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Warning!! This chapter contains graphic violence of sexual assault. Read at your own risk!

Mo Yuan called Ye Hua to come look over Baohu's battle plan. He looked over the plan thoroughly and smiled. "An excellent plan, Da ge. When do we depart?" "Actually, Didi, I didn't set this plan." "Well whoever did it has a brilliant military mind. It will give us the edge we need." "I have a very brilliant general who formulated it. He's right here." Ye Hua looked around and saw only Baohu standing there with a very smug smile on his face. Ye Hua pointed at Baohu in shock. "You mean to tell me that Baohu came up with this plan? With no help from anyone?" "That's right, Didi! All by himself! He also took a direct hit from me yesterday and walked away from it. Although to be fair, he did go directly to the peach grove for healing." "Well! I'm in shock! Baohu, this plan is brilliant. It's genius. Da ge, we march in two days! Be ready!" "Fuqin, I must go to the training grounds now. Please excuse me?" "Very well! Practice control of your tails more. You have a lot of power there!" Baohu bowed and left.
He practiced all morning and headed to the garden for lunch. His mother was waiting for him. "I'm hearing tales of a very strong Xiao Jin Huli who faced off with the war god yesterday. Is this true?" "Might be." "I'm also hearing this same huli took a direct hit from Jinlong and walked away, although he was severely injured. Is this true?" "Could be." He attacked his food with gusto. "Your Fuqin is in deep poo doo if he hurt you. Did he?" Before Baohu could answer, Mo Yuan walked in. "Before you get your beautiful, fluffy fox tails all tangled, we did face off yesterday. He is fine, aren't you, Baohu?" "I'm fine, Fuqin. No pain, no gain." Mo Yuan turned to Bai Qian and raised his brow. His eyes turned gold and he purred in a very seductive tone. "Fluffy tails...I like the sound of that.......hmmm hmm." "Behave yourself! I'm not so sure you're off the hook yet! Baohu, answer me! Did Jinlong hurt you?" "Mother, we sparred. To be fair, I used all my power on Fuqin. He was using a teachable moment. I'm fine!" "To be fair, my Xiao Bai Huli, he did scorch my beautiful hair on my head. You will have to take my word for it since I can't transform here." "What? He hurt you? Mo Yuan you mean to tell me he did that? Well! I'm proud of you Baohu! Very proud! You gave that Jinlong the business! Meet me in the arena in the morning, both of you! Now eat lunch before those other four show up and finish off everything!"
They were in the arena bright and early. Bai Qian jumped straight into the arena with white armor on. Her hair was done like the Kunlun disciples. "So Jinlong, care for a round?" She took her stance and held her fan in attack mode. Mo Yuan stood up, called his armor to himself and flew at her full force. Her tails came out. They fought hard for thirty minutes. He almost had her when she threw her charm spell. Her scent wafted out over the camp. Every man alive in that camp fell down on his knees to worship her. Except for one. He was shaking like a leaf in the wind. His growl was loud and he was trying to break her charm. Mo Yuan had never fallen under a spell in battle before. She grinned at him and caressed him with a tail. Knowing that he was about to make a fool out of himself if he didn't do something quickly, he cast a cold air spell and brought snow and ice onto the arena floor. She faltered. He stepped forward. More snow. She shivered. He took another step. She shivered again. He grabbed her and kissed her hard like the conquering dragon that he is. He was in a rage and conquest was his aim. "Release them. Now!" He grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her head back. He attacked her neck and drew a spot of blood. Jinlong moaned and growled again. "Release them, Bai Qian, or you will pay! I'll make you pay!" She released her spell. The snow was swirling so thick around them they could barely be seen. He grabbed her around the waist and jumped them to their hot spring. In their wake, the spell was released and everyone was looking around like what the hell just happened. Baohu grinned to himself. Oh yes, mother was about to pay for that stunt!!


