I've Got You Now

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     Baohu was livid.  His tails came out and were crackling with power.  He spoke in a tone none of them had ever heard.  "He can't get out of the barrier.  He might try but I'm sure he can't get out.  Search the whole mountain.  If he hurt my Fuqin, I'll kill him myself.  Tianjun!  I need the army!"  Ye Hua was in too much distress to make a decision, so Baohu took one look at JinDe with the scroll in his hand and made a decision.  "Die Feng!"  That stalwart disciple was at the door quickly.  "You called, Lord Baohu?"  "Have the disciples search this whole mountain.  There is no way Xiong Da Hei can get out now.  He got in by stealth and mistake.  He can't get out so easy.  Leave no stone unturned.  Bring him here to me when you find him.  Go!"  Die Feng ran out the door calling as he went.  In less than ten minutes the search was on.  Xue returned with Dijun.  Jinzi started to bow, but Dijun waved it away.  "No need to stand on formality now.  Where's the scroll?"  JinDe held out his hand.  "I have it."  Before he touched it, Dijun scanned it carefully.  He took it and opened it.  He read it twice to be sure.  There were two drops of blood on the scroll.  "This is indeed black magic.  Whoever sent that boy here knew he had a great admiration for Mo Yuan and that he would come straight here.  This scroll is meant to destroy his dragon.  They fear him.  I need Zhe Yan here.  I need the soul jade and the soul gathering lamp.  I have the jade.  Ye Hua, you have the lamp.  Where is it?"  Ye Hua could barely speak and he took large amounts of air before each word.  "My.....room........red cabinet...... Tian Shu..... Can......get.....it..."  "Tian Shu!"  He stepped into the door.  "Go to Tianjun's room and get the soul gathering lamp out of the red cabinet.  Hurry!"  He turned and left quickly.
     Zhe Yan had been on the back side of the property when the messenger came from Kunlun.  He jumped to his hut to get Bai Zhen and they left quickly.  He ran to Mo Yuan's room.  The first thing he noticed was Bai Qian sitting in the corner quietly by herself.  When she saw Zhe Yan she started crying.  Bai Zhen ran to her and held her.  "Don't cry, Xiao Wu!  They will figure this out!  Dijun has a plan.  Don't worry!"  Mo Yuan was getting restless again.  Jinzi and Xue were holding him down.  "We better get him to sleep or he's going to erupt his dragon.  How did you do it?"  JinDe looked at Zhe Yan and told him.  "I chopped him on the neck.  He was screaming so I did it."  "We may have to do the same again.  What's been happening?"  Jinzi answered him.  "He held his head and fell against the wall.  Die Feng and Mother laid him on the bed.  He started having visions and screaming.  They started when he was in his mother's womb.  He screamed for Ye Hua, his mother, his Fuqin, Mother.  Everyone who is important in his life.  Everyone who has had a trial.  He was still screaming about JinDe when he neck chopped him.  It's some kind of magic that made him have painful tragic visions.  I don't know what would cause the amount of pain he was having.  Even Shushu Ye Hua is incapacitated by his pain.  It affects their twinship link.  I know it's black magic, but I don't know what kind."  Zhe Yan scanned him.  He put his hand on his forehead and scanned.  He looked at Dijun.  "What's your plan?"  "Someone from the demon lands used the same spell on him that was used on JinDe when he was wounded.  Someone is in his head.  They must be close by.  I know they can't get in.  Or could they?"  "Shiba said they took all the tokens for gate entry and asked what they were for.  I'm sure someone has one.  I just wouldn't think they could get by the gate guardian.  What if Shiba is the carrier for a spirit?  That boy must be found!"
