The Grand Tour Begins

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     They were all set.  Everyone was gathered in the hall to eat breakfast before they left.  Baohu, with bruised face and a contrite spirit, sat on his dais and ate.  He was silent.  Bai Xue was feeling much better and was listening to his Fuqin give instructions.  JinDe was silent as he too, listened to what his Fuqin said.  "We will be touring the nine realms, eight deserts and four seas.  The yeren will be the last kingdom we visit.  Don't hesitate to message me or have Ye Hua message me.  No one would dare go against him.  If there is nothing else, we will leave."  He handed Xue his itinerary.  "This will let you know where we will be.  Take care, my son!"  He jumped them away.  Baohu stood there and watched his Fuqin and his siblings leave.  He didn't know why and he couldn't explain it, but he wanted to cry.  He slowly backed away from the crowd and headed to his room.  He ran the last few yards and burst into his room.  He shut the door and ran to his bed.  He looked across the room at his ruined blades sitting on their stand.  He cried.  He laid down on his bed and cried like a little child.  He sobbed hard tears and curled into a ball.  Not being able to transform, he was unable to really grieve his Fuqin leaving.  He was going to be gone for at least a year!  Bai Xue heard the sobs behind the door and decided to let him have this day to reflect and think.  Xue himself was hiding his own worry.  He placed his hand on the door and went to his study to go through the latest news from around the realms.
     Mo Yuan decided to visit Qing Qui first.  Since it was Bai Qian's home, his marriage to her gave the celestial tribe an alliance with them.  Feng Jui, Queen of Qing Qui, had set up tents for them outside of the Huli den.  There were just too many of them.  Since this was an official visit, Mo Yuan insisted upon proper protocol.  Mi Gu announced them.  "My queen, High God Mo Yuan, his wife Bai Qian, future Taizi Dianxia Jiao-long Ming and High God Mo Yuan's family are here on an official visit."  "Show them in, Mi Gu!"  She was not quite ready for the whole group.  Ming stepped forward and took over.  He bowed properly.  "Bai Feng Jui, Queen of Qing Qui, I am Jiao-long Ming, Taizi of the nine heavens and son of Tianjun Ye Hua.  I have come on an official visit to learn more of your land and people.  I am accompanied by High God Mo Yuan and his family.  He is teaching his children about the realms.  Please accept this gift as my token of sincerity."  Ming handed her a small box.  She opened it and gasped at the beauty of the bracelet.  It was ice blue jade carved with peach blossoms.  "Thank you for your kind and very gracious gift!!  We will have tea outside today!  Mi Gu!  Please bring refreshments to the pavilion by the lake!"  After they were all seated, Feng Jui wanted to meet all of the children.  "Gu gu, please introduce me to all the children!"  She motioned for them to stand.  "These two are Bai Fenli Hua and Bai Ali Huawang, sons of Bai Xue.  These two are Jin Jiao-long and Shing Liang, sons of Mo JinDe.  These two are Shangdi Long Hei and Yu Shenlong, twins of Tianjun Ye Hua.  These two are Mo Taiyang Guang and Mo Baise Zhenzhu, sons of Mo Yuan.  These are Mo Gaoxing and Mo Xingfu, sons of Mo Yuan.  These two are Mo Jingsi Yuehai and Mo Jiaxiao Yuwan, daughters of Mo Yuan. These two are Bai Fengbao and Bai WuYun, sons of Bai Baohu Zhe.  These three are Bai Xuan Yi, Bai Zhen Yan and Bai Yingjie, sons of Mo Yuan.  You have met Jiao-long Ming, son of Tianjun Ye Hua and soon to be Taizi Dianxia."  "Quite the entourage!  I apologize for the tents, but I didn't have room in the den."  "Tents are fine.  It teaches them different situations in life.  Where is Gun Gun?"  "He's with his Fuqin.  They need time together, plus Dijun promised to let him train with ChangHe."  "These two, Taiyang and Zhenzhu can expand your den for you if need be."  "Oh?  I've been thinking about it!  You two come talk to me after this trip!"  "Fuqin, may we go to the market?  We need to see the weapons master."  "I shall go with you.  Qian'er, please keep the younger children with you.  We shall be back."
