  I've worried her enough."  "Please stay here with JinDe while I go get her.  She's been worried sick and Taiyang and Zhenzhu have been here to see you every day.  I'll get them to."
     JinDe looked at his Fuqin very carefully.  He smirked.  "So you let the Jin Huli get the best of you!  I guess you are getting on in years now.  It's only fair to think you had a lapse there or you wouldn't have conceded to him..."  Mo Yuan's eyes swirled like the sun and he huffed.  "This battle is far from over, far from over.  I best get Jinzi to check my spirit alignment too.  I'm not feeling right."  "Are you really ok, Fuqin?  That huli was throwing lightning so fast we had to run inside ourselves.  You did drag him under you before you dropped off that cliff.  If he was hurt, he never said a word.  Fuqin I swear Baohu is tough as one of your dragon scales.  Speaking of which.  I didn't want these to get into the wrong hands."  He had four golden scales in his hand.  Mo Yuan looked at them in horror.  "Oh no!  They must be put back immediately!  It may be too late!  I'll have a weak spot!  Where did they come from?"  "I don't know.  I guess Jinzi will have to examine you again.  Is it going to be hard to transform back?"  "I hope not!  Those scales need to be put back now!  And I mean now!"  Jinzi came back with his mother and the baby twins.  "Fuqin!  Fuqin!  You all better!"  "He hugged them and immediately turned to Jinzi.  He held out the scales.  "Jinzi, I need these put back immediately.  Now please!  Move back so I can transform!"  Bai Qian picked up the boys and they all moved back.  He transformed, but not without difficulty.  Jinzi looked by the wound and found the spot of his Fuqin's back where the scales came from.  One by one he placed them in order, like putting a puzzle together, and healed the area.  A long sigh came out of Jinlong.  "Fuqin, I best look and see if any other scales are missing.  I must thoroughly examine every part of you.  Every part."  Jinlong snorted.  He knew what he meant.  Jinzi carefully examined his top side for over thirty minutes.  He checked his sides and his wound.  It was healing nicely.  "Now roll onto your side and left me look underneath.  He slowly rolled.  Jinzi started under his chin and ran his hands over his belly.  Then he saw it.  Two missing scales.  Right where his phallus was tucked away.  "Mother, I need for you to take Taiyang and Zhenzhu inside please.  What I have to do should not be seen by little boy eyes, if you know what I mean?"  Comprehension hit as she picked then up and went to get tea.  "JinDe, we have got to find these two missing scales!  Get the Dragon Wing to help you comb the area.  Hurry!"  JinDe rushed off to get help to comb the area.  Jinzi turned to his Fuqin.  "Fuqin, I need for you to bring forth your phallus.  I know it's awkward, but I must have a look.  Please?"  Jinlong groaned and brought forth his phallus.  There it was.  Right over his large sack.  Two missing scales.  Ugh!!  "Ok, you can retract it now and transform back please."  Mo Yuan sat there for a moment looking at Jinzi.  "Well?"  Jinzi's face turned beet red.    "Fuqin, you have two scales missing.  They sit right over"  "My what?"  "Alright, your balls!"  "Do I need to let you examine me there?"  "Fuqin, let's go to your room please?  I'll jump us there."  He grabbed his Fuqin and jumped them.  "You will have to drop your pants, please.  And lay on the bed."  Mo Yuan did as he was told.  "Fuqin, this is very awkward for me, especially since I distinctly remember Baohu and I getting on a quest to see your "thing" as we called it at the time.  Please don't laugh!"  "Jinzi, only one other has handled me there and you know who that is.  You are my physician in this case.  Treat me like any other patient.  I trust you explicitly.  Now proceed."  He examined him.  There were two raw spots where the scales were missing.  He touched one spot and Mo Yuan cried out.  "Ouch!  That hurts really bad!  It feels like the skin is raw."  "Well that's the way it looks too.  We need to find those scales.  We can't have the golden dragon of Kunlun with a weak spot now can we?  For now, I can put some balm on those two spots to ease the pain.  I suggest you don't wear your underpants for the time being.  Chafing could make it worse and harder to put those scales back once we find them." 
