Mommie Dearest

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     Mo Yuan and Bai Qian walked into the great hall together.  Both Le Xu and Lian Song were looking around and wondering.  They hadn't heard any news.  Lady Le Xu bowed and greeted them both cordially.  "I see wedding preparation is underway.  Are you marrying, High God Mo Yuan?"  "Yes, Bai Qian of Qing Qui and I are marrying next week.  Do what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"  "I have come to see Ye Hua if I may?  His uncle would also like to see him."   "One moment while I send for him.  He's been quite busy today with Qian Qian's mother."  Thinking not to upset Ye Hua, Mo Yuan decided to go get him himself.  He found him in the kitchen with Zhi Zhi and Chang Shan.  "Ye Hua, you have visitors.  Come with me."  Ye Hua hid behind Zhi Zhi's skirts.  "It's ok.  It's your mother and Third Prince Lian Song.  They won't bother you."  "Mufei?  Why did she come?  Does she want to take me back?  I'm scared, Da ge!"  Mo Yuan went down on one knee to talk on Ye Hua's level.  "It's ok Didi.  She just wants to see you.  I'll be right beside you.  Now let's straighten you up and get this flour off your nose!" He wiped the flour and straightened his robes.  They walked hand in hand into the great hall.  Ye Hua bowed very politely and stood slightly behind his brother's leg.  Le Xu held up her hand.  "Come here, Ye Hua.  I haven't come to take you away.  I've only come to see you.  You look well!  Are you keeping up with your studies?  Are you resting well?  Tell me how your getting along!"  He walked to stand by his mother and started talking to her.  Mo Yuan noticed he was very reserved around her and not the animated little boy he was around all of them.  He noticed too that Lian Song was watching with great interest.
     Mo Yuan motioned for him to follow him.  He nodded toward Die Feng to stay close by just in case Ye Hua was afraid.  When they were in his study, Lian Song spoke.  "High God Mo Yuan, don't trust her for one minute!  She is under Yang Cao's finger and she will do whatever he says do.  She's just a lackey.  I'm here to warn you.  I have tried in my quiet way to protect the boy when I could, but as you know, I have suffered for it.  He was being brought up by strict rules and harsh punishment.  I guess you know by now though."  "I assume one punishment was to throw him in an abandoned room all alone?" Mo Yuan waited for the answer he knew would come.  "I see you figured that one out all ready.  He's very terrified of being alone."  "This I know very well.  Nothing pained me more than the day Ye Hua's dragon erupted crying for my dragon.  That's when I came very close to storming the nine heavens.  I know I also have allies there.  I hope you are one of them?"  Lian Song nodded.  "I will help you anyway I can.  I wish to come to the wedding, if I may?"  "I will send you an invitation.  I'm also going to say that there must have been a great deal of fear in knowing that Ye Hua is an apex dragon.  Did you know of it?"  Lian Song was flabbergasted.  "No, I did not know!  You know he's had hardly any training to control or use his dragon power.  Now I know why.  Fear, down right fear.  You've been teaching him?" Mo Yuan nodded.  "This is good.  He's learning very well here.  Very good indeed!"  Mo Yuan walked to the window and turned his head slightly.   "I guess you also know that he will be just as powerful as me one day.  Does that strike fear in your heart?"  "No, I have tried to love him in my way.  I will always be there for him."  Satisfied that Ye Hua had an ally now, he turned and walked to Lian Song and put his hand on his shoulder.  "Good, he needs allies.  I am pleased you are one.  Let's return now.  Ye Hua is still afraid for me to be out of sight for a while."
