Brother, Why?

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     The great hall was in an uproar.  Mo Yuan had come in to tell Bai Qian the foxes were gone on their trial.  Nosey little dragons beat him to it.  She ran into his arms.  "My little foxes all grown up!  Oh, Mo Yuan!  How will they cope?"  "Dearest, they are prepared.  Don't worry now.  They will be ok."  Outwardly, he appeared calm and serene.  Inwardly, he was anything but calm.  Jinzi was calm and level headed.  Baohu was exactly like JinDe.  He remembered that trial all too well.  All too well.....
     Jinzi and Baohu were born into the Wei imperial family.  They were born to the empress.  She had great difficulty in their birth and remained weak for years after it.  They were her only children.  It was noticed that the first born, Jinzi, was a lively baby.  His brother however, made faces, but no sound came out of his mouth.    His brother's cord had been around his neck.  As time passed, Baohu didn't gain a voice.   Jinzi became his brother's protector and never left his side.  Year after year, Baohu never spoke but he could read, write and cipher like his brother.  Both of them were very intelligent and enjoyed learning.  Both were trained as imperial princes.  When they turned sixteen, they were called before their father.  Jinzi was calm and collected.  A quiet person by nature, he didn't say much.  Baohu was known for his fiery temper.  He threw things to get his point across.  All his life he struggled to learn to speak.  He finally learned to talk, but his voice was only a raspy whisper.  "My sons, I've called you here today to tell you I have made a decision.  Jinzi, you will be named crown prince.  Baohu, you will be his top advisor and military aide.  Your tutors tell me that Baohu is a most accomplished swordsman.  The announcement will be made in the next few days.  Jinzi, do you have any comment?"  "Fuqin, I will do as you ask, but I wish to keep Baohu at my side.  Is there a problem with that?"  "No.  I will draft the decree and you will receive the titles and accoutrements of office by the end of this week.  Baohu, do you agree?"  "Fuqin, I will serve my Da ge as best as I can."
     For fifteen years they were groomed and trained for their office.  Plots had been launched against them daily, but Jinzi held tightly to his ideals and punished those who tried to destroy him severely.  He was righteous and upright and he hated plots and innuendo.  Baohu, being the more boisterous of the two, chased women, drank heavily and was basically a weight around his Fuqin's neck.  He hated the old bastard.  He hated him with a passion.  Every time he was brought before his Fuqin, he could barely stand to be in the old man's presence.  A deep hatred started to build.  He was always compared to Jinzi.  He was sick of it.  A princess from Zhao had been picked to be Jinzi's wife and consort.  Baohu had plans for her.  He couldn't wait for the marriage to take place.  He would show them all.  Yes, he would show them all.  Baohu had been caught by his Fuqin's top general at the flower house.  Even though he was drunk and naked, a fight ensued and Baohu managed to pull his knife on the general.  He cut him on his arm and barely missed cutting his throat.  He threw him down to the floor.  "What's wrong?  Can't you get up and report back to the old man?  Tell him I'm busy and I can't come bow and scrape to him.  Tell him I said that.  He's lucky I didn't kill you.  Now get out!  I've got some business to tend to."
     The next morning, Jinzi came to see Baohu.  He was not pleased with his brother's behavior.  He walked in a tent on the training grounds where Baohu was.  He had a woman with him.  Jinzi had her removed.  "Baohu, why must you be like this?  You are a highly esteemed commander and aide to me!  I could demote you and have you thrown out of the army.  It's time for you to take your place and stop the drinking and womanizing.  I will be talking to Fuqin this afternoon about the situation."  Baohu jumped up and put his knife on Jinzi's throat.  "Say one word to that old bastard about me and I'll cut your throat.  I mean it, Jinzi.  Not one word!"  His voiced rasped in Jinzi's ear like a feral growl of a lone wolf.  For once in his life, Jinzi feared Baohu.  Just what had his brother become?  "Alright, but I expect you to be in our meeting this afternoon.  My wedding is in a month.  You are to be part of the guard.  Now please be sober by then!"  He turned and left without a backward glance. 
