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     A year and a half had passed by quickly.  Bai Qian knew she was close to having her twin boys.  Mo Yuan carried her everywhere.  He was constantly by her side morning, noon and night.  She had to admit she was bored stiff and she was ready for a break from him.  *Sigh*  What's a woman to do!  Her back was hurting.  She shifted in the bed and sighed again.  Mo Yuan came in followed by Jinzi carrying a tray with her potion for the day.  "Good morning, my love!  How do you feel today?  Good, I hope?"  Once again she sighed.  Jinzi narrowed his eyes and scanned his mother.  He grinned.  It looks like the time had come!  "Baohu, please come to Fuqin's room!  Don't run in, just walk in like you are visiting.  I need you to talk to our little brothers."  Jinzi sat down the potion and fluffed his mother's pillows.  Mo Yuan sensed something else was going on, especially when Baohu walked in.  "Just what are you boys up to?  You called him, didn't you, Jinzi?" "Must you always suspect us, Fuqin?  You know each one of us always comes to pass energy to our didis!  I'm just helping Mother get comfortable.  Isn't that right, Mother?"  "Yes, my sweet Jinzi!  Mother is very uncomfortable right now.  Mo Yuan, dear, why don't you let me lay back on you for a while?  That would be better than a pillow!"  Narrowing his eyes, he looked from Jinzi, to Baohu to Bai Qian.  "Very well!  If you can be at rest!"  Baohu passed some energy to his mother.  He took her hand and grinned.  Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe came in next.  Next to come in were the quads.  Jinzi looked at his Shushu Ye Hua and nodded his head toward the door.  "I'll be right back with your breakfast Mother!"  Ye Hua followed him out.  "Shushu, go get Zhe Yan please.  Mother is in early labor.  Fuqin just needs to stay calm for now.  Ok?"  "I'll be back quickly!"
     The girls were fussing over their mother when Jinzi came back in.  "Mother, are you ok?  Can I get something for you?"  "I'm fine Chen Bo!  Have you finished your lessons for this morning?"  "We all did our meditation this morning.  I learned a new spell!  Watch!"  Slowly her hands moved and a lovely bouquet of peach blossoms appeared in her hand.  Her Fuqin was very impressed.  "Where did you learn that, Bo Bo?"  "Meili taught me!  Isn't it neat?"  "Well I must admit I'm impressed!  It's well you have learned a new spell.  It shows me you are taking your learning of spells seriously."  Bai Qian squirmed in the bed and against Mo Yuan trying to get comfortable.  She tried to rise up, but a sharp pain hit her in the back.  She fell back with a thud.  Jinzi ran forward and scanned his mother in earnest.  "Mother, I believe you are in early labor.  Are you in much pain?"  She stared at him for a long time.  "I see that your skills are indeed very high level."  She sighed heavily.  "I'm in pain, but not bad.  I assume you sent Ye Hua for Zhe Yan?"  "Yes, I did!  I don't feel comfortable delivering my own Didis.  I hope you don't mind?"  Their conversation had just registered with Mo Yuan.  Jinlong jumped in quickly.  "Xiao Bai Huli!  Why didn't you tell me?  What can I do?" "Jinlong, you idiot, look at all the children standing here and stop acting like you have never done this before!  Pass energy to the babies!"  A struggle was going on.  Mo Yuan wanted Jinlong to shut up and behave.  Jinlong wanted to be present.  Finally, Mo Yuan won out.  His eyes of honey brown looked at Bai Qian.  "Do you need a pillow behind you, Qian Qian?"  She smiled.  "No.  You are my pillow."  She held up her hand and he squeezed it.  A pain hit her.  "Jinzi, this pain doesn't feel right."  "Baohu, come talk to our brothers.  Tell me what they say."  Baohu stepped forward to talk.  His face was calm but his eyes said something else.