Jinlong threw off their clothes and slung them both to the ground. He tied her hands with magic, flung her onto her stomach, raised her knees and entered her in the most brutal way he had ever done it. He banged against her and sent wave after wave of dragon essence down his rock hard shaft. His balls were slapping her groin as he drove himself into her as far as he could go. He growled and grunted as her took her. Bai Qian was shaking. She was actually afraid. She had never dared to charm Jinlong during battle. He had forgotten everything except conquest. "Charm me, will you? Pay for it! You're mine! Mine!" He thrust into her hard. In all her life this was the first time he caused her pain. " Jinlong, please stop! You're hurting me! I'm pregnant! Stop! Please stop!" He roared his rage and continued to savage her body. His talons were sunk into her hips as he thrust into her. His own peak came hard and fast. He thrust over a dozen times as he filled her with his seed. He stood up, roared and took to the skies to roar his dominance. Three circles over the nine heavens roaring his power finally calmed him enough to return to ground. What he saw when he returned scared the life right out of him. His talons had left deep marks on Bai Qian's hips. Blood was flowing from the gashes. Teeth marks were on her body, but the thing that scared him the most was the blood between her legs. Jinlong sucked in his breath and placed a hand over her stomach. The babies were in distress. He threw his head back and called Ye Hua. He fell down on his knees with his head to the ground in sheer agony.
Ye Hua left his chamber so fast Yu Yu didn't have time to ask what was wrong. The scene that met Ye Hua's eyes nearly broke his heart. He used his magic to conjure a blanket for Bai Qian. She was unconscious. Mo Yuan was struggling to get Jinlong back under control. He snarled at Ye Hua. "Didi, send me to Lord Pua right now for punishment. Right now. Have the guards take me there. 100 strikes. Now." Ye Hua sent a message to Lord Pua to come to Shangdi Zhanzheng. He messaged Bai Xue and Mo JinDe. He tenderly picked up Bai Qian and carried her to their hall. He sent for Zhe Yan. Baohu came running to the hall. He saw the guards leading his Fuqin away with Lord Pua. He searched for his mother and found her. When he entered his Fuqin's room, his mother was pale and unconscious. Ye Hua saw the boy and asked him what happened. "Mother threw a charm spell in the training camp arena. Jinlong grabbed her and made her release the men, then he left with her. What did Fuqin do, Shushu? What happened?" Xue and JinDe came running in. They saw their mother. "Where's Fuqin? Why isn't he here?" "Jinde, he's at the punishment rock. He's taking punishment for losing control of his dragon." "What?!? Just what did he do?" Ye Hua left Baohu by their mother and took them outside. "I'm not sure you want to know." "SAY IT! WHAT DID HE DO?!?" Jinde was screaming. Xue's eyes turned white. He growled loudly. Ye Hua sighed and blurted it out. "Jinlong just brutally raped your mother. She's injured but the worst damage was to her babies. She may lose them. Plus if your Fuqin takes 100 strikes of lightning for punishment, there is no way he can go to war. I honestly don't know what to do, at this point." JinDe jumped so fast neither Xue nor Ye Hua could stop him. He appeared at the punishment platform. Lord Pua was about to start the punishment when JinDe appeared. "Lord Pua, a moment if you please." He nodded and JinDe walked over to his Fuqin. "Fuqin, have you lost your mind? What happened to you? Why would you do such a thing? Why? If Zhe Yan can't save it, she may lose the twins. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!!" "She threw her strongest charm spell. I couldn't get free of it. It threw me into a rage. I can't get out of the rage! I have to take the strikes! Now move! I swear, JinDe, I'll kill myself! Now move!" JinDe walked back to Lord Pua. "Will the strikes kill him?" "It is a high number of strikes, but it won't kill him. His dragon will suffer but he will survive." JinDe nodded and stood to the side. He watched as strike after strike hit his Fuqin. He winced after each strike. At strike number seventy-five, he screamed. Every strike after that he screamed until the last strike. He was released from the chains and fell down to his knees. He held his hands out and looked at them. He was sobbing so hard it was taking his breath away. JinDe walked over to him and touched him on the shoulder. He jerked away from JinDe. "Leave me. Go to your mother."
