Green Grows My Valley

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     Bai Qian had something special planned for Baohu and Jinzi.  She had been waiting to give each one of them something and now was the perfect time.  She called Jinzi to meet her at the pavilion in the flower valley.  She was seated on a cushion drinking tea.  When he arrived, she motioned for him to sit by her.  "I know we haven't been able to talk much since we made the announcement for your Fuqin's retirement.  He will be here in a minute."  She was pouring tea when Mo Yuan arrived.  "Jinzi, your mother and I have a gift we wish to give you.  Come with us."  Mo Yuan jumped them all on a fast cloud to Qing Qui.  They were in front of Yanhua Cave.  The little valley was fresh and green and a clear blue lake was there.   Mo Yuan pointed at the cave entrance.  "There is the cave where your mother kept my body by feeding me blood from her heart for 20,000 years, but that is not what we brought you here for.  Look down there across the lake.  Across the lake stood a fairly good sized house.  A boat dock was built out from it.  A small pavilion was off to the side.  There was room for growing herbs and plants.  Jinzi looked at his mother and then his Fuqin.  "How did you know?  I was going to ask Zhe Yan if I could live in the peach grove.  It's perfect!  Just perfect!"  They jumped across the lake onto the porch of the house.  "When you live here, Jinzi, you will be known as the great medicine king of the foxes of Qing Qui.  I know it's been hard for you to plant your herbs on the mountain.  Your mother and I built this for you and Mi Shu.  You can grow many things here.  You can make potions and you can use the cauldron at Kunlun anytime.  What do you think?"  Jinzi wiped a tear from his eye.  "Mother, Fuqin, it's perfect!  I couldn't wish for anything better!!"  He hugged his mother and then his Fuqin.  "Would you wait here while I go get Mi Shu?"  "Yes, we will wait!" 
     Jinzi ran through the Mushroom Market to Mi Shu's stall.  She smiled when she saw him.  "Mi Shu!  I have something to show you!  We will come right back or you can close your stall for today."  She waved her hand and closed her stall.  "Where are we going, Jinzi?"  "Just hold on!"  He jumped them straight to the little valley.  Mo Yuan and Bai Qian were sitting in the little pavilion waiting for them.  Jinzi brought Mi Shu over to them.  "Mi Shu, Mother and Fuqin have given us this valley as our home!  What do you think!!"  She clapped her hands and twirled around.  "It's wonderful!  Just wonderful!  Right over there we can grow our own garden!  And over there we can grow the plants you need for potions and elixers!  And look at that lake!  Oh, Jinzi it's perfect!!"  He hugged her and swung her around.  Bai Qian smiled and pointed to the house.  "Jinzi, you and Mi Shu will have to furnish the house with your things and hers.  We will help you get what you want from Kunlun.  Just say the day and it will be done!"  "Mother!  Fuqin!  I'm so happy!  This is perfect!!  Thank you so much!"  He hugged them both and grabbed Mi Shu by the hand to take her into the house.  Bai Qian put her arm around Mo Yuan's waist.  "Shall we take a walk around the lake, dearest?"  "Why yes, I believe we should!"  He tucked her arm into his and they set out to walk around the lake. 
     They walked around the lake and onto the path that led to Yanhua Cave.  Mo Yuan patted Bai Qian on the arm and tugged her toward the cave.  They entered and he looked around.  The fur bed he had lain on was still there.  He stood by it as if in deep thought.  When he finally spoke, it was with deep emotion.  "For 20,000 years I lay there, protected, loved and cared for.  You never knew if I would ever return, but you tended me and waited for me.  Qian Qian, I love you!  You gave up so much for me and I love you for it!"  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips softly.  He hugged her close and put his head on top of hers.  A tear slid down his face as he did.  "We must get back now.  I wanted to ask Jinzi if he wanted a double wedding with Baohu at Kunlun.  We have a lot of planning to do!"  They walked back to the little house to see Jinzi and Mi Shu already doing things around the garden area.  Jinzi ran to his mother.  "Mother!  Look!  The soil is really good here and Mi Shu says she can grow many rare herbs and plants here!"  "Jinzi, I forgot to ask you.  Baohu is getting married to Kai Shandian Li on October 5th.  I was wondering if you wanted to make it a double wedding with your Didi or if you wanted your own separate wedding."  "Mi Shu!  Come here, please!  Fuqin has something to ask us."  She ran to his side and smiled.  "Mi Shu, I asked Jinzi if he wanted to join his Didi on October 5th for a double wedding.  If this is agreeable to both of you, we will start making plans and fitting both of you for your robes and such."  "Fuqin, no insult to Baohu or you, but we would rather have a simple ceremony done the Qing Qui way right here in Mother's home.  We discussed it and it's what we want.  Besides, you know how flamboyant Baohu is!  I don't want to take away from him.  We want to be married on September 2nd if that meets your approval."  Bai Qian hugged Mi Shu and Jinzi.  "That you would wish to live here and follow our customs makes me very proud Jinzi!  It shall be so!  Go to the little lady in the market that sells cloth.  Tell her I sent you to her.  She will make your robes and Mi Shu's dress.  Everything else your Zumu would love to handle for you.  It's only a month and a half away!  I'll send her a message today."  "Jinzi, you are and have always been quiet and calm.  A light in a storm.  I love you for it!  I know you have just as much power as Baohu does, but you have used your power for healing and doing good in the realm.  You are already becoming famous!  My quiet Xiao Jin Huli!  Fuqin is very proud of you!  Now you and Mi Shu enjoy yourself here today.  Let me know what you want from Kunlun and we will send it here.  Now your mother and I have an appointment to keep with your more loud mouthed Didi!"
     After they left, Jinzi and Mi Shu went to her small residence and started packing her things to move them.  With a wave of his hand, all of her belongings were moved to their new home.  "Mi Shu, I will be staying in the fox den until our wedding.  I'm sure Zufu will have some sage wisdom for me!  You can go ahead and move into our home.  That way you can put things where you want them.  Agreed?"  "Jinzi, you always know what I'm thinking!  Let's go talk to the lady who sells the cloth.  We might as well do that today."  "Yes and I want to talk to Zumu.  She is a professional at taking control of any situation!!"  They walked to the fox den.  It just so happened that his Zufu and Zumu were there.  Mi Gu announced them.  "Jinzi!  How nice to see you!  Who is this you have with you?"  "Zufu, this is my soon to be wife, Zhiwu Mi Shu.  Mi Shu, this is my Zufu, Bai Zhi!"  Mi Shu went into a deep bow.  "No need for that, child!  So Jinzi, when is the wedding?"  "That's why I'm here.  I need Zumu to organize a small wedding here in Qing Qui for September 2nd.  Can you do it for us?"  "Jinzi!  I would be delighted!!"  "Mother already sent us to the lady in the market that sells cloth.  Also, Mi Shu and I will be living in Qing Qui. Mother and Fuqin built us a house on the blue lake by Yanhua Cave.  It's just what I wanted!  You don't mind if I live here do you, Zufu?"  "Jinzi, I am delighted!  My sunzi, the greatest medicine king since Zhe Yan living here is a boon to our market and our kingdom!!  Now talk to your Zumu just a minute, then you can show us your new house!"
     Jinzi and Mi Shu talked to his grandmother for over an hour.  When Bai Zhi came out of his study, he had a scroll in his hand.  "Jinzi, I have written this decree to declare you as a prince of Qing Qui.  You would be in line to rule here if Feng Jui ever decides to leave.  Do you accept it?"  Jinzi hugged his Zufu and said, "yes, Zufu, I do!  Thank you so much!"  "When you marry Mi Shu, she will become a princess as per this scroll.  Now show us your new home!"  They jumped to the area above the lake.  The scene was beautiful across the clear blue lake.  Bai Zhi was quite taken with the house.  "Jinzi, it's beautiful!  Allow me to give you a gift.  It will be here when you return.  I see your sweet little fairy can grow many plants here for you to use in your practice.  It's just perfect!  Your Mother and Fuqin were far sighted to build this for you.  This is her land and you can use Yanhua Cave to cultivate when you need too.  I'm very happy for you!  Tell me about Baohu.  Is he marrying too?"  "Zufu, you know how flamboyant Baohu is!  He is marrying on October 5th.  I didn't want all that big celebration.  Mi Shu and I just wanted a simple Qing Qui wedding.  I knew Zumu could do it."  "And it shall be so, my Xiao Jin Huli!  Just like you want it!  Now back to the den.  We have plans to make!"
