Did You? Really?

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     For five days Mo Yuan slept.  He didn't move a muscle but neither did Bai Qian.  The sleeping spell she cast on herself was meant to keep her asleep for a lifetime.  Zhe Yan knew he could reverse it anytime.  Bai Xue had his network searching for either a golden nine tailed fox or a little boy.  Ye Hua had spoken to Bao Feng Yu and they had decided to postpone their wedding since Mo Yuan would not be well enough to participate and Baohu was still missing.  Jinzi was beside himself since his brother had run away.  They had never been separated this long before.  Since he was so upset, JinDe brought him home with him.  Mei Ying loved the little boy and tried her best to make him happy.  He walked away with a sad face.  Every day he went to see his Fuqin, but he only had a profound sadness in his eyes when he looked upon his Fuqin's face.  Jinzi, broken hearted and feeling alone, slipped out of his room and left to go in search of his brother. 
     When Mo Yuan awoke, it was to find his whole life in total chaos.  He couldn't remember what happened.  He saw Qian Qian laying beside him but right away he knew something was wrong.  Zhe Yan was reading a scroll in the corner when Mo Yuan turned his head in his direction.  He was about to get up when Zhe Yan told him to stay in bed.  "Rest yourself for at least three more days.  Don't worry about Xiao Wu.  She's fine, she's just sleeping.  Can you remember anything?"  Mo Yuan's face flushed red for a moment.  "You mean do I remember my dragon rutting like a bull over my raging hormone wife?  Yes I do.  I vaguely remember great pain too.  May I ask exactly what has happened?  How did you get here?  Why do I feel like I was drugged?"  "I'll let Ye Hua explain to you what has happened.  Xiao Wu cast a spell on herself.  Let her sleep a few days.  I can tell you this.  She is pregnant with yet another multiple child birth.  I'm afraid it could be triplets.  I'm pretty sure they're dragons.  That was the impression I got when I examined her.  If you mated her, which she said you did, it's possible it could be quadruplets.  You should never mate a fox that close after having a baby.  They are very fertile.  Just so you know."  "Are you staying for a while?  We need you."  "Yes, I will be staying.  If you need me, I won't be far."    "Please send Ye Hua to me."  Zhe Yan nodded and left the room.  An hour later Ye Hua came into the room.  Mo Yuan was propped up in bed drinking tea.  "Didi, would you care to enlighten me as to what has happened around here?"  "Da ge, I don't even know where to begin!  You and Jiejie were spending an afternoon together.  Making love.  Baohu cast a spell on you so you couldn't transform into your dragon while making love, only the spell had the opposite effect.  You started having pain as you climaxed didn't you?"  "I seem to remember feeling intense pain in my lower back."  "JieJie said your dragon started wailing and you kept moaning after you finished.  You were stuck and couldn't transform back.  You called out to me so I came running.  It seems you knew there was a spell.  We all thought JieJie did it but it wasn't her.  It was Baohu.  Da ge, I don't think your ready for what I'm about to tell you."  "Spit it out, Didi.  Just get it over with."  "JieJie said some very harsh words to Baohu and Jinzi.  She threatened to send them away forever.  She even threatened to send them to live a hundred lives in the mortal realm.  After she said these things, she laid down beside you and cast that spell on herself.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were very angry, especially JinDe since he seems to be just like you.  He was in a very high temper.  He threatened to carry out JieJie's wishes.  He shook both of them.  Especially Baohu.  JinDe brought Baohu in here to see you.  Your eyes were still your dragon's eyes.  You looked at him and tears came out of your eyes.  He looked you right in the eyes, cast his reverse spell, threw up an invisibility barrier and disappeared right before our eyes.  He's been gone ever since.  Jinzi had been staying with JinDe but he sneaked out last night.  I don't know where they have gone but I have the army on alert to find them.  Bai Xue would know more, but he left to find Baohu because your dragon told him to find the boy.  As of today, that's all I know.  JinDe is here trying to organize his elite troops.  Da ge, do you think JieJie meant what she said about sending them away?  She was very angry.  She thought Baohu had harmed your dragon beyond repair.  I've been waiting for you to wake up to see if you could bring him forward.  Can you?"  Mo Yuan brought his dragon forward but with difficulty.  "I'm injured.  Baohu nearly caused me to lose my ability to mate.  I was nearly undone by my own son!  Why would he do such a thing?  Did he even explain?  Where was he when he cast the spell?  Please tell me he was not in this room watching?  How will I ever be able to control him?  Didi, I just want to rest for now and think on a plan for now."  His dragon went back to rest and Ye Hua left him alone to contemplate the future.