     Die Feng and Zi Lan were walking the perimeter close to the ghost lands when they found the boy.  He was unconscious and looked like he had been beaten.  They took him straight to the infirmary.  Die Feng ran to get Dijun.  "Dijun!  We found the boy!  He's unconscious.  We brought him to the infirmary."  Zhe Yan and Dijun followed them.  Donghua Dijun looked at the boy.  There was nothing to give him away.  Zhe Yan scanned him first to check his injuries, then he soul chased him.  There!  "There is a spirit within him.  How this child is still alive is beyond me.  He may die once we pull the spirit out, but I will try to save him.  He's been brutally used and abused.  I think he was sexually abused too.  As soon as Tian Shu brings that lamp, bring it here.  To stop this spirit is to save Mo Yuan.  I don't know what would cause him so much pain unless.....what if this spell is trying to scatter his soul?  We need the soul jade now!  Hurry!"  Tian Shu brought the lamp straight to Zhe Yan.  Baohu stepped up.  "I will watch the lamp.  Bring Li Li to me."  She was standing in the door.  "Baohu, I am here!"  "I'm sorry, but I must watch this lamp for the next three days.  Please keep a watch for me?"  He kissed her soft lips and put his hands on her shoulders.  He nodded.  "Don't worry, my love!  I will be right here!"  "Since we have no idea who it is we are dealing with, we should try to draw the boy out.  Yes, this is his body, but we can preserve him and reverse the spell.  Let's get busy.  Bring me a piece of his clothing.  That should work."  Die Feng brought Shiba's old robe.  Baohu burned it over the lamp and waited.  Immediately the boy sighed as his spirit was leaving him and going into the lamp.  Dijun patted Baohu on the shoulder.  "We will check on you in three days.  In the meantime, we must help Mo Yuan stabilize his own spirit.  Everyone come with me and leave Baohu alone here." 
     Mo Yuan was awake again and screaming.  "Xue!  Bai Xue!  Don't leave your sons!  Don't leave them!"  His scream was so high pitched he almost sounded like a woman in labor.  "Qian'er, forgive me!  Please forgive me!  I have to take the punishment!  I have to!  Qian'er!  I can't!  I concede, Baohu!  Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!  Help me!  Ye Hua!  JinDe!  Jinzi help me!  They want my blood! Help me!  Aaarrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!  I can't transform!  Save me!  Save me!  Qian'er save me!!!"  Jinlong came forward.  He looked straight at Dijun.  "Save me!  Save me!"  He roared so loud the mountain shook.  JinDe squatted down beside his Fuqin and held his face in both hands.  "Fuqin, we will save you!  Rest now!"  He neck chopped him.  "Er ge, we can't keep doing that.  It will disrupt his soul."  Dijun stepped forward and took the Soul Jade out of his robe.  He placed it on Mo Yuan's chest.  "This will help.  Now we wait."  The Soul Jade calmed Mo Yuan's spirit.  He still muttered in his sleep, but he wasn't screaming in pain anymore.  For three days they waited.  For three days the tension on Kunlun was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.  Three whole days.  Dijun was there when Baohu was about to open the door.  He walked over to the lamp and snuffed it out.  He drew out the spirit of Xiong Da Hei and made it into a black marble.  He shot a beam of his pure energy into it and saw the spirit within thrive.  "It is a pure spirit.  This child has suffered.  He has suffered much at the hands of whoever is controlling him.  Now we wake him to see just who is responsible.  Everyone out except Zhe Yan.  The rest of you stay outside the door."  They all did as they were told.  Once outside, Dijun threw up a barrier.  He passed his hand over Da Hei.  When he awoke, his face was anything but childish.  He laughed out loud.  "So you think to get me, do you?  Ha ha ha ha!  You can't touch me, Donghua Dijun!  You'll never find me!  Ha ha!  I'll leave here!  You can't stop me!"  "Ah, but I can!  The boy's spirit is safe with me now.  All I need to do is get you, especially now that I know who you are.  Worthless worker of black magic!  Your that shaman that did all of Qing Cang's dirty work for him!  I know you scum!  I know just how to take care of your kind.  I guess you forgot I have the Soul Jade and the Soul Gathering Lamp!  Yeessss!  I see the fear in your eyes now.  Mo Yuan will not succumb to your spells.  The golden dragon has four dragons by his side or have you forgotten?  That's right!  Four apex dragons who will destroy what's left of your puny people.  Innocent people will die because of you, Shang Hei.  Many innocent people.  Know your last moments as I tear your worthless soul away from you!"  Zhe Yan stepped forward and soul chased him until he caught a piece of his spirit.  He handed it over to Dijun, who lit the lamp and placed the soul in it.  The lamp glowed bright as it started gathering the pieces of a very dark essence.  Dijun turned to Zhe Yan.  "Nobody is to come in here.  Tell Baohu to have his troops ready to march on the demon lands in four days.  It's time to prove himself!   We must rescue those children at all cost.  We can't allow his ilk to torture and abuse them anymore.  I'll be going to.  Now tell them."  He turned to watch the lamp.  He lowered his barrier and Zhe Yan walked out.  The barrier was raised again.  Zhe Yan looked at all of the anxious faces but the one face interested him the most.  "Well, God of War!  Donghua Dijun said to have your army ready to march in four days.  You march on the demon lands!  I hope you have a good memory.  You were there once before.  We have saved the soul of the young bear.  Hopefully we can draw out the worthless scum who abused him.  Now let's go check on Mo Yuan.  I have a feeling he will be much better."
