True Love is a Very Precious Thing

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     When Bai Qian left the den, Jinzi checked his Fuqin again.  He sat down by the pool and sighed.  He noticed the redness was leaving his Fuqin's phallus quickly.  Mo Yuan opened one eye and looked his Xiao Jin Huli up and down.  "I dare you to endure what I just did!"  Jinzi looked at his Fuqin.  "Whatever do you mean, Fuqin?"  "Why don't you take Mi Shu to Yanhua cave, let your Mother cast that spell on you and see how long that huli prick can last.  You know, since I'm so old my 'thing' doesn't work anymore.  I'm just too old to be engaging in hot sex anymore.  I guess Qian'er will be broken hearted when I tell her I can't do it anymore.  What a shame.  *sigh*  I guess my calamity will come now.  Guess I'll just lay here until it does.  I'll just transform and lay on the fur bed.  Don't bother trying to heal me.  You know, I just tried to do something I'm too old to do.  It really is a shame."  Mo Yuan narrowed his eyes and watched the expressions on Jinzi's face change from sorrow to shock to dismay back to shock.  He wanted to laugh out loud.  "Fuqin, I ask your forgiveness!  I didn't really mean to insult you.  I guess it worried me because Mother had so much trouble with her last two pregnancies.  She always bounces back hard as nails though.  I haven't checked her yet, but I'm thinking she is once again pregnant.  I wonder what effect the energy in Yanhua cave had on your seed?  Hmmm, I might just have to take Mi Shu there myself.  Hmmm. Hmm.  I believe I will!"  Mo Yuan laughed out loud.  "You and your Didi can't fool me.  I knew exactly how randy you both were.  Serves you right!  When can I get dressed?  The heat seems to have left now.  Ice was just what I needed!"  "Let me check."  He ran a thorough scan and nodded.  "It seems you made a quick recovery.  I would go easy for at least a week.  Mother went to get Gaoxing and Xingfu.  She should be back shortly.  Do you want me to get you some clothes?  Do you think you will be ok now?"  Jinzi looked one more time to be sure.  "Fuqin, even my constitution isn't as tough as yours!  Forgive me?  Please?  I am after all just a Xiao Jin Huli.  But I'm your son.  I guess that makes me just like you!"  "Jinzi, you will be my Xiao Jin Huli until the day I die!  I will always love you.  Each one of my children are special in their own way.  You are special.  You always have been.  Now give me a hand out of this ice before my balls freeze.  You do know keeping your balls cool makes them produce more, right?"  Jinzi grinned and nodded.  "Fuqin!  You are so bad!!  I hear mother coming.  Which robes do you want?"  "Get me my new black robes.  The one with the white peach blossoms on them."  "I'll be right back!" 
     Mo Yuan was drying off when Baohu came marching in like he was in full attack mode.  He took one look at his Fuqin's rather red looking phallus and nearly choked.  His brows went together as he was about to speak.  "If you have come to gloat over your old decrepit Fuqin who can't get a good rise anymore, I guess you're too late.  I'm just old now.  Guess my calamity is near.  I can't even get it up anymore.  *sigh*"  Mo Yuan was watching out of the corner of his eye.  Baohu was shocked at what his Fuqin said.  He didn't think that at all!  "Fuqin!  I don't think anything of the sort!  I know for a fact that you are more sexually active than 90% of the high gods in our world!"  Jinzi came in and looked at Baohu.  They passed a message between them.  "Here's those robes.  These are very nice!  Did you get them in Qing Qui?"  "Yes, I did!  It was this over pastel yellow your mother wanted me to get."  He was dressing with help from Jinzi.  Baohu screwed up his face.  "Pastel yellow?!?  No way is my golden Fuqin ever going to wear pastel yellow!  It clashes with your beautiful golden scales!"  "That's exactly what I told her!  But to satisfy her, I got a robe made out of dark purple."  "Really?  These robes are very finely made!  I think I'll pay them a visit!  I want another blue robe."  "I got a blue one too.  Your mother insists I have too many blue robes.  I happen to like blue."  He finished tying his belt and looked up.  His hair was put up with a top not and his long hair in the back.  "Fuqin, you look quite handsome in that robe if I do say so myself!  Where is Mother?  She should see you!"  "No, she shouldn't!  She already has the hots for Fuqin!  He needs to rest for a week, if you get my drift?"  "She charmed him?  Oh my!"  Jinzi checked his Fuqin's spirit alignment.  Hmmph.  Just what he thought!  "Fuqin, come lay on the bed.  You're misaligned."  He was realigning him when his mother walked in with Gaoxing and Xingfu.  They grunted and reached for Baohu.  He took them into his arms and snuggled them to his neck.  "Ho, my Xiao longs!  How are you this morning?  How about coming with me to get some breakfast?  Fuqin is coming, too.  