Hard, But Not Impossible

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     Bai Qian woke up but she had no inclination to move.  Mo Yuan had risen much earlier.  Her back was killing her.  She tried to roll over to Mo Yuan's side of the bed.  The pain struck again.  She finally got to the side of the bed and sat up.  She stood up and when she did, water gushed between her legs.  Her time had come and she was alone.  She tried to step forward but the pain stopped her.  Chang Shan was bringing her morning tray when he heard her call out.  He stepped inside the door,  took one look and jumped to the classroom where he knew Shifu was.  Mo Yuan looked into his excited face.  "Shifu, pardon the interruption but Shiqi needs you right now!  It's time!"  Mo Yuan jumped out of the room and left his disciples running everywhere.
     Mo Yuan appeared in the door.  Bai Qian was standing with one hand on her back and one straight out into the air.  "Qian Qian!  Here let me help you!"  He swooped her up and placed her on their bed.  He changed her sleeping gown and cleaned the floor with a swipe of his hand.  He stepped to the door.  All sixteen disciples were there.  "Zi Lan, go get Zhe Yan.  Bring him back as quick as possible.  Chang Shan, you know what to do.  Die Feng, find Emperor Bai and his wife.  Go now!"  They scattered to do his bidding.  Mo Yuan opened his connection to Ye Hua.  "Didi, it's time!  Bring Xue and JinDe!"  In the nine heavens, Ye Hua and Yu Yu were right in the middle of their morning session of 'cat tails and dragon scales'.  Ye Hua tried to pay no attention to Mo Yuan when it dawned on him just exactly what he had said.  Frustrated, he couldn't stop just yet!  Thirty minutes later he sent messages to Xue and JinDe.  They too had been 'busy'.  When they both arrived, Ye Hua was dressed and ready to leave.  "Da ge called for me.  JieJie is in labor!"  Bai Xue jumped and so did JinDe.  Ye Hua shrugged, grabbed Yu Yu and they cloud jumped to Kunlun.  Bai Xue and Meili arrived next and then Mo JinDe and Mei Ying.  Die Feng greeted them and led them to Mo Yuan's room.
     Mo Yuan was laid back against the bed with Bai Qian propped between his legs.  He had both hands on her stomach.  Ye Hua rushed to her side.  "JieJie, I'm here just like I was when Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were born.  I'll be right here!"  "Xiao Lianhua, I love you!  Wipe my face, please!"  JinDe knelt by his mother.  "Mother, I'm sorry if I was this much pain to you!"  A pain struck her and she held his hand tightly.  "JinDe, it was worth it because I have you and Xue Xue."  Bai Xue, always the quiet one, reflected his mother's pain on his face.  JinDe moved so he could kneel by her.  "Mother?  Will you be ok?  What can I do?"  "Xue Xue, I am fine.  Talk to your father dear."  Mo Yuan looked up at three faces that were grown, but to him, they were so young.  "Zhe Yan is on the way.  I will need all three of you for your power.  These girls are early and they are stressing.  Understand?  Stand behind Ye Hua.  His job is to wipe Qian Qian's brow and face like he did when you two were born."  Bai Zhi had been standing outside with Baohu and Jinzi.  They insisted he bring them in.  Finally he let them go and they ran to their father.  Baohu spoke first.  "Fuqin, it time for Xiao jiemei to be born?  Baohu can talk if need to.  Ok, Fuqin?"  "Jinzi can help heal Fuqin!  Maybe help Xiao jiemei?"  Mo Yuan was getting nervous with all the men in the room but he agreed to let them stay.  Baohu stand here by Shushu.  Jinzi, hold your mother's hand.  If she is weak, pass her energy, ok?"  "Ok, Fuqin!"  Bai Zhe Zhe was beside herself.   "Mo Yuan, it is improper for all of these men to attend a woman giving birth.  It is a very messy and personal thing!"  Six pairs of honey brown eyes turned to her.  Four dragons made their presence known with eye color change and low growls.  Two Xiao Jin Hulis howled for all they were worth.  She put her hands on her hips.  The howls were bad enough but the threat in those dragon growls had her thinking  twice about complaining.  "Very well!  If any of you complain, you're out!" 
