Progress, Maybe

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     Chin Chu took exceptionally meticulous care in dressing for dinner.  She wore a very lovely pale pastel blue dress with a slightly darker blue over robe.  It had white lotus flowers embroidered on the front and on the sleeves.  She had on a white hair pin that Rong had made.  It was lotus blossoms.  She had a white bracelet to match.  Her earrings were delicate dangling pieces of white jade.  Her hair cascaded down her back in waves of raven black.  She carried a fan that was white painted with blue hydrangea given to her by her Shushu Ye Hua.  When she appeared in the hall, Mo Yuan was rather taken aback for a moment.  He was accustomed to seeing her in her warriors garb.  "My Xiao Jin Huli is indeed beautiful!  Fuqin is so impressed!"  He hugged her and kissed her blushing cheek.  Bai Qian looked her over with a critical eye.  "Lovely, just lovely!  Tian Shu will be speechless!  Are we taking Jingsi and Jiaxiao with us?"  "Thankfully they have agreed to stay with Gaoxing and Xingfu.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu said they would watch over them.  Of course Chen Bo is here to watch them.  I told her to come get us if there was any trouble.  Are we ready?"  He jumped them directly to the portico of Lian Song's palace.  Tian Shu and Lian Song welcomed them.  "Welcome!  Come in and let's chat before dinner."  Tian Shu was standing like a dumbstruck mortal.  He was speechless and he couldn't move.  His Fuqin broke him out of his stupor.  "Tian Shu!  Show Bai Chin Chu to her seat!"  He took her hand and guided her to her seat.  He stared at her and broke out into a grin.  She sat beside her Fuqin.  Her mother on the other side of him.  Lian Song elbowed Tian Shu and he produced a red rose for Chu and handed it to her.  Lian Song broke the ice.  "Tian Shu and I have spent the last two weeks bonding with each other.  I'm sorry he has neglected Chin Chu, but tonight we want to make up for his lack of attention.  Isn't that right, my son?"  He was making moon eyes at Chin Chu and her tails were out and swaying back and forth like a gentle breeze was blowing over them.  He had his chin resting in his hand.  "Tian Shu!"  He looked at his Fuqin in a stupor and then shook his head.  "Right, Fuqin!  I asked Chin Chu here because I want to ask for her hand in marriage.  If she will have me, that is."  Chin Chu hid behind her fan and peeked over it.  Mo Yuan looked at her and wondered how such a fierce warrior could be so shy.  "I will!!  Fuqin, negotiate for me!"  Mo Yuan raised his cup and toasted to Lian Song.  "Shall we now or would you rather wait until tomorrow morning?"  "Tomorrow morning it is!"
     Dinner had gone well and Chin Chu had surprised her Fuqin with her gentle manner and her refined ways.  He was impressed to say the least.  When they returned home, he hugged her close and asked her the question.  "Chu, are you sure in your heart?  Fuqin will make it happen for you if that is what you wish, my love."  "Fuqin, it is what I wish!  I'm in love!"  He tipped her sweet face up to look in her eyes.  He saw her love there.  That was all he needed to see.  "So be it!  I shall negotiate with relish and set a date for a wedding for my Xiao Jin Huli!  Now off to bed!"  He walked to the nursery to check on his sweet girls.  He couldn't believe his eyes.  Gaoxing and Xingfu were asleep on the bed with the girls between them.  He covered them all and left them to sweet dreams.  He smiled as he walked into his room to find Bai Qian laying on the fur rug in front of the hearth totally naked.  He threw his strongest barrier over the door, flipped his hand to remove his clothes and joined her there.  He fell into a deep passionate kiss.  "Hmmm, such sweet lips."  Her hands started at his shoulders and traced down his back to his butt cheeks.  "Hmmmm, such a luscious butt!"  Her hands kneaded the muscles there.  He rose up and his eyes were gold.  He grinned and dove between her legs.  His tongue thrashed her to climax.  She shuddered.  He looked into her blue fox eyes.  She threw him on his back and proceeded to ravage him.  He was breathing hard but he managed to purr at the same time.  His hand gripped the fur rug and he arched his back in ecstasy.  When he could take no more, he raised her up and laid her on his stomach with her back to him.  He entered her and massaged her breast as he pumped hard.  His hand snaked down her stomach to her folds.  He rubbed her to heighten her pleasure.  He raised his legs with hers on the outside.  Harder he pumped into her.  His moans became grunts as he sought release for them both.  Her peak came and she shattered on him.  His own release came hard and fast.  He was breathing hard.  "Qian'er, you never cease to fulfill me.  I love you!"  He held her close to him and warmed her with his own body.  He magicked a quilt and covered them.  They sought blissful slumber as they lay together on the rug.
     The next morning he was awakened by hard knocking on his barrier.  "Fuqin!  Fuqin!  Come quick!"  He had been dreaming of his Qian'er bringing him to climax.  He didn't want to wake up yet.  He held her close and spooned behind her.  The knocking persisted.  He opened his eyes, sighed and left the warmth of a cozy bed and really cozy fox tails.  He dressed and stepped out the door.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu were standing there.  "What is it?  Why such panic?"  "Fuqin!  Gaoxing and Xingfu and Jingsi and Jiaxiao are missing!!  We can't find them anywhere!"  He looked up and sent feelers over the mountain.  Ah!  They were with Baohu.  Wait!  What?!?  How did they get there?  He turned to Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  "Stay here and tell your mother where I am when she wakes.  I'll be back."  He jumped to Baohu's meadow.  He was rather surprised when he got there.  He had cloaked himself to see just what kind of mischief they were up to.  Baohu was on Li Li's back holding the four babies in front of him.  She was running at a slow pace.  They were giggling and laughing.  One more round and he stopped in front of his cabin.  They came into his arms for hugs.  "I'm sure Fuqin will be looking for you.  Do you want me to call him for you?"  "No need."  Mo Yuan uncloaked himself and stood there looking at his errant children.  "Fuqin, they are ok.  I've already admonished them for not letting you know where they were.  Isn't that right?"  Gaoxing bowed to his Fuqin.  "Fuqin, Si ge threatened us!  He said he would whip us good if we bad!!  We just wanted to see Si ge!"  Baohu shrugged and stood with Jingsi and Jiaxiao in his arms.  Mo Yuan smiled and held out his arms for them.  They shook their heads no.  "Well then I'll just go eat breakfast and your Si ge can cook for you.  Bring them back when you tire of them.  I'll be leaving now."  He turned to jump away but Xingfu grabbed his robe.  "Fuqin, me hungry.  Si ge no cook good.  Me starve."  "Oh?  So you're telling me if you stay here you will starve?  I see.  So whose staying to starve and whose coming to eat a good yummy breakfast?  Hmmm?"  Jingsi decided quickly she wanted food.  So did Gaoxing and Xingfu.  "Are you staying, Jiaxiao?"  "Si ge really no cook?"  "Si ge is a terrible cook.  You best come with me if you're hungry."  She reached for her Fuqin.  "Baohu, do you want me to have food brought to you?"  "No, Fuqin.  Bo is coming to stay with Li Li while I check up on things.  I'll eat when I get there.  Plus Li Li wants some of those mint cakes.  I'll get Chang Shan to make them for her."  "Very well!  We will see you then."