     Jinzi looked hard at Baohu and nodded.  "I can't wait for Zhe Yan.  Mother needs surgery.  Now!"  Jinzi gave orders like a general.  He sent JinDe for the Medicine King.  "Er ge, go get the Medicine King.  He can assist me.  Hurry!"  Jinzi looked at his Fuqin.  "Fuqin, can you stay calm?  Remember when the quads were born?  We must do the same for these boys.  I need you to lay mother out flat.  I must get her ready.  Hurry now, but be very careful!"  Mo Yuan nodded and eased himself out from under Bai Qian.  He knelt beside her.  "I'm sorry, Qian Qian!  I'll be right here for you!  I love you!"  "I love you!  Please just hold my hand?  I'm scared!"  He took her small hand into his large one and kissed her palm.  "I'm here.  No worries now.  Relax."  She was flat on the bed when the Medicine King came in.  Jinzi called him over and explained the process to him.  He nodded and mixed a sleeping potion.  Mo Yuan kissed Bai Qian on the lips as she fell asleep.  Jinzi worked fast and efficiently.  He pulled out the first baby.  A white dragon!!  He handed him to his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan cuddled the little boy and noticed how thin he was.  He passed energy to him.  The little boy cuddled and smiled back at his Fuqin.  Jinzi worked fast and brought forth the second boy.  A golden dragon!  He handed him to his Fuqin.  "I have a name for the first boy.  He shall be called Taiyang Guang.  Bai Xue, hold your brother please?"  Bai Xue took the little dragon and brought Bailong forth.  He purred to him until he smiled.  Bai Xue looked closely and saw a mark in gold on his forehead.  It was shaped like a sun.  Mo Yuan held the second boy close.  He too had a sun on his forehead in white.  "This one shall be called Baise Zhenzhu."  He noticed he too was thin.
     Jinzi had finished cleaning and closing when Zhe Yan came in.  He was surprised to see the new twins.  He checked Jinzi's work.  "Well done my little pupil!  You have done well.  I will pass energy to your mother to heal her.  Tend to your didis now."  Jinzi saw how thin they were.  "They need to feed now!  Fuqin!  Help me prop Mother up so they can feed.  It will help them until we can get a nurse for them."  Mo Yuan handed Zhenzhu to Mo JinDe.  He very tenderly placed pillows behind Bai Qian to prop her up.  He propped pillows so the little boys could feed.  "Baohu, please talk to them.  Ask them what they need."  Baohu talked to each little boy.  "Fuqin, they said they are very hungry.  Mother's milk taste real good and makes them feel strong!  Fuqin, they want to talk to Jinlong.  They have questions for him."  For a moment Mo Yuan was stunned but he nodded and brought Jinlong forth.  "I am here, my little ones."  His voice was soft as he spoke and he purred to them.  Baohu asked them their questions.  "Fuqin, they want to know why you hurt them?"  Jinlong had tears running down his face now.  "Fuqin didn't mean to hurt you, but I couldn't control myself.  I love you.  On my honor I didn't mean to hurt you.  Can you forgive me?  I want to love you!"  "They forgive you, but they are afraid.  They say they are weak, but your energy makes them feel like the sun is shining on them and makes them happy.  They want more before they go to sleep."  When Taiyang was finished eating, Jinlong took him into his arms and passed energy to him.  His sun mark glowed and the little boy smiled.  Jinlong rocked him in his arms until he was asleep.  He placed him in his crib.  He picked up Zhenzhu.  He cuddled him and passed energy to him.  His sun mark also glowed and he smiled.  Jinlong rocked him in his arms and he too fell asleep.  He placed him in the crib by his brother.  Mo Yuan stood for a moment looking at them with sorrow in his eyes.  He turned and walked out of the room.
     Zhe Yan was impressed with Jinzi and told him so.  "Jinzi, you have learned much from me.  I have more to teach you.  I'm going to stay here until I'm certain these twins recover and begin to eat well.  They are thin.  What do you think?"  "Shifu, I too believe they are thin, but I sense they will be very attached to Fuqin.  Did you feel it?"  "Yes, I did.  It seems even though he is the one who caused them so much distress, they love him immensely.  I'm wondering about those sun marks on their foreheads too.  I've never seen such.  Most of the time it's flowers.  I'm stumped.  I'll get Dijun to research it."  "I sensed something when Fuqin gave energy to them.  I don't know what it is, but it's something."  "We will watch them closely the next few days to see what's going on.  Let's have tea now!"  They walked to the garden.  Mo Yuan was there sitting at the table drinking tea.  His facial expression was frozen and his thoughts were far away.  Zhe Yan sat across from him and sighed.  He poured a cup of tea for himself and Jinzi.  He was about to ask him a question when Bai Xue, JinDe and Baohu walked in.  JinDe took one look at his Fuqin and Mo Jinlong jumped out so fast they all were surprised.  He snarled at his Fuqin.  "I hope you're happy now!  You nearly killed them!  You owe them, Jinlong!  You better be there for them is all I can say!!"  He turned on his heal and jumped to his own palace.  Mei Ying met him at the door.  He was still snarling and hissing.  "Mo Jinlong!  What's wrong?  Are the babies ok?  Your mother?  Tell me!!"  JinDe closed his eyes for control.  "They were too thin.  The injury Jinlong caused made it very hard on them.  For some reason, they want Fuqin close by.  They are afraid for now though.  I'm thinking once they can get enough to eat, they will be ok.  I'm afraid I lost my temper with Fuqin.  Let me spend some time with my boys now!  I need them!"  He walked into their room and was met with happy faces.
