Am I Alive?

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     Mo Yuan transformed and lay on the ground.  He was so spent, he couldn't move.  He wanted to get in the hot pool.  He really did, but he would literally have to crawl.  He was that used up.  He finally fell back and was asleep before Bai Qian could get him into the pool.  She smirked and placed him there.  She bathed him good, dried him off, oiled him and combed out his hair.  She jumped them back to their room and went to sleep with her arm across his chest and her head on his shoulder.  The next morning, he was still asleep.  Jinzi went in to check on them.  Since they both were asleep, he just scanned them slowly. When he scanned his Fuqin, his face turned red and he nearly laughed out loud.  Jinlong was snoring.  His Fuqin was utterly used up!  He looked at his mother and noted the contented smile on her face.  He backed out slowly and left them.  Bai Qian woke up mid morning and stretched.  She looked down at Mo Yuan.  He was dead asleep.  It wasn't like him at all!  She shrugged and got out of bed to dress.  She was about to walk out when Jinzi walked in.  "How are you feeling, Mother?"  "I'm feeling fine.  I'm actually hungry so I'm going to get some tea and breakfast.  Just let your Fuqin sleep.  I won't elaborate on what his problem is!"  She grinned and walked out the door. 
     Mo Yuan slept for three days.  On the morning of the fourth day, he opened his eyes to see Ye Hua, Xue and JinDe, Baohu and Jinzi, all four quads, Taiyang and Zhenzhu and Bai Qian looking at him.  He looked around and at them.  "Is something wrong?  Why are all of you staring at me?"  "Da ge, you have been asleep for three days!  What happened?  Are you ill?  Is your wound worse?  What is wrong?"  He looked at his sweet innocent Bai Huli standing behind them smirking at him.  He was undone!  "I don't think you want to know what happened!  Now leave so I can rise.  I'm sore and I need a good soak in the hot tub.  How would you boys like to join me?  I feel rather rank.  I need a good bath."  Silence met him as he went to rise from his bed.  He realized he was naked and snatched the cover over himself.  "If you children would be so kind as to let your ancient Fuqin get dressed?"  The girls scrambled out with their mother laughing like a school girl.  That huli!!  He was going to get her good, but right now was not the time.  He went to the hot pool only to have all of the boys join him.  Even the little ones.  They all bailed into the pool to soak and bathe.  "Come here Fuqin and I'll rub your neck and shoulders, although I don't think that's what needs healing!"  Giggles broke out among the older boys.  Ye Hua finally had the nerve to ask him.  "So Da ge, did JieJie suck your injured balls dry?"  Laughter broke out.  Smoke came out his nose and his eyes turned gold.  "Such a disrespectful brood you have all become!"  He snorted.  Taiyang swam by and looked at his thing.  "Fuqin's balls look ok to me.  What's wrong with them?"  JinDe laughed again as his Fuqin's face turned red.  "One of these days you'll be old enough to understand, Taiyang, but not today.  Let's just say Fuqin was having too much fun.  He over did it and he had to rest.  Now let's all get bathed before Mother comes to get this old horny dragon!"
     He had to admit that soak in the hot pool felt real nice and made him feel rather invigorated.  He dressed and walked to the hall for tea and lunch.  Bai Qian was nibbling on fruit and drinking a special tea that Chang Shan had made for her.  She smiled at him so sweetly he didn't know if he wanted to kiss her or run.  He hesitated a split second.  A kiss it is!  He placed a sweet chaste kiss on her lips and went to sit on his dais.  There was a big fluffy cushion on his dais.  He looked around and cocked his eyebrow.  Hmmm.  He sat down and adjusted his robes.  He had to admit the cushion did feel nice.  He drank his tea and waited for his lunch.  His eyes scanned the room.  Snickers and grins were on every face.  Just what was going on here?  Zi Lan, never one to mince words, made the first comment.  "It's a hard pill to swallow! Shifu, who I thought was invincible, beaten by Xiao Jin Huli.  The great golden dragon laid low by a little fox!  Who would have known?"  He could hear the comments around the room.  The more he heard, the madder he got!  Enough!  He slammed his fist down hard and stood.  He would show them!  His aura filled the room and his power soared.  "Weak, am I?  Old, am I? We'll just see about that!"  He stalked off in a huff and didn't eat his lunch.