     Zhe Yan came bursting through the door.  He looked around quickly and before he could say anything, he was met with the same chorus.  Dragon growls and fox howls.  He talked to Mo Yuan first.  "When did the labor start?"  "It started this morning.  It's been nearly four hours since I came in here."  Zhe Yan scanned carefully and took Bai Qian's pulse.  "Everything is ok, but they are all tangled up.  I need the little fox here.  The mind talker."  Baohu ran to Zhe Yan and looked up at him expectantly.  "How Baohu help, High God Zhe Yan?"  "You need to talk to them.  Make sure no one is in trouble.  Understand?"  "Baohu, understand!"  He stood as close as he could and placed his hand on his mother's stomach.  He stood with a serious face and then turned to Zhe Yan.  "Two can come out now.  They ok.  Other two in trouble.  One cord be around other neck.  Both like this.  Baohu can't help jiemei."  He stood back for a moment and looked to his father.  "Fuqin, Baohu can't help!"  "It's ok, Baohu!  Just keep talking to them for now!"  Zhe Yan stepped close to Mo Yuan.  "Mo Yuan, I'm afraid this is the worst scenario we could have envisioned.  Any one of them coming out could jeopardize any one of the others.  Baohu!  Ask them if the cords are around their legs."  Baohu stood still and then looked at Zhe Yan.  "Cords are wrapped around all jiemei.  They all wrapped up!"  "That settles it then.  She must have surgery.  Chang Shan!"  Chang Shan ran to the door.  "I need sleeping potions and pain potions.  Hurry!"  Mo Yuan was in shock.  "Mo Yuan, this will probably end Xiao Wu's child bearing days forever.  I'll save it if I can."  Mo Yuan turned a ghostly white.  "Can you do this?  Will they all survive?"  "If we are careful, they will be ok.  I will need all of you here.  Your power to heal and make Xiao Wu stay asleep will be needed for sure.  The little quiet fox I need for the babies."  Mo Yuan called Jinzi to him.  "Jinzi, you do what Zhe Yan tells you to do.  Understand?"  "Yes Fuqin, Jinzi do just what High God Zhe Yan say for him to do!" 
     Every person on Kunlun Mountain was in the grand hall waiting.  Chang Shan was the messenger since he provided the potions and elixers.  Bai Zhi was also in the hall with them.   It had been explained to them all what had to be done in order to save the children.  Bai Qian was laid flat on the bed.  Mo Yuan knelt by her head and held her hand.  His eyes were gold as he talked to her.   "Dearest, I'm so sorry I'm a horny lusty dragon that has done this to you.  Forgive me?"  She cupped her hand to his face.  "I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love you Jinlong."  Zhe Yan nodded and Mo Yuan put her to sleep.  When she relaxed Baohu raised his head to Zhe Yan.  "Jiemei want to know why mother sleep.  They sleepy too!"  "Tell them to sleep.  They will be born soon."  Using his power, Zhe Yan directed a stream of energy as sharp as a blade on Bai Qian.  He made precision cuts and opened her womb.  He reached in and pulled out a beautiful little golden fox.  Baohu and Jinzi both clapped and jumped.  "Mei Mei gold like us!!"  Mo Yuan took her and snuggled her close.  He purred to her and she smiled at him.  "Here JinDe, hold her!"  JinDe took her into his arms.  "Fuqin, her name is Bai Chen Bo!"  "Yes!  Tie a ribbon on her arm with her name."  Zhe Zhe conjured ribbon and tied a pink one on her arm.  Zhe Yan brought out another gold fox.  He handed her to Mo Yuan.  He purred to her and snuggled her.  "Bai Xue!  Hold her!"  Bai Xue took the little girl and snuggled her close.  She stared right back at him.  "Bai Chin Chu!  Is that ok, Fuqin?"  "Yes!"  Zhe Yan pulled out the third little girl.  A white dragon!  He handed her to Mo Yuan.  He purred and snuggled her. "Ye Hua!  Hold her!"  Ye Hua gently took the little girl.  She stared at him intently.  "No, I'm not your Fuqin, I'm your Shushu! Xia Liang Lei!!"  Zhe Yan brought out the last little baby.  It was a little golden dragon boy.  "A boy!!  A golden dragon boy!!  He will be special for sure!"  He handed him to Mo Yuan.  He was very tiny but very alert.  Mo Yuan purred to the little dragon.  He smiled at his father.  "Mo Junjie Jin!  Another golden boy!"  Zhe Yan snapped him out of his revelry.  Zhe Zhe, you take this little boy and go out with those three behind you.  Mo Yuan, you stay here along with those two foxes.  The rest, out."  Mo Yuan carefully handed the boy to his grandmother and moved close to Zhe Yan.  He watched them leave.  Slowly and carefully Zhe Yan cleaned the inside of Bai Qian's womb.  He closed the incision.  "Mo Yuan, give me some energy please."  Mo Yuan stepped up and shot energy to Zhe Yan.  He closed the second incision.  "Jinzi, heal your mother now.  Just like you saw me do."  Jinzi nodded and gathered his energy to heal.  He poured a golden glow over her.  He kept on until he wavered.  " Enough.  You have done well.  Now we let her sleep.  If she heals well, she will be ok.  Yes!  She will recover and be fine!"  Jinzi grabbed his father around his legs.  "Fuqin!  We have four new babies!  Jinzi so happy!!"  "Fuqin is happy too, Jinzi!  Now lets go see our new babies, shall we?"