     Mo Yuan was sitting in the dining hall feeding Jingsi and Jiaxiao while Gaoxing and Xingfu were trying hard to use their chop sticks.  Every so often, he would feed them a bite and show them how to pick up their food.  Bai Qian came walking in to see them eating.  She sat down and starting feeding Gaoxing and Xingfu.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu frowned.  "Fuqin, I hope you scolded them good for leaving like that.  We were afraid for them!  They are small and could have gotten hurt!"  "Your Si ge covered them pretty good.  From now on, learn to send out a probe over the mountain like I showed you.  You would have found them."  "Aiya!  I forgot I could do it!  Next time I will!  By the way, Fuqin, do you think you could get Queen Shao Wan to come to Mount Cangwu to give me another lesson?  You could bring Mother this time."  "If your mother will go, I will message her.  Plus I wish to take Baohu too.  She thinks she can beat him.  I wish to see him really go 'all war god' on her!  Would you go with me, my love?  I wish for you to get a chance to talk to her."  "Very well!  I would like to sit down and have a civilised cup of tea with her!  Send your message then."  After breakfast Mo Yuan sent a message asking Shao Wan to come give Zhenzhu another lesson in four days.  Baohu walked in just as her reply came.  "Just the person I need to see.  In four days, the Demon Queen, Shao Wan, is coming to Mount Cangwu to give Zhenzhu another lesson on whip handling.  She wanted to meet you under a different set of circumstances.  Are you interested?"  "I don't know, Fuqin.  I think she just wants me for sex.  You know, don't you?"  "Hmmm, you might have a point, but I thought you could resist her charms.  She just wanted to dual with you.  If you charm her again, I'm sure she will try to do the same to you."  "You don't think I can resist her, do you, Fuqin?"  "To be honest?  No, I don't.  I will step in if you can't or better yet, I'll let your mother step in.  She is just as powerful as Shao Wan plus her fox magic is strong.  What do you say, Qian'er?  Can you beat the demon Queen?"  "Mo Yuan, I'll throw my best spell on her and have her begging for release, if you get my drift."  She stared straight into his swirling golden eyes as hers turned blue.  He huffed smoke out of his nose but he didn't say a word.  "It's settled then, in four days we meet Shao Wan again."
     For four days, Baohu practiced defending against the whip with Zhenzhu.  He was able to disarm him, but he wasn't so sure about the demon Queen.  He shrugged and made himself a mental note to not let his guard down.  The day came for their meeting.  Mo Yuan had his little entourage with him early.  He set up tables and had everyone seated and tea made as they waited for her.  This time she brought two guards.  She sat for tea.  Mo Yuan, being the epitome of manners and propriety, set a table for her guards.  They nodded their thanks.  "Well, Mo Yuan, I see you brought the huli with you.  Good!  May I?"  He motioned for her to sit and enjoy some tea.  Shao Wan turned to Bai Qian and addressed her.  "I'm very glad you came today.  I'm very starved for proper female companionship.  The nobility of my land was decimated by the golden dragon over there.  I hope you don't mind?"  "Not at all.  I, myself, am rather lonely."  "Are those your new babies?  They are beautiful!  Mo Yuan they are so lovely!!  Will they come to me?"  He was holding them as he spoke out loud.  "Jingsi!  Jiaxiao!  This is demon Queen Shao Wan.  She is an old friend of mine.  She wishes to hold you.  Since she has no children of her own, you should be nice and talk to her.  Agreed?"  Jiaxiao frowned and looked at her Fuqin.  "Fuqin, her not enemy?  Her smell like enemy!  Me confused!"  "We are at peace with the demon realm now.  Be nice!  Remember what I have taught you!"  Jiaxiao went into Shao Wan's arms.  The beautiful face of the sweet little baby brought a tear to her eye.  "I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful baby before.  She is so lovely!  Just lovely!"  She kissed her cheek and started to hand her back when the small voice came into her head.  "Me like you!  You come see me again."  "This one mind talks, does she?"  "Yes, she does.  They are much like that Xiao Jin Huli over there and his brother.  He mind talks, his brother does not.  Jiaxiao mind talks but Jingsi does not.  Come Jiaxiao, let Jingsi have a turn."  Jiaxiao went to her Fuqin and Jingsi went to Shao Wan.  She grinned at her.  "Well!  They are really something!  Thank you for letting me hold them!  Now let me help young Zhenzhu with a lesson and then I will address the huli!!"  She taught Zhenzhu for an hour.  His skill had progressed to the point that she was hard pressed to keep from getting wounded.  She sat down and was handed a cup of tea by Bai Qian.  "Mo Yuan, there is really nothing else I can teach young Zhenzhu!  He is really exceptional!  He told me he wounded you!  Did he?"  "Yes he did!  It hurt too since he had spells on his whip that caught me good!"  "Good!  Good!  You have learned well, Zhenzhu.  It is my sincere wish that we never go to war.  You could probably get me!  Or that Xiao Jin Huli over there!  Care for a round, God of War?"  Baohu grinned, donned his armor and jumped to the arena. 
