Time to Get Serious

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     JinDe hugged his boys and gave Mei Ying a big kiss that promised much more.  "I'll see you tonight, my love!"  He looked resplendent in his elite guard red robes under his golden armor.  My what a striking figure he is!  Mei Ying sighed.  "What a dragon!"  JinDe had his hand raised to knock when his Fuqin came out of the door.  "Ah, Fuqin!  Just the person I need to see!  I was going to go visit Xue."  "Good!  We will go together then."  "Fuqin, would you come to the training grounds today?  Bring Baohu too.  It's time for him to stop fooling around and seriously train."  "Yes, I will come.  I agree about Baohu too.  Jinzi asked me yesterday could he train under Zhe Yan and I agreed.  Baohu needs to take his own direction.  He might even be Bai Zhen's successor.  Who knows?"  "So Jinzi finally asked you!  Good for him.  That little trip to the mortal realm brought out his maturity."  They knocked on Xue's door only to have Jinzi answer it.  "So medicine king Jinzi, is it ok to visit?"  Jinzi grinned and nodded.  "Da ge just took his medicine and ate his breakfast.  He can receive visitors now."  He stood aside and waved them in.  "Da ge!  How are you today?  Better I hope?"  "Thanks to excellent care from my medicine king, I'm well on my way to being fully healed!  So what are you and Fuqin planning today?"  "Do you feel like coming to the training grounds today?  I wanted to show Fuqin something."  "If my doctor approves, then yes I would like that.  Doctor Jinzi, may I go to the training grounds?"  "Only if Er ge will jump you there or Fuqin.  No jumping yourself right now!"  "I will jump him.  No need to worry, doctor!"  "Get dressed then so we can go.  Jinzi, could you go find Baohu?  I want him to go too."  "He was still in bed when I came to tend to Da ge.  I'll get him."
     Baohu was still in bed.  Jinzi put his hands on his hips and shook his head.  He walked over to the bed and whipped the cover back.  Baohu grumbled and turned over.  "Get up, Baohu!  Fuqin wants you!  If he comes to get you, you will regret it.  What if he decides to make you go to the training grounds naked?  Get up and get dressed!  Hurry!"  Baohu jumped up, washed his face and put on his robes.  He knew better than to be sloppy in front of his Fuqin!  He was always properly attired and well groomed.  He looked in his mirror.  Ok, it's good.  "Ok, Jinzi, I'm ready!  We can go now."  They came back to Xue's room.  "Fuqin, I brought Baohu.  He hasn't eaten breakfast yet."  "No time to eat now.  If you would rise at a more appropriate hour, you could have eaten breakfast with your Da ge.  Now come along.  We are going to the training arena."  Mo Yuan grabbed Xue around the waist and jumped him there.  Jinde grabbed Jinzi and Baohu and jumped them.  Mo Yuan was standing in the middle of the training arena.  Xue was sitting in the shade under a side pavilion watching.  JinDe left Jinzi with Xue and brought Baohu out into the arena.  "Baohu, your Er ge wants to show me something today.  I want you to show me too.  Defend yourself against him, if you can.  Get ready!"  JinDe drew Bei Bing and walked toward Baohu.  His eyes turned gold and he was drawing power to himself.  Lightning started striking all around and a storm was building.  He grinned.  Baohu panicked for a moment but then he grinned.  His eyes turned gold and he erupted his tails.  It was time to prove himself worthy of being the son of Mo Yuan, God of War!  JinDe swung his sword and sent out cold energy meant to freeze his enemy.  Baohu jumped into the air just in time and shot his own beams of energy from all nine tails.  His Zufu Bai Zhi had taught him control and it was paying off.  Since he also had dragon powers, each tail could produce a lightning bolt.  Until today, no one knew he could do it.  JinDe was shocked for a moment.  "Hmmm!  That Xiao Jin Huli was smart!"  He jumped into the air and called ice to his blade.  Before he could swing it, Baohu disappeared.  Hmmmph!  A barrier.  He placed his own barrier.  Lightning bolts were striking all over the arena as they both drew power to force the other one out.  JinDe made a swing and hit Baohu's barrier!  Aha!  Got you now!  By sheer power, JinDe was overpowering Baohu's barrier.  Finally it broke!  When it did, Baohu came out with tails blazing.  He jumped behind his brother and attempted to bind him.  No luck.  Baohu knew he was no match for JinDe, since he was after all only teenaged by heavenly standards, but he gave it everything he had.  One more strike and Baohu was caught in ice.  He didn't want to give up and was about to shift when his father jumped into the arena.  JinDe was in a dragon rage but when he saw his father he couched his sword and knelt by Baohu.  "Well!  You have quite some power in those tails San ge!  You nearly had me undone there for a moment!"  Mo Yuan stood beside them.  "Baohu, you nearly bested your Er ge by sheer fire power.  I told you once before you didn't need to fly when you had those tails!  Both of you have surprised me today!  That was a magnificent display of power and finesse.  JinDe, your power is growing!  One day, erzi, one day!"  He reached down a hand and picked Baohu up.  Now how about we go over here so you two can talk to your Da ge?"  Bai Xue was flabbergasted.  He had no idea JinDe had been cultivating so much.  And Baohu!  That Xiao huli was a total surprise!  "Well Da ge, what do you think of us now?"  "JinDe, I'm speechless!  I don't have anywhere near that much power!  You have shamed me, Didi!  And Baohu!  What can I say?  You two are something else!"  Mo Yuan smiled.  Yes he was surprised too, but he wouldn't let on, not yet anyway.  "Baohu, I believe you can now best your Shushu Bai Zhen!  He's powerful, too.  We must invite him over to spar.  Next round you spar with me.  I can see that your Zufu, Bai Zhi, taught you well.  I'm impressed!  That wiley old fox!  Now how about some lunch!  Your Da ge is tired and his doctor is getting agitated at us!"  Mo Yuan stood by Xue, hooked his arm around his waist and jumped him to the garden for lunch.  "Well he could have waited for us!"  JinDe, Baohu and Jinzi followed them. 
     Lunch was served in the garden.  Baohu and JinDe ate like they were starving.  Bai Qian raised her brow and gave them a look.  "I'm sorry Mother, but fighting JinDe is hard work and I didn't eat breakfast."  "And you, JinDe?"  "I'm just hungry.  I'm a growing dragon.  I need lots of food!"  Mo Yuan laughed.  "Growing?  You haven't grown an inch in millennia.  Your just a glutton.  Admit it!"  "Fuqin, drawing power like that makes me hungry!  I can't help it!"  "Then you should learn to control your energy better.  I'll show you later."  "Xue, dear, tell Mother how you are feeling now.  Batter I hope?"  "All better!  I have the best medicine king in the world taking care of me!"  "Oh?  Who would that be?"  She winked at Xue.  "Why it's none other than Bai Zhi Jinzi.  He's the third erzi of High God Mo Yuan.  I'm sure you have heard of his wonderful abilities.  He's really that good!  As good as that lao de fenghuang!"  Bai Qian laughed out loud.  "Zhe Yan is going to get us good!  Jinzi is going to go study with him.  As soon as possible he will be moving to the peach grove.  I'm very proud of you, Jinzi.  You will make a fine medicine king."  "Really Jinzi?  This is wonderful news!  I knew you would be an excellent healer!  I'm proud of you!"  Baohu looked at his brother with great sadness.  They had never been apart.  Never!  How was he going to cope without Jinzi?  Bai Xue saw the emotions running across Baohu's face.  He knew what he was thinking.  When he and JinDe started living separate lives it was hard for them too, but it was going to happen some day.  "Baohu, come here to Da ge."  Baohu flopped down by his brother.  "Yes, Da ge?"  "I know that look on your face.  You're not quite ready to let Jinzi go live a life without you.  When JinDe and I started living separate lives, I was sad because I always was there to keep him out of trouble.  It's the same with you and Jinzi.  Jinzi has reached a point where he wants to proceed with his career.  You have not.  When we came here with Shushu Ye Hua, we were thrown into our lives quite by accident and circumstances.  You have a choice what path you want to follow.  Choose wisely which path you take.  Your mind powers are extraordinary.  You could seek training with Fuqin or Donghua Dijun.  Your power is building.  You are going to be a strong warrior.  Just know whatever path you take, I support you and I will always love you!"  "Thank you, Da ge!  I think you just helped me choose my path.  I've been thinking about it for some time and now is the time for me to grow up!"  He walked over to his Fuqin with a determined step.  "Fuqin, I know you think I haven't really decided what path I want to take in life.  I've never been away from Jinzi before, but we can't stay together forever!  Xue and JinDe each have their own lives and so can we.  I love Jinzi and he will always be in my heart, but today, with the help of my Da ge, I have made my decision."  He took a deep breath and looked right into his Fuqin's honey brown eyes.  "I wish for you to train me to be the next God of War!"  Mo Yuan was speechless!  He took Baohu by the hand and pulled him close.  "Are you sure?  It's hard work and there is much to learn."  "Fuqin, I'm sure!  I know it will be hard, but I like a challenge and this will be the biggest one in my life.  Will you except me as your disciple?"  "Yes, I will!  From today forward you shall be called my eighteenth disciple!  We will have a ceremony when we get back to Kunlun."  Bai Qian broke out sobbing.  "Oh no!  Another fox as a disciple!  What could go wrong?!?"  Mo Yuan's eyes got big and he sighed loudly.  "At least he is better mannered than you were!"
