Have I Cheated Fate?

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     Jinzi came in carrying soup and tea.  "Fuqin, you need to eat all of this.  You have barely eaten anything in two weeks."  "Jinzi", he said as his eyes swirled golden, "am I ruined?  You know, unable to ....well you know.....don't you?"  Jinzi stood back and scanned carefully.  He could see no reason for any concern.  "Fuqin, you're fine.  It was a small but painful injury.  Your hormone levels are fine, more than fine, and your physical parts are functioning fine, aren't they?"  "Well I won't know that until I'm up and about.  Unless your mother brings out her luscious tails on me, but alas!  She's mad at me right now."  "Can you blame her?  She has given you ten children and it hasn't been easy for her.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu were her worst time ever.  I'm hopeful she won't have another set of twins, but knowing you, I'm sure she will.  Mother, how do you feel?  Bad?  Good?  Tired?  I need to know so I can keep a good eye on you!"  "Jinzi, right now I'm just tired and food makes me ill.  I'll be okay."  She looked into his honey brown eyes so much like hers.  "It's rather awkward having my Xiao Jin Huli look down into my face and talk so plain to me about my condition."  She sniffed as she brought out her handkerchief.  "When did you get so grown, my sweet Jinzi?"  She hugged him close.   "Enough!  Let me take care of this worthless dragon!  I can see he's feeling rather green right now but he will be fine."  "Just how far along am I, Jinzi?"  "Right about a year.  I'll scan you later to see if it's twins or I can do it now, if you wish!"  "Do it now, please!"  She sat next to the bed that Mo Yuan was laying on and held his hand.  His eyes spoke volumes as his thumb rubbed over her knuckles.  Jinzi scanned and grinned.  "Well, Mother, it's twins!  That makes an even dozen of us!!  Should I get Baohu to talk to them?"  She hesitated for a moment.  "Yes, call him please."  In just a minutes time he was there, dressed out in his new armor.
     When Bai Qian looked at Baohu in his armor, tears came into her eyes and she cried.  "Since when do you come up in here looking so much like your Shushu Bai Zhen?  Oh, Baohu, you are glorious!"  He knelt beside his mother and put his head on her lap.  "I'm still your Xiao Jin Huli!  I'm just your baby, Mother, and I always will be!  What did you call me for, Jinzi?"  "Well, Baohu, Mother is pregnant again and I need you to talk to the twins to see if they are boys or girls.  Please?"  Baohu grinned, looked at his grinning Fuqin and at his distraught mother.  He probed in and talked for a moment.  "They won't talk to me.  They want Fuqin.  No, not Fuqin.  They want JinDe, I think.  The other big golden dragon.  Yes, JinDe.  Why Er ge?  Are they attached to him?  How could this be?  Have you been around JinDe a lot, Mother?"  "Not really.  What about Junjie?  Maybe it's him?"  Baohu talked to them again.  "They say big dragon.  Bigger than Fuqin.  Glorious dragon.  Who is it?"  Mo Yuan looked over at Bai Qian.  He looked hard and long.  Yes, they were his babies, yes he knew without a doubt they were dragons and yes he thought he knew who they wanted.  They wanted Fuxi.  Only his Fuqin's dragon was bigger than himself and Ye Hua.  "It's Fuxi.  They want Fuqin!  When did they see him?  Has he been present lately?" 
