All the Girls Crazy Bout a Dragon Man

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     Bai Xue was watching his brother drink.  He took his cup away from him and sat it on the table.  "JinDe, slow down or Fuqin will skin us alive!  You're drunk!  How can we attract any girls when you are so foolish?  Let's call Shushu over here.  All of the girls are looking at him anyway."  JinDe frowned and sighed.  "It's not fair.  It's like having to compete with Fuqin and he's still very handsome!  Well, call him over.  We might as well enjoy the ride!"  Ye Hua looked their way and saw Bai Xue motion for him to come over.  "Shushu, those girls are all staring at us.  Open your dragon senses and listen to what they're saying!  Maybe we can get an edge up!"  Ye Hua opened his ears and listened for a moment.  He turned to look at them and blushed beet red.  Mo Yuan saw the blush and decided to intervene.  About the time he arrived, Ye Hua was telling them what they said.  "Tell us, Shushu!  I'm dying to know!"  JinDe looked at him in expectation.  "Well, one said she heard that apex dragons are hung like horses and the rest giggled.  Does that mean what I think it means?"  Mo Yuan stepped up and laughed.  "Yes, it does and yes we are.  What else do you want to know?"  Bai Xue looked into his father's eyes and saw mischief there.  "So Fuqin, are JinDe and I apex dragons like you?"  "Not only are you apex dragons, but you have your mother's fox traits too.  Like charm spells.  And no you have not been taught them yet.  I don't want you two throwing charm spells on innocent girls either."  "So, Da ge, are those the fast girls you warned us about?"  "Yes, Didi, they are.  Those are the kind you get lucky with.  Now watch and learn!"  He put on his War God face, walked past the girls, stopped and side glanced them and spoke.  "Horses, huh?  I know for a fact it's bigger.  Much bigger!"  As he walked on, they started giggling and staring at Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe.
     Mo Yuan and Bai Qian left the party early, but the three stayed longer.  Ye Hua made many new allies and friends.  Lian Song introduced him around to those he thought would be allies.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were busy entertaining those very girls.  One of them whispered in JinDe's ear, "care to prove your apex dragon is truly hung like a horse?"  "Show me the way and you can find out, if you're brave enough!"  He left with her.  Bai Xue was entertaining another one of them.  She blushed at him and asked him if he wanted to take a walk.  They left walking toward another pavilion with no people on it.  Ye Hua was still meeting people.  Lian Song noticed how nervous he was.  "Ye Hua, why don't you check out the girls.  You're too shy.  You might get lucky!"   Ye Hua blushed and looked to the side.  "Are you saying you lack experience?"  Lian Song almost laughed out loud.  "Ahhh, I see!  Alright, in two days I will come to Kunlun to take you to the mortal realm.  You need training, my boy, and I know right where you can get it!  We'll bring your nephews too.  I'm sure Mo Yuan won't care!"  "No he said I needed to get experience but he wouldn't take me.  You know, he has JieJie and he said he wouldn't do anything to hurt her."  "Well that I can understand!"  He pointed at his nephews.  "Looks like they got lucky!  You can ask them about it later.  Come lets walk over here and observe!"
     JinDe was led to a guest apartment in one of the lower palaces.  She led him straight to the bed.  He opened his senses and sent out probes to see if the coast was clear.  He threw up a barrier and turned to her.  She started kissing him and undressing him.  With a flip of his hand, he undressed her.  She caressed him and rubbed his manhood.  He could smell her arousal.  He felt the need wash over him.  He ran his hand down her stomach and between her legs.  "Wet and hot", he thought.  Time to prove a point.  He rolled her onto her back and placed his shaft at her opening.  He entered her in one hard thrust.  His shaft was thick and long.  He started moving faster and realized he was causing her pain.  He was too big for her.  He slacked off his pace and slowed down where he wasn't thrusting so far up.  This pace was better and he started to feel her pleasure rise.  Onward they went until he felt her tighten her walls when she peaked, he was with her.  When he came back to earth, he heard voices.  With his magic he cleaned and dressed her and himself.  He knew it was a set-up but he was no idiot.  He frowned at her and left and dropped his barrier at the same time.  He had cleaned her thoroughly so she couldn't claim assault or anything else.  Her benefactor frowned.  She was sitting on the bed alone.  "So you couldn't catch him.  Maybe next time you will obey me!"  He slapped her face and left her in fear. 