     The next morning Jinzi had his bags packed waiting on Zhe Yan.  Mo Yuan was standing by him when Ye Hua came to them.  "Jinzi, Shushu is very proud of you today.  This is a big step for you.  Come to me if you need anything."  He hugged him and turned to Baohu.  "I know of your decision.  You have very big shoes to fill, but I know you can.  You're special to me, very special!"  He wiped a tear from his eye as he looked at Mo Yuan and left.  Zhe Yan appeared and came to stand by Jinzi.  "Don't worry!  He will be in good hands.  I will teach him all I know.  He learns fast, so I have full confidence in his ability!  Are you ready, Jinzi?"  "One moment please."  He turned to his brother and mind talked to him.  "Baohu, please train well and learn well.  I know you can.  Mind talk to me if you want to.  I love you!"  They hugged and Jinzi took Zhe Yan by the hand.  "Fuqin, Mother, I won't disappoint you!  I promise!"  Bai Qian hugged him.  Mo Yuan put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.  He turned to Zhe Yan and they cloud jumped away.  No longer able to keep a straight face, Baohu ran to the room they always shared,threw himself on his bed and sobbed his heart out.  Mo Yuan decided to let him alone.  He knew he was hurting, but he just needed time to adjust.  Besides, his lessons would begin soon.  He too was dejected.  It seems his children are growing up way too fast and now another one on the way. 
     Bai Xue had recovered from the snake bite.  She Shing Ti's realm was in disorder and unrest.  She had no successor named and a power grab was in the making.  Xue gathered all the intelligence he had and went to his Fuqin.  He knocked on the door.  "Enter."  "Fuqin, I brought the intelligence reports on the snake realm.  It seems like a power grab is on since she had no successor named.  I thought you might be interested."  "A power grab, you say?  She has two nieces.  Either one could take her place.  That realm has always been ruled by a female.  I don't want you anywhere near that realm.  For the time being we will let it alone.  The oldest niece is level headed.  The younger one is worse than her aunt if you can even fathom that.  Let's keep tabs on it, but no official visits.  As of now, they are enemies of the nine heavens and Kunlun.  Have you heard any word from Meili's Fuqin?  I thought he would be coming to visit the boys soon."  "I received a message from him yesterday.  He's coming here since I have been unable to travel.  When he arrives, I'll settle him in my palace and then bring him over for a meeting.  I wish to tell him about the incident in the throne room.  I feel safe since he planted all of those flowers.  The boys do too.  By the way, I was going to bring them for lunch with you and mother.  Is that ok?"  "By all means yes!  I love those boys!  That Fenli is so loving, just like his mother.  Ali is so energetic!  He's a handful for sure.  Bring them.  Qian Qian needs to see them.  She's not feeling well.  It seems this baby is going to be hard on her."  "I'll return with them shortly then!"
