A Very Broken Heart

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     Bai Xue did indeed find Shandian Li.  She was alone in a little small valley, still in her horse form.  Xue himself came to her.  She was standing with her head down.  Her beautiful mane and tail were tangled and dirty.  She was thin.  Too thin.  Bai Xue appeared in front of her.  "Shandian Li!  Please come with me back to Kunlun!  Your boys need you!  We all need you to come back!  Please?"  Her soft eyes looked at him and looked away.  She moaned and laid down.  She lay flat on her side.  Xue sat down and took her head into his lap.  He talked to her softly.  "Mother and Fuqin are raising your sweet boys.  They have been named Bai Fengbao and Bai WuYun.  They want you.  Please come home.  At least come to Fuqin and Mother's little valley.  Jinzi destroyed your little cabin in the meadow because Fuqin told him too.  The meadow is like it was.  Baohu is being sent on trials until he sees the error of his ways.  In his defense, he is under a charm spell.  I know when he comes back to his right mind, he will regret what he has done.  Will you come back?"  She shifted and sat in front of him.  Bai Xue was livid with anger.  Her eye was black and her cheek was bruised.  She showed him her side.  It too was heavily bruised.  "No, I will not come back.  I am finished with Bai Baohu Zhe.  He is dead to me!  It is better this way, for you see, I still love him.  I will always love him.  Tell your Mother and Fuqin that I love them too, but I know my boys are in the best place.  I will die soon.  Don't send my Fuqin.  I don't want anyone here.  I wish to be alone.  Please honor my wish?  I can't live anymore.  My heart is literally failing.  Tell him...tell him...I forgive him.....I will always love him."  She fell over as Xue grabbed her into his arms.  She looked at him and smiled.  Her breath left in a sigh as her spirit followed.  Shandian Li, wife of Bai Baohu Zhe left the world never to be seen again. 
     Bai Xue returned to Kunlun, but he was as angry as he had ever been in his life.  He marched straight to Baohu's room.  Jinzi was there with him.  Mi Shu had just brought tea.  Baohu was still in a coma.  Jinzi looked up straight into the white eyes of a very mad white dragon.  "I swear on Kunlun, if he was awake, I would pick him up and slap his drunk stupid face.  I just held Shandian Li in my arms as she died!  Jinzi, Baohu beat her!!  Her face was bruised, her eye was black and her side was severely bruised!  She died, Jinzi, from a broken heart.  Her heart broke.  I'm not real sure I ever want to lay eyes on his worthless hide again.  I'm about to pay a visit to Shao Wan.  Don't tell Fuqin I have gone.  Tend him well because it has been decided that he will go on trials until he learns some lessons.  I hope he wakes soon, because Lei Lei needs you.  She is due very soon!"  "Da ge, Baohu will wake soon.  He knows he has lost his mate.  His fox is distressed.  Is Fuqin going to send him or Shushu?"  "Shushu will.  Fuqin doesn't want to look on his pitiful face right now.  Tell Shushu when he shows signs of waking."  "I will Da ge.  Please be careful."  "No worries!  I will be fine."  Bae Xue went to the arena looking for JinDe.  He was practicing his moves.  He held his sword up and called a massive amount of power to his sword.  JinDe saw Xue and called his power back.  "Ho Da ge!  What do you think?"  "I think my Didi has just become the God of War!  Come here just a moment, I need you."  JinDe came to the pavilion and took a seat.  "I'm going to pay Shao Wan a visit.  I want you with me.  How good are your spell blocking skills?"  "Well since Zumu gave us power, I believe I can block her.  There is more?"  "I found Shandian Li.  Didi, I don't know if I can ever forgive Baohu for being weak.  He beat her.  Her eye was black, her face bruised and her side severely bruised.  JinDe, she died in my arms!!  Her heart failed her because it was broken, literally broken!"  JinDe's fist hit the table.  "Do we leave now?"  "Yes.  Let's go before Fuqin finds out we're gone.  He will just have to get angry when we get back."
     Bai Xue and Mo JinDe landed in front of the gate to the demon palace.  Guards stopped them and asked who they were.  They introduced themselves and asked to see the Queen.  They were led to a garden in the back of the palace where Shao Wan was having tea.  She motioned for them to sit.  "To what do I owe this visit, sons of Mo Yuan?"  "I believe you know the reason for this visit, demon Queen.  Release him.  Release him now."  "Release who?"  "Release him now or I can assure you that Tianjun Ye Hua will be more than happy to finish off your pitiful kingdom.  Or what's left of it.  You thought to hurt Fuqin, but you have done more than you could have even imagined.  Because of you, Shandian Li, wife of Bai Baohu Zhe, gave birth early to her twins.  She is dead.  Because of you and your hatred of my Fuqin, I actually heard him say that he felt his calamity was near.  Because of you, my Didi hurt my mother.  I should kill you now with my bare hands.  I can too!  If you think we are weak, think again.  You have five seconds counting now to release your spell or I swear on Kunlun Mountain I will kill you!"  JinDe started counted backwards.  "Five, four, three, two, o...."  "Alright!  I'll release him!  I wanted that randy fox in my bed but I can see that won't happen.  Where is he?"  "He is on Kunlun confined to his room.  Just know that JinDe and I could destroy your kingdom alone.  If you don't believe me, just keep sitting there without releasing that spell.  JinDe, in three we transform and use it.  Three, two, one!"  They transformed over her.  She still hadn't released the spell.  Bai Xue reared up and let his fire burn up the back part of her garden.  She ran for cover.  Archers came to shoot at them.  Shao Wan came out and flew up with her whip.  "So you know hellfire!  You can't burn me!  You can't!"  JinDe shot fire at her so fast she was singed in several places and her clothes burned.  So be it!  They set about the destruction of her palace.  Her subjects ran into the depths of their mountain to escape the holy fire.  Rocks melted and people and beasts died.  Shao Wan tried to use her whip but for once in her life she was afraid.  "Stop!  Stop!  I will release the jin huli!  Stop!"  She landed in front of them and used her hands to release the spell.  They turned and left a trail of destruction all the way to the boarders.  They left a queen in shock with a decimated kingdom.  Now to face their Fuqin. 
     Mo Yuan had just come from the nursery.  Now he had four babies!  Jingsi and Jiaxiao had felt sorrow for Fengbao and WuYun.  When he laid them down, they were beside them.  Yes, they were going to be loved and adored.  He went to his study to go over his correspondence.  There was a scroll from Hei asking them to come.  He was smiling as he wrote an answer to him.  They would be coming soon.  A knock on his door brought his oldest sons into his study.  "I was just about to come get you boys.  I wish for you two to go visit Shao Wan.  I want her to release that spell on Baohu."  Bai Xue spoke for them.  "We just came from there."  "Oh?  Did she release the spell?"  "Yes."  "Why do I have a very bad feeling that this is going to lead to a war?"  "There will be no war."  "What...did...you...do!?!"  "We might have got real mad."  "And?"  "We might have threatened her."  "Xue, just spit it out!!"  "We might have just burned down her kingdom."  Mo Yuan stood up and stared at them.  "Fuqin, she refused to release him.  I threatened her.  She actually thought it was funny.  Look what she did!  I held Shandian Li in my arms this morning as she died!!  Baohu beat her!  Her eye was black, her cheek bruised and her side severely bruised.  Her heart broke.  Literally broke.  By all that's sacred on this mountain, I vowed to avenge her.  I'm not even sure I ever want to look at Baohu again.  So don't give me speeches and words about honor!!  That bitch has no honor!  I hope her pitiful kingdom languishes to nothing.  If you wish to turn me over to Shushu for punishment, then I will take it with pride!"  Mo Yuan sat down with a huff.  "Did you say Li Li died?"  "Yes, she is gone."  Mo Yuan put his head in his hands and wept.  When he got himself under control, he raised red eyes to Bai Xue.  "That settles it.  Baohu will go through a trial where he will lose everything he has, including his wife and children.  He will suffer I assure you.  Now leave me.  I must write a message to Si Ming to tell him what I want for him to suffer.  Report to Ye Hua what you have done." 
