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     Jinzi was sitting with Baohu.  He had kept a check on him and had decided to just sit for a while.  Slowly Baohu came to himself.  Jinzi heard him sigh and open his eyes.  He turned and looked at Jinzi.  Jinzi took his arm and checked his pulse.  "How do you feel, didi?"  He tried to talk, but his throat was very sore and he could only let out a type of gasp.  He spoke to JInzi in his mind.  "What's wrong with my voice?"  "Do you remember anything?"  "I was fighting a Xiyi when backlash hit me.  He grabbed my throat.  I think it was Er ge that killed it.  I'm not sure."  "Yes, it was Er ge.  He saved your life.  That Xiyi was about to kill you with it's death bite."  "Has Fuqin been here?"  "Yes.  He has kept his own vigil over you.  So have Da ge and Er ge."  "How many days have I been like this?"  "Today makes a week.  Fuqin didn't want to continue with their tour until you had recovered.  I expect him to come see you after lunch.  It's nearly lunch time now.  I made some soup for you since your throat is sore.  Do you wish to eat any of it?  Plus I have two potions and a huli elixer for you.  That should aid your recovery."  "Yes, please bring the soup and potions.  I have to return to the mortal realm as quickly as I can.  I'm sure their are at least two more colonies of those Xiyi."  "How do you know, Baohu?"  "I've heard them talking about the main lair.  I have yet to find it.  I must find it.  I must!"  He was eating his soup when his Fuqin walked in.  He sat on the side of the bed and patted Baohu on the leg.  "You have done very well my xiao jin huli.  Very well indeed.  Are you feeling better?"  Baohu stared at his Fuqin and spoke into his mind.  "I can't talk.  I'm afraid my voice is gone forever."  "Jingsi and Jiaxiao tried to heal you.  Yingjie said you were ok.  Maybe you just need more healing time.  I came to see you for several reasons.  Li Li is close to time to shift.  Do you wish to see her?"  "Fuqin, I had hoped to be able to take care of her this time.  I have been celibate since I left the mountain.  I want only Li Li in my life.  She is my one true love.  Would she see me?"  "I can bring her to you if you wish it."  "I do.  Please?"  "I will get her as soon as we finish here.  I have a question for you.  Do you wish to come home?"  "Fuqin, it's all I want, but I have unfinished business with those Xiyi.  I have yet to find their largest lair.  We have destroyed two.  There are two more.  I have destroyed the small ones.  There is an alpha queen.  I have to find her."  "Then that leads to my next question.  Would you want Fenli, Ali, Jin, Shing, Long Hei and Ru to help you?"  "They would be a great help, but they must take my orders.  Will they?"  "Yes, they will.  Ru really doesn't want to go, but Ye Hua is tired of him chasing every woman that comes in front of him.  I really think he wants to take Lian Song's place as the God of Love.  Ye Hua is very disappointed in him, especially since he is a brilliant tactician.  It would be up to you to keep him out of the flower houses.  It's settled then.  I will bring Li Li to see you before you are ready to return to the mortal realm.  Rest for now and recover.  I love you, Baohu, very much.  It was very hard for me to send you away, but I had to.  Do you understand now?"  "Fuqin, you really had no choice.  I understand and I can assure you, I'm a better man now.  I love you more than you will ever know.  One day, I will be able to show you.  One day."  Mo Yuan took him into his arms and held him tightly to his chest.  He looked into the honey brown eyes of his son and his own eyes turned to gold.  "Xiao Jin Huli, I am proud of the man you are today.  Very proud!"  JInlong held him and purred to him.  Baohu sighed and laid in the arms of the only man who had ever loved him for what he had always been.

     Later that afternoon, Mo Yuan brought Li Li to see Baohu.  When she walked in, he raised his hand to her and the tears started flowing down his face.  "Li Li, Baohu is unable to talk at this time.  He can speak into your mind and you can answer him out loud.  I'll be right outside if either of you need me."  They sat in silence looking into each other's eyes before he spoke to her.  "Li Li, have you been well?"  "Yes, Jinzi said I'm doing very well this time.  My appetite is much better, too.  I think we may have girls this time!"  "Really?  Girls?  It seems Fuqin wanted little girls so he's getting them!!  First Da ge, then Er ge and now us!  I've missed you so much!"  "Baohu, I have missed you.  Really missed you.  I wish for us to be a family.  A real family.  I'm tired of being alone when I have a man like you.  Are you ready to be a man now?"  "Li Li, I want nothing more!  I must kill off the last of the Xiyi, but then I will be home for good.  I had hoped to be able to take care of you this time without being a Xiao chanchu."  "I'm right sorry I called you that, but you deserved it at the time."  "You had every right to call me that.  Every right.  And a few other choice names too!  I have seen and learned much this past year.  After you have these babies, I want us to go to the estate on Mount Junji for a while.  Are you interested?"  "Well I would love to but you know I don't cook.  You would have to bring someone to cook for us."  "No worries.  We will find one.  Now please go and rest and take care of yourself.  I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you.  I may never be able to again."  "My love, as long as you are in my heart and I can hear your voice in my mind, it doesn't really matter."  She held out her arms for him.  They met in a soft kiss.  His lips were soft and his breath was on her tongue.  His forehead touched hers as he spoke into her mind.  "I have been with no other woman since I left here.  I wait only for you, my xiao zhanzhi."  He lay back on the bed and watched her leave.  Mo Yuan was waiting outside of the door for her.  She was wiping a tear from her beautiful little heart shaped face when she came out the door.  "Fuqin, I want him in my life!  I love him so!!"  She fell into his arms as she cried.  "There now!  He will be in your life.  We are going to help him complete his mission and then the two of you and your children can go to the estate on Mount Junjie for a while.  It would be good for both of you.  Now wipe your tears!  Let me take you back home."

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