     He went straight to the training ground.  He called Xuan Yuan to his hand.  He destroyed every target.  His power soared so high everyone fled the field.  Jinlong erupted and his roar shook the mountain.  He stomped the ground with his talons and threw up dirt.  His tail pounded the ground and he challenged every one there.  No takers.  His eyes scanned the field for any takers.  He'd be damned if he was going to take this laying on his side like an old worn out dragon!  He took to the skies and called out his challenge.  Ye Hua heard the challenge in the throne room.  His dragon wanted to answer, but he didn't want to be the one to knock Mo Yuan off of his pedestal, not that he thought he could.  Xue and JinDe, Junjie and even Taiyang and Zhenzhu were not untouched by it.  He flew over the skies of the whole Kunlun Mountain complex.  Baohu knew this was coming.  He knew it as surely as his name was Bai Baohu Zhe.  He armed himself with his new armor and swords and went to answer the challenge.  Xue and JinDe tried to stop him.  "Baohu", Xue said, " you could be killed.  He's in a rage and insulted on top of it.  He has been dominant for many millennia.  He could hurt you if he's full power.  Remember what Zumu said.  He will pull out every trick to beat you.  Every dirty trick he knows.  If you insist on taking him on, please know I will intervene before he does kill you."
     Baohu nodded and walked out the entrance of the arena.  He erupted his tails and called out.  "JINLONG!  I will answer your challenge!  Come fight me!"  He turned toward the arena and landed in his human form right in front of Baohu.  "So the Xiao Jin Huli thinks he can finish me off now!  Ha!!  Then prove it!"  He swung Xuan Yuan and knocked Baohu backwards.  The storms were brewing overhead as the whole mountain, every high god there, Ye Hua and Dijun sat down to watch.  It was epic.  Mo Yuan was full power but so was Baohu.  Back and forth they fought.  Baohu was slinging lightning from his tails but Mo Yuan was dodging and advancing.  He jumped behind Baohu and grabbed him.  Baohu punched his face and dove to the side.  Wiping blood from his nose, he grinned and all out assaulted the fox.  It turned into a fist fight.  For nearly four hours they fought.  Mo Yuan jumped up and stabbed his sword into the ground.  The force of the shock wave knocked Baohu to his butt and everyone else off their seat.  He jumped over to Baohu and grabbed him.  He threw him across the arena and then shot a wave from Xuan Yuan at him.  It hit him square on and he rolled across the arena and hit the wall.  Lightning was striking all around him.  He had a deep cut across his chest now.  Baohu remembered what Xue had said.  He felt in his heart that he was beaten.  He had given his all, but he knew he was beaten.  He sighed and fell down on the ground.  "What's wrong, Xiao Jin Huli?  Too much for you?  I thought you could beat me?  Come on!  Get up!  We're not finished!"  He was advancing on Baohu when Bai Xue stood in front of him in splendor.  He was wearing his white armor, Leng Gang in his hand, his own storm of white lightning around him.  "ENOUGH!  You have won this round, Jinlong!  There is no need to kill the boy!  Unless you want the blood of your own son on your hands?"  Jinlong looked at them both for a moment and nodded.  He sent his armor away to his room and went to kneel beside Baohu.  "Are you ok my son?"  Baohu grinned and blood was on his teeth.  "You got me, Jinlong.  You got me......this time...."  He passed out into his Fuqin's arms.
     Mo Yuan carried Baohu to the infirmary and was met there by Jinzi.  That kind little soul was mad as he could be.  "Fuqin, must you always try to dominate?  Sometimes I believe it when Zhe Yan said you like to flaunt your power over everyone!  Now move so I can heal Baohu.  He's injured pretty badly.  Not to mention you have a broken nose.  Get Dijun to fix it.  Now leave!"  Jinzi set about healing the wound across Baohu's chest.  He gave him three elixers and two potions.  He cleaned the wound and dressed it.  Mo Yuan met Dijun in the hall.  That old soul was rather in a snit.  He had a soft spot for the brave little fox.  He took one look at the broken nose and snorted.  "I should just leave your nose like that as a reminder that he almost got you again, but it would mess up your good looks.  Be still."  He healed his nose and went into the infirmary to aide Jinzi.  Jinzi felt Dijun when he walked in.  He smiled.  "He's ok.  He's just like Fuqin!  He could be dying and he would never admit it.  I gave him something to make him sleep.  Did you heal Fuqin's nose?"  "Yes.  Only because I didn't want his pretty face to be marred!"  Jinzi laughed and they left to go get tea. 
