Jinlong, You Idiot!

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     Mo Yuan landed by Zhe Yan's hut.  He started up the stairs when the door opened.  Zhe Yan had a basket of elixers and potions.  He looked Mo Yuan over and sighed.  "What have you done now?"  "Hellfire."  He pointed to his throat as his voice was barely above a whisper.  "By all the gods on Kunlun!  Why did you do it?  I remember well the first time you did it.  I believe Fuxi nearly stripped the hide off your golden butt.  I'm assuming this is why Jinzi called me to his house?"  Mo Yuan could only nod.  Zhe Yan brought him in and sat him down.  He gave him an elixer to drink.  It burned as it went down.  He held his hand over his throat and a golden glow appeared.  "Can you talk now?"  His voice still only a whisper, he spoke.  "That's better.  Now come, we must get to Jinzi.  I burned Ye Hua in my fury.  Hurry!!"  They jumped to Jinzi's house to find he and Mi Shu in a flurry of activity.  Ye Hua was nowhere to be seen.  Jinzi was furious beyond words.  "Fuqin!  I hardly ever disrespect you, but this is one time I will!!  Junjie is in very bad condition.  Just what happened?  I'm waiting Fuqin!!"  His voice barely above a raspy whisper, Mo Yuan spoke.  "He challenged me.  Where is Ye Hua?"  "Heilong is in the lake cooling off.  You burned his mane, but he should be ok.  What's wrong with your voice?"  He held up his hand and shook his head.  "It's fine.  Just let me see Junjie.  I need to see him."  Jinzi took him to him.  He knelt down and took Junjie into his arms.  Tears ran down his face as he held him.  Junjie was battered and bruised.  He had wounds across his chest and arms.  Slowly Mo Yuan emitted a golden glow and covered Junjie with his essence.  Blood ran out of his nose and before Jinzi or Zhe Yan could stop him, he fell over in a dead faint.  Zhe Yan tended to Mo Yuan while Jinzi tended Junjie's wounds.  An hour later Junjie awoke to see his Fuqin laying on the floor with blood coming out of his nose.  His Shushu Ye Hua was standing over him with anger in his eyes.  He wondered just what had happened.
     "Shushu?  What is wrong with Fuqin?  Why am I here?"  "Do you not remember, Junjie?  It was really bad."  Junjie hung his head and began to weep.  "I challenged Jinlong.  He just thoroughly taught me a lesson, I do believe.  He beat me to within an inch of my life.  I will never challenge him again.  Ever.  Now I wish to return to Kunlun.  I'm going into the den until Lei's wedding.  I would do nothing to hurt her.  I'm surprised she hasn't been here.  I can feel her anxiety."  "Junjie, wait just a moment and I will take you."  "Shushu, will you be ok?"  "Yes, Xue, I'm fine.  I'm still riding a dragon rage and Jinzi needs to look at this burn on my leg.  I'll see you at Kunlun."  JinDe, still distraught and upset, asked the million dollar question.  "Did my eyes deceive me or did Fuqin just erupt crimson hellfire?"  Zhe Yan sighed.  "Yes, he did.  He's only done it once before.  Fuxi beat the scales off his golden butt and told him no son of his was going to have one once of dark power.  His mother could do it.  Demons come from her part of the world.  He suffered for weeks after because Fuxi wouldn't heal his throat.  He self healed until Fuxi relented and healed him.  He couldn't answer in class because he had lost his voice, you see.  His mother knew how to do it without hurting her throat.  Mo Yuan would have learned, but as you know, she died.  I'll heal his throat as best I can.  I'll feed him energy because he has a wedding to attend to in a few days!"
