Little, Little, Little, Little Girls

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     Nu Wa set her plan into motion.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao went looking for their Fuqin.  They sat by the door and heard all they wanted to hear about the demon queen and how she lied.  Mainly they now knew what happened to Si ge.  Getting madder by the second, they decided to go get that queen.  They jumped themselves to the gate.  They crawled right under the feet of Taowu.  He didn't see them.  When he turned to walk back across the gate, they shot out.  He turned quickly because he thought he saw something.  Looking closely he saw nothing and continued his watch.  Jingsi and Jiaxiao were talking to each other.  They were both burning with righteous anger.  They had liked the demon queen.  She lied.  She hurt Si ge.  They love Si ge!  We get her!  We make her pay!  There was hardly a ripple when they landed at the gate by the demon palace.  They cloaked themselves and crawled and walked into the palace.  Slowly they made their way to the throne room.  The nasty queen was holding court in a nasty palace that was half burned.  They crawled right up to the throne and appeared.  A gasp of shock went through the room and fear ran rampant.  Shao Wan recognized them right away.  She laughed out loud.  "So Mo Yuan has to send little babies to do his dirty work now?  Where's your self righteous brother now?  The so called God of War!  Not so hot now is he?  Go tell your Fuqin that I'll use that huli until I'm through with him.  Or he can try to send those twin dragons again.  I have to admit they are pretty powerful.  What can two puny little white dragons do to me?  Guards, take them."  Before a muscle could be moved by anyone, they both transformed and turned.  They both were growling.  One demon laughed and they burned him to a crisp.  Deciding they had had enough, they sat about burning everything.  Shao Wan was trapped on her dais by the time they were finished.  They turned and transformed back.  White fire was burning all over everywhere.  They didn't run and they weren't afraid.  Jingsi looked right at Shao Wan and laughed.  "Bad queen.  You lie.  You lie to Fuqin.  You lie to ereybody.  You no good.  You hurt Si ge.  We love Si ge.  You kill, you hurt, you no good.  Now you hurt."  Shao Wan laughed again.  "Leave now little dragons or you are about to die!"  She slung out her whip and sent it straight toward them.  Jiaxiao moved her hand in a twist and snatched it out of her hand.  She looked at it and burned it with her hand.  She still held the handle.  Jiaxiao laughed.  She held up her little hand until white fire was in her hand.  She giggled and ran her hands through it.  Jingsi giggled too.  Without warning the fire hit Shao Wan right in her laughing face.  Her hair went up in a blaze.  Jingsi threw fire at her body.  She was screaming now.  She transformed into her Phoenix to try to escape the fire.  Being truly evil, she couldn't overcome the righteous fire of two pure white, pure in spirit dragons.  She burned with a flame brighter than she burned before.  She flapped her wings and blue feathers flew passed the little dragons.  Her last scream saw her spirit leave, this time for good.  Being satisfied, they turned to leave.  Each one picked up four feathers.  They crawled through the fire.  Any people left had run to hide.  They crawled to the gate.  They were yawning when their Fuqin, their Da ge, their Er ge and their Shushu landed in front of them.  Mo Yuan looked up at the burning palace.  He smelled the fear in the air.  Any demons close by hit their knees in total obedience to the white dragons.  They were chanting some ancient demon poem about white dragons.  Mo Yuan picked them up and held them close.  "Fuqin will not ask you just what you have done, for I can see it for myself.  Come, my Xiao longs!   To Kunlun we go!"
     Mo Yuan had noticed Jinzi leave.  JinDe was still ranting when Jinzi returned and just sat by the door.  Ye Hua, full of righteous anger, stood up and paced the floor.  "Just what was her purpose to destroy him like that?!?  She lied!  You had extended the hand of friendship with her and so had JieJie.  I'll destroy her myself.  I don't care two shakes what any stupid celestial law says.  I've been having my clerks read those dumb laws.  I've done away with nearly half of them.  Am I the ruler of the nine heavens and Kunlun City or am I not?  My subjects and servants will not be threatened by a pitiful prostitute, for in my eyes, that's all she is.  That's why you left her, isn't it Da ge?  You didn't want a whore as your woman.  JieJie has never been with anybody but you.  She is as pure in spirit as that bitch is rotten to her Phoenix core.  I'll leave right now!  I'm not taking the destruction of the character of a very important high god sitting down!!  He banged his fist against the desk.  Bai Qian ran into the study in a panic.  "Mo Yuan!  Jingsi and Jiaxiao are missing!  I can't find them anywhere!  I've got Taiyang and Zhenzhu looking them.  Die Feng is organizing the disciples.  I searched the peach grove and Bo and Shenshi are searching by the lotus pond.  I can't find them!!"  Mo Yuan jumped up and sent his essence out over the mountain.  They were not here.  His mind was running faster than he could fly.  Where could they go?  Why would they leave?  He was about to walk out the door when he grinned the war god grin and turned to them.  "I know where they are.  Follow me."  Bai Qian could barely keep up with him.  He stopped at the main portico.  "Qian'er, stay here.  I'll be right back.  Ye Hua, you, Xue and JinDe are with me.  Jinzi stay here with your Mother!"  He jumped them all on a fast cloud.  He landed at the gate of the demon realm palace just in time to see Jingsi and Jiaxiao yawning and getting ready to settle down for a quick nap.  They saw him and he reached down to pick them up.  "Fuqin will not ask you just what you have done, for I can see it for myself.  Come, my Xiao longs!   To Kunlun we go!"