Just as soon as Jinzi finishes his realignment."  They both nodded no.  "What?  You're not hungry?"  Gaoxing frowned at his si ge.  "Fuuuuu"  "Did you just talk?  Mother!  Gaoxing talked!"  She watched him grin.  Xingfu, not to be outdone by his Didi, pointed at his mother.  "mmmaaaaaaa."  "Xingfu!!  You talked!!  Fuqin they talked!"  Mo Yuan rose up from the bed feeling quite invigorated.  He tweaked both boys on the nose.  "Come to Fuqin!"  They reached for him and he took then into his arms.  "Can you say it again, Gaoxing?  Xingfu?"  Gaoxing pouted and looked at Baohu.  He pointed at his Fuqin.  "Fuuuuuqi."  His Fuqin squeezed him tight.  "My Xiao long is getting big!  He said Fuqin!  How about you, Xingfu!!"  He pointed at his mother.  "Maaama"!  Mo Yuan squeezed them and laughed.  "Well it's just a matter of time now before they get into things!  Talking!  Let's go get breakfast now!"
     They walked into a hall full of people.  All of Mo Yuan's children were there.  Every last one.  Baohu took his seat on his dais.  Mo Yuan sat on his right with his babies and Bai Qian.  Baohu talked to Xue and JinDe.  "You should have seen the mess Fuqin was in this morning!  He and Mother were in the dragon den having a grand ole time last night!  His thing was all red and he was in an ice bath.  Jinzi was there.  He must have called him."  Bai Xue tried hard to keep a straight face.  "Fuqin, where did you get those robes?  You look real nice in that black."  Mo Yuan looked at Bai Qian and smirked with an 'I told you so' look."  "I got them in Qing Qui.  It was this one or pastel yellow.  I told your mother that my beautiful golden scales would clash with yellow.  Don't you agree?"  "I'm sorry Mother but Fuqin is right.  He looks really nice in that robe.  Did you get one for Shushu?  Both of you would really be a pair if you wore the same robes."  "Hmmm maybe I'll get him a set.  If I could only get him to grow a mustache and a beard..."  "Fuqin, are you ill?  I saw Jinzi here."  Xue tried to look like he knew nothing when his Fuqin looked at him with narrowed eyes.  "No, I am not ill.  I'm fine.  If anyone doesn't believe me then meet me in the arena after breakfast!  Any more questions?"  Heads were shaking no and several no answers hit his ears.  "Good.  Now look at these bad boys!  They talked this morning!!"  Bai Qian was watching her children.  She knew they were all talking about their Fuqin but she didn't know why.  Looks like she was going to have to teach them a lesson again.  She got up and waltzed out of the dining hall in a huff.  Mo JinDe watched her go and he knew they had all managed to piss her off.  He knew his mother was very protective of his Fuqin too.  He had a bad feeling they all were about to pay.  Big time.
     Bai Qian was so pissed off she was gripping her hands into fists.  She went to Mo Yuan's study and sat down at his desk.  She wrote messages to every child except Gaoxing and Xingfu.  "Meet me in the arena after breakfast.  Mother."  Now they were going to pay.  She went to the dragon den, threw up a barrier and went into deep meditation.  So they think she and their Fuqin are weak?  Well!!  It's time to learn!  Mo Yuan put the babies in their room with their nurses and went looking for Qian Qian.  He probed for her energy.  Meditating?  What was she planning?  He was about to go to the den when Junjie intercepted him.  "Fuqin, I just got this from Mother.  Is she mad?"  Mo Yuan read the scroll.  He knew she should be careful but it looks like his Qian Qian was mightily pissed off!  He started worrying.  Was her power on a par to theirs?  He had to admit that she seldom trained, but that didn't mean she didn't.  They must have done something, but what?  He went on a mission to find out.  Bai Xue was in his office when he knocked on the door.  "Enter."  When his Fuqin walked he he threw scrolls to the side to rise.  He raised his hand and sat down.  Xue offered tea and waited.  His Fuqin looked him right in the eye.  Uh oh.  They were toast.  Since he is the oldest, he must answer.  He swallowed hard.  "It has come to my attention that your mother is sending messages to all of you.  Have you received one?"  Bai Xue looked through his scrolls.  Ah, there it is!  He read it and handed it to his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan read it and nodded.  "So, eldest son of mine, what did you all do to piss her off?  Somebody is about to pay.  Who, I don't know, but not one hair on your mother's head is to be ruffled.  Do I make myself clear?"  "Well, Fuqin, mother got mad because Jinzi called you out about mating her.  We kind of had a meeting.  You know, about it and such."  "So that is why Fuxi came to stop me from doing something stupid.  Just what was said?"  "Fuqin, please don't make me tell!"  Mo Yuan crossed his arms over his chest and waited.  He stared into Xue's eyes.  Xue put his hand on the back of his neck and wished his Fuqin would go away.  "Alright!  But you won't like it!" 
