What Goes Up, Must Come Down

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     Jinlong was trying to dominate and trying to get Jingsi out of her hoarding.  He blew smoke over her again to calm her.  Her tail was trying to gather the food to herself.  He was trying to figure out just what made her decide to hoard?  He began to wonder if her charm spell had backlashed on her.  He brought his eye right by her and growled again.  He was trying to diffuse the situation before she blew fire at him.  His growl was full of submit calls.  He was trying to get her to submit to his dominance.  His eye looked right into hers.  For a moment she felt fear.  She knew Fuqin was bigger and could hurt her if he wanted to.  She didn't want to fight him.  Once more he called to her to submit to his authority and power.  Her ears were down and she whined.  Her front legs came together as she bowed and laid down.  She transformed and waited.  Jinlong transformed.  He walked forward and reached for her.  He hugged her close to him and purred.  Seeing her in his Fuqin's arms, Baohu removed the barriers.  He spoke into his Fuqin's mind.  "Fuqin, I sent for Jinzi.  Do you want to take Jingsi to her room or stay here for the moment?"  "We will stay here just a moment.  I don't want her blowing fire on anyone.  I'm trying to calm her spirit.  Wait!  Baohu, go get Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  Get them to bring their flutes to play the lullaby.  Hurry!"  Baohu ran to Taiyang and Zhenzhu's room.  "Taiyang!  Zhenzhu!  Fuqin said come to the kitchen and bring your flutes!  Hurry!"  They dressed and were out the door in a flash.  When they stepped into the door of the kitchen, they were surprised by the mess.  Mo Yuan spoke to their minds.  "Play the lullaby!  Hurry!"  They put their flutes to their lips and played.  Mo Yuan placed Jingsi so she could hear his heartbeat.  He rocked back and forth as Taiyang and Zhenzhu played the lullaby.  Slowly her little eyes closed and her breathing slowed.  In a few moments she was asleep.  Mo Yuan motioned for them to keep playing and follow him.  He walked slowly to put Jingsi in her bed.  He slowly laid her down and covered her.  He placed a very strong barrier over her and breathed a sigh of relief. 
     JinDe returned with Jinzi just as Mo Yuan laid his precious baby on her bed.  "Jinzi, something is wrong with Jingsi.  Yesterday I took her with me to catch fish for dinner.  She captured and ate a fish.  Crunched it like it was candy.  This morning I caught her in the kitchen, in dragon form, eating everything.  Raw or not.  She had made a nice little dragon nest of the food.  Her hoard, if you will.  The situation was very serious.  I was afraid she would actually hunt people.  Do you think her charm spell has backlashed on her?  Come check her over please!"  Jinzi walked into her room and lowered the barrier.  Slowly he scanned her for spells, potions or anything she could have gotten her hands on.  He withdrew his power and nodded.  He raised a barrier over her and motioned for his Fuqin to follow.  "Fuqin, it is indeed backlash.  Since Jingsi is too young to understand the sexual cravings brought on by the spell, the next best thing in her mind is food, and lots of it.  If you recall, when Baohu casts his charm spell, he wants to go into rut for at least a week.  Jingsi wants to eat.  It is dangerous.  She would hunt those of us who are not predators.  Like Shijui.  I suggest you take her to fish.  Maybe somewhere that's free of any population and let her feed until she is over her spell.  If you don't, there is great danger to the people here.  She might even hurt Mother or the triplets.  How many days has it been since she cast it, Fuqin?"  "Three.  Three days."  "When she wakes, take her fishing.  It's the only way to get her over it."  "Very well, although I really hate to do it.  I know just the place to take her.  I'll stay here with her.  Tell your siblings what is happening and send your mother to me, please."  Jinzi nodded and went out the door.  He told everyone to meet in the hall.  He sent his mother to his Fuqin and sighed.
