Superiority in All It's Forms

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     Mo Yuan returned to his room just in time for lunch.  Bai Qian smiled.  "Come my love!  I'm starving!"  "I see you're making up for all the days you couldn't eat.  I'm glad you're doing better!  Of course, you're also very beautiful!"  He kissed her lips and sat down to eat.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe came skidding into the room like two young boys trying to see who could get to the table first.  They slowed down, straightened their clothes and sat down to eat.  Not to be denied his moment, JinDe filled his plate took a bite and sighed.  "Mother, you should have seen Fuqin!  He was magnificent!  There is not a soldier in the nine heavens who wouldn't follow him into Hell without blinking an eye!  Me included.  Why didn't you ever show us, Fuqin?  Was that supposed to be a lesson for us?  And another thing!  Since that day when you woke up with the flute, you look younger.  What happened?"  "Would you care to enlighten me as to what they're talking about?"  Bai Qian raised a brow.  Mo Yuan put down his chop sticks to explain when Ye Hua came busting through the door like the room was on fire.  "Da ge!  Did you really do what they are saying you did?  The training ground is on fire!"  He sat down and grabbed a plate.  Ye Hua, his twins and his wife were all waiting for him to tell what he did.  Bai Xue laughed.  "Yes, he did, Shushu!  Right in front of the whole army of the nine heavens.  Not another man will ever dare to anger Fuqin again!"  "Mo Yuan dear, would you care to enlighten me?"  His face turned beet red.  "Well dear, if you must know, I had to prove today that my son is actually a chip off the old block.  They wanted to know was my hmmm, well you know, as big as his.  I had to prove that I am the undisputed God of War!  I couldn't let them think that I was afraid and would just walk off."  "Mother, Fuqin called his dragon and let it all hang out!!"  Ye Hua dropped his jaw in total wonder.  "You did what?!?"  "I gave the troops a blessing today.  That's all!"   "Blessing!  Ha!  There was a story going around the grounds that if you could feast your eyes on a dragon's phallus you could gain long life and be invincible.  So Fuqin drops his pants, transforms and turns into his dragon; that huge ancient golden dragon who grins and whips out his thing in front of them all and then rolled on his back like a dog!!"  Bai Qian's eyes rolled up and she fainted right then and there.  Since Bai Xue was the closet, he caught her before she fell.  He laid her on the bed.  Mo Yuan sat beside her and rubbed her hand.  "JinDe, you have a very big mouth to go along with that other thing.  I might not have wanted to tell all of the details to your mother.  Before today, she's the only one who has seen my dragon like that!"  Ye Hua belly laughed so hard he nearly fell out of his chair.  'Da ge, I'm afraid that its too late for that!  It's all over the nine heavens that High God Mo Yuan is indeed the biggest baddest dragon of all time and he has the cock to prove it! Since I'm your identical twin, this should improve my chances on getting lucky a lot!  Ha ha ha!"  "Out!  All of you!  When Qian Qian comes around I don't want her hearing you fools making fun of me!" 
     They were almost out the door when Donghua Dijun came bursting in the door.  Ye Hua pointed and laughed!  "Look, Dijun knows too!  It's too much!"  They left him standing there. Dijun was standing there trying to decide if he really wanted to know the truth.  He decided to follow Ye Hua.  He met Lian Song on the way.  "Follow me to Ye Hua's quarters."  He turned and followed.  They entered Ye Hua's study to see Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe all laughing so hard they could hardly stand.  Dijun raised a brow and asked, "just what has happened?  Is it true then?"  JinDe laughed as he faced Dijun.  "Who knew the old dragon had it in him, that cheeky ol horny goat!  He whipped out his phallus in front of the whole army!"  He crossed his heart and held up his hand.  Bai Xue looked at the shocked face and laughed.  "Fuqin will have to walk in the throne room in front of everyone!  What was he thinking?"  JinDe took up for his father.  "I can explain his logic behind it.  After the assault incident, it got around among the army that I was 'the young dragon with a big cock'.  Fuqin was going to punish me for my behavior later but the opportunity presented itself there.  He made me drop my pants in front of the whole army.  Well it gained me a lot of respect because I wasn't afraid, but it all backfired on him today.  There has been talk among the men that if I'm 'large' then what is Fuqin?  They also had a tale going around that it would bring them invincibility if they could just touch his robe.  He didn't want to sit there all day letting them touch him, so he decided to bless them instead.  He was caught between a rock and a hard place.  If he walked away, his reputation would suffer.  He got up on a platform and disrobed in front of all of them.  He dropped his pants while he had dragon eyes!  My eyes nearly popped out of my head!  Then he turned into his dragon, lit on the grounds, rolled on his side and whipped out his phallus!  Then he rolled on his back so they could all see!  He transformed back into his naked human self, clothed himself with one flip of his hand, nodded at me and Xue Xue and walked out the gate with his hands behind his back and ramrod straight!  The men were cheering "High God Mo Yuan!"  What a day!  Fuqin is the best!"  Dijun sat down hard in a nearby chair.  He held his side and finally broke out into a full on belly laugh. 