     Mo Yuan walked with a slight hitch into the great hall.  It felt weird not having his underpants on.  When he sat down and crossed his legs, his balls sat right on his robe.  He squirmed for a good five minutes.  His mind was running amuck because of it.  The hall was empty.  Chang Shan brought tea so he asked him where everybody was.  "They are on the mountain looking for your two missing scales.  Can I get anything for you?"  "Some of your healing soup.  I'm quite famished."  "Right away, Shifu!"  The search had been ongoing since early morning.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu decided to take to the air.  Right next to the first cliff, right on top of an evergreen tree, they saw the two scales shining like new gold pieces.  "Er ge!  Er ge!  We find!  We find them!"  JinDe flew over just in time to see them retrieve the scales.   He called a halt and had everyone head to the great hall for tea and snacks.  Mo Yuan had just finished eating and was rising to go to his room when JinDe came in holding the baby twins.  "Fuqin!  We find your scales!  We found them!"  He held out his hand for them.  At last!  "JinDe, go get Jinzi.  He'll know what to do.  I'll be in my room waiting for him."  In just a few minutes Jinzi came running into his Fuqin's room.  Mo Yuan laid down and held out his hand with the two scales in the palm.  "I'm sorry Fuqin, but I will need for you to go to the arena and transform there." He got up, looked at Jinzi and sighed.  "Why is it that you and Baohu continue to put me in a, shall we say, embarrassing situation even after all these millennia?"  Jinzi grinned and hugged his Fuqin as he stood up.  He looked him straight in his honey brown eyes.  "I guess Fate said you needed a challenge every step of your life.  Each one of us, from Da ge to Taiyang and Zhenzhu have brought those challenges to you.  Who knows?  There may come more!"  Mo Yuan's head snapped around and he stared at Jinzi.  "Are you telling me your mother is pregnant again?"  "No, but it could happen.  Your testosterone level is still very high and you haven't shown any signs of slowing down.  I checked you earlier.  Now let's go to the arena."  Mo Yuan transformed and laid down.  He turned on his back and brought forth his phallus.  At this point whatever modesty he might have had left him.  Oh well!  Jinzi brought forth the scales and replaced them in the correct order.  He passed healing energy over his large sack and waited.  With a groan, Jinlong retracted his phallus, rolled over and stood up.  He felt good.  He transformed and stood in front of Jinzi.  His eyes were still gold.  "So, Xiao Jin Huli, is this scar going to mar my good looks forever?"  "Jinlong, you are such a naughty dragon!  Only mother or us will see it.  You have other scars."  "This is true, but I'll be damned if I'm going to give that little smart mouthed, full of himself huli the satisfaction of saying he scarred me!  Remove it please!"  Jinzi laughed and gathered power to his hand.  He swept the spot and removed the scar.  "Now!  No sparring until you are completely healed!  I mean it Fuqin!  No sparring!"
     A week had gone by and Mo Yuan was back to teaching his Dragon Wing again.  They had missed him.  He smiled his soft smile as he sat down.  They all ran to him.  "Shifu, did it hurt bad?  Are you going to fight Baohu again?  Are you strong again?"  On and on the questions went.  He sent them to their seats and gave them a lesson on being prepared for whatever would come their way.  Later that afternoon, Mo Yuan called Baohu and Jinzi into his study.   "Now that you both are high gods, I have a gift for each of you.  Jinzi, I know you have chosen the path of healing rather than war.  Many millennia ago, Zhe Yan did the same.  Instead he became a very powerful medicine king and one whose skill has been surpassed by no one, until now.  His weapon was the Fuxi Zither.  It sits under this mountain.  I have a weapon for you, forged by my own hand.  Come here now."  He brought forth a chest of gold with white jade trim.  It had Jinzi's name on it.  "Open it!"  Jinzi opened the chest.  Inside was a beautiful set of golden armor that looked almost like his Shushu Bai Zhen's.  It had the seal of Kunlun on the left breast and the caduceus on the right.  A special backpack was made to carry elixers and potions to match it.  Jinzi picked up the armor and fingered it gently.  A tear was in his eye as he looked at his Fuqin.  "It's beautiful, Fuqin!  Just beautiful!"  "I have another thing for you.  You never really cared to learn weapon proficiency like your brother, but you still need a weapon.  I know you use your tails more for healing, but I also know you can call lightning to your hand.  This glove I have made will use that power and project it for you.  I hope you can use it well."  The glove was golden to match his armor.  It too had the Kunlun emblem on the top.  Jinzi tried it on and flexed his hand.  It fit well and didn't impede the use of his hand in any way.  He hugged his Fuqin and wiped a tear away from his face.  "Thank you, Fuqin!  I shall wear it with pride!"  Mo Yuan hugged him tight.  "Baohu, here is your chest."  He opened it and found an identical set of armor just like Jinzi's.  "It's beautiful, Fuqin!  You know I will wear it with pride!"  Mo Yuan brought out another chest.  He opened it and brought out two identical blades.  The handles were gold in the shape of a fox with it's tail curled around.  The blades were straight, slightly curved at the end.  They were matching blades.  "Baohu, you have developed your skills to a much higher level than your brother.  These blades will enhance your ability to call the storm and the lightning.  When you cross them over your head, the power will draw to them. When you swing them down, a wave of your power and lightning will flow out.  I hope they will be a help to you."  Baohu drew them out and looked closely.  His name was engraved on each blade and a fox with its tails out was etched down the blade.  A lightning bolt was in relief behind the fox.  Baohu held the blades to his chest and looked at his Fuqin with happiness.  "How did you know what I wanted, Fuqin?  They're beautiful!!"  "Your mother designed the armor, I made the blades.  Now come here, my Xiao Jin Hulis!  You've grown up on me!!"  He hugged them both.  "You two aren't messing around the flower house are you?"  Both of them looked embarrassed and shocked.  "Just don't let your mother know.  Let's go get tea and snacks."
     Three days into the second week after the accident, Mo Yuan woke up feeling a little green around the edges.  He was sitting on his dais drinking his tea waiting for breakfast when the pain in his side hit.  He stood and sweat was pouring off his face.  He was about to walk to the infirmary when he doubled over in pain.  He called Jinzi in his mind.  "Jinzi, Jinzi, come to the hall now please!"  Jinzi materialized right beside his Fuqin who was leaning against the wall holding his side.  "What's wrong, Fuqin?"  "My side, Jinzi.  The pain is horrible.  Take me to the infirmary now, please!"  Jinzi put his arm around his waist and was about to jump him when he passed out cold.  "Die Feng!!  Die Feng!  Help me please!"  Die Feng came running around the corner.  "Help me get Fuqin to the infirmary!  I need to check him over quickly."  They jumped him there and removed his robes.  Jinzi took his pulse.  He scanned him carefully.  "Die Feng, get Chang Shan.  Also send a message to Shushu Ye Hua.  I need him here.  I don't have time to get Zhe Yan.  Hurry now."  Chang Shan ran in and took stock of the situation.  "Chang Shan, Fuqin has an internal infection around his wound.  I must have left a small sliver of wood in his wound.  I must do surgery now.  I need pain killer potions and dragon elixers.  It's Jinlong who is wounded.  Hurry now."  Jinzi was cleaning his Fuqin's side to prepare when Ye Hua walked in.  "Shushu!  I need you to keep Fuqin asleep and pass energy to him.  I must do surgery and I have to do it now."  He was laid flat and he opened his eyes.  "Fuqin, I must do surgery now.  Shushu will put you to sleep and pass energy to you.  I need to talk to Jinlong.  Bring him forth please."  His eyes turned gold and he moaned.  "Jinlong, I must do surgery now.  You have a bad infection.  I must operate to save you.  Shushu is here.  Heilong will pass energy to you.  We are going to put you to sleep now."  Jinzi took hold of his Fuqin's hand and brought it to his cheek.  Jinlong smiled and nodded.  He closed his eyes.  Ye Hua's eyes turned blue and he put Jinlong to sleep.  They very carefully turned him on his left side.  Jinzi brought power to his hand and made a cut on his Fuqin's side.  He was shocked by what he saw.  The area was inflamed and yellow liquid was everywhere.  He cleaned the area thoroughly with his magic.  He opened his fox senses so he could see better.  He searched until he found the sliver of wood from the limb stuck in the bottom of his kidney.  He cleaned the area again. He took boiled water and pour a little in the wound.  He cleaned it again.  "Shoot him some energy.  He's weak.  He was about to be seriously ill from the amount of infection.  I'm almost done."  Once more Jinzi cleaned inside the wound.  He closed it carefully after each stage of cleaning.  He stitched his side so neat you couldn't even see his stitches.  Mo Yuan was laying on his side when Jinzi finished.  He brought forth four different elixers to give him.  One by one he gave them to his Fuqin and let the glow spread out over him.  "Now we must wait for him to wake up on his own.  I will keep watch, Shushu.  Thank you for helping me."  "Jinzi, you have become a most excellent physician.  You have almost become more knowledgeable than Zhe Yan!  Maybe you could teach our medicine king a thing or two!  I'll be back later to check on him."
Jinzi called Baohu to himself.  "Baohu, please come to the infirmary and bring mother."  It was just a few moments before Baohu brought Bai Qian.  She was shocked to see Jinzi applying balm to the incision on his side.  "Jinzi, what has happened?"  "No need to panic, Mother!  Fuqin will be fine now.  A sliver of wood was stuck into the bottom of his kidney.  It became infected and caused Fuqin to collapse this morning.  I've performed another surgery to clean the infection out and remove the sliver.  He will be fine.  Just touch his face to let him know you are here.  He will wake up quicker."  She brought out her tails and caressed his face.  He smiled in his sleep.  "See?  I will sit with him tonight.  Tomorrow after breakfast you can come.  You look tired Mother.  Let me check you."  He checked her pulse.  He grinned but he checked it again for good measure.  "Why are you grinning, Jinzi?  I don't think I want to hear what you have to say."  "Mother, I'm very happy.  You are pregnant again!"  Bai Qian looked at Jinzi, looked at that horny dragon and started crying.  "I'm just a brood mare for this stable of children!  I'm too old!  I'm just too old!"  She was about to leave when a grinning dragon spoke.  His eyes were closed and he was acting like he was in another universe.  "Looks like this old dragon still has the stuff."  He sighed and was in a deep sleep again.  The grin on his face spoke volumes.  Two days later, Bai Qian was sitting by him reading a play and eating loquats.  He slowly moved.  He groaned and opened his eyes.  He saw her and smiled.  "Qian Qian, I love you."  "Mo Yuan, I have something to tell you.  I don't think you want to hear it."  Fear came into his eyes.  "What's wrong, my love?  You look sick and very tired.  I'm so sorry I've been injured.  I'll be up and about soon.  I promise!"  Mo Yuan, bring forth Jinlong please!"  His eyes swirled and he came forth grinning.  She looked at him and bopped him on the forehead with her fan.  "Since you are nothing but a constantly rutting bull drake apex dragon, you have knocked me up again.  I swear I'm going to run the next time you say the word mate!  I just want to enjoy our pleasure together!  I'm ruined and it's all your fault!"  He tried to raise up but the pain in his side was too great.  He laid back down in a huff.  "Get Jinzi please!  I need him!"  Her face grew worried as she rose to leave.  He grimaced hard and tried not to show his pain.  Jinzi came back with his mother.  "Fuqin?  Do you need pain medicine?"  Jinzi scanned him.  He brought forth a potion and gave it to him.  "I'll be right back."  He left for the kitchen to get soup and tea.  "My love, I'm so sorry!  I'm just a lusty, horny dragon when you're around me.  You're so beautiful and your tails are so luscious.  Hmmm if I could just get up off this bed!  But alas!  My balls are sore.  I lost two scales there and they got raw spots.  I'm ruined now.  You won't have to worry."  He sniffed rather loudly.  He was absolutely sure he was ruined.  He would ask Jinzi when he came back. 

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