     Everyone was waiting when Jinzi came into the hall.  "Fuqin asked me to address all of you and tell you what's going on.  As you all know, Jingsi cast her charm spell on Zi Lan three days ago.  Backlash of this spell is pretty harsh as Baohu can testify.  In her case, the backlash of the spell is not sexual, because she is too small to process it, but something she would desire.  In this case, it's food.  This morning Fuqin found her in the kitchen as her dragon self, hoarding food and eating any or everything.  Raw or cooked.  He actually thought she would have killed one of us to eat.  Now that we know what's wrong, Fuqin is going to take her to fish and get her fill.  Until he does, be on your guard!"  Jingsi woke from her nap looking for food.  Mo Yuan picked her up and jumped her to the ocean near where the mermaids had lived.  "This is the Southern Sea Kingdom, Jingsi.  You and I are going fishing.  You can eat until you are full.  Now follow me!"  He transformed and dove into the surf there.  She grinned and followed him.  He swam as fast as she wanted to.  They neared the ruins of the mermaid palace.  Mo Yuan was intrigued because he thought he had destroyed it but there was building going on.  He called Jingsi close to himself and cloaked them.  "Jingsi, stay right under Fuqin.  These people should not be here.  Stay with me."  He swam around until he saw who it was.  There was a small group of merfolk trying to rebuild the outbuildings and the palace.  There were only maybe one hundred of them.  "Jingsi, can you remember any of the spells you have been taught for combat?  Don't speak, just nod."  She nodded enthusiastically.  "You and I are going to attack them.  They are the mermen that attacked Er ge and wounded him.  Understand?"  She got a look of anger on her face and nodded.  "Ok then!  Do what I do!"  He headed toward the mermen.  He blew ice fire at them.  Jingsi came around and did the same.  "Jingsi!  Destroy those buildings!  Fuqin will take care of these people."  She set about blowing her fire on buildings and anything that got in the way.  Mo Yuan had killed the mermen and turned toward her.  Having destroyed the buildings, her brain was on food.  She caught a big fish and gobbled it right down.  He came up beside her while she was finishing.  He followed her as she fished and ate.  He was amazed at the amount of fish she ate.  Finally getting her fill, she turned back to her Fuqin with a yawn.  He took her into his talons and swam to shore.  Once there, he jumped them home.  He laid her on her bed and left her to sweet dreams.  He walked to the playroom.  Bai Qian was there reading stories to her small entourage of children.  "Dearest!  Your back!  Where's Jingsi?"  "Asleep.  She ate enough fish to feed the celestial army!  Plus we ran into mermen trying to rebuild the palace I destroyed.  Jingsi is quite the little dragon warrior!  She finished her task and went right into fishing.  Hopefully she won't get a bellyache.  That would be a disaster!" 
     Jingsi woke up refreshed and ready to play.  She was about to fly out the door when her Fuqin came to get her.  "My baby girl ready to play?"  "Fuqin, me wants to play!  You take me?"  "Well come to Fuqin and I will carry you!"  He took her to the playroom to play.  All afternoon they played and listened to stories.  While they were occupied, Mo Yuan went to assess the damage to the kitchen and their supplies.  Chang Shan was trying his best to straighten up the kitchen.  Mo Yuan was beside himself because he was pretty sure he did the most damage.  He called Taiyang and Zhenzhu to him.  They were by his side in minutes.  "Do you think you boys can rebuild this kitchen the way Chang Shan wants it?"  "Fuqin, we're your men!!  Call him over!"  "Chang Shan!  Come here please!"  Making a face of resignation, he came over and bowed.  "Shifu!  You need me?"  "First I must apologize to you since I did the most damage.  Jingsi only ate all of our food.  I have called you here to help you.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu are builders of high quality.  Tell them how you want your kitchen and they can do it.  Will that help you?"  "Wonderful Shifu!  I've been wanting to redo the kitchen for years.  I already have a plan!"  He drew out a blue print from his sleeve and gave it to them.  Taiyang grabbed him and they went to a table to spread it out.  Zhenzhu was making notes on the print as Chang Shan talked.  Feeling confident that everything would be done right, he left them to it.  Before he left, he managed to salvage two trays of apple treats.  He took them and headed back to the playroom.
