The Birds, the Bees and a Naughty Dragon

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     They did leave the banquet early.  When they got to their room, Mo Yuan threw up a barrier and with a flip of his hand had them naked.  The hearth was lit and a nice soft fur rug was in front of it.  Qian Qian laid sideways on the rug and grinned.  Mo Yuan fell down beside her and started kissing her neck.  "Is your dragon going to be naughty again?  Can he hear me?  I want him.  I want him badly!"  Her tails erupted and she swirled them around him.  Her fox scent was heavy in the air.  He was sucking on her breast when the growl came.  She used her tails to throw him down on the rug.  She pushed his legs apart and started slowly kissing down his body.  She sucked his nipple into her mouth and caught it between her teeth.  He drew his breath in sharply.  His breathing was getting heavier so she decided to turn up the heat.  She slid down his body and licked the top of his shaft.  He growled again.  Her tongue was magic and his veins were on fire.  She licked up his shaft and the brought her mouth down as far as she could.  He buried his hands in her hair.  His back arched with every motion.  She sucked on his shaft as she rose up the length of it.  She licked his sack.  She felt the rumble and his body was trembling.  His breath came in long hard grunting pants.  Once again she sucked the length of it.  He was shimmering.  She knew his dragon was there wanting her.  She sucked his length once more and straddled him.  She drove herself down his shaft so fast he caught his breath.  She took every bit of him into her body and her walls worked to drive him insane.  One look told her he was about to erupt.  She leaned back with her hands on his knees and let him take in the full view of her arousal.  One look was all it took.  His hands grabbed her right before they turned to talons.  He raised her off of him and flipped her over.  He pulled her bottom up and pushed her knees forward.  He entered her like a mad man.  His dragon was talking again.  He grabbed her waist and started driving into her hot body.  Her smell was filling the air and he was crazy with love and desire for her.  He reached around her and felt her nub.  He rubbed her and pounded into her.  He couldn't help himself.  Her scent and her body was what he wanted.  His dragon was hot for her.  This was his mate.  Her blood had been on him and now he couldn't get enough.  He leaned over and talked in her ear.  What a feeling of ecstasy!  She was mad for him.  Her tails were tickling his nipples and caressing his sack.  His phallus was growing.  He couldn't stop if he wanted too and that scared him.  He loves her.  He loves her more than he even knew.  His dragon is literally on fire for her.  He felt the heat rising in his sack first and then up his shaft.  The heat brought moans from her body and another release of pheromone.  He grabbed her and literally started to pound her as he drove himself into her as far as he could go.  Her own warmth started in her core and then descended into her sex like a wave.  She threw her head back and screamed her fox howl.  He grabbed her breast and pinched her nipples as he reached his peak.  His dragon roar shook the mountain.  He jerked and bucked while she sucked him into her body.  He could feel her cervix with his shaft when he exploded his seed right at her inner opening.  His phallus was throbbing like a heartbeat with each thrust until he was spent and dry.   She had taken him.  She was his one true mate after all.  He couldn't move just yet and he couldn't remove himself from her.  He had ejaculated so much that it was running out of her.  He raised her up so that her back was against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.  He kissed her cheek and licked out his dragon tongue.  She caught his tongue in her mouth and lightly sucked it.  A dragon grunt was right in her ear.  He finally let her down and removed himself from her body.  His eyes returned to honey brown again.  He smiled as he touched her face.  She reached up and cupped his cheek in her hand.  They held each other, still on the fur rug in front of the hearth.  They were asleep there the next morning, wrapped up in each other's arms, limbs intertwined.