     Mo Yuan, Fenli, Ali, Jin, Shing, Hei, Ming, Taiyang and Zhenzhu took a trip to the weapons master.  "High God Mo Yuan!  How can I serve you today?"  "These boys here wanted something."  Taiyang pulled out his dizi and asked him a question.  "Is there any way that you could fashion a dart that would hide in this dizi that could be blown out of it?"  "May I look at it?"  The master turned the jade flute over in his hands carefully.  "High God Mo Yuan made this, didn't he?"  "Yes, how did you know?"  "His creations are of the highest quality and strength.  I believe I can do it but only if he approves."  "Fuqin?"  Mo Yuan talked to the master and showed him different things about the dizi.  He nodded and the master bowed.  "Taiyang, you and Zhenzhu must turn your dizis over to the master so he can complete them.  I can make you a temporary one to play on or I could make you a new one for the master to complete, your choice."  "Fuqin, I only want this one so I will turn it over to him."  Mo Yuan stepped up to the master once more.  "How long will it take you to complete it?"  "I can have it by the end of this week."  "Good, do your work in secret and let no one else touch them.  Understood?"  "Understood!  They will be ready!"  "Come, let's get some fruit for your mother and drop by the cloth vendor."  "Shushu Mo Yuan, do you happen to have any of that ice blue jade?"  "Yes, Ming, I do.  Is there something you want?"  "Actually, I wanted a hair pin to match my official blue robes.  Would that be possible?"  "Yes!  The Taizi Dianxia must be properly adorned at all times!  Come with me!"  They all went over to Rong's shop.  "High God Mo Yuan!  How can I help you today?"  "Rong, this is soon to be Taizi Dianxia, Jiao-long Ming, also my zhizi.  He wants a hair pin made out of the ice blue jade.  Ming tell Rong what you want and he will make it."  "Show me your design, Taizi and I will make it.  I want it made like the red one you made recently for High God Mo JinDe, only please wrap the pin with a black dragon.  Maybe use onyx?"  "Yeesss!  I can see it in my head now.  What color are your dragon eyes, if I may ask?"  "Shushu?  I believe they are blue?"  "Show me.  I believe they are different from your Fuqin."  Ming brought forth his dragon.  His eyes were a brilliant azure with green flecks.  "Just a touch of his mother there, I see.  Can you match it?"  "I believe I can!  I can have it in a week, young Taizi!"  "Thank you!  I shall return then."  "I assume you wish to visit the cloth vendor?"  "Shushu, you are a mind reader!"
     Any time Mo Yuan came to the marketplace, the women would chatter and wish they were married to him.  When he walked through with an entourage of young handsome men with him, girls were hiding around every corner.  They were at the cloth vendor when Mo Yuan saw the young woman slip behind a booth.  She had on warrior garb, but the thing that intrigued him the most was her red hair.  "Hmmm.  A trait of the ruling Monkey King."  He thought to himself.  He wondered just what she was up to.  He made a mental note and turned back to the vendor.  Ming had picked out a lovely sky blue cloth to match his hair pin and told the vendor to embroider black dragons on the lapels and sleeves.  Mo Yuan ordered the same color robes for Bai Qian and his baby girls.  The robes would be ready in a week.  They walked out of the market and were heading toward the den when he broke their silence.  "Don't look back, but we are being followed.  If you can't block a charm spell, put up a barrier.  I'm about to cloak.  Keep walking."  They kept talking and were carrying on about their purchases when the young woman noticed High God Mo Yuan was not among them.  Fear came into her eyes.  She turned to run back and came face to face with the most feared dragon in the eight realms, nine deserts and four seas.  "Looking for someone?"  He looked right into her dark brown eyes.  She bowed low and answered him.  "No!  No indeed, High God Mo Yuan!  I really wasn't."  "Good!  I would hate to have to return you to your Fuqin, the Monkey King."  "No!  I mean, please forgive my errant behavior!  I just came to get a new dagger!  Honestly!  I just saw that group of handsome men, is all.  I'm sorry!  Please don't tell my Fuqin!  Please?"  "We will be touring your kingdom.  I will expect to see you there.  I will not tell your Fuqin of your atrocious behavior if you will truthfully answer some questions for me."  "I will answer as best as I can, High God!"  "Have you been to the war god temple on the outskirts of the imperial city in the mortal realm lately?"  "No, my Fuqin barred me from going to the mortal realm after a monkey rebellion was started because of me."  "Hmmm, I see, so that was you.  Alright, my next question.  Have you seen the God of War lately?"  "Aren't you the God of War?"  "So you don't know I retired?"  "Ahhh, then the huli is the god of war?  That's what my mei mei said."  "Your sister?  How many sisters do you have?"  "Three.  I make four daughters."  "I see.  We will be touring your kingdom in a few months.  Don't make me regret my decision to let you return home on your own.  I expect you to leave now.  Break my trust and I will tell your Fuqin all about our little meeting.  Understand?"  She bowed low.  "What is your name, young gongzhu?  "Hou Jin Hua.  My Fuqin calls me Xiao Hua."  "Well, Xiao Hua, I expect to see you there!  Return home now."  He left her standing there as he disappeared in a puff of golden smoke.
     Mo Yuan returned to his group of young men.  "Well Fuqin?  Were we in danger?"  "If you mean attack by weapon, then no, if you mean attack by a curious smitten female, then yes."  "Oh?  Who was it?"  "One of the daughters of the Monkey King."  He watched their faces closely to see if there was any interest.  Blank faces.  Hmmm.  "Well we shall see her in a few months.  We are touring their kingdom then."  Still blank faces.  He made note to see which one of them had a poker face worth watching.  They small talked as they walked back to the Huli den.  "Dearest, how did it go?"  "It seems we were pursued by a daughter of the Monkey King."  "I wonder which one it was?  That oldest one bears watching.  I don't trust her and I could swear she's been following Baohu when he comes to the market."  "How often does he come to the market, Feng Jui?"  "He has been to the cloth vendor and Rong, and the weapons master.  I think he has bought fruit before too."  "I just wondered.  Does he meet anyone?"  "Not that I know of.  I can find out for you.  Bai Xue has a spy there if I'm not mistaken."  That evening, Mo Yuan sent a message to Bai Xue to question Baohu and talk to said spy about any meetings.  It seems that Baohu was keeping secrets and he intended to get to the bottom of it.
     Several days went by of meetings between Feng Jui and Ming to solidify the ties between Qing Qui and the nine heavens.  They had returned to the market to pick up their orders.  The spy passed a message to Mo Yuan.  When they returned to the den, Mo Yuan excused himself to go read the message in private.  Bai Xue had answered him directly.  It read:
     I questioned Baohu thoroughly about any affairs he might be tangled in.  He admitted that he went to the market often as an excuse.  The weapons master has seen him with a young woman dressed in warrior's garb.  He also said she was red haired with golden flecked brown eyes.  Baohu denies any involvement, but given how sullen he has been since you left, I don't believe one word he tells me at this point in time.  Li Li is doing well and has become a great help to JinDe and Mei Ying.  She admits she misses Baohu, but she is convinced he finds her a burden.  Fuqin, before he met her, he was visiting the flower houses in several towns in the mortal realm.  I'm beginning to wonder should Jinzi check him for any hormonal problems.  Even JinDe never got that horny.  Speaking of sullen attitude, Baohu has been trying his dead level best to provoke JinDe.  Fuqin, why JinDe hasn't turned him over his knee for a good beating I'll never know.  At every turn, he makes a remark.  He actually had the nerve to say something about JinDe being impotent.  Fuqin, Mo Jinlong came out, flexed his fist, blew smoke out of his nose and got right in that dumb Hulis face.  He rolled fire over his hand right in his eyes.  He stared right in Baohu's eyes and said, "at least I'm not a wife beater and a child abuser!"  I was positive he was going to hurt him, but I've never seen JinDe restrain himself like that.  He grabbed Baohu and brought the fire right next to his face.  He threw him down and has not spoken one word to him since.  Baohu has been helping me, but he does it only because he has to.  Fuqin, I would ask your permission to confine him in seclusion if he pulls anything else like that.  I don't know what his motive is, but he's asking for trouble.  If I get any more information on that woman, I will message you.
     Bai Xue                                                                                                      Mo Yuan returned to his room and sent a message back to Xue.
     Bai Xue,
If Baohu tries to provoke JinDe again, throw him in the dungeon until I return.  I now know who the young woman is.  She is the oldest daughter of the Monkey King.  I'm safe to assume he was trying to entice her to his bed.  Try to find out if Baohu has any property hidden in the mortal realm.  I would be willing to bet he received messages at that spot.  Protect Li Li as much as you can.  She is our family and I would see her taken care of.  I will send Jinzi to check Baohu over.  Maybe he's just like I think, an overblown womanizer with an overblown libido.  Thank you for your information.  I'm very disappointed in Baohu.  I thought he was a better man.  If he gets too difficult, message me and I will tend to him myself.
Bai Xue read the message carefully.  He knew Baohu was walking a very thin line of fate.  Fuqin was fed up with his attitude.  He knew you don't want to make Fuqin any madder than he already was.
     That very afternoon, Mo Yuan took his entourage to see Yanhua cave and Jinzi's residence and school.  "I have brought you all here for a bit of history.  "When I was 230,000 years old, I sacrificed myself to lock Qing Cang into the Donghuang Bell.  Bai Qian, who at that time was my seventeenth disciple, refused to let my body be taken to the sea of innocence.  She brought me here to hide my body and protect me.  She stabbed her heart for her Huli blood to preserve my body.  She had asked Ghost Lord Li Jing for the Soul Jade, but he refused her.  Desperate times called for desperate measures.  For twenty thousand years she stabbed herself until I awoke.  My mother helped me return.  As you know, I went straight to the nine heavens and took Ye Hua from them.  I married Bai Qian.  Because of her, many of you are here today as my children and the rest are Ye Hua's children.  Bai Qian is the bravest and most resolute woman I know and I love her deeply.   That's why I married her."  "Fuqin, Jiaxiao wants to know how blood save you!"  "A very good question.  All I know is that the heart blood of a nine tailed huli is very magical.  It preserved my life.  I don't know what else it can do.  There are many things told as legend, but never proven.  Now let's go visit Jinzi."  They walked down to the house to see Mi Shu in the pavilion with Guang and Luse.  She waved as they approached.  "My what a large group!  Come hold Guang and Luse please and I will get tea!"  Mo Yuan took them into his arms.
     Jinzi was coming for lunch when he saw the entourage.  "Fuqin! Quite the crowd you have today!"  "We have come today for a learning experience.  Let me introduce my entourage.  This is Jiao-long Ming, son of Tianjun Ye Hua and soon to be Taizi Dianxia.  He is touring the realms to familiarize himself with all the realms and the people.  His didi, Manchu Ru, did not join us.  This is Shangdi Long Hei and Yu Shenlong.  Twins of Tianjun Ye Hua.  The rest are your siblings and your zhizis." "I see!  So who wants to go with me after lunch to see the school?"  A chorus of little voices told him his Fuqin was indeed very busy.  They went to play and look at the babies as Mo Yuan called Jinzi to him.  "Jinzi, I fear for Baohu's life.  Something is wrong with him.  Did you know he was seeing different women?  He has been meeting one right here in Qing Qui.  Do you know if he has been going to the estate on Mount Junji?  Or does he have a hidden home somewhere?"  Jinzi looked at his Fuqin with sadness in his eyes.  "I didn't know, but I can feel his unrest.  I may know one place he would go.  He visits the temple in the imperial city of the mortal realm a great deal.  I know he has been to the flower house there.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you Fuqin.  Please forgive me."  He fell to his knees and bowed down.  "It seems that all of my older children have been hiding things from me.  Well, the reason I wanted to talk to you is because I want you to check your didi over.  Make sure there isn't some underlying condition.  I want that determined first.  It may be that he is simply a selfish puffed up Huli who is full of hormones but most of all, himself.  If that is the case, I'm going to put him in forced seclusion.  Also keep a good eye on Li Li.  Xue told me she is doing well, but I know it breaks her heart to know that Baohu is as uncaring as he is.  Next time you see her, remind her he is without power or weapons if she is so inclined to slap his Huli face with a good solid kick.  It might do him some good.  Xue told me he is trying to provoke JinDe.  JinDe has shown an admirable amount of restraint.  If you would just check him over, I can be better satisfied if I have to take action.  If you need me, just contact Xue, he will contact me for you."  "Fuqin, you look tired.  Are you alright?  Do I need to make some supplements for you?"  Mo Yuan patted Jinzi on the shoulder.  "It seems I can keep nothing from you.  If you would make those supplements, I will take them.  This trip is just getting started.  Please don't tell your mother.  I want her to enjoy this trip."  "Fuqin, is there something wrong or are you emotionally stressed because of that dumb huli who happens to be my didi?"  "Stress.  Pure stress.  Like I said, I can hide nothing from the great medicine king, Bai Zhi Jinzi!"  Jinzi hugged his Fuqin tightly and didn't let him go for a good minute.  He spoke to him as his head lay on that stalwart shoulder.  "Fuqin, I love you so!  You have a long way to go before you can leave me!  Yi, Yan and Yingjie must go through their trial.  You are the glue that binds us!"  They stood and Jinzi watched as his Fuqin stood tall and resolute as he called together his crowd.  He knew he was heart broken.  Totally heart broken.  He sent Xue a message that he would be there later to check on Baohu.

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