     The meeting that afternoon was tense.  The old emperor was fed up.  "Baohu, my general tells me you cut him.  Why were you in the flower house?  Haven't I told you to stop your affairs with women?"  "Well, Fuqin, since I am a prince of the realm, you would think you would have made an alliance somewhere and gained a princess for me!  I assume since my voice is the way it is that I don't deserve a decent wife?  Why can't I meet my needs as I see fit?  You basically threw me away when I was born.  I will do what I damn well please to do and you won't stop me.  I have no wife, therefore I'm free to have any whore I want.  If you are finished with me, I have training to do."  He turned on his heal and walked out on his Fuqin and his brother.  He went to the grounds, got on his horse and went straight into town.  Jinzi had him followed.  He stayed in the flower house for three days.  He went through three women.  He was known for his rather large member.  Most of the women feared him and didn't want to be used by him.  The last one he left in critical condition from his abuse.  He threw a bag of gold on the table and left.  He returned to the camp, returned his horse and went straight to his apartments.  None of his personnel were in attendance.  He wondered why.  He saw the shadow as it passed his window.  He doused all of the candles and hid under his table.
     The assassin saw the candles go out and thought Baohu was going to bed to sleep off yet another drunk.  He sneaked through the door and softly stepped across the floor toward the bed.  He was about to stab the figure on the bed when he was grabbed from behind.  Baohu's voice snarled in his ear.  "Tell me who sent you and you live.  Lie and I will find you and kill you.  You know I can, too.  Who are you and who sent you?"  Before he could blink, the man swallowed a poison pill and fell to the floor.  He searched him for anything that would give away his boss, but he found nothing.  He stepped to his door and called for the guards.  They took the assassin away.  The next morning, Baohu strode into his Fuqin's breakfast room.  His mother was there.  He didn't even bother to bow to either one of them.  "So Fuqin, you have now decided my life is worthless?  The next assassin that attacks me, I will come straight to your room and kill you myself.  I hate you!  I hate you!!"  His mother called him to her.  "Baohu, come to me please!"  "Why?  You threw me away the same as he did!  Why should I care for either one of you?  The next time someone tries to kill me, I'll kill you myself and take your throne!"  He spun on his heal and left them.
     Jinzi was beside himself.  He couldn't keep letting Baohu threaten his Fuqin.  He couldn't keep on ignoring him any more.  He had to do something.  He hadn't figured out what but he had to do something.  For weeks he had a tail on Baohu.  He had a girl he paid at the flower house to spy on him.  He had regular soldiers that reported to him.  He slowly but surely found out just what kind of man his brother was and he didn't like anything he saw.  Baohu was cruel, heartless, calculating and vindictive.  If he thought anyone was treating him unfairly, he would without remorse have them killed.  In fact, two soldiers had been found with their throats cut.  Jinzi was sure it was Baohu who did it.  The last straw was Baohu's abuse of the girl at the flower house.  He raped her brutally and left her for dead.  The madam found her tied to the bed, abused and beaten.  Jinzi went to his Fuqin with this last information.  "Fuqin, I'm sorry, but Baohu must be arrested for assault and murder.  I was having him tailed and he killed both soldiers.  I had a spy at the flower house that he just abused and beat her near to death.  His cruelty knows no bounds.  We must act now."  The old emperor was very heartbroken, but he knew Baohu couldn't continue to live.  He was a danger to the realm and everyone in it.  Even though Jinzi and Baohu were only thirty years old, he had decided to pass the throne to Jinzi and make Baohu supreme commander of the imperial armies.  He knew now that he couldn't trust Baohu to protect his brother.  If he gained control of the army, he would more then likely kill Jinzi and take the throne for himself.  He and Jinzi spent the better part of the afternoon forming a plan to take care of Baohu once and for all. 
     Baohu had taken to staying in the tents on the training grounds.  He didn't feel safe in his apartments anymore.  He secretly bought a house in the city where he sometimes went when he felt like he wasn't followed.  He knew his Fuqin wanted to get rid of him.  He started forming his own plan.  Jinzi's wedding was coming up and he was supposed to be the lead for the guard that brought her into the city.  He had already deduced that his father would use a fake attack to try and kill him.  He bided his time.  As the palanquin with his brother's bride was being lead into the city, Baohu was leading the procession.  An arrow barely missed him and hit the man behind him.  His troop of elite guards fell back to the palanquin to guard the bride.  More arrows came but they were prepared.  They hurried along and made it through the palace gates.  Baohu grinned to himself.  He had his brother right where he wanted him.  Yes indeed!  Before this night was over, the Zhao princess would be his and Jinzi would be dead along with his worthless Fuqin! 