     Bai Qian finally came back to earth.  Mo Yuan was sitting by her holding her hand.  "My love, are you feeling better now?  You scared me!  Are you ok?  The children are fine."  She looked around to make sure they were alone.  "Mo Yuan, please tell me you didn't show your dragon phallus to the whole celestial army?"  "I'm sorry my love.  I got caught between a rock and a hard place.  Since I made JinDe drop his pants in front of them as a punishment, it came back to bite me today.  I couldn't just walk off after one soldier questioned me in front of all of them.  It would have made me look weak to say the least.  So yes, I dropped my pants with my dragon present.  Then I transformed and showed them my dragon phallus to bless them.  He made a spectacle of himself for sure.  I'm so sorry!  Please forgive me?" "I don't think you realize what all the repercussions are.  I will now become the most envied woman in all the realms because the God of War, who has a very nice, shall we say, play thing, belongs to me!  Now women will be pouring all over you!  What will I do?!?"  "No worries, my love!  I'll just remind them that Ye Hua is my identical twin in every way, and I do mean every way!"  "Mo Yuan you wouldn't!"  "I would and I will!!"  
     The next morning as Ye Hua was walking to the throne room, he noticed maids giggling and glancing away.  When he passed a group of young immortals, they gawked at him in total awe.  The closer he got to the throne room the more they gawked.  He walked in and proceeded to take his place on the dais.  He called Jia Yun to his side.  "Why are all the men gawking and the women sighing at me today?"  "My Lord, I defer to High God Mo Yuan.  He should be here any moment."  As if on cue, Mo Yuan stepped into the throne room.  Silence struck the room.  He took his place opposite Dijun.  They raised a cup to each other.  Ye Hua looked at Mo Yuan with a confused look on his face.  "Would you care to enlighten me ,Da ge, as to why everyone is gawking at me today?"  "I just reminded some of them that you are after all my identical, and I do mean identical, twin in absolutely every way.  You do understand don't you?"  Ye Hua planted his face in his hand.  "Oh no he didn't, did he?  No wonder these women are staring at me as if they want to snatch me up and run to the gardens!"  Ye Hua gave Mo Yuan the frosty god look.  "Later, Da ge, later!" 
     Li Jing  was announced to Ye Hua.  "Bring him in."  "Ghost Lord Li Jing greets Taizi Dianxia and soon to be emperor, Ye Hua, High God Mo Yuan and Donghua Dijun.  I believe you sent for me, Taizi Dianxia?"  Ye Hua donned his most serious face.  "It has come to our attention that your father, the former Ghost Lord Qing Cang, has used all three of his children as power vessels.  Is this true?"  "Yes it is true.  If one of us dies, father gains our cultivation.  He could then break out of the Donghuang Bell.  I'm trying to prevent it from happening.  I've been searching for my brother, Li Yuan, but I haven't been able to find him.  If he is not careful, he could be killed.  There is a faction that want father to return.  I've had several attempts made on my life recently."  "It just so happens that your brother came here seeking asylum.  He said you have been trying to kill him."  "That's absurd!  I've been trying to keep him from trying to start a rebellion.  Qing Cang will kill us both if he breaks out of the bell."  "Tian Shu!"  "Present!"  "Go fetch Li Yuan so he can answer to his brother!"  Tian Shu left and came back with Li Yuan in tow.  "Li Yuan, your brother, Ghost Lord Li Jing, says you have lied to me and in fact he has been trying to keep you safe.  My reports tell me you have indeed been a very busy man.  We have intercepted several messages between you and a certain general who has been causing dissension in amongst your people.  Also messages to the mermaid king.  Care for me to continue on how you were trying to cause a rebellion and bring out Qing Cang?"  Li Yuan was flabbergasted.  He could not run and was caught red handed.  "Ghost Lord Li Jing, you may take your brother into custody today.  Did you bring soldiers with you?"  "Only a handful.  I would need escort."  "Bai Xue!  Pick two elite soldiers and escort Li Yuan to the Ghost Realm for Li Jing."  Bai Xue motioned to two guards and took Li Yuan into custody.  Li Jing bowed and turned to leave.  He stopped and turned to Mo Yuan.  "Please give my regards to A Yin.  I have always wished her well."  Mo Yuan shot from his dais into Li Jing's face in less time than it takes to blink.  His eye were golden and smoke came out of his nose.  "Just know, Ghost Lord, that she's mine now.  Where she belongs."  He growled a low growl for good measure.  Li Jing bowed without further ado and left quickly.  The War God was on his dais sipping his tea.  "Did he just stop time?" Ye Hua thought.  "Seems like my Da ge is a little touchy when it comes to Li Jing.  Note taken."
     That evening Ye Hua stopped by Mo Yuan's room.  He knocked before entering.  He had a score to settle.  Mo Yuan turned and smiled.  "Ah, just the man I need to see!  Your robes for the Coronation are complete.  I was about to bring them for you to see.  What?  Don't you like them?"  "That was a dirty low down trick you pulled on me today, Da ge!  There are women hiding around every corner now!  I don't want to be in bed except with the woman who I'm in love with.  Just like you are!"  "I see I set the standard very high.  I didn't intend for you to be inundated with women.  I intended to get a little pressure off of myself, since I'm married and no longer available.  All is not lost!  Why don't you throw some smoke off on Xue Xue and JinDe?  Especially JinDe!  He's the reason for this whole mess anyway.  Because of him, I got backed into a corner.  You know I never except defeat!"  "Hmmm, not a bad idea!  I know just who will spread the rumor too!"  They both looked at each other and smiled.  "Chang Yu!"  "Now come look at your robes.  They're exquisite!" 

Rescue Me, My LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora