A Little Bit Me and a Little Bit You

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     After a hearty breakfast, Mo Yuan left Bai Qian with the other disciples entertaining guests.  He took Ye Hua by the hand and led him to the training grounds.  He sat down on a bench and brought the boy by his side.  "One thing we learn on Kunlun is how to control our inner beast.  I'm a golden dragon.  I know you are a black dragon because father stripped your golden color to create your lotus with it.  Have you shown your true form yet?"  Ye Hua shuffled his feet and hung his head in shame.  "I'm not allowed to show my form."  Mo Yuan's anger hit a new high.  He snorted.  He mumbled under his breath about "idiots"  and "scared of an apex".    "Well today you are going to erupt your dragon and you are going to learn control.  I am an apex dragon.  So are you.  There are none as powerful as we are.  Do you understand?"  Ye Hua nodded.  "I don't want you to be afraid.  You and I are afraid of nothing.  Now come and let me show you my dragon."  They walked out into the arena.   "When I transform, I want you to examine everything about me.  Look me over good.  Climb on me if you want to.  Don't be afraid.  Do you have any questions?  Ok then!  Here goes!"  Mo Yuan erupted his dragon in all of his golden glory.  He was huge and he knew the boy would be afraid, but Ye Hua wasn't afraid.  Instead he walked forward and rubbed Mo Yuan's face.  He slid his small hand down the whisker on his snout and rubbed his face.  He looked into his brother's golden eye.  He walked around and rubbed the huge claws that were as big as his small body.  Mo Yuan raised his leg as if to invite the boy to climb aboard.  Ye Hua climbed up and straddled his legs behind the ears and horns.  "Fly, Da ge!  Fly!"  Mo Yuan laughed a dragon laugh and carefully lifted off with his precious rider.  He very slowly and carefully flew around the mountain and came back to the arena.  Ye Hua slid down and ran around to face his brother.  He was excited and hopping around like a rabbit.  Mo Yuan transformed back to himself and waited.  He didn't wait long.  Ye Hua bolted into his arms and the questions started flying.  He chuckled and sat down right in the arena with him.  "Da ge!  That was wonderful!  Will I be that big?  Will I be powerful like you?  What will my scales look like?  Will I fly like you?  Huh, will I?"  "Slow down now!  Yes you will be as big as me.  Yes you will be as powerful as me.  As to what your scales look like, we should look now.  Can you transform?"  Ye Hua looked around like he was making sure no one was looking.  He jumped back and transformed into a beautiful juvenile black dragon.  "Come here, Ye Hua, and let me examine you."  Mo Yuan looked him over good.  He was pearl black.  His scales glistened like pearls.  He had tufts of white hair on his head and tail.  His claws were black and his whiskers were black.  He had a nice little set of horns.  "Very nice, Didi!  Very nice, indeed!  I can see you are going to be a very powerful apex dragon just like me.  Transform back now so I can show you some things."  A moment passed by and then two.  Mo Yuan looked at the dragon's face and saw the anguish there.  "You don't know how."  An exasperated huff came out and the dragon lay on the ground by his brother.  "Not to worry.  Listen to me now.  Notice the energy in your core.  Look at me when you feel it."  Ye Hua turned inward and then nodded his dragon head enthusiastically.  "Now feel for your human spirit.  It's there beside your dragon spirit.  You can learn to control them both.  Can you feel it?"  He nodded.  "Now just call your human spirit forward.  It's easy.  Go ahead.  Try!"  His dragon face became a mirror of concentration.  His brows furrowed for a moment but finally his scales receded and he was back in his boy form.  He fell into his brother's lap exhausted.  "Da ge, that's hard to do.  I'm very tired now."  His arm went up to Mo Yuan's neck again.  A smile was on his face as he looked at the small face that is so like his was when he was small.  "You did very well today, Didi.  Learning to control your dragon is very hard work.  How about you come and nap in my study while I do some work, hmm?  We will continue this lesson tomorrow."  A small nod is all he got.  He stood up still holding Ye Hua in his arms.  He walked to his study and placed him on the small day bed that was in there.  Ye Hua was snoring lightly.  He brushed back his raven black hair.  A smile was on his small chiseled face.  The somber little boy was breaking out of his shell. 
     Bai Qian walked into his office an hour later.  He rose and placed a finger to his lips.  He took her by the arm and walked toward his garden.  "He erupted his dragon today.  I don't think he was allowed to before.  He's weak from the effort.  I had to teach him how to transform back.  I'm thinking Haode was afraid to let him learn how to use his dragon form.  Ye Hua is going to be a very powerful black dragon.  There is no reason he shouldn't be just as powerful as me.  He's sleeping off a very good lesson today.  Qian Qian, I can't tell you what it means to have him with me and be able to teach him.  One day he will be a fine leader.  Enough about him.  How about this?"  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her soft lips.  He deepened the kiss as a soft moan escaped her.  He licked her bottom lip and her mouth opened for his tongue.  He kissed her with more power and his tongue lathed her whole mouth.  He broke it to kiss down her neck to her collarbone.  He pulled her robe back.  He was about to go further when he heard a small cough.  Zhe Yan was walking up to them.  "I sent Xiao Wu to tell you we were going to return to the fox den for a few days.  If you remember, we have a wedding to plan.  Her mother is chomping at the bit!  We will be back at the end of the week.  Are you ok with that?"  Mo Yuan looked softly into her eyes.  He cupped her face and placed a kiss on her lips.  "Yes, I'm ok with it.  I'll miss her, of course, but plans must be made!"  "Then we're off to Qing Qui.  We will be back at the end of the week.  Come, Xiao Wu!  Let's go!"  She turned to leave and blew a kiss over her shoulder.  He caught it and placed his hands over his heart.  With a smile and a lighter step, he went back to his study.