     She donned her armor and joined him.  Baohu was crackling with green lightning.  He had both blades out and he was laughing his laugh.  "It's on, Queen of the demons!"  She charged him and the battle began.  He swung his blades down and knocked her backward.  Slightly surprised, she grinned and swung her whip.  He jumped all over the arena and confused her.  She looked around and she was surrounded by images of him.  His tails came out blazing.  She took hit after hit but she destroyed the images one by one.  His eyes turned gold.  He grinned.  He called his storm.  The same one he called on Jinlong the day he crashed.  Bolt after bolt of lightning hit her or near her.  Her whip was twisting and she twirled to try to hit him.  That little smart alec huli!!  She would get him!  She threw her charm spell.  He grinned and threw his.  She shook her head.  He kept walking closer.  He let out seductive sounds.  His tails swayed back and forth.  "I am the God of War!  I am war, but I am love and desire!  You want me!  Concede for you are defeated now.  You can't resist me!  Lay down here now and rest!  Rest!  Sleep!"  He cast the sleep spell Jinzi had taught him.  She fell hard and was in a deep sleep.  He released his charm spell.  He changed robes and sat next to his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan was speechless.  "Baohu, where did you learn that spell?"  He grinned and pointed at his mother.  "Qian'er, have you ever cast that on me?"  "Only once and you know when that was, don't you, Jinlong?"  "By all the gods in the nine heavens and the eight realms!  My son has indeed become something I don't care to mess with!  You are indeed very powerful!  Fuqin is proud, Baohu!  Very proud!  Now release the sleeping spell on her and bring her here."  Shao Wan woke up laying by the tea table.  She sat up as she shook the fog from her brain.  She took a cup of tea and smiled.  "Well you Xiao Jin Huli!  You charmed me you little prick!  And you put me to sleep!  That was Zhe Yan's spell too!"  She raised her tea in a toast.  "Out done by a Xiao Jin Huli!  Again!  To be fair, my power level is still low, but you are indeed a very powerful diety.  Thank you for sparring with me!  Now I must return to my realm.  I know now and I understand what Fuxi wanted from all of us.  Each realm has its powers and gifts.  He wanted us to help each other, not destroy each other.  I've had the schools teach the principles taught on Kunlun to us.  Know that as long as I rule, there will be no war.  I understand now!  Until next time!"  She bowed and left with her guards.  Baohu looked at his Fuqin.  "Am I really that man that was just here?"  "You wear the persona of the war god very well!  When your fox eyes came out, you are indeed one very dangerous man!  Fuqin is proud!"
     Bai Qian laid the babies down for a nap and returned to find Mo Yuan in his office.  He was stacking up scrolls on his desk.  When she appeared in the door he smiled.  "Just the one I wanted to see!  Look!  I have all of the plans done for our cabin on Mount Junji!  All is ready so we can leave after Li Li has those twins!"  He watched her face carefully.  She motioned for him to sit.  He poured her a cup of tea and looked into her beautiful face.  Still like a thousand suns shining in the east!  "What can I do for you, my lovely Xiao Bai Huli?"  "Mo Yuan, I think Shao Wan is extremely lonely.  If you don't mind, I would like to invite her to tea once a month.  Just she and I for some girl talk.  Do you mind?"    He had to admit he was rather taken aback.  "No, I don't mind.  I do agree she does seem rather lonely and starved for genteel company.  Send her a message when you are ready.  I think it might be good for her.  Now come look at these plans and tell me what you think!"