     Mo Yuan walked into a nursery filled with bedlam.  All four babies were crying and everyone was running around.  Mo Yuan walked to the middle of the room and roared, "ENOUGH!  Quiet!  Tell Fuqin what's wrong!"  Baohu ran and grabbed his father's hand.  "Fuqin, Junjie say he want you.  They cry cause he cry!"  Mo Yuan picked up the little golden dragon and held him close.  "Fuqin is here now.  Fuqin is here!"  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he purred and crooned to the boy. Junjie smiled and reached his hand out.  He grabbed his father's finger with his little hand.  Mo Yuan passed a little energy to him.  He snuggled down in his blanket.   "Zhe Zhe, we need a wet nurse, maybe two.  Qian Qian can't handle all of them.  Can you see to it right away?  These babies are hungry!"  She left so fast her wind ruffled his tunic.  Bai Zhi was strutting around like a peacock.  "Mo Yuan!  You have started a whole new line of rare nine tailed foxes!  Qian Qian was unique, but all of these golden foxes are a rarity!  I'm glad to have them as my sunzis.  All of them.  Even those two dragons over there!"  On cue Bai Xue and Mo JinDe came and stood on each side of there Zufu.  Being taller than him they winked at each other and both tried to tickle him.  "Aiya!!  You big dragon louts try to gang up on your old Zufu now do you?  Meet me in the arena tomorrow morning with Baohu and Jinzi!  We'll see how you fare then!!"  Zhe Zhe came back an hour later with two wet nurses.  With everything settled, Mo Yuan held each baby close once more and left them to rest.  Only the nurses and Zhe Zhe remained behind.  Guest quarters had been prepared for everyone so they went to rest.  Mo Yuan went to the grand hall to talk to his disciples.  He sat down, looking a little worse for wear.  "As you all know, we have four new babies today!"  There was a cheer and congratulations.  "We have two foxes and two dragons.  Two fox girls golden like Baohu and Jinzi and two dragons.  One white dragon, a girl, and one golden dragon, a boy!"  Zi Lan couldn't hold his excitement.  "One poor little boy surrounded by all those girls!  We will be there for him!  No worries, Shifu!!"  "Well, Shiliu, with you around, I'm sure three girls should be no problem!"
     Mo Yuan sat down in a chair beside his bed that night.  Bai Qian was still asleep.   He gently kissed the palm of her hand and laid her arm down.  He bent over and kissed her soft lips.  She smiled in her sleep.  He smiled to himself.  Yes his dragon was feeling rather smug.  Four babies!  He waved his hand and removed his robes down to his silk pants.   He carefully lay beside Qian Qian and pulled her head to his shoulder.  They slept for the night.  Mo Yuan woke up refreshed the next morning.  Bai Qian was still asleep but she was stirring.  Mo Yuan called Chang Shan and had him bring a pain elixer and a tray of his best healing soup.  He sat the tray down just as her eyes popped open.  Pain was written on her face.  "Here, Qian Qian, take this elixer.  It will help with the pain.  He gave her the medicine. She settled down.  "How are the babies?  Ok?"  "Do you remember what happened?"  "Partially.  Zhe Yan said surgery and I passed out."  "Well, my dear, we have three girls and one boy!  Two foxes that look like Baohu and Jinzi and two dragons like Xue and JinDe.  There names are Bai Chen Bo and Bai Chin Chu.  The two dragons are named Xia Liang Lei and Mo Junjie Jin.  Lei Lei is white.  Junjie is golden.  JinDe named Bo Bo.  Xue named Chu Chu.  Ye Hua name Lei Lei.  I named Junjie.  Will these names suffice?"  "Yes, dearest, they will.  I suppose Jinlong is strutting like a peacock?"  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold.  "Why yes, I am.  I'm feeling rather smug.  I'm the most viral dragon in all the realms!!"  "You big lout!  I should cut you off!  Forever!"  He got down on his knees and begged.  "Jinlong promises not to go crazy like that again.  Please don't cut me off!  I'm afraid I would have to kidnap you to our pavilion and ravish you over and over!!  Then I'm sure you would kill me.  Either way I guess I would be dead!"  "Your terrible!  I wish to get up.  I'm sore from laying on my back."  "Zhe Yan will have to check you first."  "Well that old Phoenix better hurry!  I want to see my babies!"  "Your mother got two wet nurses last night but they need you too. Junjie is rather small.  He really needs you.  Your family are wonderful but so are our sons.  They are quite smitten with their little jiemei and their Didi.  Zhe Yan will be here soon and I will carry you to see them."  Zhe Yan came walking through the door.  "Good morning, Xiao Wu!  How do you feel?"  "I'm ready to get off this bed!"  He scanned her and nodded.  He passed energy to her.  "How do you feel now?"  "Better!  May I go see my children now?"  "Mo Yuan can carry you.  Walk slowly if you do walk.  Always have someone with you.  You should be fine in a week."  "Really?  Mo Yuan?  Can we go now?"  He stepped up to her and picked her up.  They walked to the nursery.  Mo Yuan sat Bai Qian in a chair and brought her Bo Bo.  "Mo Yuan look how beautiful she is!  She is beautiful!"  She hugged her close and kissed her.  He brought Chu Chu next.  "So beautiful!  My sweet little girls!"  Next he brought Lei Lei.  "Another white dragon!  She is so lovely!!  I'm just speechless!"  Lastly he brought Junjie.  The sweet little golden boy smiled at his mother.  She purred to him and he snuggled her.  She opened her dress and let him feed.  He purred as he suckled.  "See I told you he wanted his mother!  He's very adamantly turned down both wet nurses!  My little boy knows what's good!"  "Mo Yuan!  Your terrible!  Answer me this?  Whose keeping them on schedule for now?"  "Well, your mother is here.  Between the two of us we have been busy.  We have two wet nurses to aide you.  Whatever you need, I will get.  Just say the word!"  "I think everything is under control for now.  My this little one was hungry!  That's right, Junjie, Mother is here now!"  "He does like his Fuqin too!  You do realize we now have eight children, don't you, dearest?"  "Yes, you greedy, lusty man, I do!  Aren't they all just wonderful?" 
     Mo JinDe came in to visit his new siblings.  "Good morning!  Er ge is here to visit his Didi and jiemei this morning!  Fuqin, aren't they just wonderful?  I can't wait for Mei Ying and I to have our first!"  He hugged his father tight.  Xue and I have an appointment with Zufu this morning in the arena.  Care to join us?"  "Let me get your mother settled in and then I will.  It seems Junjie only wants his mother's milk and will take no other."  "Smart boy!"  He walked over to look at the little dragon.  His eyes turned gold and his dragon talked to his Didi.  "Get all you need, Junjie!  Mother will take care of you!  Er ge will visit you often, since you are golden, like Fuqin and I!"  He kissed him and headed out the door.  Bai Xue came in next.  Only Junjie was awake so he didn't want to disturb anyone, he too kissed Junjie.  "Fuqin, he is rather small, but I feel he will make up for it later.  Mother, how are you this morning?"  "I'm fine, Xue Xue.  I remember when you were born.  It seems like yesterday sometimes!"  He bowed and left.  Baohu and Jinzi came in next.  They both ran to Mo Yuan.  "Fuqin, how babies doing now??  Ok?"  "Baohu, why don't you ask Junjie how he feels?  He seems happy."  Baohu talked to Junjie.  Junjie looked at him and purred.  Baohu smiled.  "Fuqin, Junjie say he was perishing from hunger but mother has made him all better.  He say he happy now to see his brothers but especially Fuqin and Mother."  "Baohu, Fuqin loves you very much too!  And you too Jinzi!  Are you going to go watch your Zufu fight your Da ge and Er ge?"  "We nearly forget!  We wanted to see jiemei and Didi first!  We go now!"  They hugged Mo Yuan, kissed their mother and left. Mo Yuan was about to leave when Ye Hua walked in.  "Da ge, I'm jealous!  They are just wonderful!"  "Your time will come." Mo Yuan turned and asked Bai Qian if she was ok.  "You can go to the arena.  I know you're itching to watch them!  Mother will be here shortly."  He kissed her lips and he and Ye Hua walked out.

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