     "Have you missed me, Ye Hua?  I've been hoping to see you. You seem well and happy.  Tell me how are you faring in your studies?"  "Mufei, Da ge has been teaching me to use and control my dragon.  He says I am learning fast and very soon I will be in full control.  He showed me his dragon too!  He's golden and very big!  In fact, he's huge!  He said I was black because when Father created my fetus, he stripped my gold color to make my lotus golden.  Da ge says my scales are like black pearls!  He said one day I can see them."  "So High God Mo Yuan is teaching you to use your dragon powers?  Very good!  I knew you would learn someday but your grandfather didn't want you to learn just yet.  He wanted you to focus on other things first.  What else have you learned?  Are you keeping up with your studies?  Surely you have your own classroom so you can study alone!  This must be done and soon!  You must be allowed to study alone!"  Ye Hua starting slowly backing away from the woman he called Mufei, but suddenly realized was not his friend.  Not. At. All.
     When Mo Yuan and Lian Song walked back into the hall, Ye Hua was almost in full panic mode.  He turned to look at his brother and flew into his arms.  Mo Yuan caught him and swung him up and Ye Hua hid in his shoulder just as soon as he was secure in his brother's arms.  He sobbed and wrapped his arms around Mo Yuan like a vise.  Lian Song saw the anger rising and heard the dragon purr.  Mo Yuan's dragon was talking to Ye Hua's dragon.  He saw the boy relax and he knew then that an unbreakable bond was there that would never be broken.  Mo Yuan looked at Le Xu and he boomed his voice at her like a cannon firing.  "Just what is going on here?  Why have you terrified Ye Hua to the point of running?  What did you say?"  She stared at him as if she was struck dumb.  Ye Hua told him.  "She said I should not give up my studies.  She said I needed a classroom where I could study all alone.  She said I should be alone to study.  Da ge I don't want to be alone!  I don't want to be alone!!"
     Mo Yuan hugged the boy close for a minute before he turned on her full force.  "Don't you ever come to this mountain again.  You are hereby barred from coming here.  You are nothing but a mouthpiece for Haode.  He will never get his hands on my little Didi again.  Now get out before I throw you back to the nine heavens!!"  Mo Yuan turned to Lian Song.  "You are welcome to stay and visit or escort her home.  Come back soon."  Mo Yuan walked off with Ye Hua in his arms.  They went back to the study where Mo Yuan took a seat on the day bed and kept Ye Hua on his lap.  "Da ge is sorry she scared you like that.  I thought she loved you and what is best for you.  I won't let her bother you again."  He hugged him again.  "I noticed something you did today that was very good.  Do you know what it was?"  Ye Hua looked at him confused for a moment and then he smiled a big smile.  "My dragon talked to your dragon.  He told you why I was afraid!"  "Yes, he did!  You opened him up to a friend and let him convey your feelings.  That was very good.  Just make sure you only do that with a friend.  Understand?"  A small nod was all he got.  "You have come very far this month, Ye Hua.  When I deem you ready to be in the classroom, you will be there but you won't be alone.  I still want you learning about your inner beast until you are in absolute control.  Now, some me some dragon love!"  Ye Hua laid his head on Mo Yuan's chest and his dragon started to purr.  His eyes went from black to blue and he radiated a gentle heat that warmed the air.  His sigh let Mo Yuan know exactly how he felt about his Da ge!  Mo Yuan's own dragon was overwhelmed by the outpouring of affection from his Didi.  He hugged him close and purred back to him.  They were just like that when Bai Qian came knocking on the door.
     Ye Hua saw her first.  "Jiejie!  Come here!"  His small hand motioned for her to come and sit.  When she sat down, he transferred to her lap.  He hugged her and he opened his dragon to her.  She felt the warmth and the love within her fox.  She opened her fox senses and let him know she loved him too.  Her tails erupted and wrapped around him like a glove.  His little face beamed as he looked at his brother.  She loved him too!!  "Da ge!  JieJie loves me too!  I know because her fox told me!  See?  Her tails say so!"  "And so they do!  So you have learned something today.  Da ge is very proud.  You have almost learned everything about your dragon in a month!  Some things have to wait until your older.  Then and only then will Da ge show you.  But now, it's time for lunch."  Ye Hua jumped up and grabbed both of their hands and led them off to the dining hall with a big grin on his face.

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