     Mo Yuan was quiet now.  He slept very soundly.  In fact, Bai Qian was so scared she cried on his chest.  How well she remembered his lifeless body laying in Yanhua cave.  He looked so lifeless laying there so still.  She transformed into her fox and lay across him.  She whined as if in pain, but put her heart right over his.  Her fox cried and whined.  She nuzzled into his neck.  Ye Hua was sitting on the floor holding his hand while he himself slept.  For three days Bai Qian laid on Mo Yuan and Ye Hua held his hand.  Jinzi passed energy to his mother and Shushu as much as he could.  When Donghua Dijun walked out of the infirmary with a black marble in his hand, he smiled a wicked smile.  He walked to Mo Yuan's room to check on him.  What he saw when he got there sent a twinge of sadness into his heart.  Mo Yuan was surrounded by his family.  Bai Qian was still laying across his chest.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu were each rubbing the top of his head.  Mo JinDe was on the floor with his head on his arm.  Ye Hua was holding his hand.  Bai Xue was on the floor behind Ye Hua with his hand on his leg.  Jinzi and Baohu were both on their knees by his head.  They all turned toward him in expectation.  He walked toward them and smiled.  "I have caught the culprit.  He was Qing Cang's main shaman.  What he was doing in the demon lands I don't have a clue, but he has been stopped.  He is removed from the boy now. See?"  He held up the black marble.  "His own body should perish now.  Let me try to remove this curse now."  They moved away from the bed and he sat down beside his brother, Mo Yuan.  He waved his hand over him and held it over his face for a moment.  He turned to Jinzi.  "Send healing energy to him.  He will wake shortly."  Jinzi sent a strong wave to his Fuqin.  Blood ran out of his nose as Bai Xue grabbed him.  "Enough, Jinzi!  Don't kill yourself!  Let him recover on his own now."  Donghua Dijun nodded.  "We must tend to the boy now.  Baohu, you and Jinzi come with me.  We may be able to save him.  I'm hoping that shaman didn't destroy him.  Zhe Yan!  I need you too.  Lets see if we can save him." 
     They walked to the infirmary.  Da Hei was still motionless.  Dijun took the marble that held his spirit and placed it over the boy's forehead.  Slowly the marble sunk in.  They noticed a change immediately.  His skin colored returned.  Before he had been pale and drawn looking.  He twitched some.  He took a deep breath and sighed.  He opened his eyes.  He slowly raised his arms and looked at his hands.  He looked at Dijun in confusion.  He looked around the room.  He was confused.  "Where am I?  What is this place?  Am I saved?"  Baohu stepped forward and stared into his face.  "You don't remember me?"  The boy was deathly afraid now.    "I don't know you.  Did you save me?  Did the God of War save me?  I told them he would!  I told those demons he would!  I'm saved!"  He started to rise to bow, but a wave of dizziness hit him and he fell back.  Donghua Dijun stepped to his side.  "Do you know me?"  The boy's eyes got wide as he tried to rise to bow.  "Donghua Dijun!  Please excuse my lack of etiquette!"  "Where did you come from, young bear?  We need to know."  Zhe Yan helped the boy sit up and get himself together.  "Lord Donghua, I lived in a small village near the border of the demon lands.  After the death of that snake queen, the demons started raiding villages and taking only the children.  My parents were killed.  Many children are held prisoner in the demon lands.  They beat me.  There was this man.  He is very evil.  He was abusing the young boys.  I...I...was one of them.  He....*sob*... Used me....."  Zhe Yan patted him on the arm.  "No need for details.  We know his kind.  Do you know his name?"  "The demons called him Shang Hei.  They were afraid of him.  I don't know what he was doing, but many children left in his custody and were never seen again.  He came to my cell one night.  The next thing I know, I'm here.  Exactly where is this?"  "My dear brave little bear!  You are on Kunlun mountain!  This shaman tried to use your body as a vessel.  He tried to destroy High God Mo Yuan.  Donghua Dijun removed the spirit from you.  You are indeed free.  Rest now.  We will talk more later."  Zhe Yan put him back to sleep and laid him down.  "So Baohu, was he telling the truth?"  Baohu wanted to hurt the young bear, he really did, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.  He knew he had been used.  He knew that shaman knew Mo Yuan was compassionate when it came to children.  He shook his head.  "Yes, he was telling the truth.  We will probably never know just how he fought against the shaman.  I don't think he is really responsible.  Let's help him recover and then we can go from there."
