A Wiley Little Fox

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     Baohu was pacing the floor in his Fuqin's study.  Xue was not well enough to go to war yet.  He would have to go in his stead.  He needed armor.  He needed a sword.  He would ask his Fuqin today.  He had decided if he was going to train to be the God of War, he better get serious and he better do it now.  Mo Yuan came in straight from the throne room.  "Fuqin!..."  "Not now Baohu, I have to send messages and set this battle plan."  "But Fuqin it's important!"  "Not now!  Come back this afternoon.  Now go do your studying today!"  Now more determined than ever, Baohu jumped to Kunlun.  He went to the weapons room.  He had his dagger but he needed a sword he could wield with confidence.  He looked over all the blades and found a long knife that would serve his purpose.  Now for armor.  He knew he was small and would need armor about the size of his mother.  He searched the armory until he found a complete set.  Good!  Now he was properly outfitted for war.  He jumped himself to the nine heavens and went straight to the training grounds.  The place was like a bee hive.  He went to the command tent but no one was there.  Hmmm, probably with Fuqin.  No problem.  He would just be able to blend in later.  Feeling satisfied, Baohu put away his armor and blade and went to his room. 
     Jinzi woke up early in the peach grove.  He liked it here.  Zhe Yan had spent time over the evening meal telling him about his mother and her youth.  He smiled.  No wonder Fuqin loved her so much!  He set about cooking breakfast.  Neither Zhe Yan or Shushu Bai Zhen had risen yet.  Good!  He would surprise them with his cooking ability!  Bai Zhen smelled the food cooking.  So Jinzi was an early riser.  He smiled.  He stretched, clothed himself in his favorite robe and walked into the dining area.  Jinzi had tea made.  He was loving having his Xiao zhizi around!  Zhe Yan also smelled food and came into the dining area.  He poured himself a cup of tea and smiled.  "Lao de fenghuang!  The Xiao Huli is on top of everything I see!  He will keep us on our toes!  Yes indeed!"   Jinzi brought food to the table and sat down.  "I hope you will like what I cooked?"  They both dug in like they had been starving.  "Hmmm this is really good, Jinzi!  Really good.  It seems you have many talents.  Later today I want to see some of your combat moves too.  Lessons this morning though.  I'm hearing another attack was made in the nine heavens by the snake realm.  They are preparing for war.  We must be prepared to help as healers.  Let's eat and then we shall test your knowledge of herbs and plants."  "Attack?  Was anyone hurt?"  "No, your Shushu Ye Hua took care of them."  "Shushu is strong.  Fuqin says he is as powerful as he is.  I wish to be the most powerful medicine king.  Its how I want to use what I have been given."  "And I will see to it that you learn.  Now let's finish eating and clean up then we can begin our learning."
     JinDe knew Bai Xue would not be able to go to war just yet.  He had never fought without his Da ge at his back, but he would have to this time.  He decided to go see Xue.  Xue was feeling very useless.  He was sitting in his own study staring at his stack of scrolls.  He knew he was not able to go to war this time.  JinDe would have to be without him.  He sighed out loud.  When he looked up, JinDe was standing there.  He stood and rushed around his desk and grabbed a hold to JinDe.  He laid his forehead on the armor on his brother's shoulder and sobbed.  "Didi, I can't... Go...to.........war with.......you!"  JinDe hugged him tightly and held him back to look into his eyes.  He nodded.  "Da ge, I know, but we can't rely on each other.  We have to rely on our own abilities and the methods Fuqin has taught us.  I just came to let you know that as much as I want you to be there, I will be fine.  I have been cultivating.  You have been ill.  I would rather know you are here to take care of things than to risk you getting killed because of your weakness.  Rest, recuperate, meditate to gain cultivation.  You will be ok.  Promise me you will stay here?  Please?"  "No worries, Didi.  I know I'm weak right now and I would be a distraction to you and Fuqin.  I'll be here when you return.  Now I can help in my way.  There is a lot of intelligence hitting my desk.  I'll sort it and bring it to Fuqin as soon as I can.  I've been thinking about getting a secretary to help me with my desk duty.  I'll probably do it soon.  Now off with you!  I know you need to be in your camp!"  "Very well, I will go but I think of you!  I love you, Da ge!"  "And I love you too!"