     He had just finished his last message when Ye Hua started stirring on the day bed.  He sat up and rubbed his eyes.  He looked around for a moment and then looked for his brother.  Mo Yuan smiled and asked him, "did you have a good nap?"  A nod was his answer.  "That dragon business is hard work.  You have to learn to channel your energy so it doesn't tire you out.  Do you feel like working some more now?  I want to focus on dragon training before I put you back in a classroom.  You are sadly lacking there so I want to get you up to par before we continue."  Ye Hua nodded again.  "Hmmm, the boy doesn't talk much.  Ok, he's more like me than I thought.  On to dragon senses then".   "Today I want to teach you how to use your dragon's senses to enhance your own.  Your hearing, your sight, everything you do can be enhanced by your dragon.  What you must learn is how to control him so he doesn't control you.  If your dragon takes control of you at a very bad time, it could be disastrous.  As you get older you will understand.  Are you ready?"  Another nod.  "Reach into your core energy and feel your dragon.  Feel him?"  A nod.  "Now open your ears and let him lend you his ears.  Can you do it?"  Another nod.  His face turned into a picture of concentration as he tried to do it.  Slowly he smiled as he accomplished his first time using his dragon ears.  "Tell me what you hear."  "I hear Chang Shan in the kitchen, a bird singing in your garden, Die Feng teaching weaponry and swords clashing in the arena.  Wait!  I hear you making a sound.  What is it?"  "Come stand here and touch my chest.  What do you hear and feel?"  Ye Hua touched his chest and opened his ears again.  Was Da ge purring?  Was that his dragon?  "Is your dragon purring to me?"  "Why yes he is!  He's very pleased with the progress his Didi is making today!  See how your dragon enhances your senses?  Do you understand now?"  "Uh huh!  I get it!  I truly do!  I can be a dragon!!"  He was jumping up and down and spinning around like the little boy he should be.  A smile came to Mo Yuan's lips.  A very good day indeed.
     Die Feng came and knocked on his door.  "Shifu, a party from the nine heavens is here.  Do you want me to send them away or do you want to meet with them?"  "Whose in the party, Die Feng?"  "It's Haode and Yang Cao.  Do you want me to bring them here?"  "Yes please."  Die Feng nodded and left to fetch them.  Mo Yuan turned to Ye Hua.  "You don't have to be afraid of them.  Just stand at my side and place your hand on my shoulder.  Understand?  Listen and learn!"  Die Feng brought them in and left.  Mo Yuan remained seated.  He looked up and spoke harshly.  "To what do I owe this pleasure?  I'm sure there is a reason for it."  HaoDe spoke first.  "I have come to take Ye Hua back to the nine heavens.  His place is there with me and his father.  You have no right to keep him!" 
     Ye Hua had his hand on his brother's shoulder.  He felt the rumble of his dragon growl right before he spoke.  His eyes slightly widened.  He looked at his foster father and grandfather for a reaction.  He noticed the fear in their eyes.  Good!  Da ge was showing him how to intimidate with his dragon.  Interesting.  He decided he would growl too.  He opened his senses to growl.  He didn't quite have the control his brother had so his growl was louder than he thought it would be.  Oh no!  Mo Yuan grinned but Haode and Yang Cao were surprised to say the least.  Mo Yuan reached up and patted the small hand.  Ye Hua smiled.  "As I've told you already, I have every right to have him with me.  He is my blood kin.  Neither one of you have any blood ties whatsoever.  Don't bother me again with your drivel.  As you can see, Ye Hua has been training his apex dragon today.  Were you actually afraid to let him train?  I can tell you this, you can stay on the throne for now, but when he is capable and of age, you will turn the throne over to him.  It is his rightful place and duty.  Now leave Kunlun.  I will have agents watching you so don't think you can do as you please!  Good day!"  Ye Hua was feeling quite brave so he growled again for good measure.  They left immediately.
     Mo Yuan sat down and turned to his brother with a smile.  "You felt my dragon didn't you?"  "Uh huh I did.  That's why I growled too, but it was too loud.  Did I do wrong, Da ge?"  "Actually Ye Hua, it was perfect timing!  You did very well.  I see you are able to learn things very quickly.  Tomorrow you learn more.  Today, just by observation, you learned intimidation with your dragon.  Now are you seeing the whole picture?"  Ye Hua turned his head for a moment and then he smiled.  "I can use my dragon when negotiating with enemies or friends.  I can heighten my senses to be more in tune with the environment I'm in and to read the people around me.  Even you, Da ge.  I could feel your anger and your love at the same time.  I do understand!"  "Well, I see more advanced lessons are in store for you!  Reading your Da ge!  Ha!  You did well, Didi!  Very well indeed!"  He rose from his desk.  "How about we go eat some lunch.  Then I will take you to the armory to look over the blades there."  Ye Hua took off running to the hall.  The absolute joy on Mo Yuan's face was indescribable.  To see that stoic little boy running was a huge step in the right direction. 

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