     Mo Yuan was walking to his room to clean himself up when Bai Qian stepped in front of him.  "Jinlong!  I want to talk to you!  Now!"  Mo Yuan put his arm around her waist and jumped them to their room.  His eyes turned gold as he sat down on the bed.  "You wanted to talk to me?"  A small trail of blood was oozing out of his nose.  He magicked it away.  Her eyes narrowed and she started tapping her fan in her hands.  "Must you always hurt yourself and someone else just to prove you are THE big bad dominant bull drake apex dragon?  Must you?  Baohu is badly injured.  I'm thinking you just forgot our little session at the hot pool!  Maybe you want more?  Maybe I'll just lick your balls....bite your neck".....she moved closer....."or suck you to oblivion again?"  His eyes grew wide.  "I'll admit you did catch me off guard.  And you did utterly use me, but two can play that game, Qian'er!  I can dominate too!"  He started to rise when she threw the spell at him again.  She jumped them to their pavilion.  She threw his clothes off, threw him down and tied his hands above his head.  She removed her own clothes and attacked his phallus with a vengeance.  He sucked his breath in with a hiss when her mouth sucked up his shaft.  She was sucking hard.  Real hard.  Almost painfully hard.  Her tails had his balls and she was sending heat into them.  When he could take no more, she impaled him.  He was breathing hard.  Her spell had him crazy for her hot honey hole.  She pounded onto him.  He arched his back and tried to grab her cheeks with his large hands. He forgot he was tied.  She released her scent over him.  His hands got hot and their pace was blistering.  Her soft round rump pounded onto him so hard his groin turned red.  Her walls grabbed him so hard he could hardly move.  His own climax came so hard, especially when she cast a spell for it to keep going until she climaxed.  When she did, he shuddered as she released him to finish it.  He collapsed onto the cushions heaving to catch his breath.  She laid on him and kissed his lips softly.  "You were saying, Jinlong?"  "Undone again by a Xiao Bai Huli!  Must you dominate me all the time?"  "Yes I must!  You can't control yourself!  Not even in bed.  It's time for you to learn control again, Jinlong!  You have lost your ability to tell when you are going overboard.  The same thing happened when you raped me.  That streak of violence you brought forth has never left you since then.  I want the tender, loving Jinlong, the one who would do anything to protect not only his family, but the realm as well.  Are you in there?"  He evaluated himself and his actions since that time.  She was right!  It's almost like he felt he was flawed if he showed any tenderness.  He raised his hand to put her hair behind her ear and it was shaking.  He looked at his hand and into her sweet loving face.  He could feel himself wanting to grab her, to dominate her, to force himself on her.  He fisted his hand and squeezed his eyes shut to fight the urge.  For several seconds she watched him.  She watched his struggle as the emotions passed over his face.  He let out a long sigh.  "You are right, of course.  I can't stand to be beaten in any situation.  That's why I raped you.  That streak came out like a wave of sexual dominance and physical control.  I had to be in control.  I want to be right now.  What you just did was pay me back in kind.  Now come lay in my arms and let's just take this moment to cuddle and talk.  I want it.  I want it badly."  They lay on the cushions side by side.  Her leg was over his and her head was on his shoulder.  Suddenly she transformed into her fox.  Knowing that she was vulnerable in this form, she had done it to show him her trust and love.  She licked the side of his face and touched him with her paw.  He picked her up and he walked out into the flowers.  He sat her down and transformed into his full size dragon.  He lay down and put his head down.  She looked at him and licked his snout.  She tickled him with her tails until he sneezed.  He laughed and rolled onto his side.  Her nose went straight to the opening where his phallus was hiding.  She snuffled  until he brought it forth.  She could see the spot where his scales had been reattached.  She licked across it slowly and carefully.  He sighed.  It felt so tender, so soft, so healing.  She took off running around him.  He watched her play and she watched him gain back his tender side.  All day they played together, the dragon and the fox.  When the dinner bell rang, they clothed themselves and went to the hall to eat. 