     Bai Qian was very ill.  She couldn't even get out of bed if her life depended on it.  She decided to just roll over and nap some more.  Dreams begin to enter her mind.  She tossed and turned.  Visions of the snake queen came to her mind.  The snake was taking Xue away!  But she was dead!  Dead!  Dead!  Dead!  Get out of my head, snake!  Get out!  GET OUT!  She had sat up in the bed and screamed the last words.  Mo Yuan came running in.  When he did, he sensed the evil aura of someone in the room.  He cast a spell to catch the aura, but it was leaving too fast.  He cast a protection spell over his whole palace.  He would get to the bottom of this for sure.  He pulled Qian Qian close to his chest.  "Qian Qian!  What's wrong?  Tell me!"  "Mo Yuan, someone is sending dreams of that snake queen to me!  She's dead, isn't she?"  "Ye Hua destroyed her body.  She should be very dead!  I don't think they do soul to body transfer, but I will discuss it with Ye Hua right away.  Don't worry!  I'll get someone on this right away."  He gently kissed her cheek and the palm of her hand.  He laid her back on their bed and covered her up.  She closed her eyes and in no time was fast asleep.  With purposeful strides, Mo Yuan went straight to Xiwu Palace to Zichen Hall.  Tian Shu announced him.  "Da ge, what brings you here?"  "Ye Hua, expel all emissaries and people of the snake realm from the nine heavens immediately.  Someone is trying to destroy Qian Qian.  An aura was in our room just a few minutes ago.  I threw a protection barrier over my whole palace.  I want them stopped!  Qian Qian is already having a hard time with these babies.  I don't want evil around her!"  Ye Hua was furious.  He called out for Jia Yun.  "Jia Yun!"  "Present!"  "Bring Lord JinDe here immediately!!"  Jia Yun jumped out and came back with JinDe.  "JinDe, I want every person associated with the snake realm brought to the throne room under heavy guard.  Have your elite troop in the throne room to guard them.  Do it now!"  JinDe bowed and flew out the door.
     Word spread quickly over the nine heavens that Lord JinDe was rounding up the people from the snake realms.  Donghua Dijun came to the throne room.  All had been brought to the throne room.  Ye Hua came striding in with Mo Yuan by his side.  Mo Yuan called Xuan Yuan and laid it on his table.  His face was so stiff you could have bounced a rock off of it.  Ye Hua spoke out loudly.  "It has come to my attention that someone from this realm has evil intentions against High Goddess Bai Qian, Mistress of Kunlun Mountain and former Queen of Qing Qui.  Every one of you will be expelled from the nine heavens immediately.  The only way you will stay is if you bring to me the person responsible for the attack.  I will wait one minute for your decision."  They were talking among themselves.  Who would have dared?  No one came forward.  "Lord Mo JinDe!  Please bring Lord Bai Xue and his sons to this throne room.  We will wait."  Mo Yuan grinned his war god grin.  He knew those boys could smell the culprit.  "JinDe!"  He motioned for him to come close.  He talked to his mind.  Bring Baohu.  Have Xue take the boys to my room and let them smell around.  They will know the culprit for sure!"  "I'll be right back!"  It took about thirty minutes but Xue walked in with a boy in each arm.  He sat down with them at his Fuqin's table.  "Fenli, Ali, it is very important for you to smell this room and tell Zufu if the person who was in my room is here.  Can you do this for Zufu?  We must catch them to protect your Fuqin and your Zumu."  The boys looked at their Fuqin and then their Zufu.  With determined little faces they both nodded.  They changed into their dragon forms.  Xue let them fly over the people there.  They both started spraying ice cold water at one person.  A female.  Mo Yuan jumped down and grabbed her.  He bound her as she tried to transform.  "We'll not have another snake loose in this throne room again!  Who are you?"  Ye Hua was furious.  No one had come forward.  "Since none of you would come forward, you are now officially ousted from the nine heavens.  JinDe!  Have them escorted to the gates and make sure they return to their own realm!  Now!  You!"  He pointed at the woman.  "Who are you and what is your purpose!  You can't break High God Mo Yuan's spell so forget about it!  You can talk or be killed right now!  Your choice!"  She broke out laughing.  "Kill me then, Tianjun!  You weak pathetic dragons!"  Ye Hua raised his hand and a blue aura came into his fingers.  His eyes were blue as he spoke.  His hand started to move in a circle around her face.  "Weak am I?  Then die, snake bitch!  Your realm will die too!  Die!"  He shot a beam of blue right into her face.  She trembled and screamed.  Her snake form tried to erupt but she was blocked.  Ice started forming in her hair and face.  Snakes hated the cold and would die from it.  Ye Hua knew this so he drew his power and used it.  From the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, ice crystals were forming.  She screamed her wail of death and collapsed on the floor.  For good measure, Ye Hua froze her solid and had her carried to a cold room to keep her body.  He wanted to make sure she was dead.  They would march on the snake realm.  He turned to Mo Yuan.  "Prepare for war.  Twice this realm has attacked the nine heavens!  We wipe them out in two weeks."  Mo Yuan nodded and left to go to his study.  He needed to set a battle plan quickly.

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