     "Jinzi was very upset after he talked to you.  He actually felt he had killed you with his words.  He called a meeting of us siblings and Shushu.  He told us what he said.  Shushu got upset too because he felt you and he said you were underwater.  He jumped us all to the top of Kunlun Mountain and called Zufu Fuxi.  Fuxi was upset so he left.  I must assume he found you."  "Yes he did and yes I was about to do something stupid.  I was going to take your mother and Gaoxing and Xingfu and leave.  Forever.  I was misaligned again.  Now continue."  "Fuqin, I'm sorry but sometimes it's hard to visualize my Fuqin and Mother together, you know, having sex,  I mean, weeellll....."  Mo Yuan almost broke out laughing.  "Xue, let me get this straight.  I'm in love with your mother.  I worship her with my body.  I give it to her whenever she or I want it.  I am not weak nor have my hormone levels dropped.  We just had an all night long session although I got rather carried away and forgot to protect myself.  I had to call Jinzi.  I surmised from all of the things that Jinzi said that you, my children, all think I am too old to be enjoying sex.  I mean since I'm so old I guess my old dragon cock is all worn out, done for, over the hill.  That's what you all think, isn't it?"  "Fuqin, I didn't say that.  I would never, what I mean is, well damn Fuqin this is not a subject I feel comfortable talking to you about!"  Xue leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest and refused to say more.  "Well get this straight in your head right now, I am very active sexually and when I'm not I will be on my death bed.  Understand?  Now go report that to your siblings and make it clear to them that I will continue to be the love of your mother's life and she is mine.  Yes I mated her in Yanhua cave.  I expect she is pregnant again but I don't know for sure.  Mating is fun!  I like it very much.  So does your mother.  Now make sure you all show up tomorrow.  Good day, eldest son of mine!"  Mo Yuan walked out and left his eldest son embarrassed down to the core of his being.
     Bai Qian came out of the dragon den feeling rather refreshed.  She marched straight to their room and hopped in bed.  She snuggled into Mo Yuan, transformed and promptly went to sleep.  He smiled and turned on his side to cuddle her.  He woke up early but she was already up.  They ate a light breakfast in their room.  After checking on Gaoxing and Xingfu they went to the arena.  One by one the children came in.  They waited.  Bai Qian walked into the arena and waited.  They all went to her.  She walked back and forth in front of them.  "So you think your Fuqin is too old to be sexually active.  So you must think that I am too.  I guess I'm just worn out and my calamity is near.  You children are about to learn a thing or two."  She cast her strongest charm spell and waited.  Mo Yuan's nostrils slightly distended when he smelled her.  He smiled and put up his barrier.  This was going to be good.  Baohu was trying to put up his own barrier but she spoke out loud and he stopped.  "Bow down before me.  I am the Goddess of Desire and Love.  You will all worship me!  Bow down!!"  She sent out her scent on a wave of pheromones so strong that even Mo Yuan's barrier couldn't resist it.  He threw down his cup and started walking toward her.  He couldn't help himself.  He walked past them as they fell down on the ground in fear.  He hit his knees in front of her.  Her cobalt blue aura surrounded her.  His golden aura joined hers.  Her eyes were fox blue as she beckoned to him.  He wrapped one arm around her waist and his other hand went behind her head.  He kissed her as they rose into the air and spun as their auras joined to become green.  The kiss was electrically charged and bolts went out from them.  The kiss deepened and he knew what she wanted.  He held her close, kissed her hard until the air crackled with energy and jumped her to the hot pool.  Every last one of them, even Baohu, fell on their backs on the ground in wonder.  Each one of them had to catch their breath.  "I will never question my Fuqin's sexual power again.  Or my mother.  Children, we just got schooled by the hottest goddess in the whole world and the only man strong and viral enough to take her on!"  Bai Xue turned toward the hot pool and kowtowed three times in absolute awe.  They all followed him.  Baohu looked at his Da ge and tears were in his eyes.  "And that right there is why I love them both so much.  I saw them together once.  It was when I nearly killed Fuqin and I ran away.  The memory was removed until such a time as I could understand what I saw.  Dijun restored it to me here recently.  You really have no idea how deep their love for each other is.  We have been gifted a very special set of parents.  Instead of wondering when will Fuqin die, we should celebrate because he lives!"  With that Baohu turned and walked into his room where Li Li was waiting for him.  Bai Xue thought for a moment and smiled.  He too turned and jumped to his palace.  One by one they went to their rooms and palaces. 