     Jinzi was dressed and ready to meet his bride.  He wasn't expecting his brother, his identical twin, to cause any trouble but he was so wrong.  Baohu came into his room and switched all the guards one by one.  As Jinzi turned to leave for the throne room, Baohu grabbed him.  "For years I've stood in your shadow, for years you took my place from me.  Because your cord was around my neck, I've had no voice.  I've come for restitution.  Tonight you pay, brother.  Your bride is about to become mine.  I'm taking over tonight.  Goodbye,"  Baohu reached up with his dagger and slit Jinzi's throat.  He dropped him to the floor and removed his robes and replaced them with his armor.  He grabbed his own throat and made marks as if he had been choked.  He staggered out of the room to call the guards.  "Help!  Help!"  Guards came running and he was holding his throat.  "Baohu tried to kill me!  Get Fuqin!  Get him!"  He staggered like he couldn't stand and was led to the bed to sit down.  Jinzi was barely holding on to his life.  He looked Baohu in the eye.  He closed his eyes and slipped from that world to his room on Kunlun.
     Mo Yuan saw Si Ming running into the great hall.  "High God Mo Yuan!  Bai Zhi Jinzi has finished his trial early.  Where is he?"  Mo Yuan didn't wait for Si Ming as he rushed to Jinzi's room.  He was laying on the bed holding his throat.  Tears were streaming down his face.  The moment Mo Yuan walked in, Jinzi wept like a small child.  He couldn't catch his breath.  "Jinzi, what happened?  Can you tell me?"  "I loved him!  My own brother!  I loved him and he killed me!  Baohu killed me, Fuqin!  My own brother!"  He sobbed as he held onto his Fuqin's robe.  As he sobbed, the ascension energy came upon him.  He rose up off the bed and came back down.  Mo Yuan turned to Si Ming and held out his hand for the scroll.  "I'm sorry, High God Mo Yuan, but I can't let you read it just yet."  He bowed low.  Anger passed over Mo Yuan's face for a moment, but he rose up and stood over Si Ming.  "I'll not pressure you for it.  Please leave.  I'm sure he wouldn't have had ascension energy come over him if he had failed, now would he?"  "No, high god, he wouldn't.  I shall return when Bai Baohu Zhe returns."  He bowed and left.  Mo Yuan went to his study and was there when Xue and JinDe came running into his office.  "Fuqin!  Did they fail?"  "Jinzi has returned early.  His energy came over him, so he has passed his test.  As to Baohu, I have a terrible feeling.  A gut wrenching terrible feeling."
     The guards returned with the old emperor.  Baohu was sitting on the bed holding a cold rag over his throat.  "What has happened here?  Jinzi?  Are you able to continue for your wedding?"  Baohu cried false tears and acted his part perfectly.  His voice was just a whisper.  "Fuqin, Baohu came in my room and threatened me.  We got into a fight.  He tried to cut me with his dagger.  I took it away from him, but he grabbed me by the throat.  He nearly got me but I managed to get the knife and I cut his throat.  Fuqin, I had to kill my own brother!"  He laid back on the bed, covered his eyes and sobbed.  It had just washed over Baohu that he had killed his own twin.  Their twinship link was broken now as Jinzi lay on the floor in a pool of his own blood, his sightless eyes glazing over.  The emperor looked at the figure on the floor in disgust.  "Take him away before his mother sees him.  He got what he deserved.  Can you talk now, Jinzi?"  "Fuqin, he hurt my throat.  My vocal cords are damaged.  Call the physician please.  I need him now."  The physician was called and he was examined.  "Your majesty, it seems that the crown prince has suffered a serious injury to his vocal cords.  Time and rest is what he needs, but for now, he can talk but he shouldn't strain his voice."  "Can the wedding proceed?"  "Yes, he can get married, but rest afterward."  Baohu didn't want to feel too smug.  So far his plan was holding.  He entered the throne room and prepared to take Zhao princess Mei Ti Su as his wife. 