     Mo Yuan slept for three more days.  On the morning of the fourth day, he raised his arm over his head.  He had a splitting headache.  He slowly opened his eyes.  His room was full of people.  Jinzi ran to his side and knelt by him.  "Fuqin?  I have ice for your head if you need it.  Shall I get it for you?"  His voice was raspy as he answered.  "Yes, please.  And water."  Baohu brought the cup of water.  He helped his Fuqin drink and laid him back down.  "Where is your mother?  Is she ok?"  "Fuqin, Mother is fine now.  I had to give her a sleeping potion.  She's in your study on the daybed.  When she wakes, I'll bring her to you.  Are you ok?  Do you need anything?  Do you remember anything?"  Anger washed over Mo Yuan and Jinlong came forward.  "So my Xiao Bai Huli, did you catch the culprit who did this to me?  I was nearly undone."  "Fuqin, Donghua Dijun caught him.  It was that shaman who always did Qing Cang's dirty work, Shang Hei.  He will trouble this world no more.  I'm afraid that Shiba was the vessel he used to get here.  How that child must have suffered!"  Baohu balled up his fist.  "I just hope we can help him.  He is very upset that you were hurt.  He blames himself for being weak."  Xue and JinDe came running to the door.  They ran to Mo Yuan's bed and knelt beside it.  Xue took his hand into his and traced his knuckles with his thumb.  "Are you recovered.....*sob*.....Fuqin?"  He hung his head on his Fuqin's arm and broke down.  JinDe reached over and touched his Fuqin's face.  He too broke down sobbing.  Mo Yuan patted Xue on the head and touched JinDe's hand with his.  "I'll be fine now.  Baohu, do you have a battle plan yet?"  Shocked that his Fuqin would be asking about battle so soon, he was caught off guard.  "Well, no, I don't."  Mo Yuan stared him down.  He said nothing but when his eyes turned gold, Baohu got scared.  "I had planned to set my plan this morning after I checked on you.  I ask your forgiveness for my failure, Fuqin."  "As God of War, you must set plans even though you may be affected.  Same as when you set the battle plan for the snake queen.  Always be ready.  Now, bring that child to me.  He needs reassurance and I'm the only one who can give it to him."  "But Fuqin!  He's responsible for this whole mess!  I can't in good conscious let him be roaming this mountain!"  "He is your disciple and a member of this school.  He needs reassuring.  Bring him to me.  Now, please."  Baohu was leaving when Ye Hua walked in looking rather frazzled.  He sat on the bed and stared at his Da ge.  "Don't ever do that to me again!"  Mo Yuan looked him over and saw the circles under his eyes.  "I'm sorry Didi.  I had no warning it was coming."  "Da ge, your pain was immense and I felt it intensely.  I couldn't help you at all.  I felt rather small and weak."  "We are ok now, are we not?"  "Yes, except for that pounding headache we have.  Jinzi, bring ice, please."  Ye Hua laid down beside Mo Yuan and held him close.  Jinzi came back with ice packs and pain elixers.  He placed the ice and gave both of them the medicine.  "Better?"  Ye Hua made a motion with his hand for everyone to leave.  "We will be.  Let us rest for a while."  Jinzi looked at them, shrugged and proceeded to push everyone out.  Ye Hua laid his head on Mo Yuan's shoulder and they both went to sleep.  Three hours later they rose from bed refreshed and ready to set their plan.

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