     Baohu nodded.  "Fuqin, the first day you were injured, I went into the great hall and looked at the pictures that Shushu painted of Zufu and Zumu.  I sat on the temple steps and cried because I thought I had killed you.  Zumu put her arms around me and told me you would be ok.  She said you hated to lose and you would risk everything to win, even at the cost of your own safety.  She was right, of course.  I could smell her presence, like jasmine.  Zufu smells like you, Fuqin."  He thought for a moment.  "I know!  Bring Fenli and Ali!  They could tell!"  Baohu spoke directly to Bai Xue.   "Da ge!  Could you please bring Fenli and Ali to the infirmary?  We need them for something."  Fifteen minutes later, Xue walked in with the boys behind him.  "Fuqin?  Are you ok?"  "Baohu called you for me.  I need to talk to them just a minute.  Come to Zufu.  I need to ask you something.  Can you smell anyone in here other than the people you can see?  Tell me who you smell."  Fenli looked at Mo Yuan and nodded.  "I smell you Zufu, Fuqin, Shushus Baohu and Jinzi, Zumu and somebody else but I don't see anybody else."  "Where is this smell coming from?  Can you find it?"  Ali was walking around the room.  He raised his head and was slowly walking around.  He stopped right beside the bed that Mo Yuan was laying on.  "It's not you, Zufu, but it's right there at the foot of your bed."  Mo Yuan tried to rise but he was still weak.  "Fuqin, we know you are there!  My babies wish to speak to you!  Please come talk to them!  Qian Qian, come here and stand by the bed please."  She stood by the bed for a long moment.  "Baohu please talk to them.  What do they say?"  Baohu was in deep conversation with someone for a few minutes.  He cried and hung his head.  "Baohu!  What is wrong!  Tell Mother!  What is wrong!"  "Mother, they said they don't want to be born if Fuqin can't see them grow up like Xue and JinDe.  They don't want him to meet his calamity yet.  They said they wanted Zufu to ask Fate to let Fuqin live long enough to see all of his children grown so he can retire and be happy.  They want you to live a long time too, Mother."  "What did Fuxi say to them, Baohu?  Ask them please."  Once again Baohu was in a deep conversation.  Several minutes went by.  Baohu's face took on a surprised look.  "Fuqin, I'm not sure you want to hear what I have to say."  "Out with it.  There will be no secrets in this family ever."  Baohu took a deep breath and continued.  "Fuqin, you were supposed to die a few days ago but Jinzi saved you.  It seems Fate intervened.  Fate has been on your side for quite some time, it seems.  You were supposed to never return from your death at Ruoshui River, but Zumu was allowed to help you.  Fuxi helped Jinzi bring you back from the brink of death.  Fate intervened when Li Jing took over your body.  The lightning bolts you took as punishment to Jinlong was supposed to kill you.  Now this.  Fuqin, I didn't want to hear anymore!!!"  Baohu had tears streaming down his face.  He fell on his knees by his Fuqin's bed and let his head fall onto the bed.  "Will Fuqin talk to me alone, Baohu?  If so, I need for everyone to leave please."  Baohu stood and nodded.  He walked to the door and waited for everyone to come with him.  They all left.  When the door was closed and silence came over the room, Fuxi appeared.  "Am I to die soon, Fuqin?"  Fuxi stood over Mo Yuan and smiled.  "No, my son.  A promise was made to the little fox Jinzi for your life.  You will indeed see your children grown and happy with their mates.  Don't worry.  You have a large family that loves you.  It is more than I could have hoped for you to have, my son.  If only I could have lived to be with you and your children!  And Ye Hua!  He has indeed passed me in his ability to rule.  Both of you have done well.  Now rest, Mo Yuan.  Fate is on your side!"  He waved his hand and left. 
     Mo Yuan fell right into a dreaming sleep.  He dreamed his whole life from the beginning.  At every stage of his life, someone else had died.  From his birth until this very day.  His life now took on new meaning.  How could he accept that someone else had always died in his place?  Was it really meant to be that way?  Was he cheating death because of a hidden agenda?  Even in his dream, he was sad and broken hearted for those that died, even those of the dark realm.  He finally rested.  Bai Qian came back into the infirmary to find him asleep.  She ran her hand over his face.  How could her life have been worth anything without him in it?  She laid her head beside him and went to sleep.  JinDe found her there the next morning.  He jumped his Fuqin to his bed first, them his mother.  He left them there together.  He couldn't imagine life without them in it!  He smiled and closed their door.  Chang Shan brought a tray to the door and was about to leave it when Bai Qian came to the door.  "Shiqi!  Why are you up so early?  Do you need my special tea?"  She held her hand to her brow.  "Second senior, I have a terrible headache.  Mo Yuan is still asleep.  Could you get Jinzi for me, please?"  "Right away!"  Jinzi was in the great hall having tea with Baohu.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu were whining.  Baohu called them to himself to question them.  "What is wrong, my Xiao ying'er long?  Would you tell Si ge?"  "Mommy is sick.  She is real sick."  Jinzi jumped up and ran to his Fuqin's room.  He met Chang Shan coming for him.  "Lord Jinzi!  Shiqi sent me for you!  She said she had a headache.  I was surprised when she met me at the door." "Thank you, Chang Shan.  I'm on my way there!"