     For months Baohu was able to keep up his ruse.  He had tried hard to take on Jinzi's manner.  He knew he was rough with his wife the first night, but he had actually begun to care for her.  He was eating breakfast one morning when he saw his Fuqin being helped into his room.  He sat down and dismissed his aides.  He looked Baohu in the eye and spoke harshly to him.  "You can stop the ruse now, Baohu.  I know it's you."  He tried to act as if nothing was happening.  "Fuqin, I'm sure I don't know what you mean."   "According to the physician, your voice should have recovered.  That was a good trick saying you were choked.  Covered your voice real well.  I could have you arrested, but then I would have to train a new heir.  Not that I have one.  Funny how all of the princes that were born ended up dying for no reason.  I'm sure you know nothing about that, do you?  Or about the deaths of several concubines.  It seems you have backed yourself into a corner.  If you come out and declare yourself emperor, you would be killed.  You're stuck living out your life as Jinzi.  So in the end, he wins!  It's really too funny!  I'm going to turn the throne over to you soon.   Hope you can live with yourself for what you did to your brother."  He called his aides and left Baohu to his thoughts.
     Two weeks later, the old emperor named him as his successor.  He died in his sleep a few days later.  With his death, his mother became depressed and she soon followed him.  Baohu had started thinking more and more on how his father was right.  He couldn't be the man he was before.  He couldn't be that man.  Slowly but surely he changed.  Every day of his life the scene of his brother laying in a pool of blood with his eyes glazed over was in his head.  Nearing the age of sixty, he had ruled for many years.  He was ruthless towards his enemies, benevolent to his subjects, stalwart and strong.  He had twin sons of his own.  Knowing his days were numbered.  He had trained them to succeed him.  He had not played favorites.  They both were equally educated and either one could be his successor.  He called them to him as he lay in bed.  "My sons, one of you will be named my successor today.  I wish to hear what you both want and it shall be as you say.  Who will it be?"  The oldest, Wei Zhen Huo, stepped up.  "Fuqin, brother and I have talked and he has decided to be our military commander.  He prefers this over the diplomacy and day to day rule duties.  He will serve me and I will be ruler.  We hope this pleases you."  "And you agree, Zhu?"  Wei Kai Zhu looked at his Fuqin and nodded.  "I do agree.  Zhen is correct.  He much prefers the paperwork side of ruling.  I don't.  I will command his armies and he will be our emperor.  We are ready to serve you, Fuqin."  Baohu laid back on his pillow and cried.  He asked every god he knew for forgiveness.  He named Zhen his successor and Zhu as military commander.  He signed the decrees, handed all seals of office to Zhen and cried.  His breath came in gasps as he finally breathed his last breath.  He woke up in his room on Kunlun. 
     Bai Baohu Zhe, woke up in his room.  He looked at his hands and he could have sworn he could see Jinzi's blood on them.  He rolled into a ball facing the wall and cried.  He had been everything he wasn't in real life.  He had been cruel, heartless, a drunk, an abuser and a murderer.  He heard his door open.  His heart leapt in his chest because he knew it was his Fuqin.  He couldn't face him.  The soft voice was the last thing he expected to hear.  "Baohu?  Are you ok, Didi?"  Baohu rose from the bed, fell on his knees at his Da ge's feet and begged for his forgiveness.  "Jinzi, please forgive me!  Please!  That's all I ask!  Please?"  Jinzi sat beside him and put his arm around his shoulder.  "Baohu, it was our trial.  I had trouble at first because I couldn't believe you would do that to me.  One thing I know for sure, our twinship link never broke.  Our love for each other is strong and I know you would never hurt me in reality.  Do you understand?"  Mo Yuan walked in to see them hugging each other.  As they cried together, the ascension energy came upon Baohu.  Three days later, he walked out of his room High God Bai Baohu Zhe, fourth son of High God Mo Yuan.  He walked to his Fuqin's study, knocked on the door and waited.  "Enter".  The sound of that voice was music to his ears.  "Fuqin, I......"  He ran to his Fuqin and fell into his arms broken and needing his Fuqin's arms around him.  He was there when his mother walked in and saw the silent tears in Mo Yuan's eyes.  She nodded and backed out and softly closed the door.

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