     JinDe knocked and asked for entry.  "Fuqin?  May I come in?"  "Yes, JinDe.  Come in."  JinDe rushed to his father's side and knelt down where his face was level with his father's.  He took his hand and held it to his face.  "Fuqin, I thought you were gone forever! I can't tell you how afraid I was!  I apologize for my rough treatment of the foxes but they nearly killed you!  Or Baohu did!  I don't even know the details.  He left so quickly we weren't expecting it and we don't even know what he did to you.  Will your dragon recover?"  "Yes, he is recovering.  Baohu nearly destroyed my ability to "enjoy" your mother, if you understand me!  I'll recover, but I'm trying to decide what to do.  If we find Baohu, his powers must be stripped until such a time as he can lay aside childish petty feelings.  He and Jinzi are both very powerful.  With a good mixture of mine and your mother's powers, they are advanced way beyond their years."  He patted JinDe on his shoulder.  "Keep looking for them.  Jinzi is the more level headed one of them.  As serious as this all is, I think Baohu just wanted to see where the dragon thing went!  I'm sure he was hiding here watching.  What he saw probably scared him.  Maybe he thought I was being too rough.  I can't fathom his mind.  I'm also thinking his mother threatening him and then putting herself to sleep scared him even more.  Search the mortal realm.  I have a feeling they are there.  I had actually planned to take them to Mount Junji for some hunting and training.  Check there and the nearby town.  Now let me rest.  I need my dragon at full power to be able to track them."  JinDe laid his head on his father's arm while he held it tightly with both hands.  "Fuqin, I love you!"  Tears streamed out his eyes as he wept for his father.  He had come close to losing him.  He rose and wiped the tears from his eyes.  Eyes so much like his father.  Mo Yuan smiled.  "And I love you, my golden boy!  Now go and find them!"
     Baohu had gone straight to the mortal world.  He didn't think they could find him there.  There were many things he had learned quickly in the few days he had been there.  He couldn't transform.  The one hunter who saw him wanted his golden fur.  He barely got away with his life.  He couldn't risk it again.  His white hair had everyone staring at him.  He wasn't even safe in town.  He was hungry.  He had been hiding behind a barrier and stealing food, but his use of magic was making him weak and sick.  He left the town and headed toward the mountain.   Bai Xue had opened his dragon senses the day he came into town.  He heard the Hunter's story of the beautiful golden skinned nine tail fox.  He was on the right trail.  For two days he had searched the town.  Today he caught a faint scent leaving town and followed it.  Yes!  He had him now.  Finding town too hard, Baohu had used too much magic.  He was weak, hungry and tired.  Bai Xue took his time now because he knew where Baohu was going.  He didn't know that Jinzi was also in town.  Jinzi had also smelled his brother.  Being a little more subtle than his brother, he disguised his white hair so he could blend better.  He was following Baohu when he sensed another presence nearby.   Jinzi saw Bai Xue buying supplies.  He was curious and was about to cross the road when a hand came down on his shoulder.  He turned to look in terror.  He looked straight into the eyes of JinDe.  "Going somewhere, little fox?"  Jinzi flung himself into JinDe's arms.  "Er ge, I'm so scared!  Da ge is over there.  Can we go get him?"  JinDe looked up and saw Bai Xue.  He nodded and they walked across the road to meet him.  JinDe called out to him.  When the two came together, the town people began to stare.  The mirror image twins drew a crowd.  JinDe helped Bai Xue gather his supplies and they hurriedly left town with Jinzi in tow.  They hurried toward the trail leading to the mountain. 
