And the West Was Indeed Wild

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     Once the tents were pitched and camp was set, Bai Xuan took all of the boys and men aside for a little walk around.  He walked to an area that was on a slight rise.  They joined him there and looked back over the land.  Mo Yuan was the first to note the land and how it was in position to the mountains.  "I notice this plain is a lot like the lands that the horse clans like to roam. The grass is good for grazing and they can run free.  I'm sure when Baohu brings Li Li here, she too will want to roam and run free here.  The grass has a very distinct smell to it.  I notice that the mountain has the same kind of evergreen trees that we have on Kunlun.  They smell fresh and clean.  This land smells clean too."  Bai Xuan was about to say something when the vapor trail of an airplane could be seen going across the sky.  "Shushu!!  Is someone dying?  Why is that trail in the sky?!?"  Jiao-long Ming spoke in fear as he looked up.  Bai Xuan raised his hand and explained.  "No need to worry.  Use your dragon eyes to look closely at the front of that trail.  In this realm, they have machines that fly called airplanes.  They fly high and leave that trail.  Jinlong knows how cold it can get up that high, don't you?"  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he nodded and growled.  "Yes, it is very cold up that high.  I myself have made trails like that when I fly fast and high.  Airplanes, you say?  Do you have any books showing what they look like?"  "Believe it or not, the humans use them to make war.  Those airplanes fly as fast as you and they have weapons that they deploy off of them.  Some of those weapons have nearly destroyed the whole island of Japan many years ago in this realm.  I'm sure you have used a nuclear type blast yourself.  It wiped out a whole city clean down to the ground."  "Humans did that?  They are getting worse than I thought.  I must admit our life in the heavens is rather reclusive and sheltered compared to them."  "Hold your hat for what I'm about to tell you.  They think dragons are only myths or legends.  They don't believe they ever existed."  "What?!?  Have they never seen one?  I wonder what would happen if I made an appearance?  Would they go insane?"  "Whatever you do, do not, I repeat do not shift here.  They would have those war planes on you faster than you could say Jinlong!  They can shoot at you from miles away.  It's possible you would get hit.  Plus you would make the evening news.  Imagine the reaction to an honest to goodness dragon appearing in the sky!  I believe you better just stay like you are for now."  "I'm impressed by these modern humans.  They are rather ingenious in their inventions."

     They ate a hearty lunch.  The young children wanted to take a nap, so they decided to make the camp and leave the next day.  That night they had a big bonfire and they were sitting around it listening to Bai Xuan tell stories.  He was a master story teller.  He told stories of when he was a young huli and he told stories of the mortal realm.  He told them of the gunslingers, as they were called, and the cowboys who drove the cattle to markets.  He told them of the expansion of the land and the people who farmed and ranched.  He was telling about the Native Americans when coyotes started howling not far from them.  Having never heard anything like it, Jiaxiao jumped into her Fuqin's lap and cried.  He patted her back and soothed away her fear.  "What creatures are those, Bai Xuan?  They sound like wolves."  "They are a type of dog creature called a coyote.  They hunt in packs.  They let out yips and howls to tell off their positions to other members of their pack.  They won't come close to us.  Your dragon scent is enough to set them off of us in a hurry."  "Interesting.  This land is indeed full of surprises.  I'm seriously thinking about building myself a lair in that mountain.  Do the humans climb there or would it be safe to have a series of caves there?"  "These mountains are not frequented by humans.  That's one reason I chose to build here.  I keep a barrier over the ranch.  They can't see it from the sky.  I did that many years ago because land grabbers kept coming to my property trying to buy it.  Now they think it's just empty land.  I have legal title to it, but they all know it is not for sale.  These people are growing and spreading across this land like a tidal wave.  Soon I may have to leave here.  At this point in time, the nearest city is nearly five hours away.  I did that on purpose.  Now let's get some sleep.  We start early in the morning."  Mo Yuan walked into his tent only to find it filled up with little people and a grinning wife.  She just shrugged.  "Care to take a walk, my xiao bai huli?"  "Hmmm that would be nice.  I quite like it here.  It's quiet and peaceful."  She very carefully got out from under Yi, laid him down and met him at the flap of the tent.  He looked one more time and shut the flap.  They walked around is silence as they walked a short distance from the tents.  He turned her toward him and touched her lips in a gentle kiss.  "Hmmm, my dragon, this is nice, real nice.  Are you going to build us a lair up there in those mountains?"  "I believe I am.  I quite like being in this very spacious land.  I like it very much.  Tomorrow I will survery the mountains for the right spot.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu could build it while we are here.  This could be a new place for us, if you get my drift."  "Jinlong, you are always looking for somewhere is go to mate and hide from the children."  "Well if the truth be known...."  "I knew it!  Always mating on the mind!  Your mate will just have to wait until we return to Kunlunxu.  Now let's get some sleep.  If we can find a bed not full of children."  Jinlong looked right in her eyes and growled and purred.  "I can stand right here with this wind flowing over my naked body and be content.  I'm sure I would be interrupted by yet another set of boys that are fascinated with my dragon phallus and start the questions.  I really guess there is no privacy with this many children around!"  "Just don't let it all hang out like you did with Baohu, Jinzi and Junjie.  The next thing you know one of them will want an up close and personal examination of it.  I just happen to know a huli that claims that nice, big dragon rod all for herself.  No sharing!!"  He laughed out loud and kissed her sweet lips again before they returned to their tent.  He sighed as they tried to find a place together in a very crowded tent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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