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Bai Qian woke up with Mo Yuan sitting on the bed beside her holding her hand, Baohu and Jinzi kneeling at eye level by her head crying, Ye Hua standing behind them and JinDe and Bai Xue standing by their father.  "Qian Qian, Qian Qian!  Are you ok?  Ye Hua, get her some tea!"  Her head was spinning.  She closed her eyes again in a faint.  Baohu and Jinzi were really crying.  "We killed Mother!  Baohu killed Mother!  Mother!"  The little boy turned and ran out the door.  Bai Xue ran after him.  Baohu ran he knew not where.  He was running in fear and desperation.  He killed his Mother!  He ran down an empty corridor and stopped.  He didn't know where he was.  He backed against the wall in abject terror.  Bai Xue had just turned down the corridor when he saw Baohu throw up an invisibility barrier.  He called to him to wait.  "Baohu!  Baohu!  Stop!  Stop!"  He sent out his power in waves.  There!  He walked calling his name like he didn't know where he was.  He threw down his barrier and grabbed him.  He hugged him close.  "Didi!  Calm yourself!  Mother will be ok!  Calm yourself!  Fuqin is worried enough without you running away!  Now I'm bringing you back even if I have to freeze you!  Do you understand me?"  "Yes, Da ge!  I don't want to go back!  I want to go home to Kunlun!  I want to go home!  Please Da ge!  Take me home!"  He laid his head on his brother's shoulder and cried.  Bai Xue jumped directly to his father's study.  "Baohu, call Fuqin to come to his study.  Do it or I swear I will block your powers!"  "Fuqin, Bai Xue say for you to come to your study."  Mo Yuan jumped there. 
     "Baohu!  I was worried about you!  Your mother is fine.  She was just shocked.  Would you like to tell me why you thought it necessary to run away?  It's dangerous for you and Jinzi to be away from one of us!  Well?"  "Fuqin!  Baohu wants to go home!  To Kunlun.  I hate it here!  Please Fuqin?"  "Baohu, Fuqin is the God of War!  Our enemy is gathering troops to attack us.  Fuqin can't leave the nine heavens right now.  A serious threat has been made against you, Jinzi and Mother.  Fuqin can't afford for you to be captured by anyone!  What if you were caught by the enemy?  Fuqin would have to kill many people to get you!  Do you understand me?  If you can't behave, I will block your powers where you can't leave.  You will be confined to your room.  Would you wish to tell me why you hate it here so much?"  "Baohu afraid!"  "What are you afraid of?  Can you tell me?  Fuqin is very strong and can protect you.  Now tell me."  Baohu ran into his father's arms and cried his little eyes out.  "Fuqin go to war and never come back!  Mother said you died before.  Fuqin, Baohu afraid you die!"  Mo Yuan was heart broken over his baby boy.  He didn't want to die but how could he reassure him?  Mo Yuan put the boy to sleep and rose with him in his arms.  He carried him to his bedroom and laid him beside his mother.  She looped her arm around the little boy and held him close.  Bai Xue saw the worry on his father's face and knew he didn't need the extra hassle right now.  He needed to concentrate on his battle plans.  "Fuqin, why don't I keep Baohu and Jinzi with me and Meili for a few days?  Maybe they could settle down with some peace and quiet and not so much coming and going of soldiers and messages.  Maybe that is what scares him."  "Let me think on it.  Something else is bothering Baohu and I want to get to the bottom of it.  We'll talk in the morning.  Now I'm going to sit with your Mother for a while."
     The next morning Mo Yuan woke up a very worried man.  He had to concentrate on the task at hand.  War was eminent and it was his duty to conduct himself properly.  He was worried about Qian Qian.  This time they knew early she was pregnant.  She was moody and he was walking on egg shells.  Now the young twins were on his mind.  He was in a quandary.  What was he going to do with Baohu and Jinzi?  He knew he was going to have to answer a ton of questions about the Kama Sutra that they managed to get their hands on.  His main problem right now was Qian Qian.  She had flat out refused company and wouldn't come out of her room.  She said she was too embarrassed.  Plus the maids in the nine heavens have big mouths.  Gossip among them was running rampant.  Aiya!!  He was reading another message when Baohu came into his office. 