     Bai Xue was in no better mood, but he said nothing.  He too left for his own palace.  He was in a pensive mood so Meili gathered their basket of oils and took him to the hot pool.  She relaxed him and bathed their boys too.  He sighed but said nothing.  Baohu stood before his Fuqin and looked into his eyes.  The pain he saw there nearly broke his heart.  "Fuqin, I know you are very sorry for what was done to our baby boys, but don't be sad.  They want to be with you.  They will recover, won't they Jinzi?"  "They just need plenty of good food for right now.  Mother can provide what they need.  They should bounce back in no time.  Isn't that right, Shifu?"  "Yes, they just need rest and plenty of mother's milk.  Don't worry Mo Yuan.  They will recover."  Mo Yuan sat his tea cup down.  "How could they possibly want to be with me when I nearly killed them?  All I can say is how heartbroken I am.  I will do my best to be there for them."
     That night Mo Yuan walked to their crib and stared down at the little dragons.  He ran his hand over the cheek of each one.  Taiyang reached for his finger.  He bit down hard.  In fact he drew blood.  He sucked on the bloody finger.  Mo Yuan snatched his finger back in alarm.  He looked straight into the baby's eyes and he didn't like what he saw there.  He reached out to the baby.  "Taiyang, why do you want my blood?  Blood is not proper food.  Your mother will feed you."  A frown came upon the baby's face.  He wanted the blood!  His brother woke up to see his Fuqin standing there.  He too bit his finger to suck it.  Mo Yuan was alarmed.  He called Baohu to him.  "Baohu, come to Fuqin please.  Come to my room now!  Bring Jinzi and Zhe Yan with you!"  The babies were getting restless by the time Baohu came with Jinzi and Zhe Yan.  Mo Yuan held up his finger to show the double bites.  "Zhe Yan, tell me why these babies want to suck blood from me?  They are adamant about it too!"  Baohu asked them both.  His brow became angry as he talked to them.  "No!  Sucking blood from Fuqin is not proper behavior and it will not be allowed!  Stop it now!  Fuqin, they insist on sucking blood from you.  Shushu Zhe Yan, why do they want to suck blood?  They want it!"  Zhe Yan was absolutely flummoxed.  He scanned both of them.  He took the pulse of each one.  He detected a deficiency of iron but no reason to suck blood.  "They are iron deficient, but that is no reason for them to act this way.  Jinzi, check their souls please."  Jinzi did soul chasing magic on Taiyang first.  He was disturbed.  "Shifu, something is there.  I don't know what, but something is.  It's not a friendly spirit either."  He did the same for Zhenzhu.  "It's the same for him.  Please check them!"  Zhe Yan pulled a large amount of power to his hand.  He slowly and thoroughly scanned Taiyang first.  Then he scanned Zhenzhu.  He pulled back and walked out of the room.  Mo Yuan, Baohu and Jinzi followed him.  He sat down hard on a stool by the table.  "Well?  What did you see?  What is wrong?  Please Zhe Yan, tell me!!"  Mo Yuan was distraught with worry.  "Mo Yuan, I don't know who would do such a thing, but they have been cursed.  I need Donghua Dijun to come here now.  Baohu, call him to you now!  Tell him it's urgent!" 
     Donghua Dijun was about to get into bed.  He was tired.  He had tried to see Feng Jui but she wouldn't see him still.  Baohu popped into his mind.  "Dijun!  Shushu Zhe Yan said for you to come to Fuqin's room right away!!  Please?"  He was not happy, but he dressed and jumped straight to Mo Yuan's palace.  He walked in calmly.  "Would someone tell me why I am so urgently needed?"  Zhe Yan pointed at the babies.  "Soul chase them.  Tell me what you see."  Dijun soul chased both boys and stepped back shocked.  "Someone has thrown a very evil and ancient curse on them.  There is an energy there that I don't recognize.  This must be broken immediately.  They only want the blood of Mo Yuan, no one else.  Until we can break this curse, you must let them feed on your blood, or they will die."  Mo Yuan was disgusted and shocked.  "I've fought my whole life fighting evil!!  How can I possibly let them be nothing but vampires?  It's revolting!!  I can't do it!!"  "I'm serious, Mo Yuan!  They will die!!  Just for a few days!  They only need a little taste every day.  Nothing big.  I will read that energy again and then I will go try to find a way to drive out this curse." 