     Bai Xue was kissing the girl he had walked off with.   She looked up at him and smiled.  "Is it really true that apex dragons have a large phallus?"  "Yes it's true."  "Is your father really large too?  How does your mother cope with it?"  "Your questions are a little personal don't you think?"   She blushed slightly.  "If we can't fit together, how could we progress in a relationship?"  Bai Xue looked at her for a moment and answered.  "What makes you think I'm looking for a relationship right now?  I don't intend to get serious until I have reached high god."  He stood up.  "The answer to your question.  Yes my father is large.  My mother loves him very much and he loves her.  That's all you need to know.  Excuse me!"  He jumped as far away as he could and headed to his room.  He saw JinDe up ahead and joined him.  The girl was sitting on the bench when the man struck her face.  "Idiot!  Couldn't you even get him into bed?  What is your excuse?"  "I was afraid!  He is very large there!"  He slapped her again.  He left her in absolute terror of him.
     JinDe had jumped as close to his room as he could.  He was walking casually as his brother joined him.  "Well, JinDe, did you get lucky?"  "Yeah, too lucky.  Someone tried to trap me and set me up.  I'm going to see Fuqin right now.  How about you.  I didn't go that far, but something was not right.  She kept asking me personal questions about my size and father too.  I felt terribly uncomfortable, to say the least."  "Let's go to Fuqin right now!"  They knocked on the door together.  Mo Yuan came to the door in his robe and barefooted.  "Fuqin, we need to talk to you!" They both said in unison.  He brought them in to sit down.  He heated water that was in a container for tea.  "What has happened?  Don't tell me it's bad.  JinDe, you go first."  "Fuqin, a girl tried to set me up tonight.  She took me straight to a room in a lower palace.  We had sex together, but something was wrong.  I was too big for her but she said nothing.  She wanted me to hurt her.  I realized I was hurting her so I eased off until I pleasured her.  We were just finished when I heard voices.  I magically cleaned her and myself and dressed us both before I left and dropped my barrier.  I left her as if nothing happened.  I apologize to you, Fuqin, for being a wayward son.  Please punish me!"  He knelt on the floor.  Mo Yuan was tempted to slap the foolishness out of him but instead he took on his Shifu tone.  "JinDe, the moment you entered that girl you knew you were too big for her.  I'm sure her pain was more than she let on.  If what you say is true, she may actually be bleeding now.  I wished you had hidden yourself to see who it was that was the mastermind behind this.  Hopefully she was able to seek medical care.  You have to have better judgment from know on.  Sadly you can't jump in bed with every little piece that comes along.  You can hurt them.  You must learn to be more observant.  It's not like I want you going around leaving your mark everywhere either.  As punishment, you will not accompany your Shushu Ye Hua to the flower house.  You will be celibate for a time period I will decide on.  I can't believe you could be so crass as to injure a woman like that!  What were you thinking?!?  Haven't I always taught you to be tender, even if they are just a whore?  Once I hurt your mother and I almost decided not to have a sexual relationship with her again.  If not for her reassurance, I would have lost her.  Please understand what I'm telling you!  You can't go around hurting women with your big cock!  I won't have it!  Do you understand!!  I won't have it!!"  Mo Yuan's temper was about to explode when Bai Xue spoke.  "Fuqin, a girl was trying to trap me in a different way.  She was afraid, I could tell.  She kept asking me was I large, was I large like you, how does mother cope with it.  I got suspicious and asked her why she needed to know.  She said she needed to know if we fit together if we were going to have a relationship.  I told her I wasn't going to be in one until I reached high god.  She got really nervous so I left her sitting there.  We didn't have sex at all, but I felt I was being trapped."  Mo Yuan stood and clothed himself in his Kunlun robes in one movement of his hand.  He was walking out the door to Ye Hua's room.  When he reached the door, he flung it open and walked in.  Ye Hua was stretched out on the bed.  He still had his clothes on.  HaoDe was standing over him with a knife in his hand.  When Mo Yuan came around the corner, he froze in place and cloud jumped out.