     Bai Qian was wringing her hands when Bai Xue came in with Junjie.  Liang Lei was beside herself.  "Junjie, why did you challenge Fuqin?  You know we can't beat him!!  If you have messed up my wedding, I'll never speak to you again!!"  "I'm sorry, Lei Lei!  Fuqin beat me to within an inch of my life.  I won't ever challenge him again, I assure you.  I saw him do something today I never want to see again!  Now please, let me go into the den so I can recover."  Bai Xue left with him and took him straight to the den.  "Rest, Junjie.  You will be ok."  Junjie transformed and lay on the bed facing the door.  His dragon was battered.  Xue rubbed his face and ran his hand over his whisker.  He left him in peace.  He went straight to his Mother.  "Mother, do you want me to take you to Fuqin?"  "Yes, please!  I'm sure he needs me!"  "They arrived at Jinzi's house in time to see him raise his hand.  Bai Qian ran to his side.  "Dearest, I'm here!!  I'm here!"  "Qian'er."  His mouth opened but only a faint whisper came out.  She looked at Jinzi and Zhe Yan.  "What happened to his voice?"  Ye Hua, who was sitting in a chair beside his bed, spoke first.  "Da ge did something today I never knew he could do.  I assume I could do it too, if he showed me how.  He erupted crimson hellfire!  It burned his throat.  He nearly got me, too!  I'm still angry because we both were riding a very high dragon rage.  He will be ok.  He's just resting.  Jinzi healed my leg, but I will have a nice little scar from it.  I will go home and play the victim and get Yu to fawn over me like I've been severely injured.  Might even get in the ice pool.  Who knows?"  He grinned and rolled his eyes.  "Ye Hua!  You are as bad as your Da ge!!  Go home then.  I'm sure Yu will be all over your poor little injured self.  Heilong should whine and moan.  That would play on her sympathy."  "An excellent idea!  Jinzi, thank you!  I'll talk to Da ge later!"  He jumped for home and did indeed play the sympathy card for the rest of the day.
     Bai Qian sat by Mo Yuan until he opened his eyes.  Her frown greeted him as he looked into her eyes.  He too, tried to play the sympathy card to no avail.  "Jinlong!  You idiot!  We have a wedding in four days!!  What were you thinking?  I should slap you all the way back to Kunlun!!  Just when I think you are a gentleman now, you act a fool.  You would think you were only 50,000 years old and throwing your hormones around like a young stud!!  You better get up off this bed now!!  Right now!!"  His sad look still got him no sympathy.  "Qian'er, I'm sorry!  Junjie challenged me.  You know I can't stand to have my authority questioned!  I'm so sorry!  Forgive me, Qian'er?  Will you?"  His eyes swirled as he begged.  He conjured a rose and gave it to her.  His look of soft anticipation went straight to her heart.  She caressed his face.  He purred his content and sighed.  Jinzi broke up his pity party.  "Fuqin!  You are fine now.  Next time leave the healing to me.  Now let Mother take you home.  Your voice will get better if you rub this balm on your throat every morning and drink this medicine.  Give this script to Chang Shan to make for you.  Drink it three times a day.  I'll see you tomorrow.  I have to bring my gift for Lei Lei."  He rose up and drank the medicine.  His eyebrow rose as he looked at Jinzi.  It was horribly bitter.  He nodded and rose to take Bai Qian's hand.  They walked out the door and left.  Jinzi turned to Zhe Yan with a grin.  "I put a bitter herb in his medicine.  I just wanted to see his reaction.  Stoic and solid as a rock!  I swear the day his calamity comes, he will never admit he's dying until he draws his last breath!"
     Junjie came out of the den the next morning.  It was breakfast time.  He walked in the hall hoping to find his Fuqin there.  He was not.  He went to his room and knocked.  "Enter."  He could barely hear him.  He was standing tying his robe belt.  Junjie fell down beside him, grabbed his legs and sobbed into his robe like a small child.  Mo Yuan placed his hand on his head as he wept.  He helped him rise and he took him to his study.  He put up a barrier and sat down.  Junjie fell beside him and laid his head on his lap.  "Fuqin, forgive me please?  Shandian Jinlong wants to talk to Jinlong please!"  Mo Yuan's eyes changed to gold and he whispered softly.  "Bring him forth."  Junjie's eyes changed to gold and he sighed.  "Fuqin, I thought I could beat you.  You beat me to a bloody pulp.  You beat me so bad, I want to go into seclusion to ponder just how pitifully weak I am.  I'm worthless to you, this mountain and my family.  What can I ever do to be an asset to my family?  I'm nothing."  Jinlong let out a long sigh.  His voice, still a whisper, was soft as he spoke.  "Shandian Jinlong!  Don't you know how much I love you?  You are a very valuable asset to this family.  I do indeed have a very important job for you.  Bai Xue needs an assistant with his desk work.  He is going to train you to be a master spy.  Are you interested?  Your abilities would help us greatly."  "Oh?  You think I'm not too gullible and naive for this job?"  "No.  You just need to practice a little more spell deflection.  I'm so sorry I hurt you, my son.  Will you forgive me?"  Junjie hugged his Fuqin hard.  "Fuqin, it should be I who asks your forgiveness.  I forced your hand.  I won't ever do it again.  I love you!"  "I love you, too.  Let's go get breakfast now.  I have to take this nasty medicine Jinzi gave me!"  He made a face that had Junjie laughing.  They walked into the hall together to be met by staring faces.  Baohu was sitting on his dais carefully watching them.  Once they were seated, he couldn't help himself.  He had to open his big mouth.  "So Junjie, how thoroughly did he kick your butt?  He's kicked all of us except for Taiyang, Zhenzhu, Gaoxing and Xingfu.  What did you learn?"  "I learned I better not challenge Jinlong ever again.  He truly is The dominant apex dragon.  He did something we can't do, for sure."  "What did you do, Fuqin?"  His voice still a whisper, he looked at Bai Xue and nodded for him to speak.  "Well if you must know, Baohu, Fuqin scorched Heilong with crimson hellfire."  The room was silent and then the noise exploded.  Baohu jumped up and ran to his Fuqin.  "He did what?!?"  "Yes he did.  Crimson hellfire straight out of Jinlong's mouth.  Scorched his own throat too.  He has to drink nasty medicine for a week to get his voice back."  "Why can't we do that?"  He motioned for them to come closer.  "I've only done it once before.  Fuxi beat my golden ass until I nearly bled.  He said no son of his would have dark powers.  I'm sure he will get me again.  Especially since I scorched the Golden child."  "You mean you scorched Shushu?"  Bai Xue laughed.  "Yes he did!  He burned his leg."  "Fuqin, you are in deep poo doo now for sure!  You better talk to Zufu soon."