     Jinzi didn't even bother to knock.  His mother was sitting by the bed holding his Fuqin's hand.  "Mother!  Here, let me help you!"  He picked her up from the floor and laid her in bed next to his Fuqin.  He checked her pulse.  It was all over the place.  He scanned her carefully.  "Mother, explain your symptoms to me please!  Your pulse is thready."  "Jinzi, I can barely....stand the pain ......in my head.  Please... give me .......something for the.....pain!"  Her voice came in gasps and her breaths were hard.  He brought a vial out of his sleeve and gave her one drop on her tongue.  Her pain eased and she groaned as she went straight to sleep.  Jinzi called Baohu to him.  Baohu ran in the door.  "What is it, San ge?  What can I do?"  "Go get Zhe Yan for me.  I need his opinion.  Tell him Mother is very ill and I can't figure it out.  Hurry now!"  Baohu flew out and blasted off the mountain so fast that Taowu barely saw him go by.  He was back with Zhe Yan within the hour.  Zhe Yan rushed in.  "Jinzi, what is going on that you need my opinion?"  "Shifu, Mother woke up early complaining of a headache.  She begged me for something to ease her pain.  I scanned her and I can find no reason for it.  Also Mother is pregnant again.  With twins."  To say that Zhe Yan was shocked was an understatement.  He scanned her thoroughly.  The babies were fine.  In fact, they seemed very content.  He concluded it was because their Fuqin was nearby.   He was perplexed.  What was causing her pain?  Mo Yuan opened his eyes to see Zhe Yan and Jinzi in a deep discussion.  He sighed and turned to look at Bai Qian.  Her pale face brought his heart into his hand as he sat up too quickly in bed.  "Fuqin", Jinzi said as he caught his Fuqin.  "Easy now.  You are ok, but you need to go slow!"  "Jinzi, why is your mother laying in bed and why is she so pale?"  "Fuqin, that is why I am here with Zhe Yan.  We have both scanned her and we can find no reason for her to be complaining of a severe headache.  She begged me for relief.  I'm clueless."  "Could it have something to do with her pregnancy?"  Jinzi did one more scan.  "I think I see the reason.  Her hormones are all over the place.  You scan her, Shifu!"  Zhe Yan scanned her again.  He checked her temperature for good measure.  "I believe she is having this headache because her hormones are all over the place.  It's called a migraine.  When she wakes up, I will be better able to tell.  Jinzi, go get some ice.  We will keep cold rags over her eyes for now.  That will help.  Are you feeling up to being up and about, Mo Yuan?"  He thought for a minute.  "No, I'm going to rest some more.  Jinzi can come check on us later."  He laid back down and raised the quilt over both of them. 