     Mo Yuan turned to his sons.  "Stay here with Ye Hua.  I must see Dijun now.  He cloud jumped to get to Taichen Palace as quickly as he could.  " Dijun!  Dijun!"   Donghua Dijun came out of his room in a hurry.  "Mo Yuan!  What has happened!  Tell me!"  Mo Yuan was in a high temper but he tried to remain calm.  "There has been mayhem tonight and I fear HaoDe is behind it all.  Come with me to Ye Hua's hall."  He jumped so fast Dijun barely had time to comply.  They met at Zichen Hall.  Bai Xue and JinDe were still standing guard.  "Fuqin, Shushu hasn't moved.  I was about to call the medicine king."  "No, I will scan him."  Dijun stepped forward and scanned Ye Hua carefully.  "He's been drugged.  He will be ok in the morning.  We must find out everyone he talked to."   "He was walking around with Lian Song who was introducing him to people and possible allies.  Ye Hua hardly drank any.  He was with him when we left", JinDe said.  "Bai Xue, go get Lian Song.  Hurry!"   "JinDe, I want you to tell Dijun what you told me about tonight.  Leave nothing out."  "But Fuqin!"  "Tell him or I swear I'll personally beat you within an inch of your life!  Now tell him!"  Slowly JinDe told Dijun of his escapade.  Dijun smiled at one point but became angry when he told him of the trap.  "Bai Xue was also in a predicament, but not like JinDe.  Xue Xue is more careful about these things than his brother.  I'm sure guards will be here to arrest Mo JinDe in the morning concerning that girl."  "Since you had the good sense to go to your father straight away, we may have avoided a calamity.  If you had not been so observant, you probably would have injured that girl to the point of death.  That is what the perpetrator wanted."  "The last bit of news I have is really the icing on the cake!  HaoDe was standing over Ye Hua with a dagger in his hand.  All three of us saw him.  He can't deny it!"  Dijun smiled a very wicked smile.  "It looks as if Ye Hua might have to take the throne and no one will stop him.  He's been trained by you.  He's an excellent general, strategist and he knows the law.  He's young, true enough, but I believe he can do it.  I will be by his side.  There would be no need to worry.  Plus we could weed out all of the personnel from Yang Cao's palace.  I will interview them myself.  I have a feeling Le Xu was afraid of him and just did what he said out of that fear."  A far away look came into Mo Yuan's eyes.  "I knew this time would come, but letting go of him is going to be really hard.  You see, he is my brother that I waited so long for.  He is almost like a son to me.  I raised him and taught him.  He is kind and gentle, but fierce when he is angered.  All I ask is that you protect him.  If I lost him, it would be like losing one of them or worse, I could hear Fuxi asking me why didn't I protect him." 
     Lian Song came in with Bai Xue behind him.  "What has happened here?"  Mo Yuan questioned him.  "We need to know how much Ye Hua drank and where he got it from.  He's been drugged.  I'm told you introduced him around.  Is this true?"  "Yes, I did.  He drank very little.  On his way out a maid walked by with a tray and Ye Hua picked up a cup from it.  Do you think that might be where he got drugged?"  "It must have acted slow for him to make it here before he passed out.  Dijun said he will be fine in the morning.  One more thing.  Your father was standing over Ye Hua with a dagger when I came in with the boys.  He was going to kill him!"  "I'm sorry it has come to this.  Allies have been informing him that he no longer has there support.  They are for Ye Hua.  I'm assuming he is about to take the throne?"  "More than likely.  It is rightfully his anyway.  We will know more in the morning."  Mo Yuan turned to JinDe.  "I want you to stay in my room with your mother.  She has been sick in the mornings now.  I'm going to your room.  If there are guards coming to your room, Dijun will be here with Ye Hua so don't worry and don't wake your mother.  If you wake her,  that will give me one more thing to punish you over!  Sleep on the floor if you must, but keep her safe.  Lian Song, if possible, I need you to stay with me.  Let's all get some rest before the hammer falls!"

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