Lessons Learned

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     Bai Xue resumed his duties and asked forgiveness of his Shushu and Tianjun, Ye Hua.  Ye Hua reinstated him to his post and gifted him a small favor.  He gave him one more week off but told him to be ready to return then.  Xue took his boys in hand and walked to the training ground.  He knew from experience that Fuqin never let you slack off with training, ever!  He smiled as he walked along.  His sons transformed and were chomping at the bit to fly.  He stopped and talked to them.  "Alright, you can fly only if you stay right beside me where I can see you.  Agreed?"  They swirled around where one was on each side right by his head.  He walked the path with two little dragons swirling around him like electrons.  Mo Yuan saw them coming and was quite amazed at how brave they were to be so small.  When they were in range of their Zufu, they took off toward him.  He held out his arms and caught them.  "Good morning my sunzis.  How are you?  How about you watch today and one day Zufu will help train you.  Now go to your Fuqin."   Chin Chu and Mo Junjie were in the training arena with their father.  He had JinDe join him.  "Since you two insist on fighting all the time, you will observe your Er ge and I spar with no weapons, only hands.  In order to defeat an enemy, you need to know every form of combat.  You may be disarmed or caught from behind.  Now watch as we spar.  JinDe, are you ready?"  "Yes Fuqin!"  "Then begin!"  
     JinDe charged his father head on only to be met with a circle of Fuqins around him.  He was totally flummoxed but he didn't let it get him.  They all attacked him.  He jumped from one to the other avoiding his father's strikes.  Only two left!  One was the real one.  He charged one but realized it was the wrong one.  He was flat on the ground with his father's knee in his back.  "As you can see, it takes cunning and skill to fool an opponent.  Do you concede?"  JinDe grinned and jumped behind his father.  He was about to grab him when he jumped.  The last jump they were face to face, hands to hands each trying to throw the other.  Both sets of eyes turned gold.  Mo Yuan grinned and threw JinDe across the arena.  He flexed his chest and roared.  JinDe dusted himself off and laughed.  The men watching laughed at him too.  "Lord JinDe!  When are you going to win?"  "The day he dies.  He's not called the God of War for nothing!"  "So Chu, Junjie, let me see you fight each other.  Begin!"  Not to be outdone, the little dragon gathered power and knocked his sister down.  Anger spread across her face.  She brought out her tails.  She shot bolts of power off of each tail.  Some went wild but some met their mark.  Junjie stood up and his eyes turned gold.  He put up a barrier and proceeded to throw one strike after another.  They were jumping all over the arena.  Junjie jumped behind Chu and pulled her hair.  She jumped behind him and pulled his.  Back and forth they went until Junjie hit Chu with a bolt again.  Her anger spread and she did the unthinkable.  She split into four.  Junjie was temporarily caught off guard but not for long.  He threw freeze spells until he hit her.  He smirked and bound her.  His smirk was short lived because she broke his bonds and cast a fox spell on him.  He stood still like he was watching butterflies.  He sat down trying to shake the cobwebs from his brain.  He transformed and flew up before she could hit him again.  He shot water and ice at her.  His dragon was fast and her fox was struggling to get away.  Finally he got her with an ice strike.  Mo Yuan called it.  "Enough!  I see you both have learned your lessons well.  The next time you two think you have to fight, you would do well to learn from each other.  No more fighting.  Is that clear?"  "Yes Fuqin!"  Chu came to stand by her father.  "Fuqin, could you teach me some better moves sometime?"  "Yes Chu, I will.  But now, it's nearly lunch time.  Your mother will be looking for us."  "Bai Xue, are you eating with us?"  "Yes Fuqin, I will.  These two are hungry too."  "Then come and let's go get something."
     Mo Yuan was still amazed at how big his family is.  When he had everyone together, they were a force to be reckoned with.  JinDe and Mei Ying joined them.  She was getting rather large.  Mo Yuan took one look and he was positive it was at least twins.  "JinDe, have you called Zhe Yan to examine Mei Ying?"  "I was hoping to send him a message this week.  I want him here when the time comes."  Bai Qian looked at her and sighed.  "Mei Ying, dear, I do believe you are having twins.  I'm not quite sure I'm ready to have two more like JinDe running around.  Hopefully they will be like you!"  "Mother, you know I'm a good son!"  Mo Yuan laughed out loud.  He looked straight at JinDe and smiled.  "Karma, my boy, karma!"  Xue was quietly sitting with his boys feeding them.   Both boys were grinning up at their father as he got bites to give them.  Fenli patted his father's face and kissed his cheek.  Much like his mother had once done.  For a moment Xue looked down and his look was far away.  He smiled and tweeked the boy's nose.  "Fuqin, do you think you could teach these boys a little about their dragon powers?  I'm going to get Meili's father to teach them her powers."  "Bring them when your ready, Xue.  I'll work with them.  Right now I have four who are near ascension time to high immortal.  Look at their aura."  Xue and JinDe both looked at the quads.  Their aura was disjointed and uneven.  "I would say any day, Fuqin.  I assume you're keeping them close?"  "Yes, I am.  I'm trying to watch them but its not easy.  They are too much like their mother!"
     Three days had gone by since their training session.  Mo Yuan decided a trip to the ascension platform was needed.  He gathered all six children to take them there.  The clouds were gathering as he walked them there.   He knew it was close.  He had no longer than lined them up before the bolts starting hitting.  Baohu and Jinzi watched in horror as their siblings were struck one by one.  Mo Yuan screamed at them.  "Baohu!  Jinzi!  Go get your mother and JinDe!  Hurry!"  The last bolt hit and the ascension energy started rising on each one of them.  Mo Yuan was gathering them together when Bai Qian and JinDe arrived.  "Help me carry them to their rooms!  They need rest now!"  Mo Yuan carried Junjie and Lei while Bai Qian carried Chen Bo and JinDe carried Chin Chu.  They carried them to their rooms and carefully placed them on their beds.  Three days later they all woke and ran to their father.
     Junjie got there first.  "Fuqin!  I have more power!  I ascended!"  "Yes you did, my little golden boy!  How do you feel now?"  "I feel great!"  Three girls assaulted their father with hugs.  "Fuqin, we ascended!  All four of us!  Are you proud of us?"  He hugged each one and looked at them all.  "Fuqin is very proud of his little ones for ascending.  When you cultivate and train properly you can be ready for anything!  That's why Fuqin has you training to sharpen your abilities.  Understand?"  Four heads nodded.  "Now go to your mother while I finish up here.  Then we celebrate!"  They ran out the door.  JinDe knocked and walked into his father's office.  "Fuqin, would you send a message to Zhe Yan for me?  I wish for him to check on Mei Ying for me."  "I will right now."  He wrote out the message and sent it.  "He will come.  Are you worried, JinDe?"  "Yes, Fuqin!  This is our first and I'm scared.   I know Mei Ying is not as delicate as Meili was, but I'm still afraid for her!"  "I understand.  When your mother was expecting you and Xue, I was very afraid.  You are young compared to me when you were born.  I had no clue.  I had to learn, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared."
     Zhe Yan came to examine Mei Ying the next day.  JinDe was pacing like a tiger in a cage while he scanned her.  "Everything is ok.  She is having twins.  She may go one more month.  Maybe.  It looks to be dragons.  Call me immediately when she goes into labor!  Mei Ying, you need rest now.  I'll be back to check on you!"  JinDe let out his breath when Zhe Yan told him everything.  He didn't even realize he had been holding it.  He ran into the room where Mei Ying was resting.  He took her hand and kissed her palm.  "Are you ok, Mei Mei?  " I'm fine, just tired."  He covered her up and sat beside her.  "Take a nap then.  I don't want you stressed."  He kissed her lips with a soft kiss.  "I'll bring your dinner to you later."  He touched her face, rose and walked out the door.  He was walking to his father's palace when he met him coming toward him.  "Fuqin!  Just the man I wanted to see.  We are having twins!  Zhe Yan came today.  I just put Mei Ying down for a nap.  She was tired so I left her in peace and quiet."  "I was coming to check on her myself.  I'm glad to see she is ok.  Do you and Mei Ying need anything?"  "No, Zhe Yan said maybe one more month.  I'm trying to let her rest as much as possible."  "Good.  She needs her rest.  How about we pay Xue and those baby boys a visit?"  They walked down the corridor to his palace and knocked.  Xue answered the door with his robes askew and his hair torn down.  "Fuqin!  Thank the nine heavens you are here!!  These boys are destroying my palace!  I can't control them!"  Mo Yuan walked into a house in chaos.  The little dragons were chasing each other in a fight.  They were crashing into everything and trying to zap each other.  One look was all Mo Yuan needed to put on his Shifu tone.  "ENOUGH!"  Fenli and Ali halted and stared at their Zufu.  "Come to me!  Right now!"  They came and he took one in each arm.  He sat at the table where a half eaten meal was still sitting.  "JinDe, go get Baohu please.  Bring Jinzi too.  We will wait."  JinDe left and returned after fifteen minutes.  "You wanted me, Fuqin?"  "Yes, please ask these boys why they are terrorizing their Fuqin?"  Baohu got silent and then turned to his father.  "Fuqin, Ali says Fenli started it by zapping him.  He says his Fuqin let him do it without punishment.  Fenli says Fuqin lets them do whatever they want too so he does."  "Bai Xue!  Of all the stupidity!  You can't let them run wild!  They must have boundaries!  Disrespectful behaviour toward their Fuqin is also a punishable offense!  Did you learn nothing from me?  I'm going to seal them in their room for the moment.  I'll be right back."  Baohu gave his brother a stern look.  "Da ge!  You know you have to make them obey you!  Why did you let them get out of hand?"  Mo Yuan came walking back to the table.  He looked at their meal and deduced the problem.  "You don't have a cook, do you?"  "No, I don't!  I'll get one right away!"  "I can see that you also need a housekeeper.  Since Meili is not here to manage your household, you need one.  I'm assuming your discipline problem is because you are overwhelmed with your duties and trying to tend to your boys.  Am I correct?"  "Fuqin, I need a break!  Could you and mother help me until I can get more staff?  Also I just don't have the heart to discipline them."  He held up his hand.  "I know before you speech me that I should make them obey me.  I understand that, but it's hard sometimes!  And another thing!  Women have started sending me letters.  Would you help me get rid of them?  Meili was my mate!  I don't want a woman right now.  At least not until my dragon says so."  Mo Yuan stroked his chin and thought for a moment.  "Are you real busy with network business?"  "Actually, it has been quiet for some time.  I'm rather bored."  "Hmmm.  I see.  Then a change is in order.  Can you conduct your business from Kunlun?  If so, why don't you prepare to come there for at least six months.  Mother and I can help you get yourself together.  JinDe is about to have his hands full himself when his twins are born.  What do you say?"  "An excellent idea!  I will wait until after my nephews are born."  "How do you know it's nephews?"  "Just a feeling, JinDe, just a feeling!"  "As soon as they are born and settled, I will be returning to Kunlun.  Then you can come with us." 
     One week later, in the middle of the night, a maid came to wake Mo Yuan and Bai Qian.  Mei Ying was in labor!  "I'll go get Zhe Yan and you go settle them in.  I won't be long!"  Bai Qian walked in to total chaos.  JinDe was wringing his hands and Mei Ying was cursing him.  She smiled and took over the situation.  "Mo JinDe!  Come here and sit behind Mei Ying!  Wipe her face and shoot her energy when she needs it.  Mei Ying dear, I know you want to murder him.  I wanted to murder that lusty Jinlong after I had those quads.  The pain doesn't last, just remember that.  Take deep breaths and rest in between pains.  Now calm.  Calm.  The twins don't need negative energy.  Ok?"  Mei Ying started breathing deep breaths.  A pain hit and she cursed again.  "See what you've done you lusty dragon?  You caused me this pain!"  "Honey, I didn't mean to cause you pain!  I only love you!"  Bai Qian was about to laugh out loud when Mo Yuan walked in with Zhe Yan.  He scanned her and checked her over.  "Looks like everything is going well."  He pressed her stomach and felt the babies positions.  "We should have one in a few hours.  Relax now!"  Another pain hit her and she cursed again.  "See what you did?  You terrible lusty dragon!  It's all your fault!"  JinDe looked at his father in utter panic.  His face was saying 'what can I do' so loud he was almost speaking.  His dragon spoke for him.  "But honey, I love you so much!!  I would never hurt you!"  She screamed at him when the next pain hit.  "You lie, Mo Jinlong!  Look at my pain!  Look!"  He placed his hand on her stomach and passed energy to the babies.  They were stressed.  "Fuqin, could Baohu talk to them?"  Baohu and Jinzi were standing outside the door.  Mo Yuan called them in.  "Baohu, talk to them and see how they are.  Baohu stood still as he concentrated.  " Fuqin, they want to know why their mother is screaming at their Fuqin so loud.  They want to come out now and end her pain so she won't be mad."  Mei Ying cried as a pain hit.  Zhe Yan checked her over.  "Well it seems we have one coming now.  It's time for you to push!  Push now!"  Mei Ying pushed and screamed as she brought forth her first born.  A little golden dragon boy!  Zhe Yan handed him to JinDe.  Tears were running down JinDe's face and he snuggled the little dragon close to his heart.  His dragon purred to him and passed his love.  "Here, JinDe, let me have him.  Here comes the other one!"  Mei Ying screamed her agony as the second one came.  Another golden dragon boy!  Just as Bai Xue said it would be! 
     Mei Ying wanted to hold her boys now.  She snuggled them close and sighed.  "Aren't they beautiful, JinDe?  Look at our boys!"  JinDe knelt down beside her and put his head down on her bed.  He wept tears of joy and love.  "Thank you, my love, for the gift of our sons.  I love you!"  Mo Yuan grinned and asked for names.  "What are you going to name these boys, JinDe?"  He thought for a moment.  "The first one shall be called Jin Jiao-long.  The second shall be called Shing Liang."  "Excellent names!  Jin Jin and Shing Shing!  My new grandsons!!"  They left the room to let Mei Ying rest and get to know her new boys.  Baohu turned to look at Mei Ying.  "Mei Mei, babies want to know are you still mad."  "No, Baohu, I'm not mad.  I'm so happy!"  He nodded and followed his father.  Jinzi touched both little boys on their face and smiled.  He passed a little love energy to each one.  He then touched Mei Ying and passed her some healing energy.  Last but not least he hugged JinDe hard.  He touched his face and smiled.  He turned and walked out to his father.  "Fuqin, JinDe is real happy now, isn't he?"  "Yes, Jinzi, he is and I'm glad for JinDe has had much sorrow in his life.  Now lets all go get a little rest now!"



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