     Bai Baohu Zhe was waking up.  Jinzi sent a message to Tianjun Ye Hua.  He sat there by his side.  He didn't say a word as Baohu woke up and looked around.  "Why am I in bed?"  "Surely you remember that Fuqin beat the stuffing out of you because you hurt mother.  You are about to pay, didi, big time.  Fuqin is very angry.  I have news, but first Da ge wanted to talk to you.  Let me get him."  Jinzi stepped out of the door only to meet Ye Hua, JinDe and Xue.  He returned with them.  Baohu was sitting on the side of the bed.  Ye Hua stood over him in a stance only his Fuqin had ever used when he was angry.  He had his hands behind his back and stood ramrod straight.  "Bai Baohu Zhe, because of your actions that brought about great harm to this realm, you are hereby stripped of your title as God of War.  Mo JinDe will take your place.  Your powers are stripped and you will go to the mortal realm to suffer trials to atone for the grief, hurt and mayhem you have caused.  Because of you, your twin sons were born early.  One of them had a broken leg.  You beat their mother and caused her to die of a broken heart.  They are never to know you are their Fuqin.  Your Fuqin and mother will raise them.  They are white Hulis.  They accepted your mother.  Your Fuqin, Zhe Yan and Jinzi were with her when she gave birth and then left them without bonding with them.  They will never know her now.  You severely wounded your mother.  Your lucky Jinlong didn't kill you.  He nearly did.  You are confined to your room until I send you to the mortal realm.  Just know that because you thought you were invincible, Shao Wan managed to charm you.  You tried to force yourself on your pregnant wife.  You are a disgrace to the principles of Kunlun Mountain and a disgrace to me, your ruler and your Shushu.  I hope you can live the rest of your pitiful life in peace."  Ye Hua's robes flew out around him as he turned to leave.  Bai Xue looked at Baohu, raised his hand and slapped his face so hard he fell to the floor.  Baohu held his cheek and looked at his Da ge in sorrow.  "That's for Shandian Li!  I held her in my arms as she died.  I saw the damage you inflicted on her!  I have always loved you, Baohu, but because of your cocky little attitude, you let Shao Wan charm you.  I hope you end up being a used sex slave.  In fact, I think I will suggest it.  Your Er ge and I just practically burned down her palace and half her realm to get her to release her spell.  Your sons have been named.  The oldest is Bai Fengbao.  The younger, who was born with a broken leg, is Bai WuYun.  Now I will leave you to contemplate all you have been told.  Fuqin will not come to you.  Right now he said he didn't want to lay eyes on you.  Goodbye, Baohu."  JinDe looked at him with sorrow and turned to leave.  "You too, Er ge?"  "I'm not sure I ever want to see you again.  Goodbye, Bai Baohu Zhe." 
     Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe went to the hall and sat down.  Chang Shan, sensing that Ye Hua was in a very foul mood,  brought a plate of cake and his favorite oolong tea.  Mo Yuan came in and sat down on the dais where he sat before he retired.  "Fuqin, I wish to make a request.  I wish for Baohu to suffer in one life as a sex slave.  It's what he deserves."  Mo Yuan took a sip of tea and nodded.  "It shall be so.  I will inform Si Ming of the plan.  He is coming to see me.  Bai Qian and I will be leaving for the snow leopard realm as soon as Baohu leaves on his trials.  I assume he is awake?"  "Yes.  I must apologize.  I slapped his face for Li Li."  "It's alright.  He deserved it.  Ye Hua, I assume you sentenced him?"  "Yes, Da ge, I did.  I also named Mo JinDe as God of War.  I hope you approve."  "Yes, I approve."  Ye Hua looked hard at Mo Yuan.  "Da ge, you have gray hair at both temples.  Are you ill?  Do you feel different?  Anything?"  "No, I'm fine.  I'm just old."  Jinzi looked at him very hard.  "Fuqin, your hormone levels are higher than mine!  So stop calling yourself old!  Do you need me to check on Fengbao and WuYun?"  "No, Jinzi, I think they will be ok.  They are imprinting on Qian'er.  Also I'm afraid they will imprint on you since you look like Baohu and your energy is similar."  "I understand.  Have you thought that Mi Shu and I could raise them?  You know I would love them."  "Jinzi, I have been thinking about it.  I will talk to your mother about it.  Ye Hua, as soon as Si Ming visits me, I will inform you so you can send him to trial.  Hopefully he will learn from it."