     Baohu received the message from his Fuqin and mother.  He met them at the pavilion in the jasmine valley.  "Fuqin, Mother, you sent for me?"  "Baohu, your San ge, Jinzi, is getting married to Mi Shu on September 2nd.  He wanted a simple Qing Qui wedding.  He didn't want to detract from your own wedding.  Are you ok with this?"  "Well, I had hoped we could have a double wedding here at Kunlun, but if he's happy, then I'm happy."  "Also we have a gift for you.  Come with us!"  Mo Yuan jumped them to the East side of Kunlun into one of the low valleys.  There was a small crystal clear lake, a large meadow of sweet grass and clover.  By the lake a small cabin had been built.  Baohu looked confused as he looked at his Fuqin.  "Baohu, since Shandian Li is a horse spirit, this meadow is a perfect place for you to relax and shall we say, have your own session of horse tails and fox tails!  What do you think?"  Baohu grinned and transformed.  He ran through the cover, rolled in it, laughed his fox laugh and jumped into his Fuqin's arms grinning.  He transformed and hugged his mother and Fuqin in one big hug.  "Fuqin!  It's perfect!!  Thank you!"  He jumped away and Mo Yuan laughed and shrugged.  He took Bai Qian into his arms and jumped her to their own little jasmine valley for an afternoon of fox tails and dragon scales!
     Good to her word, Jinzi's Zumu was like a whirlwind making preparations and preparing for every situation.  When she found out that Mi Shu was an orphan, she was sad, but it was decided that Bai Zhi himself would give her away.  Mo Yuan and Bai Qian came to oversee the preparation and help anyway they could.  Bai Qian had been in a snit because Jinzi had left her out of everything.  Noticing her discontent, Jinzi came to sit by her.  "Mother, I love you!"  He put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her.  "I know you think I have deserted you.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  I know you have your hands full preparing for Baohu's wedding.  I'm a simple man, Mother.  I just didn't want to be like Baohu is.  I love him dearly, but he is flamboyant and I am simple.  He is a warrior, I am a healer.  I just wanted you to know how much I love you!"  He kissed her cheek and smiled at her.  Bai Qian looked into eyes so much like hers and a face so much like Bai Zhen's.  He was not that Xiao Jin Huli anymore but a grown man who is confident in what he wants.  She cupped his cheek with her hand.  "My sweet Jinzi!  I know for a fact that you are nothing like Baohu!  He is really more like JinDe was.  You are quiet and mild mannered like Xue.  I am so proud of you!  Know always that I love you, I'll always be available to you any time you need me and I will do what I can to make you happy!"  Mo Yuan walked over and sat down beside Bai Qian.  "Jinzi, is there anything you need for us to do for you?  Is there anything you want from Kunlun?"  "Fuqin, I can think of nothing at the moment.  I have emptied my room there of all my things.  The only thing I want is to know that my Fuqin and Mother support me in this life I have chosen."  "Jinzi, you have mine and your mother's full support.  My love for you is forever, my son.  I knew very early that both you and Baohu were special.  That he has taken my place and you have nearly surpassed Zhe Yan as a medicine king proves it.  Be happy, Jinzi!  Love Mi Shu as I have always loved your mother.  Nothing you do in this world will be better.  That is all I wish for you!"  He hugged him and patted his shoulder.  It was then that Jinzi noticed one gray hair by his Fuqin's temple.  One gray hair.  He reached out to touch it.  "Fuqin, do you feel well?  Are you slowing down any?  Any changes in your sex life?  How about your power level?  Let me see your aura!!"  "Why Jinzi, I feel fine."  Jinzi stood and scanned his Fuqin using his full power.  He could find nothing wrong.  Still that gray hair worried him.  "Since when do you start getting gray hair, Fuqin?"  "Gray hair?  No.  You're serious?  I have gray hair?"  Mo Yuan conjured a small bronze mirror into his hand.  Jinzi pointed and he saw it.  One gray hair!  He put the mirror away.  "I don't know what to say.  I'll have to read up on it."  He stood up and walked toward Bai Zhi.  Bai Qian looked at Jinzi in alarm.  "What does it mean, Jinzi?  Is his calamity coming soon?  What does it mean?"  She brought forth her handkerchief and wrung it in her hands.  "It's nothing, Mother.  Fuqin is rather old and he got a late start in the family life.  Zufu Fuxi did make me a promise many years ago.  He told me Fuqin would live a long life and live to see his children all married and happy.  That means these you are carrying now.  Now be happy, Mother!  It's only two weeks until my wedding!"
