Enter the Dragon Detective

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     Mo Yuan was beside himself.  He had lost the trail and there were no clues either.  The elusive golden eyed man was no where to be found.  Ye Hua had recovered, but it was just the fact that someone tried to harm him.  JinDe had become his shadow along with Tian Shu.  The guards around Xiwu Palace were elite soldiers.  Even the maids were well trained and each one had been personally interviewed by Mo Yuan himself.  His gaze upon one's face brought instant fear so no one could look him in the eye or lie.  He was satisfied that at least Ye Hua was safe in his own palace.  He had wanted to go home to Kunlun, but he felt in his heart that he just couldn't leave his brother just yet. 
     Ye Hua was feeling the burden of ruling already.  Dijun let him handle most of the duties even though he hadn't been crowned yet.  His coronation was still two weeks off.  Mo Yuan sighed.  He had hoped Bai Qian would settle in to the routine but she didn't like it there.  She had told him in so many words how stuck up and snooty the women were.  Chang Yu was the only one who appealed to her.  Ye Hua's mother, Lady Le Xu, had completely changed after the death of Yang Cao.  She had confessed to Mo Yuan that she was afraid of him and that he was cruel to her.  He thought of his own father and how far the present situation was from when his father ruled.  He knew Ye Hua would bring back that same type of atmosphere.  He looked at his lovely wife's sleeping body on their bed.   She slept a lot.  He knew she was tired.  She was still having morning sickness even after over a year of pregnancy.  Also Zhe Yan had checked her out and informed him that these twins were rather large.  He tried to feed them a little energy when he could to calm their spirits.  He could feel them reaching out when he walked into the room.  He also noticed that Xue Xue and JinDe were connected to them too.  He was pacing in his study when Bai Xue walked in.  "Fuqin, I found our man!"
     Mo Yuan sat down in a huff.  He motioned Bai Xue to sit as well.  "Tell me!"  Bai Xue took a cup of tea, took a sip and proceeded to tell his story.  "After our trip to the flower house, I decided I would lay a trap for our culprit.  I returned to the town as a scholar and warrior.  I bought a property in the town.  Since I portrayed myself as being rather prosperous, I also own several businesses in town.  I became a well liked person there with one vice.  I liked women."  He held up his hand to stop his father's disapproving statement.  "Before you scold me, I felt the flower house was our key to finding him.  It seems he too frequently visited the house.  I would go once a week on different nights and sometimes during the day.  For six months in the mortal world, I played my part.  One night I was being entertained by a certain woman when the man tried to assault me for being with that woman.  She was the same one who entertained Ye Hua.  He must have been jealous towards her.  I managed to leave, but I came back later and captured him.  I have him in custody now.  He is at the training ground being held by JinDe until you can question him."  Mo Yuan stood up and walked around his desk.  "Bai Xue, you have done excellent work!  Your strategy is worthy of any battle plan I myself could have come up with!  Very good work indeed!  Let's go interview our man then!"  Mo Yuan sent Ye Hua a message to meet him at the training grounds immediately.  He was walking through the gate to the grounds when Ye Hua joined him with Tian Shu by his side.  "Da ge, what's up?"  "Bai Xue, your devious detective minister nephew,  has captured the man who gave you the potion.  We are going to interview him now."  Ye Hua was impressed.  They walked to the tent that JinDe used while training.  Mo Yuan and Ye Hua walked in together.  The impact was exactly what Mo Yuan wanted.