     He landed on the portico and marched them to their room.  JinDe called off the search.  Bai Qian was very upset but relieved to see them.  "I'm almost afraid to ask where they were.  Do I want to know?"  "Well, Qian'er, they were at Shao Wan's palace.  They burned it down.  Demons were on the ground kowtowing to the great white dragons of purity.  As you can see, they each have four Phoenix feathers in their hand.  I'm sure we will receive messages from that realm soon enough.  Let's delay our trip until they sleep this off.  They will nap and wake around lunch.  What did I ever do to have such children?"  "Da ge, if the demon realm had an army, we would have a war decree tomorrow.  I'm dying to know exactly what they did."  "We will just have to wait and see.  Let's have some tea now."  They were in the hall drinking tea when Die Feng came bringing a message to Mo Yuan.  It was brought to the gate by an emissary of the demon realm.  Mo Yuan read the message and had to hold back a full blown belly laugh.  "Well it seems the ying'er bailongs have killed the demon queen and most of her court."  "WHAT?!?"  The hall full of people all yelled at once.  "It's not possible for such little ones to have such power, is it?"  "What do I know?  From the first born sitting there looking so smug to those sweet little bailongs, I have never ceased to be amazed!  I, their Fuqin, am speechless!"
     Nap time being over, Jingsi and Jiaxiao wanted their Fuqin.  Not waiting for anyone to come, they took off in pursuit of their Fuqin.  They flew around until they found him in the hall.  They flew straight to him.  "Ah, if it isn't the great Bailongs of purity!  So tell everyone what you have been up to today.  "Fuqin!  Me mad!  Demon lie!  Demon hurt Si ge!  Me go get her!"  "And you, Jiaxiao?  You got her too?"  Jiaxiao scrunched her brow together to talk.  "She laugh.  Call us puny!  Me mad!  We burn her!  Yes!  We burn!"  "Just how did you burn?"  "Open mouth, fire come out."  Mo Yuan's eyes got big.  "Hmmm, I see.  I assume it was white fire.  Just like your Da ge?"  "Da ge be white?  Come, Da ge!  Me see!"  Bai Xue went to sit close to his Fuqin.  He held out his hand and brought forth a white flame in his hand.  "Like that, Jiaxiao?"  She bounced on Mo Yuan's lap and clapped her hands.  "Da ge do it!  Same!  Da ge do it!!"  "So let Fuqin get this straight.  You got mad at the demon queen because she hurt your Si ge.  Who told you she hurt him?"  Jingsi creased her brow.  She looked around the room and searched for someone.  When she saw Taiyang and Zhenzhu, she reached for them.  "Tell, Tai, tell!"  "You want us to read your mind?"  "Is it ok, Fuqin?"  "Yes, do it. That's the only way to get the whole story."  Taiyang and Zhenzhu concentrated their power and read Jingsi's mind.  "Well Fuqin, it seems they woke up early this morning and went in search for you.  They came to your study and heard all of you ranting and raving about what Shao Wan had done to Si ge.  Being upset because they love him so much, they decided to go take care of the problem.  They managed to sneak right under Taowu's legs.  I don't know how they did it, but they jumped a cloud and landed right at the gate of the demon palace.  Or what Da ge and Er ge left of it.  They cloaked themselves and crawled right up to the throne and decloaked.  Shao Wan laughed at them and said you sent little girls to do your dirty work.  That made them even madder.  They transformed and proceeded to burn up the throne room.  Whoever didn't escape burned.  Shao Wan was trapped on her dais.  She pulled out her whip but Jiaxiao took it from her and burned it.  I believe she has the handle up her sleeve.  Jiaxiao pulled white flame into her hand.  She played with it a minute and then flung it in Shao Wan's face.  Jingsi hit her body with fire.  White fire.  The pure white fire of pure little girls who love their Si ge.  They got the feathers because Shao Wan flapped her wings and her feathers came off.  They left her burning to a crisp and had just crawled to the gate when you arrived.  Fuqin, their anger was so righteous that their fire was the purest white in a land of evil and darkness.  They alone had the power to do it!  They took restitution for not only Si ge, but for you too.  That's all I could see."  They both sat on a knee in their Fuqin's lap.  They looked up at him in expectation.  A tear ran down his face as he held them close to his neck where they could lay on his veins.  They grabbed the front of his robe tightly and held on to the rock solid anchor in their lives.  After a moment, Mo Yuan looked up and smiled.  "All of you learn a lesson today.  Demon Queen Shao Wan set out to destroy this realm by destroying me and God of War Bai Baohu Zhe.  By attacking Bai Baohu Zhe using her very famous charm spell, she caused injury, death and heartbreak.  Today righteous anger made her pay for it.  She has gone back to the nothingness.  Our realm has been saved."  He stood up and walked out the door with two very smug little dragons.