     Mo Yuan landed with her by the hot pool.  He threw up his barrier, but it really didn't matter.  Their joined auras were too strong.  He threw off their clothes and gently entered the pool with her.  Instead of heating the pool, he cooled the water.  His phallus was still tender but he didn't care.  He wanted her.  He was going to die in her arms if he had to.  His kiss was fierce as they stood in the cool water.  Her legs came around his waist.  Not able to resist, he entered her.  With their power swirling around them, they joined in a magical dance of love and magic.  The spell had him pulsing his power and his essence waving over her body.  Each wave went straight to her core, an invitation to finish him.  To love him deeply, with power, with loving tender emotions turned physical.  He started moving.  He forgot his pain as he pleasured the most beautiful woman in the nine heavens and eight realms.  He thrust as their aura swirled and they rose into the air, joined in a dance the world had never seen before.  Their essences pulsed out over the mountain in shockwaves.  With each thrust a shockwave was sent out.  As their speed increased, so did the waves.  Nearing their climax, fox and dragon joined voices and their growls and howls was a song of joined love and devotion.  They climaxed together.  The last shockwave shook the mountain and brought the gods out to look at what had happened.  There over the peak of Kunlun was the two spirits joined in a love dance for the world to see.  As they climaxed they disappeared, only to reappear in the Jasmine valley in their pavilion.  Ye Hua stood on his portico and watched.  He could feel the sheer force of their love for each other.  With his hand over his heart, he smiled and knew that his Da ge was the most powerful high god to ever live and when his calamity came, there would never be another like him.  Staring into the sky he smiled.  "I love you, Da ge!"  He heard the voice in his mind.  "And I love you!"
     Fuxi sat at the apex of Kunlun Mountain and watched his son, his beautiful son, join in a dance not even he had achieved.  He smiled.  The promise was still holding.  He would live to see all of his children married and happy.  Was their another on the way?  He smiled to himself!  He didn't deserve to be so happy!  A soft voice called him and he left in a puff of golden smoke.  Mo Yuan and Bai Qian awoke in the pavilion.  They were naked.  Mo Yuan was bleeding.  He oddly felt no pain.  He looked at his beautiful wife.  Her eyes were staring at his phallus and he decided to look for himself.  He was so raw blood was seeping out around the head of his phallus.  He needed ice and he needed Jinzi.  "Qian'er, I'm very sorry, but I need Jinzi.  I'm going to jump us to the dragon den.  Qian'er are you ok?"  He put his hands on her shoulders.  He shook her slightly.  "Oohh, my love I am so sorry!!  Does it hurt?  I'm so sorry!!"  Tears were in her eyes.  "It's ok.  I'm ok.  Qian'er, I love you and I believe we just proved it to the whole world.  Let me take us to the den and we can take an ice bath.  Are you hurt?  Do you feel any pain?"  She was in a daze.  She looked but she was in a trance.  He jumped them to the den and called to Baohu.  "Baohu!"  Nothing.  "Baohu!"  "Fuqin, what is it?  I'm busy."  "Hmm, I see.  Call Jinzi for me please.  Tell him to come to the den.  Now please."  Baohu was right in the middle of a little morning delight.  He resumed his pleasure.  His climax was coming upon him when his Fuqin opened his channel to him.  He heard the moans.  He waited just a few minutes before he spoke again.  "Now please?  And hurry.  I'm bleeding."  Baohu jumped up, clothed himself and called to Jinzi.  "Jinzi!"  Nothing.  "Jinzi!"  "What Baohu?  I'm busy!"  "Well get up and come to the dragon den.  Fuqin says he's bleeding."  "Ugh!  He can have his pleasure but we can't?  Ok I'm coming."

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