     He arrived none too soon.  Jingsi was showing signs of hunger again.  Knowing her period of backlash was about to be over, he took her into his arms and went to his study.  "Jingsi, are you hungry?"  "Fuqin!  Me really want cake!  Is there any?"  He brought forth the apple treats and grinned.  "Fuqin best ever!"  She ate every treat and burped very loudly.  "Finished now?"  "Hmmm, me want some .....some......that drink Chang Shan make...you know, Fuqin!!"  "Lemonade?"  "Uh huh!!  That it!!"  He waved his hand and conjured a jug of it.  She drank the whole jug and sighed.  "Hmmm, me full now."  "Fuqin just wants to make sure you have all you need.  How do you feel now?"  "Fuqin, me sleepy.  Me just sleep right here on you.  You smell nice.  Make me sleep."  She yawned and snuggled right down into his arms.  She was lightly snoring within minutes.  He waved his hand and a sling big enough to hold her was over his shoulder.  He rose from his desk and went about his way carrying her as she slept off the vestiges of the spell backlash.  He went to the arena to see JinDe giving lessons to Diershi.  He was learning the spells and powers his lion gives to him.  JinDe called his dragon forward to show him how to function side by side with his inner beast.  That revelation had just come to him when Mo Yuan walked in with Jingsi.  JinDe motioned for him to come over.  "Fuqin!  Diershi is doing very well!  He has learned to control his inner beast already.  We are learning the powers his lion gives to him."  He pointed as he used his sword with very powerful swings and thrusts.  "Not only that, but Die Feng tells me he is quite the master of Taoism.  You should send him to the next debate.  It might just put us back on top!!"  "Really?  I might just need to sit down and have a discussion with him to see if he can hold his own."  "You seem to have an extra weight there, Fuqin!  Trouble?"  "No, she's just sleeping off the last of the backlash of her spell.  In her dragon form, she ate nearly all the food that we had stored in the kitchen, she ate nearly a school of carp, she helped me destroy those mermen and the buildings and she ate two plates of cake and drank a whole jug of lemonade.  She said I smell nice and she wanted to sleep on me, so I made this sling to carry her.  Sleeping like the sweet baby she's going to be!"  "Oh really?  I seem to remember a Xiao Jin Huli who had the same temper....hmmm mmm."  Mo Yuan could only sigh.  "Well we will just have to see, won't we?"  "Indeed, Fuqin, indeed!"
     Jingsi slept all through the night right between her Fuqin and mother.  He finally put her in her own bed early that morning.  In all of his married years, this was the first time any of their children had ever slept in their bed.  Jinlong was rather in a snit because he loved to feel Qian'er lay her tails over him.  Being a dragon, he really didn't need any cover.  He liked sleeping in the buff, but the soft feel of her fur over him...hmmmm...yes he liked it.  Very much.  He tossed and turned until he decided enough was enough.  When he returned to their bed, he slung off his robe and climbed into bed.  When he spooned himself behind her, her tails wrapped around his naked butt.  Ahhh yes, life was good.  He was just about asleep when he heard the crying.  Little tears and little crying voice begging.  He stood, looked down at his naked body with one tail hanging on his phallus, and sighed.  He put her tail under the cover, summoned his linen pants and his robe and went to get Jingsi.  "Fuqin! *sniff*  Fuqin! *sniff*  me wants you.  Me wants you!  A monster will get me!"  He sighed and laid down beside her in her bed.  He laid her on his chest as he laid on his back.  The bed was too short for him but he made the best of it.  The next morning Bai Qian rose and went in search of him.  Baohu and Jinzi were standing outside the girls room giggling.  "What seems to be so funny, my Xiao Jin Hulis?"  Baohu pointed.  There he was, laying flat on his back with Jingsi in one arm and Jiaxiao in the other.  He had only his sleeping pants on.  His hair was a tangled mess and it covered both girls.  They were laying half on and half off of his chest.  They had no cover and she was sure the dragon was keeping his babies nice and warm.  Bai Qian walked in the room and called him.  "Mo Yuan, dearest it's time to wake up."  He opened one eye and looked at her.  "We don't want to get up.  Go away."  "Too bad!  It's almost past breakfast.  Come now, you lazy dragons!"  He groaned out loud and gently shook them.  "Jingsi!  Jiaxiao!  It's time to rise and shine!  Fuqin needs to get up!"  Jiaxiao saw her mother and went to her arms.  Jingsi clung to her Fuqin like glue.  "Get up, Jingsi!  Fuqin needs a bath and so do you!  Go with Mother and Jiaxiao to get your bath."  She frowned but got up.  Bai Qian took them in hand to go to the hot spring.  "We will meet you in the hall dearest."  "I'm coming!"  He stood up and looked at the tangled mess his hair was in.  He put on his robe to go get clean robes when JinDe stepped to the door.  He took one look at his Fuqin and grinned.  That hair!  "Fuqin, you better let one of us get those tangles out of your hair!  It's pretty bad."  "Well come with me then so I can survey the damage."  JinDe followed him to his room.  He sat down and gave JinDe the comb.  An hour later, he was only halfway through getting the tangles out.  Having settled the girls in the playroom, Bai Qian had come looking for Mo Yuan.  She walked in and gasped.  JinDe stopped and handed the comb to his mother.  "Finally someone who can comb out this mess!  I'll see you later, Fuqin!"  "Come with me to the hot spring!  This will never come out otherwise.  Plus you need a bath.  Come!"  She gathered a basket and walked out the door.  A grin passed over his face as he too walked out the door.