     Baohu had found the hut his father told them about.  It needed a good cleaning but it was liveable.  Not ever being taught survival skills he was at a loss at what to do.  He was cold so he needed a fire.  The kitchen had a nice stove but he saw he needed wood.  He went outside to gather sticks.  Qing Cang's mount, the Golden Scarlet Flame Lion, had been adrift since the destruction of the bell and the Ghost Tribe.  He was watching the little boy with great interest.  He could smell the stench of the celestial tribe.  Revenge was sweet wherever he could get it!  He followed closely to see what the boy was up to.  Since he was so engrossed with Baohu, he didn't smell or see JinDe or Xue until they were upon him.  They took up positions opposite each other and attacked.  Sensing his disadvantage, the lion transformed and attempted to make a grab for Baohu and leave.  The white dragon was upon him in a split second.  He grabbed the lion by the throat.  Crimson hellfire flew out of his mouth into thin air.  He was struggling to get away when the golden dragon grabbed him by his back right by his tail.  Feeling the despair of his demise, he tried once more to spew hellfire to no avail.  He was ripped in half.  His carcass was burned by them so no trace would be left.  Baohu had been so terrified, he was balled into a little fox ball near the tree line.  Bai Xue transformed and picked up the little fox.  He held him tight in his arms as they returned to the hut.  He put him on the bed and Jinzi transformed and lay beside him covering his brother with his tails.  JinDe sat at the small table to update his brother.  "Xue Xue, Fuqin is awake.  He will recover, but it will take time.  He sent me to find you and the boys.  He wants to see them.  Mother is still asleep.  Zhe Yan said she is well but it's possible she is having another set of twins, maybe even as many as four!"  "What?!?  Four?  I feel fortunate that it was only the two of us.  I seem to recall it was rather crowded!"  JinDe laughed.  "I also seem to recall I was quite comfortable holding my brother while I was in there!"  Bai Xue looked at the little boys.  "I say as soon as Baohu wakes up and eats, we head back to Fuqin.  Do you want to block his powers or me?"  "I will do it.  He's probably still mad at me for shaking him so hard."  JinDe walked to the bed and blocked Baohu's powers.  He would be stuck in his fox form until they could return home. 
     He awoke an hour later.  He stretched and looked around.  He saw Bai Xue and Mo JinDe and decided he should beat a hasty retreat.  He tried to cast a barrier but couldn't.  Jinzi was watching him closely.  Jinzi transformed and ran over to JinDe.  A look of panic crossed over Baohu's face and he went to leap away.  Bai Xue grabbed him by his scruff.  "Not so fast, my Didi.  Fuqin is waiting to talk to you.  And you will sit and listen.  You damn near killed him!  You have a lot of explaining to do."  He gathered him under his arm, JinDe picked up Jinzi and they returned to the nine heavens.  Bai Xue walked straight to his father's room.   He knocked and waited.  The familiar deep voice answered.  "Enter."  Bai Xue brought Baohu in by the scruff of his naughty neck.  He set him down right in his father's lap.  Mo Yuan motioned for them to leave.  "Baohu, Fuqin is going to talk to you now.  Just you and I."  He changed him into his boy form.  "If you refuse to answer me, I will change you back to your fox form and block your powers indefinitely.  Now do you understand?"  He hung his head and nodded yes.  "Fuqin wants to know just exactly what you saw and did.  Now please."  Baohu was feeling the depths of despair.  He didn't want to look into his father's kind eyes or tell him what he had done.  He hung his head and sniffled, then sobbed.  Mo Yuan waited patiently for him to speak.  His first confession was quite a shock.  "Fuqin, Baohu was a very naughty fox.  When Fuqin leave us in room, Jinzi lay on bed to nap.  Baohu followed Fuqin to his room.  Baohu see Fuqin kiss Mother.  