Love, Marriage and Wayward Children

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     Mo Yuan was heartbroken.  He literally went into his room, knelt down by his bed, put his head in his hands and wept bitterly.  How could this happen?  "JinDe seems doomed to suffer misfortune.  What can I do to help him?  Fuxi, please help me help my son like you helped Jinzi help me!  My life has been full of strife and sorrow, but my wife and children and my brother have brought me so much happiness!  Is it wrong to want the same for my son?  My golden boy?"  He was sobbing into his arm when a hand touched him on his shoulder.  "Mo Yuan!  You must not weep so!  JinDe will recover!  He will be alright!  Believe me!"  Mo Yuan stood up and looked around.  His father was standing there looking like he did right before he died.  "Fuxi!  Is it really you?"  "Yes, it is I, your father!  I am proud of the man you raised Ye Hua to be!  I take great pride in the way he is ruling.  He is very much like me.  My son, don't worry.  JinDe will be fine.  I'm very proud of you, Mo Yuan!  You are everything I wanted you to be and more!  My only regret is that I thought you didn't love me because I was so strict.  Forgive me, son.  That is all I hope for."  Mo Yuan kowtowed to his father.  "I knew you were strict but I have since come to the conclusion you threw me on Kunlun to save me from myself.  My dragon was a lusty beast.  He still is but he loves Bai Qian with all his heart.  Thank you Father.  I met Bai Qian because of you!  I love her."  "Remember, Mo Yuan.  I am but a breath away when you need me!"  Mo Yuan woke up on his bed an hour later with the eyes of seven children, big and small, looking at him.  "Fuqin!  Why are you smiling in your sleep?  It must have been a really good dream!"  Bai Xue was staring at his father.  "Fuqin, Jinzi and I were worried about you!  Are you waking up now?  We have fish for dinner!!"  "Yes, I'm waking up now.  You run along and let me talk to Xue, ok?" The children left and Mo Yuan rose from the bed.  He motioned Bai Xue to follow him to a chair by his table.  "Is something wrong, Fuqin?  Do you need Zhe Yan?"  "No Xue, I'm fine.  I'm worried about JinDe.  Did you know he and Mei Ying were having difficulty?  Am I the only one who didn't know?"  "Fuqin, I knew, but I didn't think it was my place to interfere.  You know how JinDe is.  He would not take kindly to my being nosey, if you know what I mean."  "Yes, I'm well aware.  He is so much like me.  Well I'm about to tell you what was wrong.  It goes back to his trial.  If you remember he was castrated in the mortal realm.  Instead of asking for help here, he healed himself.  Or so he thought.  He's been suffering for years with problems.  These problems led to his marital problems.  I took him to see Zhe Yan.  He healed JinDe and restored him.  He will be back to normal in a couple of days.  I will not mention this to anyone else but you.  Don't mention it to JinDe unless he talks to you first.  He was very ashamed and embarrassed.  I'm hoping he will be ok, but his bond with his mate is suffering.  Why don't you go see if he's ready to come eat dinner with us?  That would give you an excuse, at least, to check on him."  "I will go now.  I'll be right back."
     Bai Xue was deep in thought when he knocked on the door to JinDe's hall.  He was met with silence.  He sent out a probe of energy to look for him.  Ah, asleep.  He sent out another probe to find Mei Ying.  She was sitting by JinDe.  Why didn't she answer?  He knocked and called out for JinDe.  Mei Ying called him to come in.  "JinDe is sleeping, Xue.  He was healed by Zhe Yan recently so he is still sleeping.  Could you check him please?"  "Yes, I will." When he scanned JinDe, he knew he was not asleep but what was his game?  "Mei Ying, would you leave me alone with JinDe just a moment?  Why don't you go get dressed for dinner?  Fuqin sent me to get the both of you."  "Ok, I won't be long."  She left and Bai Xue sat on the side of the bed.  "Alright, JinDe, you can open your eyes now.  I know you're awake."  JinDe opened his eyes.  "Is she gone?"  "Yes, she went to get ready to go to Fuqin's palace to eat dinner.  I suggest you do the same.  He sent me to get you."  "I don't want to go.  I want to stay in bed."  "Get up, JinDe!  Fuqin is waiting for you!  Don't disappoint him!  Let me help you get dressed!  Now get up."  Slowly, JinDe swung his feet over the bed and got up.  He called his robes to him.  There!  Better!  "How does my face look?  Does my beard need trimming?"  "Hmmm, let me do it for you.  You know how Fuqin is a stickler for being well groomed and you know Mother hates a rank dragon!"  He waved his hands over JinDe and had him all neat and trimmed.  He even smelled nice.  "There!  How's that?"  "Better!  Much better!  Let's go then!"  "Aren't you going to wait for Mei Ying?  Fuqin said to bring both of you."  "Very well.  We will wait out in the courtyard."  As they walked out, Mei Ying walked into the courtyard wearing JinDe's pick of her gowns.  It was her Kunlun blue one.  Her eyes met his in a silent plea.  He held out his arm and the three of them walked to Shangdi Zhanzheng.
     Mo Yuan had been pacing back and forth.  He was nervous.  He wasn't even sure JinDe wouldn't throw out his own brother.  Bai Qian came up behind him and put her arms around him.  He sighed and turned around to hold her.  "What's bothering you, my love?  You're wearing a hole in the floor."  "I'm worried about JinDe.  He wants to come spend two months at Kunlun.  I sent word for his rooms to be made ready.  He needs rest.  He's just like me, working all the time!"  "When are we going back home?  Soon?"  "Yes, I was going to tell Ye Hua tonight we are going back.  I want to be there for JinDe and Mei Ying if they need us.  We will leave tomorrow."  "Short notice but it's nothing we can't handle.  Tomorrow it will be then!"  JinDe was silent as he stood before his father.  Their eyes met and he saw understanding there.  The love he saw there was what he needed the most.  "Fuqin, in three days I'm coming to Kunlun for a three month visit.  Are my rooms ready?"  "I sent a message to have them ready when you come.  Should I prepare anything else for you?"  He smiled a knowing smile.  "Just make sure the hot pool isn't occupied by you, if you get my drift!"  Mo Yuan laughed and patted him on his shoulder.  "Let's eat!  We have fresh fish!" 
     When you have eight children, some with wives, and a brother with his wife and children, the dining hall can get very crowded very quickly.  The din of voices had risen with an ever increasing crescendo.  Mo Yuan raised his hand to lower the volume.  He turned to Ye Hua and told him he was returning to Kunlun.  "Ye Hua, we are returning to Kunlun tomorrow.  JinDe and his wife are coming in three days so he can take a three month vacation.  He has made arrangements to let Xue take over some of his duties.  Are you ok with that?"  "Yes, Xue will be fine.  I heard JinDe went to see Zhe Yan today.  Is everything ok?"  "Yes, but he needs rest.  My cave would suit him better.  You know the energy there is better for a dragon anyway."  "Yes, this I know very well!  Bai Xue, do you mind handling JinDe's job for a bit?"  "No, Shushu, I don't mind.  He needs the rest.  Spying is rather stagnant right now anyway with the realms being at peace.  It will be no problem at all."  "Very well!  All arrangements are made.  We leave in the morning."  Everyone was ready.  Ye Hua and Yu Yu had come to say goodbye.  "Da ge, I hope to see you again soon.  I will miss you!"  "I will miss you too, Didi!  You have some catching up to do!"  "How so?"  "Children, Didi, children!"  He grinned and cloud jumped them all to Kunlun. 
     They had settled in to their routine.  Mo Yuan was heading out to the training ground when Baohu came running behind him.  "Fuqin!  You're just the person I want to see!  I have something to show you!"  "Oh?  Well come show me."  Mo Yuan sat on the observation bench as Baohu walked into the training grounds.  He had a practice sword in hand.  "Watch, Fuqin!"  He erupted his tails.  Each tail took a shot at the target as Baohu ran toward it with his sword.  He hit the target and skidded to a halt.  He retracted his tails and bowed.  "Baohu!  That was wonderful!  I see you have been learning well from your Zufu!  Come here!"  Baohu ran to his father with an ear to ear grin.  "Did you really think I did well, Fuqin?"  "You just need to learn to be sending power to those tails.  When you master that, you will definitely be a force to be reckoned with!  Your sword play has improved too.  Has your Shushu Bai Zhen been training you?"  "He has worked with both of us, Fuqin.  He said we need to learn dragon powers now."  "Oh really?  Well we can commence first thing in the morning.  Where's your brother?  Shouldn't he be training too?"  "He was here earlier.  I don't know where he is."  Baohu opened his senses to look for his brother.  He grinned.  Mo Yuan knew that grin and threw up his barrier.  Too late!  Jinzi bound him and captured him with his tails.  Mo Yuan looked up to see two tails pointing right at his face.  "I have you now, Fuqin!  Surrender!"  "Are you talking to me?  Mo Yuan, the God of War, who has never surrendered in his life?  I just need to clarify that statement."  Mo Yuan grinned.  He broke the bonds silently, grabbed Jinzi with magic and threw him out into the arena before he could power his tails.  He rolled in the dust and landed flat on his butt.  "Fuqin, will I ever catch you off guard?"  "Maybe someday, but that was a good try.  Next time power up your tails, then you might get me.  Maybe!"  Jinzi huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.  "Hummph!!"  "Come drink some tea.  You will be fine.  Why don't you try to trap your brother disciples?  See if you can get them.  Keep me informed of your progress there."  "Fuqin, Shushu Ye Hua was real sad when you left.  Could you feel him?"  "Yes, I could.  He and I are very close.  Could you feel him too?"  "I can't explain it, but I know I can still call his sword, Qing Ming if I wanted to and I can feel him in my heart."  "Try to call it.  I wish to see you do it."  Jinzi concentrated his power to his hand.  He called and Qing Ming came to his hand.  He smiled at his father.  Mo Yuan was about to tell him to send it back when Ye Hua talked to him in his mind.  "Da ge, am I safe to assume that Jinzi just called Qing Ming to his hand?"  "Yes, he did.  It was an experiment.  Call it back now."  Qing Ming disappeared from Jinzi's hand.  He grinned.  "Did Shushu get angry, Fuqin?"  "No, Jinzi, he didn't.  Don't get in the habit of calling his sword though.  He might just come get you!  There's the lunch bell.  Let's go eat."  He walked along with them behind him whispering how they were going to get him the next time.  A smile crossed his face until he walked into the dining hall and saw total bedlam.
     A food fight was in full force with Die Feng trying to catch a small golden fox, Chang Shan throwing up barriers over the food and a white dragon laying on the food on the table deflecting his barriers.  Mo Yuan took one step and shook the rafters with his voice.  "ENOUGH!  COME HERE THIS INSTANT!"  Everyone skidded to a halt.  Die Feng ran to his Shifu to explain.  "Shifu!  Report!"  "Yes, please explain to me this mess, if you please!"  "Shifu, I came to the hall after it started.  I don't know all of the details but I tried to break it up.  I'm sorry but I believe Chang Shan may know more than I do."  "Chang Shan!"  He came running.  "Shifu, I was in the kitchen when I heard the commotion.  I tried to stop it but you can see I've had no success!"  Out of the corner of his eye he saw two golden foxes trying to sneak out the door.  He sent out two streaks of power and brought them to a bench in front of him and bound them.  The white dragon he transformed and brought to the bench and bound her.  Junjie was not there.  He came walking in with his mother.  Bai Qian looked around in utter amazement.  She had never seen the hall in such a mess.  Their three daughters were sitting on a bench bound by their father.  This was not good.  Mo Yuan walked back and forth in front of them with his hands behind his back.  "There is no explanation any of you could give me to explain your utter lack of manners and decorum while in the dining hall.  There will be punishment as of right now."  He walked to his dais, cleaned it off with a wave of his hand and sat down.  With a stream of magic he brought Bai Chen Bo to his lap.  He bent her over his knee and swatted her butt five times.  He returned her to the bench.  He brought Bai Chin Chu to his lap.  Five swats to her butt.  He returned her to the bench.  He brought Liang Lei to his lap.  Five swats to her butt.  He returned her to the bench.  "The three of you will clean this dining hall from top to bottom.  I don't even want to find a speck of dust left.  Afterwards, you will report to my study.  If I am not there, you will wait for me.  Am I understood?"  Three voices answered at once, "yes, Fuqin!"  "Good!  No magic!  Start cleaning!"  He made buckets, rags, brooms and waste containers appear.  "Chang Shan!  Lunch will be served in the great hall!  Now please!"  With that he walked out, took Bai Qian by the hand and had Junjie, Jinzi and Baohu following him.
     "Dearest, don't you think you were a little harsh?"  Dark clouds were still on his face as he looked at her.  "Harsh?  They better be glad I didn't send them to the mortal world for a week.  Those three are going to learn some discipline or else.  No more reprieve for them and no mother taking their side either!!"  "But Mo Yuan, my love!"  "No, Qian Qian!  They are going to learn.  I will not have it!  Now let's try to salvage lunch, if we can."  Bai Chin Chu was as angry as she had ever been.  Every time Fuqin whipped all of them.  He didn't even listen to explanations any more.  While her sisters were busy, she sneaked out the door.  She jumped to the gate of Kunlun.  "Let him find me if he can!  I'm leaving!"  She was about to jump when a voice stopped her.  "I wouldn't do that if I were you!  You won't make it one mile before he has you."  "Yes, I will!  He can't stop me!  You can't either!"  She broke the barrier and jumped.  JinDe was smiling to himself.  Any minute now Fuqin would fly over and grab her.  He leaned against a rock and mentally counted.  One, two, ah.  There he goes.  Another two minutes and he returned with her.  "Fuqin!  I tried to stop her.  She left anyway."  "Mo JinDe!  Nice to see you early!  Is Mei Ying coming?"  "Yes.  She will be here tomorrow.  Can I help you?"  "No, I have it under control."  "I'll meet you in the hot pool then.  I need a good soak!" 
   The dining hall was still a shambles and they were fighting when Mo Yuan walked in with Bai Chin Chu.  He waved his hand and the dining hall was clean and spotless.  He bound all three girls and took them to their rooms.  He threw up a barrier over each door.  One by one he lectured them.  "Lei Lei, you will stay in your room for one week.  Your meals will be brought by me.  You will study here and you will not talk to anyone other than your mother or I.  Am I clear?"  "But Fuqin!  I was trying to clean!  Honest I was!"  "No buts!  You are grounded as of right now."  He pushed her in the door and threw up his strongest barrier.  Next he lectured Bai Chen Bo.  "Chen Bo, you will stay in your room for one week.  Your meals will be brought by me.  You will talk to no one other than your mother or I.  Am I clear?"  "Yes, Fuqin."  She sat on her bed and cried as he left.  He threw up his strongest barrier.  Next was the hardest one.  He dropped the barrier only to be attacked head on with fox magic.  He threw her onto her bed and stripped her powers.  "Bai Chin Chu!  I can't believe how incredibly stupid you have become.  You are confined to your room for two weeks.  I will bring you your meals and you will have no contact with anyone.  Only me.  One day you will learn.  Your punishment starts now."  He threw up his strongest barrier and left.  Chen Bo and Liang Lei knew their father was very angry.  When his voice is quiet, he's angry.  They both sat down to ponder the situation and decide how they were going to act.  Chin Chu was seething with anger.  She hated her father.  "Why should I listen to him anyway?  I'll get out if it's the last thing I do!  I'll leave and never come back!  Just you wait, Fuqin!  Just you wait!"

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