     It was the day.  September 2nd was here.  It was decided that Baohu would go to Jinzi's house to get Mi Shu.  He was wearing his official Kunlun robe.  Baohu was happy for Jinzi.  He had found his perfect mate.  Jinzi's happiness was also his happiness!  He led the bride to her palanquin and they headed to the fox den.  Jinzi was a picture of masculine beauty in his Qing Qui robes.  His Zufu took her hand as she stepped out.  She was a vision of loveliness with her beautiful robes embroidered with ivy vines and trees.  Jinzi was standing with his beautiful white hair down without adornment.  His robes were embroidered with golden foxes and the emblem of Kunlun.  Donghua Dijun officiated for them as they said their vows.  They were led to their house with great fanfare and celebration.  Bai Qian kissed Jinzi on the cheek and hugged Mi Shu.  Mo Yuan was strangely silent but he smiled and patted Jinzi on his shoulder.  The party left and returned to the lake at the fox den for the banquet.  Jinzi led Mi Shu into their room and saw the surprise there.  A hand carved bed.  Somehow he knew his Fuqin had made it for them.  It had limbs with leaves trimmed around it with a fox sitting among vines and ivy.  Mi Shu gasped at the site of it.  "Oh, Jinzi!  It's beautiful!  Simply beautiful!"  He held out his hand and took her to the bed.  She sat down and he knelt at her feet.  He raised her veil and cupped her face.  "Mi Shu, it my wish that we would live here forever.  I want to make you mine now.  Are you ready?"  "Yes, I'm ready!"  He kissed her softly and tenderly.  His hands caressed her softly and his tails erupted.  They wrapped around her in a soft embrace.  One piece at a time he removed her robes and clothing.  He waved his hand and removed his own clothes.  They lay together kissing while his tails caressed every inch of her body.  He kissed down her neck and softly caressed her breasts.  He was breathing hard, but so was she.  Lower he went until he feasted his eyes on her flower.  He rubbed her with his hand and started to lick up her slit.  His tails were all over her breast.  Her moans grew loud as he pleasured her.  Her climax came hard and when it did, he rose up and entered her in one hard thrust.  Her scream brought a tear to his eye, for Jinzi was a tender man and hated to cause anyone pain.  "I'm sorry, my love!"  She kissed his lips as the soft motion of his tails brought relief and pleasure as he started to move.  Slowly but surely she joined him as their pleasure soared.  Jinzi sent waves of his essence down his shaft to bring her pleasure.  They rode high into the clouds and crashed together in mutual bliss.  He wrapped her in his tails and warmed her.  "Jinzi, I love you!  I love you so much!"  He smoothed her hair and cupped her face.  "My Mi Shu!  I love you so!!"  He held her close and they laid there for nearly an hour talking and kissing, caressing and loving.  They arose and dressed and Jinzi jumped them to their banquet.  They sat at their table and greeted the guests.  Slowly but surely, Baohu kept sending a drink to Jinzi.  That stalwart young man had never tried his wings when it came to drinking.  He looked at his obnoxious Didi and grinned. 
     Mo Yuan knew Baohu was up to no good right from the start.  With each drink, he added water to Jinzi's.  Jinzi motioned for his Fuqin to come to his table.  "You wanted me, my son?"  "I just wanted to thank you for the bed, Fuqin.  Did you carve it?"  Actually, Jinzi, your Didi Baohu made it for you.  My surprise is in the back garden of your house."  "Oh?  Might it be what I think it is?"  "Could be!  You can look when this banquet is over.  I have been putting water in your drinks to teach that randy Xiao Jin Huli a lesson!  Just keep drinking.  He will never know!"  "Fuqin, I love you!"  He raised his cup to salute his Fuqin, his wife and his Didi.  Baohu kept sending drinks.  He had no idea his Fuqin was on to him.  As the banquet wound down, Baohu realized too late he had been had!  His Mother and Fuqin both stood on each side of him when he made his last toast to his Da ge.  "Here's to my San ge!  The best man in Qing Qui!!"  He turned his drink up and downed it.  He grinned, laughed his little fox laugh and leaned against his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan nodded and jumped them home.  Jinzi jumped Mi Shu and himself back to their home.  "Fuqin said Baohu carved the bed for us, but he left us a surprise in our back garden.  Shall we go look?"  "Indeed we should!"  They walked to the back door and out onto the rear porch.  A neat little stone path led to a gate close to the house.  They followed the path and went through the gate.  There was a beautiful garden that was a copy of Mo Yuan's garden on Kunlun.  The path wound around the corner and there it was, a hot pool just like the one on Kunlun.  Jinzi smiled to himself, removed their clothes with a wave of his hand and walked into the pool with Mi Shu squealing in delight!  They spent the hours way into the night bathing, loving and lounging on the grass. 

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