Baohu see what Fuqin's dragon do,  hear sounds and think dragon killing Mother.  Then Baohu see dragon thing and it not asleep.  It big. Too big for Mother.  Baohu hear Mother make sound and he think dragon going to kill Mother and new baby.  Baohu cast spell to make dragon go back but it no work.  Baohu hear dragon moan and cry.  Baohu think dragon go away but realize Fuqin now stuck in dragon form but not dragon form.  Baohu not know he hurt Fuqin.  Baohu not know Fuqin dragon dying from pain.  Baohu was going to reverse it but Shushu come running.  Mother get mad and tell Baohu she going to send us away forever if Fuqin die.  JinDe shook Baohu like rag doll.  Baohu scared now for sure.  Baohu come in, reverse spell and leave like Mother said.  Nobody want foxes.  Only dragons wanted here.  Foxes only trouble so Baohu leave to live out life alone.  Even leave Jinzi even though I know he was in great sorrow.  If Fuqin block powers, then set me in Qing Qui so I can live as fox in friendly forest.  Baohu will be fox for rest of life and never see dragons again.  Baohu scared of dragons.  Dragons eat fox for dinner cause fox small and weak.  Just set Baohu in Qing Qui.  Baohu never come back." 
     Mo Yuan was speechless.  The very fact that this little boy had seen him making love to his Mother the dragon way had scared him so badly that he thought he had to take measures to stop him.  He wrapped his arms around the crying little boy.  What could he say to comfort him?  What choice did he have other than to block his powers?  He was too powerful for such a small boy.  He thought a moment and called out.  "Xue Xue!  Come here please!"  Bai Xue entered and sat where his father motioned him to sit.  "Xue Xue, Baohu seems to think that the dragons of this family don't like the foxes very much.  He seems to think that only dragons are wanted here and that we eat foxes because they are small.  What do you say to that, Bai Xue?"  "But Mother is a fox!  A very beautiful white nine tailed fox!  Both JinDe and I have some of her fox traits but we are dragons like you, Fuqin and Shushu.  I never even gave it a second thought when Zhe Yan said Baohu and Jinzi were foxes.  And what beautiful foxes they are too!  The only golden foxes in the whole world!  Why would I want to eat such a glorious little thing as my beautiful golden brother?"  "That is all for now.  Please send in JinDe.  Have Ye Hua send for Star Lord Si Ming and Donghua Dijun."  JinDe came in and sat down where his father motioned for him to sit.  "JinDe, Baohu seems to think that the dragons of his family don't like foxes very much.  He seems to think that only dragons are wanted here and that we eat foxes because they are small.  What do you have to say to that, JinDe?"  "But Mother is a fox!  A glorious white nine tailed fox!  Both Xue Xue and I have some of her fox traits even though we are dragons!  When Baohu and Jinzi were born they were the most beautiful little things I had ever seen!  My beautiful golden little brothers!  It's a proud thing to be able to say that those little foxes are my brothers when I go into the training camp.  Yes, indeed!  My little huli brothers!!"  "Do you now understand, Baohu?  You are a much loved part of this family.  Being a fox doesn't make you of any less worth, in fact, maybe of more worth because you and your brother are very unique.  I love you very much, but my heart is broken that you would want to kill me.  Since the first moment I held you in my arms, I have loved you.  Why you, who are the only one that has my mind powers, would want to harm me is beyond my comprehension.  What you saw was an act of pure love between your mother and I.  If you only knew how much I love her, you would understand.  You were not meant to witness this act of love that happens when a dragon is truly joined with his one true mate.  Your mother feels the same about me.  A fox mates for life.  If you had managed to kill me, she could have died too and taken those babies with her.  For now, your powers will be blocked.  I'm waiting for your Shushu to get here with Donghua Dijun to read your mind.  