     Baohu woke up to see his siblings, all nine of them, staring at him.  Xue looked him over good.  He sat up with some help from Xue and sighed.  "Baohu, round one.  Jinlong, round two."  JinDe laughed and said, "he nearly got you, Baohu.  He must be slowing down just a little.  Not much, but just a little."  "I gave him everything I had too.  Fuqin is not slowing down at all.  He had me when you stepped in, Xue.  I see it as training.  If I am to replace him, I must one day hurt him. It's hard for you see, I love him very much.  I don't have to hurt him to replace him so he can retire, I just have to show him that my power is on a par with his.  I'm close, Da ge.  I can feel it.  I'm close.  I did break his nose, but Dijun healed it.  Don't you see?  I just want him to see that I'm not that little silent fox anymore.  I'm a grown man.  Do your understand, Da ge?"  "Yes, my Xiao Jin Huli!  You indeed are not a child any more!  Now let's go eat!  I just heard the dinner bell ring!"  They all walked into the dining hall.  Mao Qiang de Hei came in at the same time.  Liang Lei ran to hug him and they sat together.  They all waited patiently for Mo Yuan and Bai Qian.  When they entered, Mo Yuan saw Baohu sitting in his spot like nothing happened.  He grinned at his Fuqin who grinned back.  He motioned for Baohu to come to him.  "Well, my Xiao Jin Huli!  You gave me quite the business today!  Your power is on a steady climb.  Send your aura out over the room."  Baohu nodded and brought forth his aura.  He glowed in a beautiful green color and sent it out in waves over everyone.  He glowed like the sun and his countenance was as bright as a supernova.  He pulsed with energy.  He withdrew and looked at his Fuqin.  The pride was there for him to see.  "Come, sit here beside me now.  This will be your place from now on.  Beside me as the next God of War!"  "Really, Fuqin?"  "Yes, really!  I bet your Da ge or Er ge don't even want a piece of you!  Xue!  What do you think of Baohu?  Is he worthy to be my successor?"  "Fuqin, I don't think any of us could best him, except maybe Shushu.  He's just a younger you."  "See?  You are worthy!  Now sit next to me.  Let's eat!"  Later that night, Mo Yuan and Bai Qian were cuddling in bed when a knock came on the door.  He covered them and spoke.  "Enter!"  Baohu came in and sat on the floor beside the bed.  "Fuqin, is Jinlong mad at me?  I mean, I did hurt him near to death.  I just want to know."  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he laughed.  "No my Xiao Jin Huli, I'm not mad.  If the truth be told, I hurt myself because I wasn't going to let you get the best of me.  I even had Jinzi remove the scar on my side from the surgery because I didn't want you to have the satisfaction of knowing that you scarred me.  But you see, you did scar me.  It has left a bad taste in my mouth for sure.  You scarred me in the worst place possible."  Mo Yuan pushed back his quilt enough to swing his legs over the side of the bed.  He was naked since he always slept that way.  "I'm going to show you my scar, only because I think there is a meaning to it.  No man wants his virility or his masculinity brought into question for any reason, yet you almost stripped me of mine.  That set me on an agenda to win the next round.  See here where you got me and it was nearly my undoing!"  He pointed right to his balls and a nice little red scar across his sack.  A constant reminder of his own stupidity.  Baohu sucked in his breath.  "Ohhh, Fuqin, I would never hurt you like that on purpose!!  Never!!"  He laid his hands on his Fuqin's knee and looked into his eyes!  He saw nothing but love.  "Forgive me?"  "It's alright, my son.  I just didn't want to admit that your power level is almost on a par with mine.  I was never bothered that Ye Hua was because he is, after all, my twin.  You represent the younger generation.  I had really entertained the idea that there would be no one to replace me.  I thought wrong.  I'm very proud of you, Baohu.  You have shown me that you have what it takes to replace me and I love you for it!"  He climbed back under his cover.  "Off to bed now.  I have some tricks to show you tomorrow.  It's time for you to know some things!  Good night, Baohu."  He got up, hugged his Fuqin, blew a kiss to his mother and walked out with a happy jaunt to his steps.

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