     Mo Yuan motioned for him to come to him.  He ran to his father and climbed onto his lap.  "Fuqin, Baohu know how to stop war."  "A plan?"  "Baohu know Demon Lord is weak leader, not strong like Fuqin."  "Would you mind telling me just where you got your information?"  "Baohu hide behind barrier and listen.  Read scrolls and messages.  Read minds.."  "I see.  You are a better spy than your brother.  So what's your plan?"  "Baohu think Fuqin get in head of Demon Lord.  Drive him crazy.  Make war go away."  "A good thought, but exactly how do you think to execute this plan?  In order to get in his head, just how close do you have to be?"  "Dijun carry me in barrier.  He mind talk too.  We hide in barrier and mind talk."  "Have you presented your plan to him?"  "No, Baohu wanted to talk to Fuqin first."  Dijun came walking through the door.  "Mo Yuan, your son has disturbed me out of my palace.  His ceaseless begging in my head has driven me to interfere.  This better be worthwhile."  "Baohu has plan for us.  Dijun and Baohu.  We go drive Demon Lord crazy."  "Oh?  And just how do you plan to do this?"  "Dijun and Baohu go to demon land in barrier.  We hide in barrier.  Talk to Demon Lord in head.  Make him go crazy."  "Let me think about it.  Now run along to your mother.  You owe her an apology for your atrocious behavior yesterday." 
     After Baohu left, Mo Yuan raised his brow and looked at Dijun as if to say, "well?"  "It could work.  He mind talks, I mind talk.  Both of us in his head.  Not a bad idea.  Besides, he's been testing his abilities on different people here in the nine heavens.  He actually called me.  From here.  I was in my palace.  His range is improving.  While he's been practicing his art of mind talking and reading, Jinzi has been practicing his barrier spell.  A fox barrier spell.  If I'm not mistaken, it's Bai Zhi's spell more and likely taught to them by Bai Zhen.  I'm also thinking they were about to embark on this adventure alone.  They have more power than the average immortal.  High immortal at that."  "Why would they even think of such a thing?  I have my hands full preparing for war.  I really don't need my children to go off half cocked right into the hands of the enemy.  I was actually thinking about sending them with their mother back to Kunlun.  I now realize what a really bad idea that would be.  Without me there to be vigilant, they would no doubt take off the first chance they got.  They both are living with the fear that I might die in this war.  Let's think about this scheme and try to iron out all the details."  "Fair enough."
     Baohu and Jinzi were in Ye Hua's library.  Any sexually explicit books had been removed, but they didn't notice.  They were reading every book they could on geography.  They wanted to know locations of all the lands.  Satisfied with their findings, they moved on to histories.  Especially demon wars and such.  Ye Hua was busy and hadn't paid attention to them.  They decided to start testing their power.  One incident after another was happening all around the nine heavens that no one could explain.  It started in the training camp first.  The generals were in a meeting when one pushed another.  Or so he thought.  Another push.  Finally the meeting broke down into chaos.  JinDe walked into a free for all and had to calm everyone down to get to the bottom of it.  Bai Xue was walking to his father's study and fell flat on his face.  Did he trip?  He wasn't sure and he could sense no one.  A group of maids broke into an argument over a tripping incident.  Finally Ye Hua was in the throne room and watched several of his officials trip right in front of him.  He searched the room just in time to see someone run out the throne room door.  He wasn't sure who it was, but he flew down to give chase.  Nothing!  Zilch!  Not even a wind current.  He needed to report this to Mo Yuan because he had a very deep feeling that mischievous foxes were behind all of it.
     Mo Yuan was already well aware of all the goings on.  He had decided enough was enough.  He was walking out the door when Ye Hua came stomping in.  "Da ge, when I get my hands on those foxes...."   "Don't worry, Didi, I'm about to get my hands on them and I'm going to paddle their backsides!  I was just going to find them.  Care to come along?"  "Yes, I will because several incidents have occurred that I'm sure they are behind it."  Mo Yuan went to their rooms to find a frantic Ping.  He had been searching for them.  "High God Mo Yuan, I have looked everywhere for them.  They completely gave me the slip."  "When you find them, bring them straight to me!"  They went to his rooms to find Bai Qian drinking tea with Mei Ying and Meili.  "Dearest, have you seen Baohu and Jinzi?"  "They were just here just a bit ago.  They told me they were going to Ye Hua's library.  Why?"  A scowl darkened Mo Yuan's brow.  "They have been up to mischief and I intend to stop it now!"  He turned and left with Ye Hua right behind him.  Next stop was the training camp.  The camp was in total chaos.  Mo Yuan took three steps in, surveyed the situation and flew up over the camp.  His voice boomed out over the whole assembly.  "ENOUGH!"  Every head turned toward him.  They ceased their fighting and bowed to him.  He flew back down to the ground.  "Mo JinDe!!!"  His voice boomed out like thunder.  JinDe flew up.  His hair was in disarray and he had blood on the corner of his mouth.  He bowed low.  "Fuqin, this all started with one man saying another pushed him.  It spread over the whole camp and I've been trying to break it up!"   "Clean yourself up and have these men do the same.  When I get my hands on two little golden foxes, I'm going to punish them good!"