       Jingsi and Jiaxiao woke up after a little nap feeling quite refreshed.  They woke up with an agenda.  They were both impressed with the demon Queen.  They liked her and wanted to know more about her.  They went in search of Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  They would know.  Taiyang was practicing his sword work while Zhenzhu was using the new moves that Shao Wan had taught him with the whip.  The little girls came floating across the arena like they owned it.  JinDe saw then and jumped right in front of them.  He crossed his arms over his chest and quirked a brow at them.  "So my sweet Xiao longs!  What can Er ge do for you?  Are you up to mischief and misconduct?  Hmmm?"  Seeing that he was going to deter them from their goal, they both attacked him before he could get a shield up.  He blew backwards into the wall right on his rear.  Rather surprised that they had so much power, he got up, dusted himself off and jumped behind them.  Before they could blink an eye, he had them.  Jingsi was determined to get loose.  She bit down hard on JinDe's arm.  "Ouch!!  How rude!  Well if you want to play rough, so be it!!"  He promptly bound them and jumped straight to his Fuqin's office.  He walked in with them bound much to the surprise of his mother and Fuqin.  "I have two errant dragons here who seem bent on destruction and mayhem.  Jingsi bit me.  It hurts.  They came floating into the arena with an agenda.  I will leave them in your very capable hands, Fuqin!"  "Let me look at that bite first, JinDe.  Baby dragon bites are serious."  JinDe handed them over to their mother who bound them on the day bed.  He removed his top robe and one sleeve of his robe.  The bite was indeed very ugly.  "You need Jinzi.  This is serious.  Sit here while I call him."  "Jinzi!  I need you to come straight to my office please!  Jingsi bit JinDe."  While they waited, he turned to them with his arms crossed over his chest.  "What did Fuqin tell you about being rude and misusing your powers?  Hmmm?  Well?"  Jiaxiao put a very lovely scowl on her face.  "Fuqin!  Me like demon Queen.  Want know more about her!  Me wanted Taiyang and Zhenzhu to tell us!  Er ge get in way!"  "Hmmm I see.  All you had to do was come to me.  No more floating off wherever you want to roam.  Just call me Jiaxiao.  Do you understand?  Do you want to be blocked again?"  The surprise on her face told him she absolutely did not want to be blocked.  "Good!  I see by your expression you don't want to be blocked.  It is time for lunch.  Let's go eat as soon as Jinzi comes.  Now behave!"  Jinzi was there in just a few short minutes.  He looked at JinDe's arm and frowned.  He winked at JinDe and got a sad look on his face.  "Oh Er ge!  This is a terrible wound!  Fuqin said you were bitten!  This might have poison!  How do you feel?  Weak?  Disoriented?"  JinDe nodded and winked back.  "I feel weak like I might just pass out."  JinDe looked his Fuqin in the eye for a moment.  He too played along.  "Jinzi, should we carry JinDe to the infirmary?  Tell me and I'll move him."  "Mother you bring Jingsi and Jiaxiao.  Come Fuqin!  Help me carry Er ge!"  They put on a big show for the baby girls.  Worry was starting to cross their faces and both of them were wringing their hands.  Bai Qian decided to play the game too.  "Jinzi, how bad is it?"  "It's very bad.  JinDe is going to be very ill if I can't heal this.  It's very bad."  JinDe sat on the bed and fell over like he was in a dead faint.  Mo Yuan almost laughed out loud.  He turned and looked at his very bad little daughters.  "Look what you did to your own Er ge, Jingsi!  He's very ill now!  I should punish both of you!"  They both held out their hands to go to their Fuqin.  Jingsi was humming and grunting.  She pointed at JinDe.  She kept pointing and finally looked at Mo Yuan and spoke.  ""  "You want Er ge?"  She frowned and nodded.  He sat her beside him.  She patted his face very softly.  ""  Jinzi, seeing her anguish, healed the bite and told JinDe to wake up.  "Er ge!  Are you better now?"  JinDe opened his eyes to the sadest little face he had ever seen.  Seeing him awake, Jingsi hugged his face and patted him.  ""  JinDe sat up and acted weak but held Jingsi close.  "Well Jingsi!  Is there something you wish to say to your Er ge?"  Jiaxiao looked at her Fuqin and talked.  "Fuqin, Jingsi say she love Er ge and no want him to hurt anymore.  Love Er ge!  Love Er ge!"  She too wanted to go to him.  Mo Yuan handed her to JinDe.  Jiaxiao patted his face too.  "Er ge, we bad!  We sorry!  No cry, Er ge!"  JinDe hugged them close and spoke.  "Promise Er ge you won't hurt anybody anymore?  Only if it's necessary.  Like in war!  Er ge really loves his baby jiemei!  Here go back to Fuqin.  I must go home and rest now."  He jumped out to his palace and nearly fell over laughing.  He told Mei Ying the whole pitiful trick they all played on the babies.  She too laughed until she cried.

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