     Everyone was ready to leave for the snow leopard realm.  Bai Xue had to admit he was glad Junjie and Baishan had decided to go too.  He really wasn't looking forward to breaking up sessions of cat tails and dragon scales!  He was standing on the portico waiting for everyone to gather.  Finally his Fuqin and mother came out with the smaller children.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu had decided to go, too.  What a crowd!  "Fuqin, don't worry about anything.  I'm going to start construction on Junjie's palace tomorrow.  Our Shandian Jinlong must have a proper home to bring his bride to!  It looks like you are going to have three weddings back to back!  Are you ready for it?"  "Whether I'm ready or not, it will be so!  I will message you when the blessed event happens!  Take care my son!"  With that he cloud jumped them to Hei and Lei's realm.  They were met at the gate.  The commander of the elite guard came to meet them and show them to their rooms.  Mo Yuan noticed the guard had on black armor with white trim.  There was a new insignia.  It had the leopard with a dragon wound around it.  Mo Yuan noted it and asked the guard about it.  "High God Mo Yuan, in honor of our queen, we asked our king to have this insignia made to honor her.  She is very powerful.  She has trained us well.  We have improved greatly since you were last here.  Our king and queen have brought our realm peace and prosperity.  We are honored to serve them!"  "Very good!  I will be here for a few days if you wish additional training."  "We wish to learn more about the throwing stars."  "Throwing stars?"  "The discs you gifted to our lord.  Those."  "Ah, yes!  Well I will set up a time to train you."  "Here are your rooms, High God Mo Yuan.  We will meet again in the training arena."  They all settled in their rooms.  Mo Yuan, Bai Qian, Jinzi and Mi Shu went to visit Lei in her rooms.  She was waking up from a nap when they arrived.  "Fuqin!  You and Mother finally came!!  I can have this baby now!!"  Mo Yuan raised his brow and smiled.  "You mean to tell me, Xia Liang Lei, that you can just call on your labor to begin?"  "No Fuqin, I'm saying I am having pains!  Where is Jinzi?"  Jinzi ran to her side and scanned her.  "She's not lying, Fuqin!  She's in labor!  Get Hei!"  Mo Yuan stepped to the door and sent a guard to get Hei immediately.  Jinzi was checking again when he came running in. "Jinzi, I'm so glad you're here!  Lei has refused every medicine king in our realm to help her!  High God Mo Yuan, I'm so glad you are here!  Please help?"  Mo Yuan patted him on the shoulder.  "Here Hei!  Sit behind Lei and be her pillow.  Hold her hand.  There!  Just like that!  Qian'er, you wipe her face.  I'll help Jinzi and Mi Shu.  Now let's go!"  Lei was in labor for ten hours.  Jinzi was watching and pressing her stomach.  "Push Lei!  I can see it!  Push hard!  Push!"  With her last push she screamed her pain.  Jinzi cleaned the baby.  "It's a boy!  A beautiful leopard boy!!  Look Fuqin!"  Mo Yuan took the little boy and handed him to his Fuqin.  Hei rubbed his face and purred to him.  Exhausted, Liang Lei wanted to see her baby boy.  She held him close and purred too.  He settled against his mother and went in search of food.  She put him to her great so he could eat.  Bai Qian had tears running down her face.  "Mo Yuan, our daughter gave us a beautiful sunzi!  Our first daughter to give us one!  It's wonderful!!"  A tear came out of his eye as he looked at the sweet little family.  Hei's Fuqin and mother came in to see their sunzi.  "Look at him!  Isn't he lovely?  We have an heir to the throne!  Go annoyed it!!  Hei!  What is his name?"  "Fuqin, I would ask High God Mo Yuan to name him."  Mo Yuan, caught off guard, was surprised but bounced back quickly.  "I shall name him.  He will be strong, an asset to his Fuqin and mother, A crown prince and future ruler.  Today I name you Mao Da Long Bao, son of King Mao Qiang de Hei.  He will be the strongest snow leopard to ever live."  Liang Lei looked at her Fuqin and smiled.  "Dalong.  My baby boy!"