     Bai Qian woke up to crying babies.  Zhe Yan was there to help her get comfortable.  "How do you feel, Xiao Wu?  Are you in pain?"  "No, I feel fine.  Do the boys need to feed now?  I heard them crying."  "Yes, I will bring them.  Mo Yuan named them Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  They are mirror images like Xue and JinDe."  He left and came back with them in his arms.  "The white one is Taiyang.  The gold one is Zhenzhu.  They were thin when they were delivered, but they seem to be recovering nicely.  Jinzi did a most excellent job of bringing them into the world!  His skills are the very best!"  "My sweet Jinzi!  He's really excelled under you!"  "I told you he would!  Now feed these boys!  They are hungry!"  "My poor little babies!  Come to Mother so I can feed you!"  They filled up on her milk, but she noticed they were very restless and looking around for someone.  "Zhe Yan, why are they so restless?  Who are they looking for?"  "They are looking for their Fuqin.  He bonded to them strongly and they want him near.  I'll take them so you can rest now."  "Where is Mo Yuan?"  "He is with Donghua Dijun right now.  I'll send him in as soon as he gets back.  Rest for now."  He covered her and walked out. 
      Taiyang and Zhenzhu were demanding to see their Fuqin.  Mo Yuan was still revolted and could hardly look at them.  He knew he would have to tell Bai Qian soon before she saw him feeding them his blood.  He sliced his finger and gave it to Taiyang first.  He latched on to the finger and sucked hard.  He became like a ravening beast as he sucked his Fuqin's blood.  Zhenzhu was the same.  Mo Yuan shuddered as he withdrew his finger.  He turned and left without looking back or cuddling the baby boys.  He felt his bond with them breaking.  He was so thoroughly disgusted he could hardly stand the sight of them.  He went to Taichen Palace.  He just had a theory.  Donghua Dijun was in deep thought.  He entered and was announced by Si Ming.  His hand was throbbing from the feeding.  He tried to ignore it.  "I have a theory, Dijun.  After Jinzi discovered the twins condition, every one of us came twice a day to feed energy to the boys.  Is it possible that one of us was tainted somehow?  Could you read all of us and see who it was?"  "A very plausible theory.  I can do that.  Assemble everyone and call me.  I'll check them all.  I'll check you right now."  He scanned Mo Yuan's spirit.  He was not tainted.  He nodded and Mo Yuan left for his palace.  He sent out messages to everyone who passed energy to them.  When he had them all assembled, he called Dijun. 
     When Donghua Dijun walked in they all turned to look.  He raised his hand to explain.  "As you all know, you all had to feed energy to the new twins before they were born.  One of you might be tainted.  The twins have been cursed by an ancient curse that causes them to want to suck blood from their Fuqin.  It must be done until I can find the source and break the curse.  I will scan the spirit of everyone here.  Mo Yuan is clean.  Come let me check each one of you."  One by one he scanned them all.  He was scanning Junjie when he felt a waver in his spirit.  He scanned deeper.  There!!  There it was!  "Junjie, you were wounded against the snakes by the Queen, were you not?"  "Yes, Lord Donghua Dijun, I was.  Jinzi healed a wound from snake venom and Zhe Yan removed the snake queen's spirit from me."  "It's her.  She left the curse.  It's ancient magic older than you, Mo Yuan!  Through his energy, she cursed your sons!  We need the old snake king.  He would know what to do!"  "We can't bring him to this palace.  Those flowers are planted everywhere!"  "We will move Bai Qian and the babies to Taichen Palace immediately.  Go get the old king now!!"  Mo Yuan jumped out so fast the ground shook.  He landed in the new realm hard.  Guards came to welcome him.  "Take me to your king please!  It's an emergency!!"  Straight away he was led to the throne room where the old king was hearing disputes.  Mo Yuan was announced and brought to the throne.  He bowed to the king and made his request.  Old King, I must request a favor from you!"  "Speak it friend, and it shall be so!!"  "During the battle, my youngest son, Junjie, was wounded by your former queen.  A piece of her spirit remained within him, unbeknownst to us.  My newborn sons had a condition that required them to be fed energy daily by family for over a year.  Your Queen's spirit cursed my sons with an ancient curse that causes the boys to want to suckle my blood.  I need you to help me break it!"  A loud gasp went through the people in the throne room.  Fear was rampant.  Mo Yuan held up his hands and bowed low.  "No harm will come to your people.  I will reward you anyway I can.  Please help my sons!!"  He bowed low to the floor.  The old king came forward and raised him up.  "Take me to them!  She Shan Yu!!  Mind the Kingdom while I'm gone." 

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