Zhe Yan was beside himself with anger. He had brought Jinzi with him and that poor little soul was almost traumatized by what he saw. Jinzi squared his shoulders and set about to heal his mother. He healed all of her superficial wounds. Zhe Yan worked to save her twins. After nearly four hours, he finally sat down and sighed. Jinzi stood by him silent as a rock. "Shifu, will mother be alright?" "Yes, little one. She will recover. She's strong. It's your Fuqin I'm worried about. He left the punishment platform and he hasn't been seen since. I'm worried that if he leaves, that dragon tear will activate. I can only hope he stays close. Let's go get some tea so we can watch over your mother now." Mo Yuan stood in their room behind an invisibility barrier. He waited for them to leave before he went to stand by his Qian'er. Jinlong refused to calm down. He was distraught that he had acted so. His mind was in shambles. He was torn but he was about to make a decision that meant he might just have to retire as God of War. Never in his life had he ever missed fighting and leading a war. Never! The whole camp saw him take Qian'er away. Did they know what he did? He had to know. He talked to Ye Hua. "Didi." Ye Hua was sitting in his study with his head in his hands. He raised his tear streaked face when he heard the small voice in his head. "Da ge?" "Didi, please make sure this is kept within the family. Dismiss all the maids of Shangdi Zhanzheng. It must be kept quiet. Please! I will ask no more." "I will do it now, Da ge. Won't you come see me? Please?" There was silence for a moment. "No. I will stay cloaked for a while. I'm not sure I can ever show my face again. I love you Didi." Silence. Ye Hua called Mo Yuan several times but he wouldn't answer him. He sent messages to Xue, JinDe, Baohu and Jinzi. They were in his office within an hour. "I have talked to your Fuqin." He held up his hand to still the questions. "He wishes for this incident to be kept private. He asked that all maids of his palace be dismissed and disciplined if they gossip. I'm probably going to wipe their memories. Xue, I want you to interview them right away. JinDe you round them up. Baohu and Jinzi, I know you are young but the time has come for you to know exactly what the dragon thing does." "Shushu, I hate to inform you, but I know what it is for. I do read books, you know." Jinzi grinned. Baohu grinned too. "Girls chase us all the time, Shushu. You know, 'hung like a horse' and all that!" Ye Hua turned red in the face. "You mean you two have been messing with girls? Aren't you a little young for that?" "Well, Shushu, we are getting close to the age where we could enter into marriage alliances." "Well answer me this, do you know what your Fuqin just did to your mother?" Jinzi answered him. "I know. I'm very angry at Fuqin for losing his control, but Baohu has told me that mother cast her strongest charm spell. Not even Fuqin can break it. I know the behaviors her spell can cause. Shushu Bai Zhen taught us as well as Zufu Bai Zhi. It could actually provoke violence which is exactly what happened. I'm not happy that Fuqin lost his control like that." Baohu, for once, was silent.
JinDe rounded up maids left and right. Xue interview them and Baohu read their minds. So far none of them knew anything. Nearly half a day was spent interviewing. All the maids were cleared. They knew nothing. Feeling satisfied, they reported to Ye Hua. "Shushu, we did what you asked. None of the maids know anything. I believe we are safe for now. I'm worried, though. How can we explain Fuqin's disappearance? Most people know he never gets far from mother." Jinde jumped up. "That's it!! He's cloaked behind a barrier close to where mother is. Dijun could see him, couldn't he? Or maybe Baohu?" "Baohu went to his room. He was bone tired. I'll message Dijun right now." Donghua Dijun actually bothered to leave his palace. He was stunned to hear what happened. Ye Hua spoke to him rather harshly. "Whatever you do, none of the gossips of Taichen Palace can know about this. If anyone finds out, I will wipe their memories. And that especially means Si Ming. I need you to go to Da ge's room and search for him. He's cloaked behind a barrier. We can't see him. Maybe you can. Will you do this?" "Yes, I will. No one will know. They will only know that Bai Qian over did her training and came close to miscarriage. Let me go now." Dijun walked into Shangdi Zhanzheng carefully scanning the area as he went. He couldn't sense Mo Yuan anywhere. Zhe Yan was sitting at the table drinking tea. "Zhe Yan, how is Bai Qian?" "She is doing well. I expect her to recover. Its that fool dragon I'm worried about. He's disappeared." "I know. I just wish to look in on Bai Qian, then I wish to talk to the fox twins. I'm hearing good things about them." "Go ahead. I'll find the twins while you are visiting." Dijun stepped into Mo Yuan and Bai Qian's bedroom. That's when he