      At lunch time, Chang Shan brought more soup for Mo Yuan and his special tea for Bai Qian.  Mo Yuan was awake and reading.  Bai Qian was not.  He reported to Jinzi.  "Lord Jinzi, Shiqi is still asleep but Shifu is awake.  I took him some more soup."  "Thank you, Chang Shan.  I'll just go check on Fuqin then."  Jinzi knocked on the door.  "Enter".  How good it was to hear his voice!!  "Fuqin, how are you feeling?"  "Jinzi, I feel fine.  A little pain but I feel like I could get up and walk around some.  Plus I desperately need to pee.  I'll just get up if you will give me a hand?"  Jinzi helped him rise.  So far so good.  "Fuqin, I need to go with you to make sure you have no difficulty going.  If you understand."  "It's really hard knowing my Xiao Jin Huli is all grown up.  Well come with me then.  I don't want to disturb your mother."  They walked outside down the path a ways.  Mo Yuan shrugged his shoulders, put his finger into his waist band and pulled his phallus out to pee.  He let go and peed like a very large dragon.  That dragon was probably drowning in his own pee.  Jinzi was sure a river was running down the side of the mountain.  No problem here it seemed.  He snickered behind his hand.  "Well, Fuqin, it seems you are ok in this department.  I don't see any blood and it's obvious your kidneys are working fine.  How do you feel?"  "Better now that I'm not full of pee!  Let's go check on your mother now."  They walked in the door to see her holding her hand over her eyes.  Mo Yuan sat on the bed.  "My love, Jinzi has come to check on you.  I'll move so he can sit here by you."  Jinzi sat down and read her pulse.  Still thready.  "How is your headache, Mother?  Better, worse?"  "Jinzi, the light hurts my eyes and my vision is blurred.  I still have a headache but not as bad.  Did Chang Shan bring tea?  I want some."  Jinzi helped her sit up and Mo Yuan brought her tea.  He made sure her hand was on the cup before he let go.  "Jinzi, I can feel my heart beating in my ears and my eyes.  It's hard to explain."  "Mother, I think I know what's wrong.  I think you have high blood pressure associated with this pregnancy.  I'll make you some elixer to take everyday.  I'll be here to check you several times a day.  You need to walk around to get some exercise, no salt, plus limit your tea.  Chang Shan can brew you some different kind.  Plus we must watch your diet carefully.  I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news."  It's ok, Jinzi.  I'm sure your Fuqin will watch me like a hawk anyway.  Isn't that right, dear?"  "Yes, I will.  How about some of Chang Shan's porridge?  That should help you feel a little better!"  "No porridge.  Just some of that soup you had earlier dear."  "Mother, we have some ice.  I can make a cold compress for your eyes and head.  Would that help you?"  "Yes it would.  Just bring me some soup and I'll lay back down after I eat.  Please don't let your Fuqin over do it.  You know how he is!"  "I know exactly how he is!  I'll take care of it, don't worry!  Even if I have to give him a sleeping potion!"
     Once Bai Qian's diet was adjusted, Mo Yuan took her out for short walks in the garden every day.  She had to admit the walks helped her feel better.  As the days wore on the walks became longer.  She knew what he was up to, that sneaky dragon.  He was pretty much back to his normal self.  It was time to test him out.  She knew he was worried since he had the injury to his ball sack.  Jinlong was still in a snit because he had been injured so and he was still afraid he couldn't perform.  She decided a little test was in order.  When they laid down for bed, she lay on his shoulder like she always does.  She sighed and erupted her tails.  She laid them over him and pretended to be asleep.  He snorted.  Several minutes passed.  She was listening carefully to his breathing.  She knew Jinlong was frustrated to the core of his being.  Not only had Baohu severely injured him, but caused his sexual prowess to be put in jeopardy too.  She decided enough was enough.  He still had his pants on.  He wouldn't sleep naked anymore.  Hmmmph!  Get ready, Jinlong, because I'm tired of waiting!  Her tails started caressing him.  When one snaked into his pants and pulled them down his body, his eyes shot open and he reached down to stop her.  No, no, no!  Not this time!  She rose up, looked him in his honey brown eyes and snorted.  "Get ready because you are about to get laid, Jinlong!!"  She spread his legs with force.  She picked up his knees and planted his feet flat on the bed and proceeded to suck the life out of him.  