     After he ate breakfast, Mo Yuan went to the bench he and Ye Hua had placed on the pinnacle of Kunlun where they could come talk to Fuxi when they needed to.  He sat down and looked off into the sky.  He sighed deeply and was about to call him when he appeared by him on the bench.  "You did it again, didn't you?"  "I did.  I'm sorry."  "Why isn't your voice recovered?"  "I don't know.  I think it's gone forever.  The medicine Jinzi gave me is not helping.  Fuqin, why didn't you help me develop it instead of beating me like a whipped horse?  Just think of the lives that could have been saved!"  "I suppose you are right.  Your mother would have been proud."  "Yes, I would have!"  They turned to look at her.  "Why did you beat him, Fuxi?  He could have harnessed that power and prevented many wars.  You just hate any dark power!  Admit it!  He has no voice right now because you put a curse on him!  My poor baby!  Come let mother heal you!"  Mo Yuan, for the first time in his life, fell into his mother's arm like a small child.  "Mother!  It hurts so bad!  I need you!"  She glared at Fuxi over his head.  She held him and patted his back.  "Sit up now and let mother tend you.  Be still now."  She placed her slender hand on his throat and a silver glow came out of her hand.  Slowly the pain eased and his throat stopped aching.  She released him and looked into his eyes.  "Mo Yuan.  I could tell you how to use the hellfire, but your Fuqin would never speak to us again.  Isn't that right, dear?"  "Well, I suppose so.  I just didn't want him to have any spark of dark power.  I was wrong to suppress him.  Call Ye Hua here to us."  "Didi!  Can you come to the bench on the top of Kunlun?"  Ye Hua appeared in front of them.  Fuxi patted a spot for him to sit.  "Ye Hua, I guess you know your Da ge can use crimson hellfire.  It comes from your mother.  I suppressed it because I deemed it an evil power.  I was wrong.  Mo Yuan told me he scorched you.  Let me see your dragon now."  Heilong erupted in front of his Fuqin.  "Hmmm.  I see where he got you.  Come lay here while I heal you."  Heilong laid down in front of Fuxi.  A golden glow came off his hand and healed his head where the fire burned his mane.  Another burst of energy healed his leg.  "Now transform and come here."  He transformed and stood in front of his Fuqin.  "All better!  Now sit.  I have an apology to make to your mother.  Dearest, I'm sorry I didn't teach Mo Yuan about the hellfire.  If he had known it, there wouldn't have been a need to sacrifice his life.  If I had just told him how to bring Ye Hua forth, very much would have been different.  Now I apologize to you both.  Ye Hua, you too, can use the hellfire.  Come to Mount Cangwu in six days and I will teach it to you.  Now Mo Yuan, if you don't get that temper under control my boy, there will be consequences.  Understand?"  Mo Yuan hung his head in shame.  "Yes, Fuqin."  "Now you have a wedding to attend!  My sweet Xiao Bailong is getting married!!  Give her this, Mo Yuan.  It was yours when you were a baby.  Do you remember it?"  He laid a small silver bracelet into Mo Yuan's hand.  It had bells on it and a design of lotus flowers carved around it.  He looked at it and tears came into his eyes.  "I thought it was lost.  I searched for it a long time.  Mother, you made it for me, didn't you?"  "Yes, my son, I did.  Pass it to her as a gift to your first daughter to get married."  He held it to his chest and cried.  "I don't want to.  I want to keep it.  I can make her one.  Please?"  Fuxi stared at him a long time.  "Mo Yuan, I'm so sorry.  I took it away from you.  Forgive me, my son.  I thought you were weak because anything that smelled of your mother, you held onto with an iron grip.  Hopefully she will forgive me too.  I see her looking at me with just a little anger now.  One moment."  He worked a spell with his hands and made another bracelet.  "Give this to Xiao Bailong.   Now go.  We will always be here for you."  Mo Yuan sat for a long moment holding the little bracelet.  "Mother made it for me.  It was the last thing I had of her."  Ye Hua sat beside his Da ge and put his arm around his shoulders.  They sat there a moment when Ye Hua said his thought out loud.  "I wonder what mine would have looked like?"  A bracelet identical to Mo Yuan's appeared in his lap and both bracelets glowed as their names appeared on them.  They held each other for a long moment and both put their bracelets away.  "I'm sorry I burned you.  I guess I need to work on Jinlong's temper.  He really hates to be challenged."  "Da ge, you didn't hurt me.  I just wanted to stop your rage.  You were pretty bad this time."  "I know.  I could have killed Junjie if you hadn't stopped me.  He was unconscious when you challenged me.  After this wedding, I'm going to work on that temper.  Now that I have my voice back, I have some apologizing to do!  Can you eat with us or do you need more sympathy from Yu?"  He grinned at his Didi.  "Oh, I'm in so much pain!  You really hurt me!  The ice pool and a good massage down my back, over my butt, down to my balls, hmmm hmmm hmmm!"  Mo Yuan slapped him on the back and nodded.  "Yes me too.  Jinlong needs a good thrashing.  Yes indeed!"  They laughed and jumped off to their mates.
     Ye Hua did indeed play that sympathy card to the max.  He complained about his pain, his hurting back, his legs until Yu cancelled all of their meetings and took him to the ice pool to relax.  Hours later he came out a totally sated dragon who had his balls sucked dry.  He was a happy man and Heilong was smirking.  Yes indeed!  Mo Yuan had also played his sympathy card.  He complained about his throat, his back, his shoulders and neck.  He whined about everything until Bai Qian gathered their basket and took him to the hot pool.  He inwardly grinned to himself as she rubbed oil in all over his body and then proceeded to suck him dry.  Hours later, his sack was red, his legs were coated and he could hardly bathe himself.  He had been totally used up.  His sheepish grin was all he could manage as he walked to dinner.  Baohu looked at his parents suspiciously.  He sniffed the air.  His senses smelled the underlying scent of a hard session of sex.  He grinned and toasted his Fuqin.  Yes indeed!  "Oh Fuqin!  I think you owe me a rather large debt."  "Oh?  What would that be?"  "You scorched my meadow and tore up the ground with your big ugly talons.  When are you going to repair it?"  "I'll repair it tomorrow morning.  I'm very sorry."  His eyes turned to gold.  "I'm very sorry.  I got a little carried away."  "Carried away?  From what Xue and JinDe told me, you could have destroyed the whole mountain!  Fuqin, you never cease to amaze me!"  Shandian Li was sitting at the table very quietly.  She tried to get Baohu's attention.  He was so busy laughing he didn't see her rise.  Mo Yuan, seeing her distress, jumped over in time to catch her.  He held her and looked at Baohu with a raised eyebrow.  He calmly walked to their room and laid her on the bed.  He conjured a cool rag and wiped her beautiful little heart shaped face.  Baohu was carefully watching his Fuqin with narrowed eyes.  "Fuqin, should I call Jinzi?"  "Yes you should.  Now."  Baohu called Jinzi to come quickly.  He came running in about thirty minutes later.  Li Li had just come around.  "You called me, Baohu?  What's wrong?"  "Li Li fainted.  Could you check her please?"  Jinzi looked at his Fuqin standing there with a silly smirk on his face.  He nodded and sat down beside her.  He took her pulse and grinned.  "Well, didi, it seems you are going to be a Fuqin!  Congratulations!  Let me check for twins."  Jinzi scanned Li Li over.  "Yes indeed!!  It's twins!!  You can talk to them.  They are about eight months along.  Call me if any problems arise.  I'll be going now!"  Baohu looked at his Fuqin who was still grinning.  "You knew, didn't you?"  "Yes.  The craving for mint cakes was the first sign.  I'm going to tell your mother now!  Another set of twins!!"  Baohu sat down hard and stared at his beautiful wife.  Was he ready to be a Fuqin?  He was totally, absolutely stunned.  For once in his life, Bai Baohu Zhe was speechless.

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