Taichen Palace

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     Mo Yuan turned to Ye Hua.  "You broke his barrier didn't you?"  Ye Hua looked at Dijun and grinned.  "He tried to read my mind too.  I stopped him!"  Mo Yuan grinned at Dijun.  Donghua Dijun didn't look too happy.  "So he broke yours but you couldn't break his!  Ha ha ha!!!"  Mo Yuan was belly laughing as they walked.  "You have been teaching young Ye Hua very well indeed.  What did you show him?  Anything special?"  "Nothing special.  He figured that one out on his own.  I don't know if you knew it but Ye Hua is a genius.  A child prodigy.  He broke my barrier too!"  "Tell me your secret, young Ye Hua!"  "Then you could break my barrier!  It's my secret!  Besides, Da ge said if I broke your barrier I could have cake every day for a month!"  "So I guess you get cake then."   "Indeed!"
     Once inside Taichen Palace, Mo Yuan let his guard down.  "You missed all the fun.  Ye Hua threatened HaoDe.  Big time.  I need eyes and ears here to let me know how he reacted.  I'm sure he will say or do something.  Also Ye Hua needs a young guard and a secretary to handle his correspondence and such.  Any suggestions?"  Dijun thought for a moment and called Star Lord Si Ming in.  He sent him to retrieve just the two young boys needed to be his future staff.  He was back within 30 minutes.  Si Ming bowed to Ye Hua, Dijun and Mo Yuan.  "These two are the ones."  Slightly older than Ye Hua but willing to take orders.  Good.  Dijun turned to Mo Yuan.  "I knew the time was coming for him to have staff so I took the liberty of training these two for you.  This is Tian Shu, a bodyguard for Ye Hua and military aide, and Jia Yun, a secretary and officer of his library and all paperwork and correspondence."  They both bowed to Ye Hua.  "Taizi Dianxia!"  "Well will these two fit your purposes?"  Mo Yuan addressed them.  "Let me make myself clear.  If you choose to serve your prince, you will answer only to him or me until he is of an age to handle his own affairs. Do you understand?"  They both bowed to Mo Yuan.  "Yes High God Mo Yuan!"  Very well.  Get your belongings and be ready to leave when I am.  Dismissed."
     "So what do you think of my Didi now?" Dijun sipped his tea.  "I'm impressed.  You are teaching him well.  So when did he learn the dragon trick?  I've never seen that before.  Did you teach it to him?"  "Yes I did.  I just discovered it myself.  Quite by accident.  I won't give you the details because they involve my wife but I had to sleep off a dragon drunk for a week and a half.  I've never felt younger, stronger or more aware than I do now."  His eyes swirled gold for a second just to show Dijun his dragon was right there.  He nodded and laughed.  "I pity the next person who wants to go to war.  Haha haha!"  "Am I safe to assume that you will side with Ye Hua when the time comes?"  Mo Yuan watched Dijun very carefully.  He knew his face was absolute stone, but he wanted to see any spark.  "I'll keep my judgement for right now.  I was impressed today.  Keep teaching him well.  When he is ready for full crown prince duty, ask me again.  Now tell me about your lovely wife.  I hear congratulations are in order!  Twins is it?". "Yes, I'm still in shock myself.  I just don't know how to describe the feeling of knowing I'm their father.  I waited for their mother a long time.  I will tell you this, I had begun to think my life was wasted.  While I was in the chaos, I was giving up when my mother called to me.  She told me that I had two people who needed my love and I was needed to save them."  "Your mother?!?  But how?"  "I don't know how she did it.  Maybe it was fate, I just don't know, but I do know this, I almost acted a fool and let Bai Qian get away from me.  I had become so cold to the point I just didn't care.  Something stirred my heart that day I found her in the wine cellar dusting and cleaning.  I knew I had to tell her I had fallen for her or I would have regretted it for the rest of my life.  Did I know she would accept me?  No, but she did and there was no turning back.  I thought I had to be strong and ruthless.  I thought love was a useless emotion.  Ha!  What did I know about love?!?  Nothing!  I lusted but I never loved!  She called out my dragon too.  Loved him and turned him into a rag doll.  I've never had my dragon act so.  He called me a fool if I ever let her go.  He told me she was ours, not mine or his but ours.  Did you know that foxes mate for life?  She will die to protect me, her mate.  I will tell you, I know the little princess has been hanging around you for some time.  If she has chosen you, you are a bigger fool than I thought if you let her get away.  So what is a promise made if you are no longer ruler?  Answer me that!  You best be trying to let her catch you or you will live to absolutely regret it.  Trust me, brother, you will regret it.  You best start today cultivating that love because if you cut her loose not only will you never get her back but she will cut you out of her life forever.  I've learned that fox trait from Bai Qian.  It's a wonderful thing to have a fox in your bed!  No more about that.  Ask Si Ming to come here.  We need Lian Song to tell us what the reaction was to Ye Hua's threat after he left."
     Si Ming went and fetched Lian Song as fast as he could.  Dijun questioned him first.  "Well, how did Ye Hua's little threat go over after he left the throne room?"  Lian Song looked back at the door before he spoke.  "I will tell you honestly that fuqin was very angry.  It didn't help matters that Ye Hua threw a cold air spell behind him that swirled for a good ten minutes after he left.  That little stunt put the fear in many people.  They were amazed that a boy could have such power.  Ye Hua will have allies now.  Many decided today that they want to be on his good side.  That includes me.  I will probably suffer for it but he is the rightful heir."  "Did you say Ye Hua threw a spell behind him?"   Mo Yuan looked at Ye Hua who was sitting there sipping tea like a boss.  "Did you, Ye Hua?"  He grinned.  "Yes, Da ge, I did."  Mo Yuan laughed out loud.  "My Didi has some nerve I see!  Well done!"  Lian Song was cautious.  "He might have done that, but he made a good many allies today.  Especially in the military camp.  There was a lot of talk about " two war gods", Mo Yuan is invincible, Ye Hua will be a force to be reckoned with, but my question is what about Qing Cang?  That bell is still there.  Something to think about I'm sure."
     "Since my soul is no longer there to seal it, I'm wondering how long before he can break out.  It was supposed to stay sealed for 70,000 years.  I'll go by there on my way home.  I can tell you with assurance that I don't want to go through that again.  Ever."
     Feng Jui peeped around the corner.  She had heard everything her gufu Mo Yuan had said.  She decided not to push so much and see what Dijun would do.  The cakes she had made were in her hand so she decided to bring them in.  She smiled and placed them on the table.  Ye Hua grabbed one with great relish.  "Yummy!  Can you come make some for me?  Da ge said I can eat cake for a month since I broke Dijun's barrier!"  "Yes I will!  I need to come see Gugu anyway.  I heard she was sick.  Is it true Gufu?"  "Yes she has been ill, but you're free to come any time you wish."  "Xiao Bai, how about some green bean cakes?  They're really good."  Every head turned to look at Dijun.  Feng Jui thought to herself, "did he just call me Xiao Bai?"   She smiled.  "I'll make some right away!"  She left in a flurry for the kitchen in a very happy mood.
     "Xiao Bai?  Are you referring to Bai Feng Jui?  Ahhh, I see it clearly now."  Mo Yuan chuckled.  So the old stone was bitten by the love bug.  Hmmm.  "So you do like her!  Well this puts a whole new light on the subject!"  Lian Song was snickering and Si Ming was silent.  Ah the intrigue!  Mo Yuan stood and held up his hands in respect.  "Come, Ye Hua.  We must return home to Kunlun.  Please come visit, Dijun.  I have some more things to discuss with you." Lian Song was still grinning.  "Xiao Bai?"  A laugh and he rose too and made his bows.  Love is in the air!!!
     Dijun rose and went toward the kitchen.  He decided he would go to Kunlun for a visit.  He was sure Xiao Bai would want to go.  When he entered the kitchen she was busily humming to herself and making the cakes he wanted.  A slight smile crossed his face.  He contemplated what Mo Yuan had said.  What use was his vow now?  He was no longer ruler.  He had nothing to do really, but he also knew if he did play with her affections, he better be ready to accept her.  Food for thought.  "Xiao Bai."  She jumped when he called her.  "I'm going to Kunlunxu tomorrow.  Would you like to go too?  You could see your Gugu and make some cakes for Ye Hua."  "You're asking me to go?  Really?"  "Yes really.  Don't burn my cakes.  Nobody makes them like you do!"  He turned around and left her standing in the kitchen with flour on her nose and a smile on her face!  His Xiao Bai.  He really liked the sound of it.  He really, really did.

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