saw him. He was seated on the floor positioned where he could look at her face. He was gaunt and pale. There was blood on his robes from the lightning strikes. His hair was messy and tangled down his back. One hand was on the bed next to her but he didn't touch her. She sighed his name. A tear rolled down his face. Dijun, the rock with no emotions, was moved. He knew what it meant to love. He loved his Xiao Bai, but he sent her away. He knew she was heartbroken. He knew it, but he didn't want to tempt fate. He also knew that Mo Yuan's Fuxi had trained Mo Yuan's dragon for years to control the rages he would get into during battle. The raging desire to rape and hunt. Making him take a vow to be celibate was part of it. He was surprised his dragon had lost control until he heard about the fox charm spell. Their charm was the strongest ever. He wouldn't be surprised that if one day, Xiao Bai wouldn't charm him. He stood there for a moment and spoke to his brother. "Mo Yuan, brother. I see your pain and anguish. Come out and let us help you get back to normal. We can help you. Come with me." Mo Yuan looked up at his brother. His eyes were golden. His dragon was still present. Dijun addressed him. "Jinlong, you must reconcile your heartbreak. Her charm spell is the strongest in the realms. Only her grandfather or father would have been stronger. You are not to blame. Come out and let us help you." "I can't show my face ever again. I nearly killed our children. This will probably be our last. Zhe Yan told me. I can't show my face ever again. Never again." He stood up and looked at her beautiful serene face. He reached down and cupped her face with his hand. She sighed and called his name. "Mo Yuan! Mo Yuan! I need you! My dear, Jinlong. I need you!" Her eyes were closed but she was crying in her sleep, begging for him. He retracted his hand and hung his head. Before Dijun could stop him, he jumped away.
Donghua Dijun was in a snit but not like they thought. He had gone back to Ye Hua's study to stare into five pairs of sorrowful eyes. He sighed. "He refused to come with me. He's cloaked so he can stay near Bai Qian. I believe she is the only one who can break him out of the depression he is in. He is gaunt and pale. He's wounded from the punishment and he's very messy. His clothes are bloody and his hair is tangled. I was shocked to see him in such a bad condition. I'm honestly at an impasse. Ye Hua, I believe you might be able to see him. Has Zhe Yan checked to see if the twins are calling to him? Maybe they could break him out of this pit he is in?" Ye Hua stood up and sighed. "I will go check on JieJie and the twins. Come with me, but stay outside the door. I want him to see me checking on them. Baohu, I want you to start calling to Da ge. Call him in his mind. Don't stop. Keep doing it until he answers. Now come with me." They all went to Mo Yuan's room. Ye Hua looked to see if he could find his Da ge. He remembered how he broke Dijun's barrier when he was young. He started probing for energy similar to his own. He found him! Ye Hua concentrated his energy and attempted to break his barrier. He brought forth his dragon and surged his energy toward the barrier. Mo Yuan was fighting him. Baohu started talking to his Fuqin. "Fuqin! Fuqin! I know you can hear me! Please come talk to our twins. They need you! You talked to all of us! Please Fuqin? Please answer me!" Mo Yuan was tired and weak. He hadn't eaten for days now. He sat on the floor and lowered his barrier. Ye Hua was shocked at the condition his brother was in. In all his life, he had never seen Mo Yuan in such a state of disarray. He was always neat and well groomed. Ye Hua walked over to the bed and held his hand over Bai Qian's stomach. He could feel the twins there. They were resting. "Da ge, they are fine. Come give them some energy. They need you to be there for them like you have always been for their siblings. Please Da ge?" Mo Yuan sat with his legs straight out and his hands folded in his lap. Ye Hua knelt by his brother and took him into his arms. "Da ge, it's ok. Everything will be ok. You can trust me, can't you? It will be ok!" Grief was written on his face. "How can I ever show my face to my children again after what I have done? How can I call myself their father or even call myself a man! No man would ever treat his wife so! I would kill myself, but she would die too. They would all be alone with only you to guide them." He sobbed. "Didi, how can I ever show my face to them again? Oh why must I be so cursed? My whole life has been a curse! Please, just let me alone. I just want to stay close to her, but I will never show my face again. I can never face them again. Train Bai Baohu Zhe to take my place as God of War. Mo JinDe can do it until Baohu is old enough. I was 70,000 when I came to Kunlun. He can do it." He jumped away before Ye Hua could grab him.

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