He was shaking like a leaf in the wind.  Jinlong moaned as he came out.  "Xiao Bai Huli!!  You're going to kill me!  I ca...CA...can't.......oh ........hmmmm..........huff.....huff........"  She licked right over the little scar on his sack.  She licked up his shaft.  She licked up and down and all around.  Her tails were all over him.  "Oh...my....Xiao..... Bai.......Huli..........stop!  Please come to me!!!!  Plllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee!!!!!  Her smirk of satisfaction as she rose up and impaled him caught him totally off guard.  His shaft in her honey hole was like nothing he could even remember!  He thrust into her.  He grabbed her hips and they rode a tide of passion, desire and love.  Her love for him brought him the epitome of pleasure as he rammed into her hot juicy honey hole.  She rode him so hard her luscious little rump was slapping against his balls with force.  He didn't care.  He arched his back and drove into her with all he had.  He grunted loudly with each thrust until he felt her walls tighten.  When her climax came, he exploded into her like a pressure filed hose.  He pumped for several minutes with each jerk.  He lay under her spent, happy and sated.  He thought she was finished.  He was wrong.  She jumped them to the hot pool, cast her charm spell and started all over again.  "So Jinlong, ready for round two?  Here I come!"  She threw him down and tied his hands above his head.  She grinned and brought a bottle of oil to her hands.  She rubbed him everywhere.  Up his buttcrack, up the bottom of his sack, up his shaft, up his chest, back down his stomach, back onto his rock hard shaft.  He was huffing like a freight train.  His eyes were begging her.  He moaned like a tiger.  He arched his back as she took him into her mouth.  The heat was unreal as she heated her hands and massaged his balls while she pleasured him.  Her tails were all over him.  One tail went down his tailbone.  He was so hard he was sure his shaft had turned to stone.  She sucked him until he could take no more.  He exploded in her mouth.  His breath was coming in short huffs.  Before he could catch his breath, she was licking him again.  "Qian'er!  What are you doing to me!  Oh gods in heaven she's killing me!  Qian'er!!  Stoppppppppppp.....hhhmmmmmmm......." She had him again.  She sucked him until he couldn't stand it and she impaled him again.  For hours she loved him.  Finally worn out herself, she saw him laying there with his legs spread, his phallus red, his legs covered in her juices, arms over his head still tied begging to be released in the softest voice Jinlong had ever used.  "Xiao Bai Huli, I am so sorry for all the pain I have ever caused you.  You just used me like a dirty rag and made me pay for all my indiscretions.  This unworthy dragon begs your forgiveness.  I am totally spent.  Please release me from your spell.  I promise, I'm spent.  There's not another seed left in my body!"  "Do you mean your done, Jinlong?  I'm only getting started.  I have more planned for you.  I'm going to use you until your balls scream for mercy.  I'm going to run my tail down your spine to the end of your tailbone.  I'm going to bite your neck and suck your beautiful dragon rod.  I want to watch your juices ease out of the tip before I suck you to oblivion.  Watch me now as I pleasure you."  Before he could say a word, she leaned over him.  Her full breasts lay on his chest like fiery hot orbs.  She sucked his earlobe and bit his neck.  She drew blood.  She licked his wound before sliding down his chest to bite his nipple.  His breath was coming in huffs and his chest was rising and falling like a bellows.  His skin shimmered and he let go as his dragon came out.  Jinlong laid on his back.  She smirked and let her tails caress his large sack.  She jumped up on his stomach and licked across the top of his shaft.  she lay on his shaft and rubbed her whole body up and down until he moaned.  His tail was beating the ground like a rattlesnake.  His left back leg was kicking the air and his front legs were grabbing air.  His eye was watching her as she drained him for everything he had.  She slid up and positioned herself.  She impaled him so hard his breath was taken from him.  His head went straight back and he gasped for breath as he unloaded for the umpteenth time.  When she rose off of him, he was breathing hard as he looked her in the eye.  "No more.  Please, no more.  I am undone.  I concede, Bai Huli.  I concede!"  She walked into the hot pool and started bathing as he lay there, breathless and used. 

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