     For a week Dalong was doted on by both sets of grandparents.  Liang Lei, being the image of her Fuqin in spirit, bounced back quickly.  Qiang de Hei was strutting around like a peacock.  Dalong made himself known on the fourth day.  Transforming into his cat form, he promptly ran right to his Zumu Bai Qian.  She scooped him up and gave him a big kiss.  He grinned and settled in her arms and purred so loud she could have sworn the windows rattled.  Giving his mother a rather smug look, he settled down for a nap.  "I can see right now that Mother dotes on him and he knows it!  Spoiled already!  Come Dalong!  It's time for a nap."  Lei reached for him and he hissed at her.  Mo Yuan came to stand by them.  He looked into the little boy's cat eyes and growled.  Dalong hissed and growled back.  Jinlong came out and hissed and growled.  Dalong curled up his lip and wailed like a banshee.  He took him from Bai Qian.  "Dalong, you must always listen to your mother.  She will make you pay dearly for any indiscretions you commit.  Trust your Zufu!  Go take your nap now and behave!"  He handed him to Hei and he went to his room to nap.  "Fuqin, you have always been able to charm us into doing whatever you wanted.  How do you do it?"  "Use your dragon eyes my dear.  It will get him every time!  Now come, let's have tea so you can rest."
     After one month, they decided to return home.  Lei was doing well, their kingdom was doing well and Dalong had become the kingdom favorite.  He was a smart baby and he learned fast.  He also figured out how to charm his maids and escape his room any time he got ready.  On his third time to do it, his mother, that gentle dragon, turned into a beast.  Her eyes white and her chest rumbling, she caught her errant child and put righteous fear in him.  She took him to his room and growled one time for posterity.    He got into his bed and pulled his cover over his head.  He went to sleep like he was supposed to do.  Hei was mesmerized by her growl.  He hugged her and whispered in her ear.  She grinned and swatted him.  Mo Yuan, seeing his daughter so happy, felt he could leave and feel at peace.  There was great sorrow when they left, but they had weddings to plan.  Chin Chu was sitting in the hall drinking tea with Tian Shu, Chen Bo and Shenshi when the entourage returned from the snow leopard kingdom.  They put away baggage and came to the hall.  Chin Chu, being rather impatient, went to sit by her Fuqin.  "Fuqin, I have to get my dress made.  Are we going to Qing Qui?"  "My dear Xiao Jin Huli!  Not only do you need a dress, but so does Chen Bo and Junjie needs a robe.  So yes we will go to Qing Qui.  In three days.  Agreed?"  "Can we get Rong to make new hair pins?"  "Yes, you may!  Enough!  Go enjoy your fiance over there!  I'm going to take your mother for a walk.  Qian'er, if you would accompany me?"  They left hand in hand and walked around their garden.  He led them to a bench that was facing the sunset.  "Qian'er, I'm very worried about Baohu.  I'm deeply afraid he is ruined now.  Jinzi said he was afraid even though Baohu has gone on a trial, he might not be able to accept that Li Li is dead and he can't talk any more.  He thinks he will go into seclusion.  I remember when he was very young and he had cast that spell on me, he said something about going to live in the forests of Qing Qui as a fox.  He might just do that.  I wish we could help him, but I just don't think we can."  "Well, Jingsi and Jiaxiao ask about him every day.  I don't think they will let him go.  Plus Fengbao and WuYun are now curious about him too.  The more Jingsi and Jiaxiao talk, the more those boys want to know.  We will just have to wait and see.  How many days has he been gone?"  "Around fifteen, I believe.  We can only hope for the best.  I'm very afraid he is going to try to kill himself again.  It will be the worst thing to ever happen.  If Shao Wan wasn't already dead, I would kill her again!  Enough!  We can only wait it out.  Come.  Let's go check on those very naughty Xiao Bailongs."

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