A Trial is a Grievous Thing

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     "Hurry boys!  Let's get to the hall quickly!"  Mo Yuan was in a flurry.  How could he not realize that Ye Hua's high god trial was upon him?  "How stupid I have been", he thought.  When he entered the hall, the whole place was in an uproar.  "Die Feng!  What in the blazes is going on?  What has happened?"  Mo Yuan suddenly felt a shiver go up his spine.  He couldn't explain it but he didn't feel right.  "Shifu, the mistress was sitting here drinking tea waiting for you to return from the training ground.  A lightning bolt struck her and she disappeared!"
     Unable to process the news, Mo Yuan's dragon erupted and shot out of the hall and into the sky over the mountain.  His mournful cries were heartbreaking and he circled for hours.  Finally both Xue Xue and JinDe transformed and flew up to their father.  They flanked him, one on each side so his eyes could see them.  They were both shocked at his condition.  Tears were streaming out of his eyes.  He kept wailing as if he was in pain.  Not able to maintain his dragon form any longer, he begin to change and tumble.  The boys were able to catch him and lower him to the ground.  He stood for a moment, clutched his heart and pitched forward.  JinDe caught him.  "Xue Xue!  Go get Zhe Yan!  Hurry!"  Bai Xue left on a cloud flying faster than he ever had in his life.  JinDe took his father to his bedroom and laid him on the bed.  Chang Shan came in right away.  He left to go to the kitchen.  Die Feng was guarding the door. 
     Bai Xue was back with Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen in less than an hour.  Zhe Yan raced in the room and scanned Mo Yuan.  He was instantly troubled.  " What happened?  Tell me!"  Bai Xue turned to speak.  "My brother and I were sitting in the hot pool with Fuqin and Shushu.  Fuqin looked at Shushu and told us to get out of the pool quick.  We had barely got out when a lightning bolt hit Shushu and he disappeared.  We ran to the hall and it was in an uproar.  A lightning bolt hit mother too and she disappeared.   Father erupted into his dragon and circled the mountain for hours crying the most pitiful cry we've ever heard.  We finally went up to him and brought him down.  He transformed before he hit the ground.  He stumbled, grabbed his heart and pitched forward.  He's been here ever since.  What happened Shushu Zhe Yan?  Why is Fuqin in a coma?  What can we do?"  "Listen to me very carefully.  Your Shushu and your mother have gone for their high god trial.  They should be gone 60 days.  They will reappear when the trial is finished.  Here's the problem and why your father is ill.  Before you were born, he gave your mother a dragon tear."   "A dragon tear!"  They both said it in unison.   "I don't think you boys realize what that means.  You know he loves her deeply, but his dragon loves her too.  That's why she is bound to him so closely.  The tear is embedded in her heart.  When your father died sacrificing himself to the Donghuang Bell, your mother fed him blood from her heart to preserve him.  He told her to wait for him.  I believe that the tear was a direct result of the bind between them by blood.  Heart blood.  He will arise from this bed, but if he does, he will destroy the mortal realm to find her.  He must be kept in a coma so we can keep his dragon from erupting.  You boys will have to take turns watching him and giving him elixers that I am going to make for him.  You cannot let his dragon erupt!  Do you understand?"  They both nodded.  "Good.  I'll get Chang Shan to help me in the cauldron room.  Zhen Zhen, I need you to go tell your mother and your father that Xiao Wu is in her high god trial.  Ok.  Lets prepare."
     By the time Mo Yuan awakened, they had everything prepared.  "Mo Yuan, I have to put you in a coma.  If I don't, your dragon could destroy the mortal realm looking for Xiao Wu.  Do you understand?"  His eyes were already golden and he was trying to erupt his dragon.  "Hold him!"  Zhe Yan gave him the elixer and watched him fall back into sleep.  "Every day, wash him off and rub his favorite oil into his limbs.  If his energy feels weak, give him a small shot of yours.  I suggest you move him to his meditation cave.  Tell no one he is ill and tell no one Ye Hua is gone too.  Call a meeting right now with the disciples.  Explain everything, but make up a story to have them tell if asked where they are.  Say your father took Ye Hua for extensive dragon training in the far north.  Bai Zhen will say they came by his estate.  That way we can keep the nine heavens from trying to sabotage his high god trial.  Are we clear?"  Nods all around told him they were in agreement.  "Bai Xue, you handle your father.  JinDe, you hold the meeting.  Go now!"
     JinDe called Die Feng and asked him to call everyone for a meeting.  An hour later, they were all in the great hall.  JinDe walked in and sat down on his father's dais.  For a few minutes his head was lowered as if he was in thought.  When he raised his head, there was a fire in his eyes and he spoke with great authority.  "As you all know, my mother disappeared today when a lightning bolt struck her.  What you didn't know is that Tiazi Dianxia Ye Hua also disappeared at the same time.  Father told us before we arrived here to the hall that it was time for his high god ascension trial.  Zhe Yan says that mother is also on her ascension trial.  It is imperative that no one off of or outside this mountain knows that Tiazi Dianxia is on his trial.  We are closing the mountain to any visitors as of today.  Only official business.  As you all saw, Fuqin became distraught over mother's disappearance.  Before we were born, Fuqin also fell ill for a week.  I have found out today that the illness was because Fuqin gave mother a dragon tear."  The surprise and whispered comments told JinDe that they knew then what had happened.  "As you all seem to know, Fuqin and Mother are very closely bonded.  Because of this, Fuqin must be kept in a coma until mother returns.  If we don't take this step, he would destroy the mortal realm looking for mother.  Because of these three people being indisposed, we are going to weave a tail to keep the truth hidden.  The story goes like this;  Fuqin has taken Tiazi Dianxia to the northern lands for some special dragon training.  Lord Bai Zhen will collaborate this story by confirming that they visited his estate in the north.  Nothing is to be mentioned to anyone about the truth.  Also we now know that mother is pregnant again.  We can say that she is ill and is resting.  I can't make myself clear enough.  Not one word about the truth.  Die Feng, I would like to see you and Zi Lan in father's study after this meeting.  Chang Shan, you already know what I need you for.  In that capacity, you are indispensable.  Are there any questions?  If anything is heard, we want to know immediately."  He stood and left heading straight for his Fuqin's study.  He waited patiently for Die Feng and Zi Lan.  They both bowed and entered the study.  JinDe looked both of them in the eye.  "I need eyes in the mortal realm.  I need both of you on the lookout for anyone out of place.  If you see anyone trying to interfere with mother's or Shushu's trial, stop them.  Report back if you see anything.  Make sure you are disguised.  Heavily.  We can't afford for anything to go wrong.  I will also keep everyone informed on Fuqin's progress.  If not me, then Bai Xue will inform you.  Be very careful please!  Too much depends on it."
  For a nearly a month nothing was heard until Die Feng asked for an audience.  Zhe Yan, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were there.  Die Feng reported.  "I have news.  I have found Bai Qian.  She was born into the imperial palace.  She is the Empress.  Tiazi Dianxia Ye Hua was born to a side consort who died in childbirth.  The Empress took the child and has raised him as her own.  There is great dissent in the palace.  The emperor favors the Empress and her word rules the harem.  Many concubines and consorts plot against her daily but they dare not harm her.  Only one other son has been born.  He is younger than Tiazi Dianxia.  A crown prince has not been named yet.  The younger brother plots against the older daily.  His mother was found guilty for trying to poison the Empress so she was executed.  He holds a grudge because of it.  I have managed to get a position as guard for the empress.  I haven't seen Zi Lan but I expect him to report soon.  That is all I know."  Zhe Yan spoke up.  "So Ye Hua could be in danger but we don't know for sure.  The Empress seems to be holding her own.   Only thirty-two days left.  We might stand a chance of making it through this in one piece.  How is your Fuqin, Bai Xue?"  "Fuqin seems to be ok.  I just bathed him earlier.  I jumped him to the hot spring to do it and I oiled him down and massaged him well.  His muscles are still toned and he seems to be in a restful slumber.  Only once did he open one eye and then closed it quickly.  He is back in his bed now."   Zhe Yan nodded.  "Good, good!  So far, so good.  If we can just keep him this way for the rest of the time he should be ok.  If he wakes up, there will be trouble.  I don't like drugging him like this.  He will need seclusion to come back from it.  Everyone has done well.  One more thing.  What of the nine heavens?  Is there any indication that they suspect anything?". Die Feng stepped forward.  I have people there, but I have heard nothing.  I know that Yang Cao has spies everywhere.  I sent a message to Bai Zhen to watch out for them.  We should hear from him soon."   "Good enough then.  I must return to the peach grove for a time.  I don't want anything to look suspicious.  Just a little longer and we will be ok."

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