     The man was bound by magic and was snarling his displeasure at JinDe when Mo Yuan and Ye Hua walked in.  The shock on his face was exactly what Mo Yuan wanted.  When Bai Xue stepped out from behind Mo Yuan, the man struggled to free himself and snarled at him.  "So you think you can drug the Taizi Dianxia and get by with it!  You think you can assault one of his ministers out of your petty jealousy.  Who are you and who sent you?"  When the man's eyes widened at the introduction, Mo Yuan knew then that the whole thing was not a plot.  He was intrigued to say the least.  "Are you going to answer me?  Do you perhaps need convincing?  Let me introduce myself then.  I am Mo Yuan, God of War, and this is my twin brother, Ye Hua, Taizi Dianxia and soon to be emperor of the nine heavens.  These two are my sons, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe.  Have you any pitiful excuse?"  The wolf hung his head and took a deep breath.  "As you know, our tribe is allied with the Ghost tribe.  I was a commander for Qing Cang, but I chose to leave his service after the great war.  My wife and I were pursued by Li Yuan, eldest son of Qing Cang.  We were trying to escape when we were apprehended near the border of Kunlun.  I was seeking asylum.  My wife had her memories removed and her powers blocked by him.  She was sent to the mortal realm.  I immediately followed her there after I was released.  I spent two years in the mortal realm searching for her.  I had only found her a week before four men rented the flower house for the whole week.  I was enraged for you see, I was the only man my wife had ever known.  The very fact that I found her there nearly drove me insane.  She doesn't remember me.  I've heard you love your wife very much.  I hope you can have mercy on me and please assist me to get her through this trial.  I sincerely apologize and except any punishment you give to me."  Ye Hua, being a man of compassion, stepped forward.  "Since you have confessed this to us, I will have mercy.  I recovered as you can see.  I myself have never been in love, but I know for a fact that my brother does indeed love his wife very much.  I will give you asylum.  The Queen of Qing Qui might be interested in helping you.  She is a fox who wouldn't mind helping a wolf.  Her land has a marketplace where her people sell their wares and produce.  They live a life I believe you would find to your liking.  By your demeanor I can tell you are tired of war and only seek peace.  Do you agree, Da ge?"  Mo Yuan stared at the wolf who looked him straight in the eye.  He saw there the despair and sheer fatigue.  He nodded.  "Bai Xue, go get your mother and bring her here.  Let her decide if he's worthy."  Bai Xue nodded and left the tent to go get her.  "While we wait for her, have some tea and refresh yourself."  Mo Yuan released his bonds.  The wolf fell to his knees and bowed to the ground.  "Please forgive my ignorance, High God Mo Yuan!  My name is Lang Shu Rong.  If ever I can be of service to you, all you have to do is call upon me." 
     Bai Xue came back with his mother in half an hour.  Mo Yuan pulled out a chair for her.  "JieJie, this man wishes asylum in our lands.  He wishes to talk to you about living in Qing Qui."  She looked into the man's eyes.  "Let me introduce my wife, Mistress of Kunlun and Queen of Qing Qui, Bai Qian.  Qian Qian, this is Lang Shu Rong."  Shu Rong bowed to the floor in front of her.  "The high goddess Bai Qian?"  She nodded.  "I have a trade I could engage in if you would allow me to seek a life in your land.  Although our tribe aligned with the Ghost tribe, we were not of the dark lands.  I am not a predator who would ravage the people of your kingdom.  I make hair pins.  I used to make them for my wife all the time when I was on leave."  He asked for his pack and pulled out a beautiful white jade hair pin shaped like peach blossoms.  Her gasp at the sheer beauty of it as she turned it over in her hands showed her excellent taste and appreciation of his craft.  "Keep the pin as my pledge to you to be your humble servant from this day forward."  "There are a few empty cottages by the marketplace and a few in the forest that would make a good home for you.  Do you have children?"  Yes, two sons.  I managed to hide them away before my wife and I were captured.  I can retrieve them as soon as I am settled.  I know that my wife can only escape her trial if she dies or Li Yuan dies.  I only wish peace now.  I don't want to make war any more."  "Then welcome to Qing Qui!  I will write you a scroll to present to my father, Bai Zhi.  He will grant you the property in my stead."  Lang Shu Rong looked at her with wide eyes.  "Bai Zhi, the Fox Emperor is your father?  I met him once.  A very great warrior and man!  Thank you, my queen!"  He was led away to receive clean robes and a good bath with some food.  "Ye Hua, that is what will make you a great ruler.  You could have punished him severely but you chose instead to take the high road.  He will serve you and Qian Qian if he is ever called upon.  I believe we made a friend today."  "I'm just thankful it really wasn't a plot.  I'm sick of plots and innuendo."  "Me too!  Come, my lovely Queen!  Let me escort you to our rooms."  "Could you carry me?  I'm really tired after all that walking."  Mo Yuan swept her up into his arms and cloud jumped her to her room.  Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were left in the tent smiling.

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