After that we will decide your punishment.  JinDe, take Baohu into the next room please and keep him there."  JinDe took him from his father and left.  Dijun and Si Ming came in.  "Dijun, I need you to read Baohu's  mind to see exactly what he saw so we can give him one of Zhe Yan's forget potions.  Can we single out his memory of that event?  If we can't, he will have to drink from the River of Oblivion until he is old enough to understand."  "I may be able to isolate his memory, but if he refuses to forget it, we could damage his mind permanently.  The boy is too brilliant to hurt him this way.  Bring him in and let me try."  Mo Yuan had JinDe bring Baohu back in.  "Baohu, Dijun is going to read your mind.  Sit still now."  Dijun read through the boys memories.  He kept going back until the day he saw his father and mother together.  Dijun's eyes grew wide as he looked at Mo Yuan in shock.  Who knew the aloof, proud, ruthless God of War could be so tender and passionate?  He sat back and looked at Mo Yuan.  "This memory is causing this child great pain, shock, fear and mostly dismay simply because he was too young to comprehend just exactly what was going on.  You greatly underestimate the power of these boys.  Now let me talk to him."  He spoke to Baohu mind to mind.  Baohu, would you like to forget what you saw?"  "Baohu don't know for sure.  Baohu have many questions but afraid to ask Fuqin."  "Well why don't you ask him first?  He will understand!"  Baohu was silent a moment and then he decided he would ask his questions.  "Fuqin, if dragon thing so big, how it not hurt Mother?"  "I really don't know why it doesn't, but she likes the way it feels."  "Fuqin, does it hurt dragon thing?"  "No, it feels quite nice.  Real nice."  "Is that why Fuqin make noises?  And Mother too?"  "Let Fuqin ask you a question, does it feel good to get scratched behind your fox ears?  Or get a belly rub?"  "It feel real good!"  "Then just know that what Fuqin and Mother were doing felt real good to both of us."  "Fuqin, is your dragon in love with Mother's fox?"  "Yes indeed!  Would you like to ask him yourself?"  Fear passed through Baohu's eyes but he nodded yes.  Mo Yuan brought his dragon out.  His golden slitted eyes looked at his scared little son and he purred to him.  "Fuqin, do you love Mother's fox?"  "More than you will ever know, my Xiao huli."  "Do you love me even though I am not a dragon and I can't fly?"  The dragon laughed, huff, huff, huff.  "My Xiao huli, you don't need to fly when you have nine weapons that grow off your rear.  I can fly you anywhere you want to go!"  "Where I have weapons?"  "Your tails silly!  When you learn to use them you will be quite a force to be reckoned with!  Don't you know your zufu, Bai Zhi, is one of the most powerful warriors in all the realms?  He's a fox like you!"  "So you love Mother and use your thing to make her happy.  You strong Fuqin and love dragons but love foxes too.  You sure you didn't hurt Mother?"  "Xiao huli, I would die before I hurt your Mother.  Before any of you were born, I gave her a part of my heart, the Dragon's Tear.  It is embedded in her heart.  She gave me blood from her heart to save me when I died.  Our love goes back a long way and will continue forward a long way.  Me and my fox are joined in a strong fated bond.  Do you understand now?"  "Yes, Baohu understand but what I saw look weird to me.  If Baohu can forget it will Baohu feel better inside or should Baohu just grow up and be a man!  Be like Fuqin!  You really love Baohu?"  Mo Yuan moved close to sniff the little boy.  He blew a soft trail of smoke on his arm and across his chest.  It was a caress of dragon magic that made him feel special.  "Do it again, Fuqin!!"  Once again he blew a soft trail of smoke and warmth across him.  "That feel real nice Fuqin!  Baohu really like!  Baohu promise to cleanse memory of Fuqin and Mother away.  Baohu want more dragon breath kiss, ok?"  "Ok, Xiao jin huli!"

Rescue Me, My Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें