Dragon Mischief

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     Mo Yuan called his sons to his study.  "Take a seat, boys."  They complied and looked at each other as if to say, "what did we do?"  Their father enlightened them.  "It's time for your Shushu Ye Hua to take the official seal of Taizi Dianxia.  I'm going with him as support.  I'm also taking you two.  I cannot express to you both how you must observe all protocols and be on your best manners.  One mishap and I can assure you there will be repercussions.  Severe ones.  Do I make myself clear?"  They answered in unison.  "Yes, Fuqin, we understand."  "I have an image to uphold.  I am the God of War.  You have never seen this side of me, but I can be ruthless.  In fact, meet me on the training ground in the morning.  Then you can tell me what you think!" 
     That night Bai Qian told Mo Yuan she was taking the trip with him.  Mo Yuan was expecting it but he was a little worried.  The nine heavens wasn't the friendliest place.  "Do you need new gowns?  I can have them made or we can purchase some for you.  I want you to make a good impression."  "My dear, have I ever disappointed you?  I assure you I will be dressed to kill and my husband will be proud.  Now what about our boys?  Are they ready for a new experience?"  "If you mean did I threaten them, well yes I did.  I must admit they haven't travelled around much.  I'm expecting them to be on their best behavior.  Now come to me my tian de huli.  My dragon wants a kiss!"  "Oh really!"  She erupted her tails.  His sharp intake of breath let her know he was paying very close attention.  "How about some fox tails all over you, hmmm?"  She reached out and caressed him with the tips of her tails.  She flipped her hand and he was naked on the bed.  "How about this,hmmm?"  Her tails were all over him.  She caressed his sack, his nipples, his growing manhood and around his face.  A growl escaped him.  Later that night, a roar was heard that rocked the mountain.  Ye Hua smiled to himself.  His Da ge was extremely happy!
     The next morning, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe met their father on the training ground.  "I called you here to show you why I am the God of War.  I will cut you no slack.  I will fight you in full power.  If you choose to attack me as a tandem that will be fine too.  You boys are old enough to learn real war is no fun.  Are you ready?  Then begin!"  He called Xuan Yuan to hand and waited.  They both called their swords and attacked.  Mo Yuan expected a dual attack so he was ready.  With the power of his hand he hit JinDe square on and laid him on his backside, Bai Xue, being more of a finesse fighter, attacked using excellent sword skill.  Mo Yuan took on his War God smirk.  He said nothing.  He saw JinDe rise.  With a shove Bai Xue was thrown across the arena.  JinDe was getting angry now.  He attacked in a flurry.  He tried the same hand move on his father that he had used on him.  He barely dodged Xuan Yuan.  Bai Xue jumped over and was behind his father.  JinDe smiled.  "We have you now", he thought.   He was wrong.  While Mo Yuan swung Xuan Yuan behind him to block Bai Xue, he threw JinDe across the arena.  He whirled his body up and flew at Bai Xue.  Being rather taken aback at the rage in his father's attack, Bai Xue could barely counter it.  Mo Yuan slapped him and sent him flying.  With his anger at a high level, JinDe was furious and laid into his father with all he had.  No holding back!  Their swords danced a dance and rang like bells as they advanced and parried.  Finally Mo Yuan swung Xuan Yuan with an energy blast and laid JinDe out cold.  Bai Xue was no better off.  He put Xuan Yuan away and went over to check them.  Ye Hua had been watching with great interest.  He wanted a turn at his brother.  Mo Yuan walked to the pavilion and poured himself tea.  Ye Hua helped Bai Xue up first and then went to check on JinDe.  They both got up and limped over to their father.  Ye Hua laughed out loud.  "Pathetic!  He kicked your asses and he wasn't even using his full power!"  They both bowed and fell down by Mo Yuan in awe.  "I told you.  When you can beat me, then you can become God of War!"  JinDe spoke first.  "Fuqin, why haven't you ever shown us your true power?  You are one powerful god!"  "JinDe, it has taken me a long time to gain power.  I had this power level when I was Ye Hua's age.  It takes hard work, cultivation and perseverance.  If you two would work a little harder like I've taught you, you can be powerful too.  You were born with a high level of cultivation.  You should be able to reach a higher level.  You have no excuses."   "So is this why your very name strikes fear into our enemies?"  "Yes.  So have you learned anything today?"  Bai Xue laughed first.  "Yeah, don't make the old man mad or he will kick your rear until you bleed.  Speaking of which", he held out his arm, " you cut my arm when you blocked me."  Seeing the cut on his arm, Mo Yuan passed healing energy over it.  "JinDe, what did you learn?"   "Fuqin, you kicked my ass.  I'm embarrassed to say the least."   Mo Yuan let his head fall back as he full on belly laughed.   "If it makes you feel any better, Bai Xue did manage to cut me.  See?"  He held up his arm that was bleeding.  "Fuqin does it hurt?"  "Of course it hurts!  Every wound you get, no matter how small always hurts.  Remember that.  No war is fought without pain and I have the scars to prove it.  Now off to the hot springs or you will regret it.  I'm headed that way in a moment."   Ye Hua looked at his brother.  He had had that same lesson earlier in his life.  He knew he could get on the same level if he wanted to.  "Da ge, how about you and I spar tomorrow.  It's been a while!"   "Alright!  We can show those two worthless sons of mine what a real fight looks like!"
     At the hot pool, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were having a very heated discussion when Mo Yuan and Ye Hua were walking down the path toward them.  Mo Yuan halted and shushed Ye Hua.  "Xue Xue, did it make you mad that Fuqin defeated us like that?"  "Not really.  I knew he was powerful, but he has never really shown us.  What did you expect, JinDe?  Fuqin is right.  If we would just put in the effort we could be just like him.  Our names could become as revered as his.  It makes me proud to know my Fuqin is that powerful.  I can't think of any person who could give him a true match, except for Shushu.  Feeling this way makes me love him even more.  What about you?"  "Yes, I love him.  I want to be just like him.  Let's say we set aside time for more meditation instead of sneaking off to the mortal realm to see girls.  Even Shushu hasn't done that.  If Fuqin finds out we're toast.  His dragon would roast us good!"   "Well let's hope he doesn't find out any time soon!"
     When Ye Hua looked at Mo Yuan to see what the effect of that last remark was, he was stunned.  Mo Yuan had turned around and his shoulders were shaking.  Ye Hua touched his shoulder and stepped closer.  "Da ge?"  He turned and Ye Hua saw the tears in his eyes.  "I never knew they cared that much for me."  He wiped his tears.  "The first time you told me that you loved me, I felt the same way.  I cried because of your nightmares and the sorrow you had known.  Love has many facets, Didi.  Many facets."  He straightened his back and took on a more stern look.  "Let's say you and I run our own little prank on them!  I heard their remark and yes I've known about their sneaking off to the mortal realm.  I say they confess it all!"  "Ok, let's say you take me on a trip to the mortal realm if they do.  I wish to go to a flower house!"   "What?!?  Who told you about those?"  "Let's just say you have a big mouthed disciple who told me.  Come on Da ge, you had sexual experience when you were young.  Why can't I?  I'm not a monk, you know!"  "What will Qian Qian say?  Good grief, my own sons and now my brother!"  They walked into the hot pool area. 
     JinDe saw his father round the corner first.  "Fuqin!  Come on in the water's fine!"  Mo Yuan stripped down to his underpants as did Ye Hua.  You literally could not tell them apart except for the facial hair and the scars.  Bai Xue noted the scars on his father.  "Shushu, are you going to take the trial for Tiazi Dianxia when we go to the nine heavens?"  "Yes, Xue Xue I am.  I'm ready for it.  Da ge has taught me well and has prepared me for it."  JinDe looked at his uncle and asked him point blank, "are you afraid?"   "I would be a fool to say I wasn't now wouldn't I?  Who wants 39 sacred blazes and 9 lightning strikes?   Nine, not three like when you had your trial."   "Fuqin, are you going to stand by Shushu?"  "I can't stand by him, but I'll be there when it's over.  I will be right where he needs me to be.  Just like I was right there when you had your trial.  Remember?"  "Yes, we remember!  You were right there for us!"  "So boys, when are you going to take your Shushu to the flower house in the mortal realm?"  Both of their faces turned red and Ye Hua busted out laughing.  "So you thought I didn't know about your sneaking off?  I have ways of finding things out, you know.  Don't look so surprised.  I could punish you both, but I will let this be a lesson to you.  And no I will not go because I would never betray your mother.  She is precious to me and I would never do anything to cause her pain.  I'll send Zi Lan with him.  He's probably the one who got you two into mischief in the first place."   "Fuqin, do any of the three of us ever really have any secrets from you?"  "No Xue Xue, you don't.  I still love you.  Even though you have lied to me, even when I knew you were."   JinDe looked at his fathers gentle smile for a moment before he spoke.  "Fuqin, I'm sorry I've caused you pain and sorrow.  Will you forgive me?"  He sat by his father and held his gaze.  "Yes, my son, I forgive you.  I do expect one thing out of the both of you though.  Please don't ever let your mother know you have been fooling around with women!  Not only will she kill you, but she might just cut me off too, especially if she finds out I knew.  My dragon would be very angry over that and I can't guarantee the peace of Kunlun if it happens.  And another thing.  The next time we spar, I better not be able to kick your sorry asses so easy next time!"  Bai Xue laughed at his father.  "Fuqin, I would never tell mother!  I can barely look at her in the eye anyway.  I swear her fox can smell a lie a mile away!  Have you ever told her a lie?"  "What and have her loose those tails on me?  Never!"  Ye Hua had been silent for quite some time.  Mo Yuan noticed his aura fluctuating.  His high god trial was upon him.  "Bai Xue! Mo JinDe!  Get out of the pool now!  Hurry!"  They all scrambled out and watched their uncle and brother.  Ye Hua looked straight into his brother's eyes when the lightning struck him and he disappeared.

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