     Chen Bo, Chin Chu, Liang Lei and Junjie were not idle either.  They had been at the training ground every day.  They didn't want their Fuqin to go to war!    They were talking in a side pavilion when a small warrior came in.  He had a helmet on so it was hard to see his face.  He practiced with his sword against the set up targets.  For an hour they watched the small warrior.  Finally tiring, they left the practice field.  Baohu knew they were there.  He wore the helmet to disguise himself.  He had determined in his own young mind that he was not going to be left behind.  Everyday for a week he practiced.  He stepped up his level of power every time.  He felt he had his sword moves under control, but the next step was to use his powers.  He resigned himself that he had to control his powers better.  He divested himself of his helmet and walked out to the center of the arena.  He erupted his tails.  For two hours Baohu practiced calling lightning into his tails.  He knew he was still a little undisciplined, but he could call a lot of power to his tails.  He pulled his dagger and practiced throwing it.  He became very proficient in throwing it with lightning, too.  He was getting better.  He left the arena feeling better about himself.  He went straight to Ye Hua's library.  Jia Yun was there filing scrolls.  "Lord Baohu!  May I help you?"  "Shushu said I could read his scrolls on warfare and weaponry.  I'll just read in here, if that's ok?"  "Of course!  Tianjun said it was ok to let you read them."  He nodded, called the scroll he wanted and sat down to read.  Every hour Jia Yun would come in to file scrolls and Baohu would still be reading.  After five hours, he returned the scrolls to the shelf and went to his room.
     Baohu had missed lunch and now he was late for dinner.  It wasn't like him to be late so Mo Yuan decided to check on him.  He sent his energy into his room.  He was asleep on his bed.  He stood over him for just a moment.  Baohu had been training hard and his muscle definition was improving.   Mo Yuan's brow furrowed when he noticed the raw blisters in his hand.  He knew sword practice blisters when he saw them.  He decided to let him sleep and catch him in the morning.  Baohu didn't show up for breakfast.  Mo Yuan thought enough was enough and went to get the lazy fox out of bed.  He marched straight to his room.  Baohu was not there.  Mo Yuan went straight to the training grounds.  JinDe was sitting under the small pavilion by the training arena watching a small warrior destroy the targets with his sword play.  Mo Yuan sat down and poured himself a cup of tea.  "JinDe, have you seen Baohu?  He didn't eat dinner or breakfast.  He also had blisters on his hands."  JinDe grinned and nodded his head toward the arena.  Mo Yuan looked hard and realized it was Baohu.  "Fuqin, he's been out here every day for a week working very hard.  At first, I didn't know who the small warrior was, but then I realized the armor and the sword came from Kunlun.  Recognize the armor?  It was mine when I was young."  To say that Mo Yuan was in disbelief was an understatement.  He couldn't believe his eyes.  His lazy Xiao Huli was working like a dog.  He looked at JinDe and grinned.  "Well, if it's the God of War he wants to be, then he can try to best me!"   Mo Yuan stood and called his armor and Xuan Yuan to hand.  He jumped into the arena and attacked.  Baohu was caught off guard.  He wasn't expecting his father to go all war god on him.  So be it!  He erupted his tails and started slinging lightning bolts.  He had his dagger in his hand throwing bolts.  He jumped all around the arena so fast Mo Yuan was surprised.  To his utter amazement, Baohu split himself into six replicas of himself.  Each one was shooting lightning bolts.  Mo Yuan let his dragon loose and called a storm of bolts to the arena.  Bolts were flying and men had to take cover.  They jumped all over the arena until Mo Yuan destroyed the last replica.  He swung Xuan Yuan and sent Baohu flying backwards.  He lay still.  JinDe jumped up and jumped over to him the same time his Fuqin did.  Mo Yuan was still raging.  "Fuqin!  Stop your dragon!  Jinlong!  Stop!  Stop!"  Jinlong looked at the boy and calmed himself.  That Xiao Jin Huli gave him quite the match!!  He calmed himself while JinDe picked up Baohu and took him to his tent.  Mo Yuan followed behind.  JinDe laid him on the bed.  He was holding his hand when his eyes fluttered open.  "Did Jinlong kill me?  Am I dead?"  JinDe laughed.  "No, but you sure gave him all he could handle!  Where did you learn all of that?  Is it fox magic?  Did Zufu Bai Zhi teach you?  Baohu you were magnificent!!  I'm so proud!  Fuqin!  Wasn't he wonderful?"  Mo Yuan looked at his small son with admiration.  "Baohu, today you brought forth everything you had and it was a sight to behold!!  Fuqin is very proud of you!  I didn't hurt you, did I?"  Baohu coughed and a little trail of blood came out of his mouth.  "I'm ok, Fuqin.  It's nothing."  He sat up and flexed his muscles on his shoulders.  He stood up and picked up his sword.  "I have lessons soon so I must clean up.  Mother will skin me alive if I'm late!"  He walked out of the tent like nothing happened.  Mo Yuan sent his armor and sword to his room and sat down hard.  "Is that my erzi, Bai Baohu Zhe?  Where did that boy come from?"  JinDe shrugged his shoulders.  He was as shocked as his Fuqin! 
     Baohu was hurt worse than he let on.  Instead of going to his room, he went to the south gate and jumped to the peach tree grove.  He fell in front of the hut.  Jinzi came running out.  "Baohu!  What happened?  I was about to come see you!"  Baohu sat up and grinned.  "I sparred with Fuqin.  Jinlong nearly got me!"   He fell backwards in a dead faint.  Zhe Yan came out and looked at the injured boy.  He had been in one hell of a fight for sure.  Jinzi was scanning him liked he had showed him.  He healed his superficial wounds but he needed an elixer for the rest.  "He needs two elixers, Shifu.  I'll make them if you will move him inside."  Two hours later JinDe came looking for him.  "I assume a very brave Xiao Jin Huli is here recovering from a bout with the God of War himself?"  "He's here, Da ge.  Did he really spar with Fuqin?"  "Yes he did and that young man gave him everything he had!  Baohu has a lot more power than he lets on.  What is he going to be when he becomes a high god?  It makes me wonder, for sure.  I can take him back to his room, if it's ok."   "He should be awake soon.   He was injured severely.  I'm assuming he never let on, did he?"  "No.  He stood up in my tent, picked up his sword and said he had lessons to attend to.  Walked out like a boss.  Never said he was in pain."  "He's just like Fuqin!  He would be dead man walking and never say a word." 
     JinDe returned Baohu to his room to sleep off his wounds.  He left quietly after he covered him up.  He went straight to his Fuqin's study.  He knocked on the door.  "Enter!"  "Fuqin, I just brought Baohu back to his room to sleep off his elixers that Jinzi made for him.  He was hurt badly, but being just like you, he said nothing!"  Mo Yuan looked up with a pained look on his face.  "How bad did I hurt him?"  "It was bad enough but Jinzi took care of it."  "I had no idea he had been working so hard!  Did you see the power he had in those tails?  And his dagger moves!  He was magnificent!!  Poetry in motion!  JinDe I'm in so much shock I don't even know what to say!  Did you know he had been training so hard?"  "Fuqin, I just figured out today that the small warrior was him.  I was impressed to say the least."  "Your mother is going to kill me when she finds out I hurt him.  I better get ready to grovel on my stomach liked a whipped dragon!"
     Baohu woke up refreshed the next morning.  He was starving.  He dressed and headed to his Fuqin's dining area.  He walked in like nothing ever happened.  His mother watched him like a hawk.  "Where were you yesterday, Baohu?  You didn't eat all day!"  "I was in Shushu's library reading his scrolls on warfare and weaponry.  Jia Yun saw me there."  "Mother was just worried!  Don't make it a habit to skip meals.  You need proper nutrition to train well and keep your mind sharp."  "Don't worry, Mother.  I'm fine."  "Baohu, when your done eating, I want to see you in my study."  "Yes, Fuqin."  Fifteen minutes later, he knocked on his Fuqin's door.  "Enter".  "You wanted to see me Fuqin?"  "Yes, I just wanted you to know that I didn't mean to hurt you so badly.  I hope you are ok?"  "I'm fine.  I just need to train harder."  "You seem to be focusing on warfare and tactics a lot here lately, Baohu.  I'm sorry I have neglected you, but to be fair, Fuqin is about to go to war.  I have plans and strategy to put into place before we go."  "Fuqin, if I may show you something?"  "Yes, go ahead."  Baohu brought forth a map of the snake desert from his sleeve.  He laid it on his Fuqin's desk.  "Fuqin, I have been studying the snake realm for a few days.  I have noticed a few things I wanted to show you.  They are well aware how to break at least four of your formations.  It's common knowledge how Qing Cang broke your forty-nine formation.  They will go underground.  You and Shushu should call the biggest storm you've ever called to flood their tunnels and bring them out to the surface.  That would put them on our terms.  Jinlong, Heilong and Mo Jinlong should be able to handle them then.  Their population is small and only the hierarchy have the most power.  I just wanted you to see what I saw."  Mo Yuan was speechless.  It was a brilliant strategy.  "Baohu, this is actually brilliant.  Where did you get your intelligence reports?"  Baohu shuffled his feet.  "I hid behind a barrier at meetings and I read scrolls on Bai Xue's desk.  Fuqin!  I just don't want you to die!  I wanted you to have every piece of information I could bring you!"  He fell down on his knees and bowed low.  "Baohu, I think I have a job for you!  Bai Xue has complained that he needs a secretary to help him sort out intelligence reports.  Would you be interested in helping him?  He's swamped right now and he's still recovering.  Wait while I call him!"  Mo Yuan wrote out a scroll and sent it to Xue.  He was there within minutes.  "Bai Xue, it has come to my attention that you are swamped with reports and are in need of a secretary, one who is of devious mind and can help sort through the reports as to severity.  I have one for you."  "Oh?  I am swamped and I barely had the time to come here."  "Your devious brother has been going through your scrolls and has devised a plan that will win us this war."  "Wait until I get my hands on JinDe!  I knew someone was going through the report scrolls!"  "Actually, it was Baohu."  "What?!?!"  "Meet your new secretary, Bai Baohu Zhe.  The most devious future commander of the celestial realm!"
     Bai Xue looked at a grinning Baohu and his Fuqin grinning too.  He was in shock.  "Just look at this battle plan here and tell me what you think, Xue!"  Xue looked over the map and the recommended formations and attacks and was amazed.  "You're telling me that Baohu formulated this plan?  All by himself?"  "Not only that, but he took a direct hit from me yesterday in the arena and lived to tell it.  He walked away from it to go to his brother for healing.  What do you think of that?"  Xue turned to look at his grinning brother.  "Well my Xiao Jin Huli!  It seems you have grown in more ways than one!  When can you start work?  I need you as of yesterday!!"  "Well Baohu?  Will you help your Da ge?"  "What about my training, Fuqin?"  "Train in the early morning and help Xue after lunch.  Is this acceptable to both of you?"  "I'm fine with it.  I try to spend time with Fenli and Ali in the morning so that would work out well."  "Then it's settled.  Baohu, report to Bai Xue after lunch today!  Now, Baohu, I won't you to explain your plan to your Shushu Ye Hua."  "I take my leave for now, Fuqin.  My boys are waiting for me!"

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