     Desperate times call for desperate measures.  For the third night in a row, he was stuck sleeping with the baby girls.  He decided enough was enough.  Since he needed to see the progress in the kitchen, he decided Chang Shan could help him out.  He walked in the door and stood wide mouthed as he surveyed the work.  It was a professional chef's kitchen.  It was sleek and clean.  Gone were the old shelves and baskets for his herbs and spices.  He had one wall of glass containers that were labeled.  There was a drying rack to dry fresh herbs.  The countertops were granite.  A large chopping block was in the middle of the floor close to the stoves.  Brick ovens were built on the wall.  There was a sink for washing produce and another area for cleaning the dishes.  It was a very modern looking kitchen.  Chang Shan, seeing the amazed face of his Shifu, ran towards him.  "What do you think, Shifu?  Do you like it?"  "Chang Shan!  I'm amazed!  Where did you get your ideas?"  "Shifu, I took Taiyang and Zhenzhu to the modern mortal realm.  I showed them a professional chef's kitchen there and they built this!  They are amazing!"  He walked around and looked at everything.  It was indeed wonderful.  He nodded his approval.  "I came for your advice, actually."  "Oh?  What can I help you with?"  "I know you have visited the modern mortal realm on many different occasions.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao are dominating my sleeping time.  I need something large that they can have in their bed to keep them company.  Something that I can make smell like me.  Any ideas?"  Chang Shan smiled and produced two very large stuffed pink dragons.  "Like this, Shifu?"  "Perfect!  Just perfect!!  We will see what they think tonight."  That night as he tucked them in, they started whining and begging for him to stay.  "Fuqin has someone to keep you safe.  Do you wish to see your special friends?"  "We wants!"  He produced the stuffed dragons.  He handed one to Jingsi and one to Jiaxiao.  Jingsi took one look and changed hers to gold.  Jiaxiao did the same.  They both cuddled the big dragons.  "Fuqin, it smell like you!  Will it be my friend?"  "It will be your special sleeping friend.  Now let's get you and your friend tucked in."  They both cuddled up and closed their eyes.  He waved his hand to put out the candles.  "Goodnight my Xiao Bailongs!"  He left them there and went to his room.  Bai Qian was in bed waiting for him.  "So how long before you have to go back?"  "I believe Chang Shan might have solved the problem for us.  We shall see."  He was indeed very happy for he was able to sleep in his own bed, his beautiful Xiao Bai Huli wrapped around him.
     The next morning brought curious laughter from everyone.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao both came to eat breakfast by themselves.  They had their dolls under one arm and were struggling to keep their large stuffed dragons under the other.  The little girls were just so darn cute holding on to those dragons!  Mo JinDe went to help them.  "Jingsi!  Jiaxiao!  What have you got here?"  "Er ge, it my special sleeping friend.  Dragin keep monsters away from Jiaxiao."  "Oh?  What's his name?"  "Hmmm, me not know!"  "Should we think of one?  Tell me about him!"  Mo Yuan came in to hear a very serious conversation going on.  "Er ge!  Him big and bad just like Fuqin!  Smell like him too."  "I see.  So he's big and bad and scares monsters.  Let me think!!"  He was tapping his chin with his finger.  "Ah!  How about Houwei?  It means defender."  "Me like!"  "What about your dragon, Jingsi?"  "Him has name."  "Oh?  What is it?"  "Him biggest and baddest dragin ever.  Him Jinlong!"  Mo JinDe looked at his Fuqin and raised his brow.  That stalwart dragon just lifted his cup and drank his tea, knowing his baby loved her Fuqin!  "Jinlong?  You mean the Jinlong?  The protector of the realms?  The Fuqin of Jingsi?  The prettiest golden dragon in the realms?  Even prettier than me?"  "Er ge you funny!  Jinlong mostest best dragon ever!"  "Jinlong it is then!" 

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