     Bai Baohu Zhe was beside himself.  What had he done?  He couldn't even remember and he reeked of alcohol.  Was he actually charmed?  And drunk.  He fell to his knees on the floor of his room.  He cried and cried.  Just what had he done?  He stood up and looked around his room.  He would move out of it when he returned from his trials.  He knew he was going to suffer.  From what he was just told, he deserved it.  He had no magic so there wasn't much he could do.  He walked over to his sword stand and fingered his swords.  His armor was hanging on its stand and his dagger was hanging from the belt.  His fox was begging him to end his life.  His mate was gone.  He couldn't even know his own sons.  He knew when Shushu laid down the law, nothing would change his mind.  What did he have left?  Nothing!  Nothing!  He couldn't even call Jinzi to tell him goodbye.  So be it!  It's what he felt he deserved.  He took the dagger from his belt.  He walked to his bed and sat down.  Jinzi's head shot up and he looked at his Fuqin in terror.  "All of you with me to Baohu's room now!"  He jumped out of the hall.  Mo Yuan, Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe all jumped to the blocked door.  Ye Hua slung off the barrier and flung the door open.  Mo Yuan shoved them all out of the way as he ran to the bed.  Baohu had cut his wrists and his throat.  His blood was pouring out of his wrist and his throat was bleeding.  Jinzi started pouring healing over the wound on his throat.  He managed to close it and stop the bleeding.  Ye Hua had one wrist healing it and Bai Xue had the other.  Slowly they managed to heal him.  Baohu didn't want to be healed.  He wanted to die.  He opened his eyes and saw his Fuqin standing there with fear written on his face.  Fear and sadness.  He shook his head no.  He tried to speak and realized he couldn't.  He had cut his vocal cords.  He turned toward the wall and slung off Jinzi's hands.  Since he had no powers, he couldn't talk to him now.  He jumped up from the bed.  He started throwing his things out the door.  He kicked over his sword stand and his armor.  He threw a lamp and caught all of his books on fire.  He slung his covers off his bed and took a little jade figurine of a nine tailed fox riding on a horse that Li Li had given him.  He threw it against the wall and broke it into a thousand pieces.  He could only breathe hard now.  He truly was silent.  As silent as he was before he discovered his mind power.  Justice!  Pure justice.  He motioned for them all to leave.  He turned his back as he did.  Suddenly arms came around him from behind.  Strong arms that wouldn't let him go.  He struggled to get loose but the dragon essence washed over him.  Hot smoke.  The last thing he had requested from his Fuqin before he was to meet his calamity.  Baohu struggled but the more hot smoke went over him, the weaker he got until he stopped struggling.  Mo Yuan turned him around and hugged him close to his chest.  "My son, Shao Wan managed to destroy you without raising a hand.  She has paid.  Your Da ge and Er ge destroyed her palace and burned half of her land.  She will have a hard time feeding her people now for the farm land was destroyed.  You are destroyed.  You can recover if you wish it.  If you don't wish to live any more, then I will end your life for you.  You will not take it.  Do you hear me, Baohu?"  He sobbed silent tears now.  He looked his Fuqin in the eye.  Love was there.  He watched his eyes turn gold and swirl with emotion.  "My Xiao Jin Huli!  What do you wish?  Tell me!  What do you wish?"  Baohu looked Jinlong in the eye.  His hurt was all over his face.  His shame, his anguish, every deed he had ever done.  He reached up to touch his Fuqin's face.  He withdrew his hand and his head fell on his Fuqin's shoulder.  Mo Yuan spoke to Jinzi in his head.  "Is his ability to talk destroyed now?"  Jinzi stepped forward and placed his hand on his throat.  His hand withdrew and stayed in space for just a moment.  He nodded yes.  He would never talk again.  He couldn't heal him.  Maybe surgery.  He wasn't sure.  Bai Xue took him from his Fuqin into his own arms.  He picked him up and placed him on his bed.  "Jinzi, put him to sleep.  I will sit with him now until he leaves for his trial."  Jinzi placed the spell and left.  "Fuqin, you go rest now.  I will tend him.  Go on now.  I will be here."  Mo Yuan nodded and left.  He grabbed Ye Hua by the arm and jumped straight to the bench on the mountain pinnacle.  He fell to his knees and sobbed.  His mother came and took him into her arms.  She said nothing but let him cry out his hurt and pain.  Fuxi appeared and he too embraced him.  Ye Hua sat on the bench and was silent.  Fuxi spoke first.  "My first born son, I know you are broken over the Xiao Jin Huli.  Shao Wan destroyed him.  I'm glad your oldest twins destroyed her kingdom.  She deserved it.  The huli will never speak again.  He is silent now.  Send him on one trial.  A slave trial.  He will understand the meaning of being beaten and used.  I'm proud of your oldest sons.  They are like you.  Now dry your tears.  It will be ok."  "Fuqin, today is the first day I felt that my calamity is near.  I don't think I will live to see Jingsi and Jiaxiao grown.  It's just what I feel."  "No, a promise was made to Jinzi.  You will live to see your children grown and happy with their mates.  Now enough gloom.  Let me help you now."  He passed Mo Yuan some energy to help his heart heal.  "The little wife of Baohu has passed on.  Bai Xue managed to help set her spirit free.  Go to your sweet mate.  She is to you as your mother was to me."  They disappeared.  "Thank you, Ye Hua for being here for your old Da ge."  "Da ge, always!"  He put his arm around his Da ge's waist and jumped him to his room.  Bai Qian was laying on the bed sobbing.  Mo Yuan went to her as Ye Hua jumped away to his own palace.

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