     A loud knocking on the barrier brought Mo Yuan out of the bliss he was in.  At first he thought he was under a spell.  He looked down at his lovely wife and smiled.  She had literally sucked his balls dry.  He thought he couldn't do it again if he had too.  She moaned in her sleep and rubbed over his phallus.  He felt a tingle.  Hmmm maybe not so spent after all.  He was about to move closer to her hand when the knock came again.  "Da ge!  It's time for my lesson and that talk!  Wake up, Da ge!  It's already lunch time!"  Lunch?!?!  Good grief!!  He couldn't believe he was still in bed.  He wondered why no one had come to wake him.  It dawned on him that they didn't want to face the dragon so soon, but one little black dragon had all the nerve they didn't.  He was right tempted to let Ye Hua see him naked for once.  He was thinking about it when his barrier went down.  He barely had time to throw the quilt over Bai Qian before Ye Hua marched in bold as brass.  Well, there he was in all of his naked splendor.  Facing his wide eyed brother.  "So what is so important that you had to break my barrier?  Hmmm?  Don't you realize that barriers are up for a reason?  And how did you manage to break it anyway?"  "Zi Lan showed me how.  Nobody would wake you up.  They said you were busy.  Was that your dragon that roared and shook the mountain?  Are you naked because you are mating?  Is mating fun?  Does it make you happy?  Huh?  Does it?  Will I grow up to be like you right there?  You know, the thing that you mate with." "Ye Hua, if you don't get out right this instant, I'm going to tie you up and then I'm going to kill Zi Lan for showing you how to break my barrier.  Yes mating is fun.  Very fun.  In fact I was very busy when you broke in.  And yes you probably will grow up to be just like me.  We are twins.  Go read about identical twins.  That's what we are."  "Can I look at it?"  "No you can't.  You're already looking.  Now scat so I can get dressed!  I'll be right out."  Ye Hua shrugged and ran to the dining room.
     Mo Yuan dressed and lifted Qian Qian to the bed.  He tucked her in and left her sleeping.  Two rounds with a dragon in one night is a lot to deal with.  Mo Yuan decided to wear his hair down in the style of a prince of the realm.  He walked to his dais and took a cup of tea from Chang Shan.  He looked out over his disciples and saw them covering their mouths to stop the snickering.  He sat his tea cup down and looked at each one.  "Alright, what is it?  Have I grown horns like Qing Cang?  What?"  Zi Lan bowed and almost busted out laughing.  "Well, Ye Hua said you were mating and you were busy.  He said he looked at your...well your you know what.  We asked him what did it look like and he said it was big.  He said you told him he would grow up to be the same one day because you're identical twins.  Shifu, I think it's time for the birds and the bees talk with Ye Hua, don't you?"  Mo Yuan's face fell into his hands.  He was beet red with embarrassment.  Undone by a little know it all brother.  "Well if you hadn't taught him how to break my barrier, I might still be "mating" as he called it.  And yes his spirit is just like mine.  He's quick to learn so be careful what you teach him from now on.  Now for some damage control."
     Ye Hua was in the library.  Several others were there too but when they saw their Shifu, they left leaving only him and Ye Hua.  He sat down next to him to glance at what he was reading.  It was a fully detailed sexual manual.  Mo Yuan snatched the book away and gave Ye Hua a stern look.  "Who gave you this book?"  "I found it over there."  He pointed to the shelf.  "This book is too far advanced for a young child of your age.  Why did you feel the need to read it?"  "Well, I read the book about identical twins.  It said we would be exactly alike.  I wanted to know more about mating since I will one day look like you.  Did you look like me when you were small?"  "Yes, I did.  Exactly like you.  Why must you feel the need to find out about mating?  Is something bothering you?"  "I thought you were only supposed to mate with your one true love.  Isn't that so, Da ge?"  "Yes, Ye Hua, that's how it should be.  I waited a long time for JieJie to enter my life.  I'm nearly 250,000 years old.  If you had been born when I was, you would be too.  If a man and a woman truly love each other, the mating act as you call it, becomes an extension of their love for one another.  It is not just an act, but a joining, if you will.  They join physically, spiritually and by the power of their minds.  Their souls become so attached that they can't be without each other.  The longer they are together, the stronger this bond becomes.  Do you understand now?  Don't ever just give yourself unless you truly love that person.  I truly love Qian Qian.  She is my love forever.  There will never be another.  I hope you understand and will one day find your own true love."  "Da ge, so what you're saying is you're not mating, you're making your love physical with your mate.  Am I right?"  "Ye Hua, you are exactly right.  Your spiritual connection becomes physical as you bring each other pleasure.  Now enough about this subject.  Don't dwell on it.  Right now we have a dragon to train and one that's been very naughty."  "Was your dragon very naughty?"  "Let's just say that this is one of those times when you want him to be.  Listen."  Mo Yuan's dragon was talking.  Ye Hua got still and opened his dragon so he could listen.  His eyes got big as round as saucers and his face turned red.  He shut his dragon off.  "Da ge, he is very bad!  He was talking about mating in a very naughty way!"  "I told you!  He was very naughty and now he thinks he's some kind of love god.  His day is coming though.  Ha!  Now come!  Let's check on JieJie and make sure she is ok.  Then we train!"

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