     With all the diversions they had created to have their father busy chasing them around, they jumped a cloud together and headed straight for the demon lands.  Donghua Dijun, expecting just such as this, was right behind them.  Being set intensely on their mission, they didn't notice him.  He flew behind deciding to aide them instead of stopping them.  Jinzi threw up their invisibility barrier at the border of the demon lands.  Dijun flew closer and let his own barrier fall over them.  They stopped for a moment and turned toward the area where the palace was.  Hovering overhead, Baohu read one mind after another until he found the Demon Lord.  He grinned at Jinzi and nodded.  They descended to a lower level.  Baohu started his mind suggestion with a nearby guard.  The guard looked confused but left his post.  Another and another until they were all standing outside.  The Demon Lord looked around and realized he was alone.  A voice called in his head.  "Father!  The dragon is coming!  The dragon is coming!  We can't get away!  Hide!  Run!  We are going to die!"  He stood and was looking around wondering where the voice was coming from.  Donghua Dijun had a slight smile curl his lip.  This was rich!  Better than any stunt they had pulled as kids!  Baohu spoke again.  "The dragons are coming!  They can kill us all!  Father!  Hear me, your son!"  The Demon Lord looked out his window.  His soldiers were all outside his palace fighting.  What was going on!  He decided to find out.  Again the voice.  "Don't go out there!  Dragon magic!  You should kill yourself or you will be torn apart like I was!  Kill yourself or be torn apart!"  The Demon Lord returned to his desk to think.  He knew that Mo Yuan, in his dragon form, was a relentless terrible force to be reckoned with.  He knew the golden dragon had ripped his son apart with his bare talons.  The mere thought made him sweat and tremble a little.  "Kill yourself before it's too late!  You can't defeat him!  He will destroy the whole Demon Tribe.  There will be none left."  He stood and looked around.  His army were fighting themselves.  Some kind of magic was going on here and he didn't know what.
     Dijun was still watching with interest but decided action was needed.  Still behind a barrier, he jumped from one area to another until the demon army were fighting each other.  Now that he had that going, he decided to join in the mind games.  The Demon Lord was pacing the floor like a wildcat.  Back and forth.  He decided to throw in a thought.  "You're a worthless son and a worthless ruler.  You couldn't even protect your own son."  Now the Demon Lord was nervous.  His father had been a noble ruler.  He knew he had been brought up to be a better ruler and that he had failed.  His entire tribe was nearly destroyed in the Demon Wars.  A distant roar was heard and then another.  "They were coming!  He was wringing his hands now.  He couldn't think straight.  What was he going to do now?  The dragons were coming!  He grabbed his sword to run out the door.
     Mo Yuan and Ye Hua had torn through every part of the nine heavens to find the fox twins.  They were nowhere to be found.  Mo Yuan was in a high rage by now.  Bai Xue and Mo JinDe were also searching but had come up empty handed.  One last place to look was the breaker.  He marched into Taichen Palace to find Dijun gone.  The insolence!  The absolute misconduct!  He turned to Ye Hua, Bai Xue and Mo JinDe.  " I know where they are!"  He transformed and flew away sending sonic booms across the sky.  The other three transformed and followed as fast as they could.  Straight to the demon lands Mo Yuan flew.  His roars filled the sky.  The closer he got the more fear poured out of the land.  He arrived to find the army nearly destroyed from fighting each other.  Not one to turn down a good opportunity, he single handedly destroyed those left standing.  The Demon Lord came running out the door about the time the other three dragons arrived.  He took one look and despaired.  Two golden dragons, one slightly bigger than the other, one black dragon as large as one gold one, and one white dragon.  His mind already in turmoil, he took his own sword and slit his own throat.  Mo Yuan searched for his wayward fox twins.  He knew they were there.  "When I get my hands on them!!!!!" 
     Baohu and Jinzi saw the four dragons and decided it was time to high tail it back to the nine heavens.  They had jumped a cloud and while their father was busy, sneaked off toward home.  Donghua Dijun let them go knowing they were in deep trouble if their father ever found out what part they played in this mess.  He decided to lift his barrier and appear before Mo Yuan.  He said nothing but nodded his head toward home.  They all left heading back to the nine heavens.  Baohu and Jinzi barely got back home.  Their flying was shaky.  They sneaked into their room.  Good!  No one was there.  They decided to play it safe so they lay on their bed together, looked each other over and promptly went to sleep.  When Mo Yuan transformed back and touched down to the ground, he was in a high temper.  He first went to Bai Qian.  She was still wringing her hands.  Her tears seemed to calm him down, but only a little.  Finally, he walked to their room.  There they were, so innocent, so sweetly laying holding each other, sound asleep.  Ye Hua, Bai Xue, Mo JinDe and Bai Qian were all staring in total shock.  Now what to do?  Mo Yuan placed a barrier over them and walked out.  He was still angry, but what could he do at this point?  He knew one thing for sure, fox mischief had averted a war and saved countless lives.  What they had done took courage, but he was sure they didn't see it that way.  They just didn't want their father to die in a useless war and in that one thing they had done what they could to save him.  Mo Yuan had been thoroughly schooled in espionage and covert operations of the highest order.  He smiled. 

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